Books by Andreas Klingenberg

For more than 200 years, ancient Asia Minor was part of the Persian Empire under the reign of the... more For more than 200 years, ancient Asia Minor was part of the Persian Empire under the reign of the Achaimenid dynasty. It was not until the conquest of the Persian Empire by the Macedonian king Alexander the Great that Persian hegemony came to an end, and a variety of political and cultural upheavals began in the former Persian territories.
But what became of the numerous Persians and other Iranians who had come to Asia Minor in the course of establishing and consolidating the rule of the Achaemenids? What remained of two centuries of Persian supremacy?
For a long time, scholars have debated whether and in what form an 'Iranian diaspora' managed to persist beyond the fall of the Persian Empire. Previous research has been mostly limited to individual testimonies or a limited selection of evidence. This book is the first comprehensive account of the topic that takes into account all available sources and, building on this, arrives at a new assessment and substantiated results: a notable 'Iranian diaspora' survived all upheavals after the end of the Persian Empire, in some places still holding on to its cultural traditions and remaining as an independent group for many centuries afterwards. In almost all parts of Asia Minor, traces of the former Persian presence can be discerned in personal and cultural continuities that attest to a lasting, extensive "Achaemenid impact". These traces are particularly apparent from toponyms, from the spread of Iranian personal names, from the continued existence of Iranian sanctuaries and the worship of Iranian deities, and from the Iranian dynasties in the kingdoms of Cappadocia and Pontus.
An extensive documentation section makes accessible the scattered epigraphic evidence on Iranian personal names and the religious elements going back to the Persians, which has never been comprehensively collected so far.
Edited Books by Andreas Klingenberg

Identitäten, gegenseitige Wahrnehmung und Interaktion heidnischer, jüdischer und christlicher Rel... more Identitäten, gegenseitige Wahrnehmung und Interaktion heidnischer, jüdischer und christlicher Religionsgruppen bilden seit Jahrzehnten einen Forschungsschwerpunkt des Althistorikers Walter Ameling. Seine Arbeitsweise ist wesentlich epigraphisch geprägt, da es vor allem die inschriftlichen Zeugnisse sind, die Aufschluss über das alltägliche Neben- und Miteinander der antiken Religionen geben. Aufgrund der guten Quellenlage wie der regionalen Diversität kommt dem kaiserzeitlichen Kleinasien dabei eine Schlüsselrolle zu; die dort gewonnenen Erkenntnisse sind jedoch weit darüber hinaus für den griechischen Osten und den gesamten Mittelmeerraum von religionshistorischer Relevanz.
Anlässlich seines 65. Geburtstages versammelt der vorliegende Band Beiträge von Kolleginnen und Kollegen, Schülerinnen und Schülern, die in der Vielfalt der behandelten Gegenstände und Zugänge zum Rahmenthema ›Religion und Epigraphik‹ das breitgefächerte Forschungsinteresse des Jubilars abbilden und zugleich sein fächerübergreifendes Ansehen in der internationalen Altertumswissenschaft bezeugen.
Papers by Andreas Klingenberg
Published in: Peter Funke, György Németh, András Patay-Horváth, Josef Wiesehöfer (Eds.): Xerxes a... more Published in: Peter Funke, György Németh, András Patay-Horváth, Josef Wiesehöfer (Eds.): Xerxes against Hellas – An Iconic Conflict from Different Perspectives (Oriens et Occidens 44), Stuttgart 2025, 111-128
Die Vita des Alypios Stylites (BHG 65) und das Christentum im paphlagonischen Hadrianoupolis
published in Analecta Bollandiana 141, 2023, 334-358

Senatorial Estates in Imperial Asia Minor – State of the Question, Methodological Issues and Perspectives on Future Research
Gephyra 26, 169-196, 2023
The wealth and possessions of Roman senators in the Imperial Age consisted predominantly in land ... more The wealth and possessions of Roman senators in the Imperial Age consisted predominantly in land property, as emphasized by Pliny the Younger (epist. 3.19.8). It is mainly epigraphic documents that give us information about the location and sometimes extent of senatorial land ownership. Especially in Asia Minor there is plenty of evidence, of which Helmut Halfmann already compiled quite some in 1979. Since then, many new testimonies have been discovered and published. Apart from that, further, earlier published evidence for the land ownership of senators whose origin was not in Asia Minor can be added. However, a systematic study of senatorial land ownership in Asia Minor as a whole is not yet at hand. The paper provides prolegomena to such a study. I thus give an overview of the extent, distribution and background of senatorial land ownership in Asia Minor. Rarely is this property so clearly indicated as in the land register of Magnesia (I.Magnesia 122, c2). Usually only the combination of different inscriptions confirms the identification of senatorial landowners. Therefore, I outline methodological guidelines on how to obtain reliable findings from such information. Landed properties could change owners, senatorial estates often passed into the possession of the emperors, which is much better researched. Important questions relate to continuity of ownership within a family and to the circumstances of changes of possession. In this context, I also discuss how the senators came to their property. Especially in the case of senators from other parts of the Roman Empire, the question arises as to why and how they acquired landed property in Asia Minor.
Society and Social Integration, Elites and their Functions
In: S. Günther (Hrsg.), Handbook Roman Empire (Empires through the Ages in Global Perspective), B... more In: S. Günther (Hrsg.), Handbook Roman Empire (Empires through the Ages in Global Perspective), Berlin/Boston (im Redaktionsprozess, erscheint im Februar 2024
„Gebt dem Kaiser, was des Kaisers ist…“ – Der römische Staat und die Steuerfrage in der Sicht christlicher Autoritätsfiguren im spätantiken Kleinasien
In: D. Hofmann/A. Klingenberg/K. Zimmermann (Hrsg.) Religion und Epigraphik. Kleinasien, der grie... more In: D. Hofmann/A. Klingenberg/K. Zimmermann (Hrsg.) Religion und Epigraphik. Kleinasien, der griechische Osten und die Mittelmeerwelt. FS Walter Ameling zum 65. Geburtstag (Asia Minor Studien 102), Bonn 2023, 155-172
Αναυσα: Ein bislang nicht erkannter iranischer Name aus Laodikeia am Lykos
Epigraphica Anatolica 54, 2021
Grenzüberschreitende Religionskontakte an der Ostgrenze des römischen Reiches (Juden, Christen, Zoroastrier)
In: U. Hartmann/F. Schleicher/T. Stickler (Hrsg.), Imperia sine fine (Geschichte in Wissenschaft ... more In: U. Hartmann/F. Schleicher/T. Stickler (Hrsg.), Imperia sine fine (Geschichte in Wissenschaft und Forschung), Stuttgart 2022
Ein Zoroastrier in Pidasa? Zum Grab des Kartakes (IK Nordkarien 152)
ZPE 221, 2022

Wohnungsnot und Wuchermieten. Die Wohnungssituation der plebs urbana und ihre politische Relevanz im Rom der späten Republik und frühen Kaiserzeit
Gymnasium 128, 2021
If you visit Rome nowadays in search of the remains of the ancient city, the remaining buildings ... more If you visit Rome nowadays in search of the remains of the ancient city, the remaining buildings may yield the impression that the capital of the ancient world empire consisted mainly of public buildings and imperial residences. Yet ancient Rome was the largest city of classical antiquity, with up to one million inhabitants according to realistic estimates. This posed special challenges, e.g. the question of how this mass of people was accommodated in the city.
The vast majority of these people lived in rented premises, while only a few could afford their houses of their own. Contemporary sources repeatedly refer to the enormously high rents in the capital and criticise the frequently low quality of living. Moreover, the daily danger of fires and collapses due to poor construction methods only exacerbated the shortage of housing. An further serious factor was the speculation with land and property in ancient Rome. On the other hand, there was the relatively small proportion of the wealthy who could afford luxury flats and splendid homes.
All of this accumulated to a serious societal problem, which was often observed in modern research, but rarely examined in detail. This talk thus focuses specifically on this specific issue. It will investigate the political and social dimensions of the rent and housing problems particularly of the plebs urbana, i.e. the Roman citizens living in the capital and not belonging to the upper classes. Since the aforementioned troubles were generally known, the question arises as to what extent measures to remedy them were implemented, whether by politicians of the late republic or under the Roman emperors in the early imperial period. It is essential to establish whether these measures were more than isolated or ephemeral. On the other hand, the people affected by the problematic housing situation described above must also be taken into account and examined in terms of how they dealt with the problems, what solutions they found, and to what degree they exerted or were able to exert political pressure.
Zwischen republikanischer Tradition und kaiserzeitlicher Realität – Der soziale Abstieg von Senatoren und die senatorischen Rollenbilder im frühen Principat
in: H. Beck/ K.-J. Hölkeskamp (Hrsg.), Verlierer und Aussteiger in der 'Konkurrenz unter Anwesenden'. Agonalität in der politischen Kultur des antiken Rom, Stuttgart 2019, 207-221, 2019
Neros politische Opfer
in: Nero. Kaiser, Künstler und Tyrann (Begleitband zur Ausstellung in Trier 2016), Darmstadt 2016... more in: Nero. Kaiser, Künstler und Tyrann (Begleitband zur Ausstellung in Trier 2016), Darmstadt 2016, 235-240

Optimus et liberalissimus princeps? Überlegungen zum Verhältnis zwischen Hadrian und dem Senat im... more Optimus et liberalissimus princeps? Überlegungen zum Verhältnis zwischen Hadrian und dem Senat im Kontext der kaiserlichen liberalitas* Von der Stadt Benevent wurde Hadrian im Jahr 126 n. Chr. als optimus et liberalissimus princeps geehrt, vermutlich in Zusammenhang mit einem Besuch des Kaisers. 1 Zum Ausdruck kam darin die Dankbarkeit der Stadt gegenüber dem Princeps. Damit reihte sie sich in die Schar derer ein, die von der Politik Hadrians, vor allem seiner Freigebigkeit, seiner liberalitas, profitiert hatten. 2 Der Kreis der Empfänger war groß, in den Genuß kaiserlicher Zuwendungen kamen "Städte und Privatleute sowie Senatoren und Ritter", und zwar in vielfacher Hinsicht. 3 In Benevent sah man augenscheinlich keine Schwierigkeiten, das hauptsächlich für Traian bekannte Attribut optimus ebenfalls auf dessen Nachfolger und (vermeintlichen) Adoptivsohn Hadrian anzuwenden. 4 Auch wenn man sich hüten sollte, derartige Ehrungen allzu wörtlich zu nehmen, muß man von einem hohen Beliebtheitsgrad Hadrians in Italien und in den Provinzen ausgehen. 5 * Mein Dank gilt Dr. Alister Filippini für die Anregung zu diesem Aufsatz und wichtige Hinweise sowie Dr. Dagmar Hofmann und Dr. des. Karsten Ronnenberg für ihre Kritik und hilfreichen Anmerkungen.

Über die soziale Mobilität der römischen Kaiserzeit, gerade den Aufstieg in die oder innerhalb de... more Über die soziale Mobilität der römischen Kaiserzeit, gerade den Aufstieg in die oder innerhalb der oberen Schichten, legen die Inschriften der Erfolgreichen beredtes Zeugnis ab. Für die Behandlung des umgekehrten Vorgangs, des sozialen Abstiegs, sind die Inschriften jedoch wenig aussagekräftig, zumal die Betroffenen (oder ihre Angehörigen) wohl kaum auf ihr Schicksal aufmerksam machen wollten. 1 Immerhin wurden epigraphische Dokumente, die sich auf Einzelpersonen beziehen, normalerweise von diesen selbst oder zumindest in Absprache mit ihnen formuliert. In einigen Fällen werden durch die Kombination verschiedener Zeugnisse ein Abstieg oder verwandte Phänomene erkennbar; 2 im Ganzen sind aber vornehmlich den literarischen Quellen entsprechende Hinweise zu entnehmen. 3 Es gibt jedoch eine Inschrift, aus der sich die Vita eines Senators zumindest teilweise rekonstruieren läßt, welche entgegen der sonst vorherrschenden Erfolgsgeschichten erkennbare Brüche aufweist und eine Abstiegserfahrung erkennen läßt. Der Text lautet folgendermaßen (CIL XIV 2596 = D. 453):
Books by Andreas Klingenberg
But what became of the numerous Persians and other Iranians who had come to Asia Minor in the course of establishing and consolidating the rule of the Achaemenids? What remained of two centuries of Persian supremacy?
For a long time, scholars have debated whether and in what form an 'Iranian diaspora' managed to persist beyond the fall of the Persian Empire. Previous research has been mostly limited to individual testimonies or a limited selection of evidence. This book is the first comprehensive account of the topic that takes into account all available sources and, building on this, arrives at a new assessment and substantiated results: a notable 'Iranian diaspora' survived all upheavals after the end of the Persian Empire, in some places still holding on to its cultural traditions and remaining as an independent group for many centuries afterwards. In almost all parts of Asia Minor, traces of the former Persian presence can be discerned in personal and cultural continuities that attest to a lasting, extensive "Achaemenid impact". These traces are particularly apparent from toponyms, from the spread of Iranian personal names, from the continued existence of Iranian sanctuaries and the worship of Iranian deities, and from the Iranian dynasties in the kingdoms of Cappadocia and Pontus.
An extensive documentation section makes accessible the scattered epigraphic evidence on Iranian personal names and the religious elements going back to the Persians, which has never been comprehensively collected so far.
Edited Books by Andreas Klingenberg
Anlässlich seines 65. Geburtstages versammelt der vorliegende Band Beiträge von Kolleginnen und Kollegen, Schülerinnen und Schülern, die in der Vielfalt der behandelten Gegenstände und Zugänge zum Rahmenthema ›Religion und Epigraphik‹ das breitgefächerte Forschungsinteresse des Jubilars abbilden und zugleich sein fächerübergreifendes Ansehen in der internationalen Altertumswissenschaft bezeugen.
Papers by Andreas Klingenberg
The vast majority of these people lived in rented premises, while only a few could afford their houses of their own. Contemporary sources repeatedly refer to the enormously high rents in the capital and criticise the frequently low quality of living. Moreover, the daily danger of fires and collapses due to poor construction methods only exacerbated the shortage of housing. An further serious factor was the speculation with land and property in ancient Rome. On the other hand, there was the relatively small proportion of the wealthy who could afford luxury flats and splendid homes.
All of this accumulated to a serious societal problem, which was often observed in modern research, but rarely examined in detail. This talk thus focuses specifically on this specific issue. It will investigate the political and social dimensions of the rent and housing problems particularly of the plebs urbana, i.e. the Roman citizens living in the capital and not belonging to the upper classes. Since the aforementioned troubles were generally known, the question arises as to what extent measures to remedy them were implemented, whether by politicians of the late republic or under the Roman emperors in the early imperial period. It is essential to establish whether these measures were more than isolated or ephemeral. On the other hand, the people affected by the problematic housing situation described above must also be taken into account and examined in terms of how they dealt with the problems, what solutions they found, and to what degree they exerted or were able to exert political pressure.
But what became of the numerous Persians and other Iranians who had come to Asia Minor in the course of establishing and consolidating the rule of the Achaemenids? What remained of two centuries of Persian supremacy?
For a long time, scholars have debated whether and in what form an 'Iranian diaspora' managed to persist beyond the fall of the Persian Empire. Previous research has been mostly limited to individual testimonies or a limited selection of evidence. This book is the first comprehensive account of the topic that takes into account all available sources and, building on this, arrives at a new assessment and substantiated results: a notable 'Iranian diaspora' survived all upheavals after the end of the Persian Empire, in some places still holding on to its cultural traditions and remaining as an independent group for many centuries afterwards. In almost all parts of Asia Minor, traces of the former Persian presence can be discerned in personal and cultural continuities that attest to a lasting, extensive "Achaemenid impact". These traces are particularly apparent from toponyms, from the spread of Iranian personal names, from the continued existence of Iranian sanctuaries and the worship of Iranian deities, and from the Iranian dynasties in the kingdoms of Cappadocia and Pontus.
An extensive documentation section makes accessible the scattered epigraphic evidence on Iranian personal names and the religious elements going back to the Persians, which has never been comprehensively collected so far.
Anlässlich seines 65. Geburtstages versammelt der vorliegende Band Beiträge von Kolleginnen und Kollegen, Schülerinnen und Schülern, die in der Vielfalt der behandelten Gegenstände und Zugänge zum Rahmenthema ›Religion und Epigraphik‹ das breitgefächerte Forschungsinteresse des Jubilars abbilden und zugleich sein fächerübergreifendes Ansehen in der internationalen Altertumswissenschaft bezeugen.
The vast majority of these people lived in rented premises, while only a few could afford their houses of their own. Contemporary sources repeatedly refer to the enormously high rents in the capital and criticise the frequently low quality of living. Moreover, the daily danger of fires and collapses due to poor construction methods only exacerbated the shortage of housing. An further serious factor was the speculation with land and property in ancient Rome. On the other hand, there was the relatively small proportion of the wealthy who could afford luxury flats and splendid homes.
All of this accumulated to a serious societal problem, which was often observed in modern research, but rarely examined in detail. This talk thus focuses specifically on this specific issue. It will investigate the political and social dimensions of the rent and housing problems particularly of the plebs urbana, i.e. the Roman citizens living in the capital and not belonging to the upper classes. Since the aforementioned troubles were generally known, the question arises as to what extent measures to remedy them were implemented, whether by politicians of the late republic or under the Roman emperors in the early imperial period. It is essential to establish whether these measures were more than isolated or ephemeral. On the other hand, the people affected by the problematic housing situation described above must also be taken into account and examined in terms of how they dealt with the problems, what solutions they found, and to what degree they exerted or were able to exert political pressure.
Ordnung und Autorität im spätantiken Kleinasien / Between City and Countryside Order and Authority in Late Antique Asia Minor" (Cologne, November 24-25, 2023)
The wealth and possessions of Roman senators in the imperial period consisted predominantly in land property, as emphasized by Pliny the Younger (epist. 3,19,8). It is mainly epigraphic documents that give us information about the location and sometimes extent of senatorial land ownership. Especially in Asia Minor there is plenty of evidence, of which Helmut Halfmann already compiled quite some in 1979, in order to draw conclusions about the exact origin of senators coming from Asia Minor. Since then many new testimonies have been discovered and published. Apart from that, further, earlier published evidence for the land ownership of senators whose origin was not in Asia Minor can be added. However, a systematic study of senatorial land ownership in Asia Minor as a whole is not yet at hand.
My talk will highlight the key aspects of the topic and thus give an overview of the extent, distribution and background of senatorial land ownership in Asia Minor. Rarely is this property so clearly indicated as in the land register of Magnesia (I.Magnesia 122, c2). Usually only the combination of different inscriptions confirms the identification of senatorial landowners. Therefore, in my talk I would like to outline some methodological guidelines on how to obtain reliable findings from such information. Landed properties could change owners, senatorial estates often passed into the possession of the emperors, which is much better researched. Important questions therefore relate to continuity of ownership within a family and to the circumstances of changes of ownership. In this context, I will also discuss how the senators came to their property; in the case of senators of Asia Minor origin, it was often inherited from their ancestors; however, some of them owned estates far away from their hometowns. Especially in the case of senators of other origins, the question arises as to why and how they acquired landed property in Asia Minor.
Different Perspectives", Budapest Feb. 28 - March 1, 2022
The vast majority of these people lived in rented premises, while only a few could afford their houses of their own. Contemporary sources repeatedly refer to the enormously high rents in the capital and criticise the frequently low quality of living. Moreover, the daily danger of fires and collapses due to poor construction methods only exacerbated the shortage of housing. An further serious factor was the speculation with land and property in ancient Rome. On the other hand, there was the relatively small proportion of the wealthy who could afford luxury flats and splendid homes.
All of this accumulated to a serious societal problem, which was often observed in modern research, but rarely examined in detail. This talk thus focuses specifically on this specific issue. It will investigate the political and social dimensions of the rent and housing problems particularly of the plebs urbana, i.e. the Roman citizens living in the capital and not belonging to the upper classes. Since the aforementioned troubles were generally known, the question arises as to what extent measures to remedy them were implemented, whether by politicians of the late republic or under the Roman emperors in the early imperial period. It is essential to establish whether these measures were more than isolated or ephemeral. On the other hand, the people affected by the problematic housing situation described above must also be taken into account and examined in terms of how they dealt with the problems, what solutions they found, and to what degree they exerted or were able to exert political pressure.
Contrary to what is often believed even today, the sanctuary did not dawn as a shadow of its former self since the middle of the 3rd century AD. The late period and the end of Olympia as a sanctuary and venue for the Panhellenic Games definitely only dates to late antiquity. Three key dates, namely 267, 393/4 and 426 AD, which have been repeatedly mentioned in this context to this day, can all be proven to be research errors and are hence not tenable. In addition, Thomas Völling's archaeological work has shown that Olympia continued to exist as a Christian settlement even after the end of the pagan cult, for which two phases can be shown. Several researchers have come up with different explanations for this transformation of Olympia in late antiquity, which do not, however, converge into a clear picture, but differ in essential points.
The talk does not only illuminate the long survival of 'classical' Olympia in Christian times, but also arrives at its own historical interpretation of Olympia's development from a pagan sanctuary to a Christian settlement by combining the archaeological evidence with the interpretation of the epigraphic and literary sources.
Daher wird die Verbindung zwischen der kaiserzeitlichen Anaitis und der persischen Anahita kontrovers diskutiert und teilweise in Zweifel gezogen. Auch über Zeit und Umstände der Etablierung der Anahitaverehrung in Kleinasien herrscht Uneinigkeit. In dem Vortrag soll dieses Problem erneut aufgegriffen und ein neuer Lösungsansatz vorgestellt werden. Man kann nämlich zeigen, daß die Verbreitung der Anaitis in der Kaiserzeit sehr gut mit dem aquatischen Charakter der persischen Göttin vereinbar ist, zumal wenn man neben den überwiegend epigraphischen Belegen auch naturräumliche, vor allem hydrogeographische Faktoren berücksichtigt. Bei Einbeziehung des gesamten Quellenmaterials kann man überdies für manche Orte den Bogen direkt von der achaimenidischen Herrschaft bis in die Principatszeit schlagen und Kontinuitäts- respektive Entwicklungslinien aufzeigen.