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In the current study a meshfree Lagrangian particle method for the Landau-Lifshitz Navier-Stokes (LLNS) equations is developed. The LLNS equations incorporate thermal fluctuation into macroscopic hydrodynamics by the addition of white... more
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      Mathematical SciencesPhysical sciences
A meshfree Lagrangian method for the fluctuating hydrodynamic equations (FHEs) with fluid-structure interactions is presented. Brownian motion of the particle is investigated by direct numerical simulation of the fluctuating hydrodynamic... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringApplied MathematicsInterdisciplinary Engineering
The current study aimed to develop a meshfree Lagrangian particle method for the Landau-Lifshitz Navier-Stokes (LLNS) equations. The LLNS equations incorporate thermal fluctuation into macroscopic hydrodynamics by addition of white noise... more
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    • Finite element method
We interpret uncertainty in a model for seismic wave propagation by treating the model parameters as random variables, and apply the Multilevel Monte Carlo (MLMC) method to reduce the cost of approximating expected values of selected,... more
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      AccelerationMonte Carlo Method
Generalized maximum dynamic flow, earliest arrival flow and contraflow problems have been extensively discussed as core problems in the research of evacuation planning. In this work, we formulate and justify the solution procedure of two... more
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      Operations ResearchHospital Evacuation PlanningEvacuation Planning
 Both the earliest arrival flow and the contraflow problems have been highly focused in the research of evacuation planning. We formulated the earliest arrival contraflow problem, where as many evacuees as possible should be sent from... more
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      Network optimizationEvacuation Planning
Contraflow technique has gained a considerable focus in evacuation planning research over the past several years. In this work, we design efficient algorithms to solve the maximum, lex-maximum, earliest arrival, and quickest dynamic flow... more
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    • Mathematics
The research on evacuation planning problem is promoted by the very challenging emergency issues due to large scale natural or man-created disasters. It is the process of shifting the maximum number of evacuees from the disastrous areas... more
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      Applied MathematicsOperations
Generalized maximum dynamic flow, earliest arrival flow and contraflow problems have been extensively discussed as core problems in the research of evacuation planning. In this work, we formulate and justify the solution procedure of two... more
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      Operations ResearchHospital Evacuation PlanningEvacuation Planning
 : Because of increasing number of natural and human created disasters worldwide, a research on challenging issues of emergency management are being quite emerging for the betterment of…
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 Network flow over time is an important area for the researcher relating to the traffic assignment problem. Transmission times of the vehicles directly depend on the number of vehicles entering the road. Flow over time with fixed transit... more
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    • Institute of Nuclear Science & Technology (INST)
Contraflow technique has gained a considerable focus in evacuation planning research over the past several years. In this work, we design efficient algorithms to solve the maximum, lex-maximum, earliest arrival, and quickest dynamic flow... more
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    • Mathematics
The abstract flow model deals with the flow  paths (routes) that satisfy the switching property. Contraflow is a widely accepted solution approach that increases the flow and decreases the evacuation time making the traffic smooth during... more
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    • Mathematics
Despite of implicit flow conservation on every arc of traditional network flow model, the generalized network flow model assumes the proportional and symmetric loss factor on each arc. This paper considers two terminal lossy networks... more
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Contraflow technique is the widely accepted model on network optimization. It allows arc reversal that increases the arc capacities. The earliest arrival transshipment contraflow is an important model that transship the given flow value... more
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Multi-commodity flow problem appears when several distinct commodities are shipped from supply nodes to the demand nodes through a network without violating the capacity constraints. The quickest multi-commodity flow problem deals with... more
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Due to different disasters, natural or men made, world is facing the problem of massive damage of life and property. To save the life of maximum number of evacuees, an efficient evacuation planning is essential. Prioritization is the... more
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Every models in the network flow theory aim to increase flow value from the sources to the sinks and reduce time or cost satisfying the capacity and flow conservation constraints. Recently, the network flow model without flow conservation... more
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In this paper, we investigate the minimum cost flow problem in two terminal series parallel network. We present modified minimum cost flow algorithm that computes the maximum dynamic and the earliest arrival flows in strongly polynomial... more
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Motivated by applications in evacuation planning, we consider a problem of optimizing flow with arc reversals in which the transit time depends on the orientation of the arc. In the considered problems, the transit time on an arc may... more
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