Papers by Christoph Richter
Different Rationalities of Creative Design—A Comparative Case Study
Smart innovation, systems and technologies, 2017
Starting from the premise that a deeper understanding of creative design requires closer attentio... more Starting from the premise that a deeper understanding of creative design requires closer attention to the practitioners’ own accounts of what they are doing, a case study was aimed to trace and compare the way creative design is conceived and enacted by different design teams. Episodic interviews on past design projects were carried out with practitioners from two professional design teams and one educational institution. The case based analysis indicates locally coherent models of creative design, the cross-case comparison reveals fundamental differences in the way the local design processes and the underlying rationalities are construed.
The Knowledge Practices Environment: a Virtual Environment for Collaborative Knowledge Creation and Work Around Shared Artefacts
Proceedings of World …, 2008
Abstract: This paper presents the Knowledge Practices Environment (KP-Environment), a virtual spa... more Abstract: This paper presents the Knowledge Practices Environment (KP-Environment), a virtual space aimed to foster collaborative knowledge creation and sustained work around shared artefacts. The environment provides a coherent set of tools in order to initiate and ...
Critical Incidents as a Participatory Research Approach for Transformative Cultural Practices
Cultural Sustainability and Arts Education

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2011
In this paper, we present three different ways of interrupting people to posture guidance. We dev... more In this paper, we present three different ways of interrupting people to posture guidance. We developed an ergonomically adjustable office chair equipped with four sensors measuring the office worker's posture. It is important that users do some training after bad posture and be alerted of this; therefore, we implemented three different alert modalities (Graphical Feedback, Physical Feedback, and Vibrotactile Feedback), with the goal to find out which of the techniques is the most effective interruption modality without causing a huge disruption effect. To measure the task-performance, we conducted a formal user study. Our user study results show there are different effects on performance and disruptiveness caused by the three interruption techniques. While the vibrotactile feedback might have higher information awareness benefits at the beginning, it causes a huge intrusion side-effect. Thus, the physical feedback was rated less disruptive to the workflow as the other two feedback modalities.

Proceedings of the 28th international conference on Human factors in computing systems - CHI '10, 2010
Current technological solutions that enable content creation and sharing during group discussion ... more Current technological solutions that enable content creation and sharing during group discussion meetings are often cumbersome to use, and are commonly abandoned for traditional paper-based tools, which provide flexibility in supporting a wide range of working styles and task activities that may occur in a given meeting. Paper-based tools, however, have their own drawbacks; paper-based content is difficult to modify or replicate. We introduce a novel digital meeting room design, the NiCE Discussion Room, which integrates digital and paper tools into a cohesive system with an intuitive pen-based interface. The combination of digital and paper media provides groups with a flexible design solution that enables them to create, access, and share information and media from a variety of sources to facilitate group discussions. This paper describes the design solution, along with results from a user study conducted to evaluate the usability and utility of the system.
Instructional Models and Scenarios for An Open Learning Repository-Instructional Design and Metadata
AACE E-Learn World …
Abstract: We present and discuss the evolution of a metadata-based course portal, the Open Learni... more Abstract: We present and discuss the evolution of a metadata-based course portal, the Open Learning Repository. Different instructional models and learning principles are integrated in order to meet different learning and teaching strategies: different metadata models ...

Proceedings of the 28th international conference on Human factors in computing systems - CHI '10, 2010
In this paper, we present NiCEBook, a paper notebook that supports taking, structuring and reusin... more In this paper, we present NiCEBook, a paper notebook that supports taking, structuring and reusing notes. Through a study of note-taking habits, we observed that different strategies are used to organize and share notes. Based on these observations, we developed a design for a notebook that combines different approaches to better support these activities. The details of our design were informed by an additional online survey. We emphasize the need to examine the characteristics of taking notes with paper notebooks in order to develop a digital system that resembles the quality of traditional writing. With NiCEBook, we present a solution that combines the flexibility and simplicity of taking notes on paper with the benefits of a digital representation. We demonstrate the capabilities of our system through customized views, searching and sharing functionality.
Im Zentrum dieser Arbeit steht eine explorative Befragung von 770 Studierenden aus elf österreich... more Im Zentrum dieser Arbeit steht eine explorative Befragung von 770 Studierenden aus elf österreichischen Hochschulen zu den von ihnen als relevant erlebten Lernsituationen. Ziel ist es, formelle und informelle Lernsituationen und -kontexte von Studierenden zu identifizieren und diese miteinander in Beziehung zu setzen. Die Ergebnisse werden abschließend im Hinblick auf die Bedeutsamkeit für die Gestaltung von Lernsituationen in der Hochschule und den Einsatz medialer Lernumgebungen diskutiert. (DIPF/ Orig.)
This paper depicts the interrelation between situated learning and learning management from an or... more This paper depicts the interrelation between situated learning and learning management from an organizational and personal perspective. Based on this introduction we show how educational metadata can be used for approaches of situated learning and how we can take care of contexts using context specific role-based metadata.
Contextualized models and metadata for learning repositories
Chapter 14 Contextualized models and metadata for learning repositories Heidrun Allert, Christoph... more Chapter 14 Contextualized models and metadata for learning repositories Heidrun Allert, Christoph Richter, Hadhami Dhraief and Wolfgang Nejdl Open Learning Repositories (OLRs) are metadata-based course portals that structure and connect modularized course materials ...

Digital sketching. Aesthetic practices and technological entanglements
Ethnography and Education, 2020
ABSTRACT This article explores the ways aesthetic practices and emerging digital technologies are... more ABSTRACT This article explores the ways aesthetic practices and emerging digital technologies are entangled in the practices of industrial designers. Despite the increased interest in the socio-materiality of aesthetic practices, the conception of the materiality and historicity of digital artefacts remains an open issue. It is suggested that the concept of operational form provides an integrative perspective on the technical development and practical enactment of digital technologies. Drawing on an ethnographic case study on the appropriation of a digital sketching application, it is shown how the aesthetic practices and qualities of the digital technologies are reflexively coupled. The study points to the fact that digital technologies are inherently reductive in that they have to abstract from the particularities and richness of concrete aesthetic practices.
Ds 69 Proceedings of E Pde 2011 the 13th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education London Uk 08 09 09 2011, 2011
Although the crucial role of shared artefacts as a means to create common understanding, to groun... more Although the crucial role of shared artefacts as a means to create common understanding, to ground discourse and to pursue novel ideas has been widely recognized, the concept of artefact appears to be under-articulated as it often limits artefacts to mere carriers of information. This paper is an attempt to depart from this notion and to draft a conceptual framework of the various epistemic roles artefacts fill in different activities and how these are shaped by the material and sign-related properties of the various media used. To illustrate the intricate interplay of epistemic processes and the kind of artefact used we provide examples taken from courses in the fields of engineering and design-education.
SNP Best-set Typesetter Ltd
Current cultural, social, and economic trends challenge traditional concepts of learning and life... more Current cultural, social, and economic trends challenge traditional concepts of learning and lifelong learning. This paper draws on the twofold nature of learning in a knowledge society and explores options for technological support.

International Journal of Design Creativity and Innovation, 2015
Even though there has been a considerable interest in creativity and design as collaborative effo... more Even though there has been a considerable interest in creativity and design as collaborative efforts more recently, there is yet a need for models that provide an integrative perspective on collaborative creative design. While cognitivist accounts of creativity are still quite dominant in the field of design research, it is argued in this paper that respective models fall short to account for the emergent properties and structures that arise out of the interaction of human actors with their environment. To be able to account for the social and material contingencies out of which different forms of creative design take shape a practice-oriented perspective is outlined and its implications discussed. The intent of this primarily theoretical paper is to open up a new research agenda that helps to understand how creative practices take shape and are enacted in particular settings.

Theory and Practice
This chapter addresses theoretical frameworks for the evaluation of computer-supported learning e... more This chapter addresses theoretical frameworks for the evaluation of computer-supported learning environments. It outlines the characteristics and obstacles this evaluation must face with regard to projects that design learning experiences, stressing the notion that human-computer interaction is imbedded in social context that is complex and dynamic. The authors examine how scenario-based design and program theory can contribute to the design and evaluation of computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL) and present a case study in which both approaches are applied. Based on the revealed complementary frameworks, a compelling approach is drafted that combines both of them. Our goal is to make CSCL designers more aware of the benefits of evaluative thinking in their work and to introduce two tangible approaches to evaluation that, when implemented as a design step, can strengthen CSCL initiatives.
Moves Beyond Critique: Design as Inquiry as a Form of Critical Engagement
This paper aims to outline an approach of critical engagement in educational research that moves ... more This paper aims to outline an approach of critical engagement in educational research that moves beyond traditional formats of academic critique. The aim of our contribution is to explore the critical dimension of reflective design for education and contrast it with recently advocated notions of design-based research. Rather than providing a full-fledged methodology, our intent is to motivate more critical design efforts in education and provide examples on how this could be done.
D 2.2 Guidelines and models on implementing design principles of KP-Lab, application scenarios and best practices, v.2
Although the social and cultural dimension of creativity has been emphasized for quite some time,... more Although the social and cultural dimension of creativity has been emphasized for quite some time, there is neither a consensus on how creativity can be nurtured nor on what it is to become creative. Adopting a practice-oriented perspective, this paper reports on an ethnographic study in a studio-based course on Interface Design. Drawing on observations and students' narrative accounts of their working processes, the local design studio is portrayed as a well-attuned system of structural elements, patterns of interaction and epistemic assumptions. The findings reveal basic similarities but also significant differences with other studies on educational design studios. It is suggested that these differences are due to differences in the epistemic frames enacted.

Doing University - Möglichkeitsräume & Interventionen
Wir haben zu wenige Antworten. Die Situation in der wir uns befinden ist ungewiss. Wir sollten in... more Wir haben zu wenige Antworten. Die Situation in der wir uns befinden ist ungewiss. Wir sollten innehalten und nachdenken, kritisch reflektieren darüber was wir tun und was entstanden ist. In den letzten Jahren waren wir an den Universitäten befasst mit der Einführung von Bachelor und Master, der Forcierung der Internationalisierung, Einsatz neuer Medien in der Lehre, Innovationen in der Hochschuldidaktik, Exzellenzinitiativen, neu ausgerichteten Programmstrukturen in der Drittmittelförderung, mit Herausforderungen, denen wir gemeinsam mit der jüngeren Generation im Netz begegnen, mit öffentlichen Diskursen über Bildung und Hochschule. Alle diese Initiativen bringen Vorstellungen über die Universität und ihre Rolle in der Gesellschaft ein. Wir scheinen über " die " Universität zu sprechen. Über etwas Einheitliches. Wir setzen alltagssprachlich Universität als Struktur voraus für das, was stattfinden kann und das, was sie zu erfüllen hat-als Antwort auf erhobene Anforderunge...
Timeline-based Analysis of Collaborative Knowledge practices within a Virtual Environment
Papers by Christoph Richter