„Laborious Playgrounds: Citizen science games as new modes of work/play in the digital age”. In: Glas, René; Lammes, Sibylle; de Lange, Michiel; Raessens, Jost; de Vries, Imar (Ed.): The Playful Citizen: Civic Engagement in a Mediatized Culture. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 232-248., 2019
In the last decade, digital media technologies and developments have given rise to exciting new f... more In the last decade, digital media technologies and developments have given rise to exciting new forms of ludic, or playful, engagements of citizens in cultural and societal issues. From the Occupy movement to playful city-making to the gameful designs of the Obama 2008 and Trump 2016 presidential campaigns, and the rise of citizen science and ecological games, this book shows how play is a key theoretical, methodological, and practical principle for comprehending such new forms of civic engagement in a mediatized culture. The Playful Citizen explores how and through what media we are becoming more playful as citizens and how this manifests itself in our ways of doing, living, and thinking. We offer a pluralistic answer to such questions by bringing together scholars from different fields such as game and play studies, social sciences, and media and culture studies.
Papers by Anne Dippel
(a lucky discovery) in the process of conducting and writing an ethnog-raphy. A serendipitous find of the missing grave stone of Elsie Masson in the Innsbruck cemetery prods the author to reflect the influence of Elsie Masson on Bronislaw Malinowski’s work. The posthumanist discussion on “lithic writing” is situated within current debates on how to write an ethnography in times of identity politics. The author supports the analysis by reflecting selected experiences from her own past research amongst writers and artists of Vienna (2009–2011). This partially autobiographical becoming as a cultural anthropologist interweaves thus selected key moments and field discoveries with current anthropo-logical debates. It does this to illustrate how an ethnographic experience turns into an anthropological insight. Ultimately, this essay sketches the posthuman conditions of the new writing culture at the intersection of different turns: the digital, the decolonial and the turn towards the diversity of identities.
(a lucky discovery) in the process of conducting and writing an ethnog-raphy. A serendipitous find of the missing grave stone of Elsie Masson in the Innsbruck cemetery prods the author to reflect the influence of Elsie Masson on Bronislaw Malinowski’s work. The posthumanist discussion on “lithic writing” is situated within current debates on how to write an ethnography in times of identity politics. The author supports the analysis by reflecting selected experiences from her own past research amongst writers and artists of Vienna (2009–2011). This partially autobiographical becoming as a cultural anthropologist interweaves thus selected key moments and field discoveries with current anthropo-logical debates. It does this to illustrate how an ethnographic experience turns into an anthropological insight. Ultimately, this essay sketches the posthuman conditions of the new writing culture at the intersection of different turns: the digital, the decolonial and the turn towards the diversity of identities.
Every experimentally gathered data entails uncertainty and constraints, and incorporates serendipity and randomness. In fact, every measurement in physics leads to uncertainty and is accompanied by a calculation of a standard deviation, which is represented by the Greek letter s (Sigma). In quantum mechanics, this uncertainty is even doubled through the impossibility to know for certain position and momentum of a particle. Here, every calculation is just an approximation to certainty. Contingency is the essence of scientific truth. Without acknowledging this, science would become a dogmatic religion and lose its foremost quality to question itself, although it paradoxically searches to avoid erring while seeking truth.
In my paper I want to present first research results of my current ethnographic study, where I aim to systematically compare work practices and modes of thinking within two scientific collaborations using particle detectors at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) of the CERN: the ATLAS (A Toroidal LHC Apparatus) and the CMS (Compact Muon Solenoid)
This volume contributes to the ongoing discussion on the epistemic position of computer simulations in a variety of physical disciplines, such as quantum optics, quantum mechanics, and computational physics. Originating from an interdisciplinary event, it shows that accounts of contemporary physics can constructively interfere with media theory, philosophy, and the history of science.
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Anne Dippel hat auf der Basis von zweieinhalb Jahren Feldforschung und Archivrecherche ein ungewöhnliches Spektrum österreichischer Identität erschlossen. Dazu gehört wesentlich der Bereich der Kulturproduktion, insbesondere der Literatur die, so wie der Film und andere Künste, in Österreich eine unverwechselbare Signatur aufweist. Sprache, Nation und Kultur sind gemacht, nicht gegeben. Am Beispiel Österreichs lässt sich wie bei kaum einem anderen Land des heutigen Europa der komplexe Prozesscharakter kollektiver Identität veranschaulichen. Dieser Sachverhalt gewinnt durch den ethnographischen Blick einer in Österreich lebenden »Ausländerin« aus Deutschland neue Plastizität. Vor dem Hintergrund der österreichischen Geschichte bis hinein in die Gegenwart der weltweiten Verflechtungen und kulturellen Differenzkriege, anhand von vielen Gesprächen mit Akteuren und Akteurinnen der österreichischen Kulturszene, wird die Besonderheit des österreichischen Verhältnisses zur deutschen Sprache, das Dichten und Denken in Österreich, sichtbar.
I exemplify this non-trivial assumption through a fieldwork episode within the high-energy physics community at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN, where I have been conducting research since 2013. This field is perhaps one of the most traditional of STS sites. However, while former studies focused mostly on social and cultural aspects of physics, my project investigates media and socio-technical phenomena, especially the question of human relations to one another within such apparatuses, regarding gender and race politics amongst others.