Papers by Klaus Schmieder

Hydrobiologia, 2011
Physics-based remote sensing in littoral environments for ecological monitoring and assessment is... more Physics-based remote sensing in littoral environments for ecological monitoring and assessment is a challenging task that depends on adequate atmospheric conditions during data acquisition, sensor capabilities and correction of signal disturbances associated with water surface and water column. Airborne hyper-spectral scanners offer higher potential than satellite sensors for wetland monitoring and assessment. However, application in remote areas is often limited by national restrictions, time and high costs compared to satellite data. In this study, we tested the potential of the commercial, high-resolution multi-spectral satellite QuickBird for monitoring littoral zones of Lake Sevan (Armenia). We present a classification procedure that uses a physics-based image processing system (MIP) and GIS tools for calculating spatial metrics. We focused on classification of littoral sediment coverage over three consecutive years (2006–2008) to document changes in vegetation structure associated with a rise in water levels. We describe a spectral unmixing algorithm for basic classification and a supervised algorithm for mapping vegetation types. Atmospheric aerosol retrieval, lake-specific parameterisation and validation of classifications were supported by underwater spectral measurements in the respective seasons. Results revealed accurate classification of submersed aquatic vegetation and sediment structures in the littoral zone, documenting spatial vegetation dynamics induced by water level fluctuations and inter-annual variations in phytoplankton blooms. The data prove the cost-effective applicability of satellite remote-sensing approaches for high-resolution mapping in space and time of lake littoral zones playing a major role in lake ecosystem functioning. Such approaches could be used for monitoring wetlands anywhere in the world.
Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, 2015
Schmieder K., Dienst, M., Jöhnk, K.D. & Ostendorp, W., 2004. German Society of Limnology (DGL), K... more Schmieder K., Dienst, M., Jöhnk, K.D. & Ostendorp, W., 2004. German Society of Limnology (DGL), Köln, Germany, 29.9. – 3.10.2003 Conference proceedings, p. 536-541.
... with many large scale photographs covering no terrestrial areas only this method will be ... ... more ... with many large scale photographs covering no terrestrial areas only this method will be ... One example is shown with calculation of a macrophyte index (Melzer et al ... Biomass, stand area, primary production characteristics and oxygen regime of the Ceratophyllum demersum L ...
... Durch das Extremhochwasser 1999 wurden im Unter-suchungsgebiet 70 der potentiellen Brutflfich... more ... Durch das Extremhochwasser 1999 wurden im Unter-suchungsgebiet 70 der potentiellen Brutflfiche des Drosselrohrs/ingers zerst6rt und deutliche Bestands-rackggnge an ... K. Schmieder, M. Dienst and W. Ostendorp, Auswirkungen des Extremhochwassers 1999 auf die ...
... 1997; WINFIELD 2004, this issue). The function played by littoral vegetation in the at-tenuat... more ... 1997; WINFIELD 2004, this issue). The function played by littoral vegetation in the at-tenuation of waves and consequently in shore protection (MAYNARD WILCOX 1997; OSTENDORP 1993). ... 2003; MAYNARD WILCOX 1997). ...
... Bio-metrics 32: 429434. Schmieder, K., M. Dienst & W. Ostendorp, 2002. Auswirkungen desE... more ... Bio-metrics 32: 429434. Schmieder, K., M. Dienst & W. Ostendorp, 2002. Auswirkungen desExtremhochwassers 1999 auf die Flächendynamik und Be-standsstruktur der Uferröhrichte des Bodensees. Limnologica 31: 131146. Studer, C. & R. Brändle, 1984. ...
2009 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2009

Wetlands Ecology and Management, 2009
Mooring areas are a common form of berthing in many of Germany's inland waters for the growing nu... more Mooring areas are a common form of berthing in many of Germany's inland waters for the growing number of sporting boats. A circular swinging zone around the anchor zone is formed, in which the submerged macrophyte vegetation is destroyed to a large extent, and the sediment surface is eroded. We investigated the effects of two types of buoy (conventional and so-called hook-buoys) in comparison with undisturbed reference sites nearby. The aim of the study was to identify possible harmful consequences of mooring sites to lake littoral habitats in Lake Constance-Untersee, and to provide information to managers to aid them in the formulation of mooring management plans with the least ecological impact. The study focused on submerged vegetation, surface sediments and macro-invertebrate colonisation. In the swinging circle of conventional buoys (87 m 2 ) we observed a significant sediment matter erosion of 0.9 tonnes and a reduction of organic matter amount by 4.5% of the undisturbed reference. The vegetation free area increased by 122%, and the phytomass (mainly Chara div. spp.) was reduced by 14.6% per berth. The psammophilous macro-invertebrate numbers were not significantly affected (-3%) in contrast to the phytophilous taxa which were reduced by 12.7% per berth. The mayfly larvae were the most negatively affected taxon. Oligochaetes profited from the clearing of the sediment surface in the swinging circles. The ecological effects of the hook-buoys were more minor, mainly due to the smaller swinging circle (6 m 2 ). We concluded that the detrimental effects of mooring can be significantly reduced by mooring systems, e. g. the hookbuoy system as it was used in this study, which reduce the area disturbed and cleared by the anchor chain. We argue that these results can be generalised to mooring areas with soft bottom and dense macrophyte vegetation in Lake Constance and other large lakes.

Photogrammetrie - Fernerkundung - Geoinformation, 2013
ABSTRACT Remote sensing of habitat complexes dates back into the 1990ies and has been continuousl... more ABSTRACT Remote sensing of habitat complexes dates back into the 1990ies and has been continuously improved. At the same time the demand for spatially and temporally precise datasets has become urgent, due to international agreements like the NATURA 2000 and the CBD (NATURA2000 2002, CBD 1992). Automatically derived habitat complexes which realize an appropriate level of relevance for end users was only seldomly achieved. Problems evolve with the transferability of algorithms to other sites or scenes as well as with the classification depths and accuracy. Within the project Flachendeckende Biotopund Nutzungstypenkartierung im Biospharengebiet Schwabische Alb mittels Fernerkundungsdaten als Basis fur ein Landschaftsmonitoring" an area-wide classification of habitat complexes of the Biosphere Reserve Schwabische Alb has been conducted. The classification is based on multisensoral remote sensing datasets (Orthophotos, RapidEye, lidar, TerraSAR-X) and on vector data, mainly geodata sets of the cadastral land register and the agrarian control system InVeKoS. Additionally, environmental geodata sets like habitat mapping were used. The GIS data was merged to a thematic consistent pre-classification scheme that was used to further classify habitat complexes based on spectral and three dimensional attributes. Later, an object based image classification approach with image segmentation and rule based classification has been conducted and provided for the final classification. Three dimensional habitat complexes like reed were extracted from the lidar data.
Limnologica - Ecology and Management of Inland Waters, 2004
... 1997; WINFIELD 2004, this issue). The function played by littoral vegetation in the at-tenuat... more ... 1997; WINFIELD 2004, this issue). The function played by littoral vegetation in the at-tenuation of waves and consequently in shore protection (MAYNARD WILCOX 1997; OSTENDORP 1993). ... 2003; MAYNARD WILCOX 1997). ...

Limnologica - Ecology and Management of Inland Waters, 2004
On the basis of different sets of aerial photos the dynamics of the reed bed areas of Lake Consta... more On the basis of different sets of aerial photos the dynamics of the reed bed areas of Lake Constance were investigated in relation to the dynamics of the water levels. The objectives of the study were to quantify the changes of reed areas due to different flood events in the last decades and their recovery in the time periods between these events. The results should give information of the relevance of water level variations on reed bed dynamics and the regeneration times of reed beds after extreme disturbance events. Following the extreme flood at Lake Constance in 1999 the reed belts of Lake Constance lost approximately 30 ha (24%) of the lakeside reed beds. The loss is comparable to the situation in the late 1960s, when approximately 40 ha died back due to the extreme flood in 1965 and the high spring water levels in the subsequent years. In the time period between the extreme floods of 1965 and 1999, the reed areas expanded to nearly 85% of the area before 1965. The expansion rates increased with increasing distance to the flood event of 1965. Especially in periods with series of years of low spring water level the expansion rates were high. The damage degrees of the reed areas in the years 2000 and 2002 showed a clear relation to the elevation (i.e. average water level) of the stands. The damage degree increased with decreasing elevation. Furthermore the regeneration process of severely damaged stands was related to the elevation level of the stands. Whereas stands at high elevation regenerate fast, those at low elevation died off completely in the years after the extreme flood. This supports the hypothesis that the water level fluctuations play a major role in the reed dynamics of Lake Constance. As a consequence of climate change an increase in the frequency of high spring water levels is expected. Thus, it seems unlikely that reed stands will ever expand again to the same area as before 1965.
Limnologica - Ecology and Management of Inland Waters, 2004
... Durch das Extremhochwasser 1999 wurden im Unter-suchungsgebiet 70 der potentiellen Brutflfich... more ... Durch das Extremhochwasser 1999 wurden im Unter-suchungsgebiet 70 der potentiellen Brutflfiche des Drosselrohrs/ingers zerst6rt und deutliche Bestands-rackggnge an ... K. Schmieder, M. Dienst and W. Ostendorp, Auswirkungen des Extremhochwassers 1999 auf die ...

Limnologica - Ecology and Management of Inland Waters, 2002
In consequence of the extreme flood at Lake Constance in 1999 the reed belts showed a severe loss... more In consequence of the extreme flood at Lake Constance in 1999 the reed belts showed a severe loss in vitality so that a permanent damage could be expected. The monitoring project presented here focuses the documentation of the damage following the disturbance event, the identification of co-factors, and is designed to find out significant stressors that may impede the recovery of the reeds. The monitoring is based on CIR aerial photo interpretation, quantitative GIS-analyses and field data. The design of the study implies the definition of five degrees of damage using the interpretation of CIR aerial photo series from July 2000. The aquatic reed beds were digitised and areal sums were calculated. These data were compared with the corresponding data from 1999 and 1993. Stand structural and biomass attributes were investigated in 50 randomly distributed permanent plots covering all site types and damage degrees. The results showed a loss of about 24 hectares of aquatic reeds at Lake Constance Untersee alone. The stands which had survived showed a great patchiness in terms of culm density, shoot population composition, culm architecture, and aboveground biomass production. Severely damaged stands were mainly composed of secondary shoots, whereas primary and insect infested shoots dominated in less damaged stands. One co-factor which explained the patchiness was the vertical position of the stand, i.e. the probability of being severely damaged increased with increasing distance below mean water level. The monitoring programme will be continued till 2003.

Limnologica - Ecology and Management of Inland Waters, 2006
Dead wood is a significant element of natural streams and rivers in temperate climate zones. Esta... more Dead wood is a significant element of natural streams and rivers in temperate climate zones. Established stream management removes wood, whereas some scientists recently promoted the reintroduction of wood in stream rehabilitation and restoration. It is desirable to know if wood in streams and rivers would be accepted. A survey was therefore conducted in order to assess the spontaneous visual perception of 10 stream and 10 river scenes with and without wood in terms of naturalness, risk, aesthetics and need for improvement using visual analog scales. Three hundred and sixty-five German students from five subjects related to water management and from one subject without any professional association to running waters were surveyed before their first contact to teaching of aquatic ecology. They clearly perceived wood in streams and rivers as natural. Scenes with wood were most frequently associated with danger for sport activities while scenes without wood were most frequently associated with danger by flooding. When comparing scenes with and without wood, scenes with wood were clearly considered more positive as significantly more aesthetic, less dangerous and needing less improvement. The disciplinary groups showed variations in the absolute evaluation scores but the relative evaluation of scenes with wood versus scenes without wood was similar among all groups. The results indicate an acceptance for the reintroduction of wood in stream rehabilitation and restoration by young students who are potential future players in water management.

Limnologica - Ecology and Management of Inland Waters, 2010
ABSTRACT Our investigation on macrophytes in Lake Qattieneh, a large, shallow reservoir in wester... more ABSTRACT Our investigation on macrophytes in Lake Qattieneh, a large, shallow reservoir in western Syria, is a first assessment of ecological status of this lake. We studied spatial distribution patterns of aquatic macrophyte vegetation and heavy metal concentrations to determine if they can be used as indicators of point sources of pollution. Industrial and municipal point sources at the lake shore increase nutrient load and contamination by heavy metals. Water analyses revealed high concentrations of some heavy metals at some littoral sites: Ni 88.7μgL−1, Cr 49.99μgL−1, Co 14.38μgL−1, and Cu 11.65μgL−1. Despite hypertrophic conditions and high heavy metal contamination, we recorded several submerged macrophyte species with heterogeneous spatial distribution patterns. Whereas Potamogeton pectinatus L. dominates in the eastern part of the lake, near industrial point sources, both Myriophyllum spicatum L. and Potamogeton lucens L. form extended patches in the western part of the lake. The shallow, littoral areas near villages are dominated by Ranunculus trichophyllus Chaix in Villars and Ceratophyllum demersum L. The west–east gradient in nutrient and heavy metal concentrations in waters and sediments are reflected by the spatial distribution of submersed species. While the heavy metal concentrations of the water body vary considerably in different seasons, the contents in submersed macrophytes integrate seasonal variations of longer time periods. Spatial distribution and tissue accumulation of littoral macrophyte species reflect the environmental conditions at respective sites such as heavy metal contents in water and sediment.

Journal of Vegetation Science, 2004
Questions: Does a reduced nutrient load in open water increase species richness and the importanc... more Questions: Does a reduced nutrient load in open water increase species richness and the importance of regional and local site characteristics for species abundance and spatial distribution? Can we build lake-specific models of macrophyte abundance and distribution based on site characteristics in order to prepare a cost-efficient framework for future surveys? Location: Lake Constance, 47°39' N, 9°18' E. Methods: Generalized additive models (GAMs) were used to predict the potential distributions of eight species and overall species richness. Submersed macrophyte distribution in 1993 was compared with corresponding data from 1978, when eutrophication was at its maximum. Results: Spatial predictions for eight species and overall species richness were relatively accurate and independent of water chemistry. Depth was confirmed as a main predictor of species distribution, while effective fetch distance was retained in many models. Mineralogical variables of sediment composition represent allogenic and autogenic sediment sources and their east-west gradient in Lake Constance corresponded to east-west gradients of species distribution and richness. GAMs appeared more efficient than generalized linear models (GLMs) for modelling species responses to environmental gradients. Conclusions: Reduced trophic status increases species richness and the importance of regional and local site characteristics for species abundance and distribution. Our models represent a spatio-temporal framework for future lake monitoring purposes and allow the development of effective monitoring; this could be generalized for many ecosystem types and would be particularly efficient for large lakes such as Lake Constance.
Hydrobiologia, 2000
... Bio-metrics 32: 429434. Schmieder, K., M. Dienst & W. Ostendorp, 2002. Auswirkungen desE... more ... Bio-metrics 32: 429434. Schmieder, K., M. Dienst & W. Ostendorp, 2002. Auswirkungen desExtremhochwassers 1999 auf die Flächendynamik und Be-standsstruktur der Uferröhrichte des Bodensees. Limnologica 31: 131146. Studer, C. & R. Brändle, 1984. ...

Hydrobiologia, 2011
Physics-based remote sensing in littoral environments for ecological monitoring and assessment is... more Physics-based remote sensing in littoral environments for ecological monitoring and assessment is a challenging task that depends on adequate atmospheric conditions during data acquisition, sensor capabilities and correction of signal disturbances associated with water surface and water column. Airborne hyper-spectral scanners offer higher potential than satellite sensors for wetland monitoring and assessment. However, application in remote areas is often limited by national restrictions, time and high costs compared to satellite data. In this study, we tested the potential of the commercial, high-resolution multi-spectral satellite QuickBird for monitoring littoral zones of Lake Sevan (Armenia). We present a classification procedure that uses a physics-based image processing system (MIP) and GIS tools for calculating spatial metrics. We focused on classification of littoral sediment coverage over three consecutive years (2006)(2007)(2008) to document changes in vegetation structure associated with a rise in water levels. We describe a spectral unmixing algorithm for basic classification and a supervised algorithm for mapping vegetation types. Atmospheric aerosol retrieval, lake-specific parameterisation and validation of classifications were supported by underwater spectral measurements in the respective seasons. Results revealed accurate classification of submersed aquatic vegetation and sediment structures in the littoral zone, documenting spatial vegetation dynamics induced by water level fluctuations and interannual variations in phytoplankton blooms. The data prove the cost-effective applicability of satellite remote-sensing approaches for high-resolution mapping in space and time of lake littoral zones playing a Guest editor: Martin A. Stapanian / QuickBird satellite imagery as a tool for restoration and rehabilitation of Lake Sevan, Armenia
Papers by Klaus Schmieder