Papers by Maria Eugenia Trombini
Legal Professionals in White-Collar Crime Knowing, Thinking and Acting
reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in an... more reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in any other physical way, and transmission or information storage and retrieval, electronic adaptation, computer software, or by similar or dissimilar methodology now known or hereafter developed. The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use.

Sustainable development is more than an agenda, it is a historical construct rooted in modernity.... more Sustainable development is more than an agenda, it is a historical construct rooted in modernity. In response to the global theory of what is necessary to achieve biodiversity targets, Brazil, a megadiverse “developing” country from the Global South, gains international attention due to its differentiated role in terms of providing environmental services. To confront global theory and territorialized practice, the article looks at a protected area that overlaps with the lands traditionally occupied by flower-gatherers in the Cerrado, a tropical Savanna ecosystem. On the base of the case study, the dichotomy society/nature and the mobilization strategies of this grassroot movement are discussed in light of disputes surrounding sustainability, appropriation and usage of natural resources. Results show collective actors whose identity is articulated in the collection of native flowers from the rupestrian grasslands are somewhat successful in their struggle to re-signify the meaning giv...

DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), 2020
A luta dos movimentos sociais pela posse da terra e o acesso à moradia tem uma interface constant... more A luta dos movimentos sociais pela posse da terra e o acesso à moradia tem uma interface constante com o sistema de justiça, acionado para a defesa da propriedade. Embora o sistema normativo possua diversos dispositivos para relativização do direito à propriedade, frente à sua função social, bem como para mediação de conflitos e ponderação de direitos, é certo que essas categorias não são de uso tão comum em ações de reintegração de posse quanto poderiam. O presente trabalho analisa, a partir de casos ocorridos no Brasil no período de 2018 a 2020, algumas das categorias acionadas para defesa da manutenção dos possuidores na área, contrapondo estas àquelas acionadas nas respectivas decisões judiciais. Nossos resul-tados sobre a resolução 10 do Conselho Nacional de Direitos Humanos (CNDH), que trata de soluções garantidoras de direitos humanos e medidas preventivas em situações de conflitos fundiários coletivos rurais e urbanos, sugerem uma diferença entre os usos esperados pelos movimentos e seus representantes e a recepção da normativa pelo Judiciário

Brazil has a myriad of corrupti on scandals in its recent history. Nonetheless, research on the o... more Brazil has a myriad of corrupti on scandals in its recent history. Nonetheless, research on the organizati onal level of corruption is underdeveloped. The paradigm of individual deviance related to wealth grabs hardly applies to the 'active corruption' of the bribe giver, as seen in recent cases exposed by Operation Car Wash. The holding Odebrecht S.A is at the heart of these scandals. In these cases of bribery, most of the bribe givers are high-ranking, well-educated, and well-paid managers. They are highly connected with public agents and their actions are in line with the company's goals. We perform an autopsy of the Odebrecht Case and briefly outline what mechanisms and factors on corporate level bolstered a pattern of endemic systemic corruption in the construction sector in Brazil. Our purpose is to contribute to the bigger discussion of corporate crime without overlooking criminological and polity's perspective but providing an approach from the sociology of organizations. We analyze strengths and weaknesses of regulati - ve institutions and the environmental conditions under which the Brazilian construction company-operated and interacted both with its competitors and with public institutions. Based on the judicial documents about Odebrecht and its employees, we reconstruct the factors and mechanisms that are central to organizational deviance and provide an overview of the consequences for the company.
Revista de Ciências Sociais
Quem são os profissionais atuantes na temática anticorrupção? A partir de uma base de dados de en... more Quem são os profissionais atuantes na temática anticorrupção? A partir de uma base de dados de entrevistas com advogados, juízes e procuradores experientes em casos de corrupção no Brasil desde a redemocratização, aplicamos o método prosopográfico para descrever as dimensões social, educacional e ocupacional do grupo. Nossos resultados mostram que o volume de investimentos em ensino supera o de outras carreiras legais fora da especialidade penal econômica, que as universidades públicas continuam sendo as prediletas dessa elite jurídica, e que passagens pelo exterior são tão frequentes quanto a pós-graduação em escolas locais. Para auxiliar a agenda de pesquisa sobre Direito e Sociedade, bem como Direito e Política, investigamos as diferentes colorações de profissionais ocorridas no banco.

Using data from organ transplant medicine in Germany, we propose a method for understanding the c... more Using data from organ transplant medicine in Germany, we propose a method for understanding the content of unwritten rules supportive of violations of written rules in light of the German Organ Transplant Scandal. Grounded in the sociology of organizational crime, we reconstruct the cultural repertoires of medical professionals working with organ allocation when confronted with the applicable guidelines using collective mindset analysis. Four dimensions of cognitive and normative rules of interpretation were identified and discussed as a an occupational-professional form of deviance. Apart from not relying on data from the alleged perpetrators and still gazing at the latent structures of meaning behind misconduct, our approach offers a more general methodological framework for empirical studies of the unwritten rules at work in an organizational field where wrongdoing has been reported.
Conjuntura Global, 2014
Les politiques de reconstruction et réconciliation au Rwanda sont racontées d´une multitude de pe... more Les politiques de reconstruction et réconciliation au Rwanda sont racontées d´une multitude de perspectives. Au landemain du conflit la paix à court terme était associée à la sécurité plutôt qu'à la démocratie. Même si la démocratie est un processus lent que doivent être incorporé par la societé civile, une analyse du discours pour l'unité nationale indiquent l´instrumentalisation du génocide et la distance entre cette paix positive et la violence structurelle de ce modèle de réconciliation à sens unique menée par le FPR.

Populism and Corruption: The Other Side of the Coin, 2021
Despite the attention Carwash Operation has received concerning the cases located in the jurisdic... more Despite the attention Carwash Operation has received concerning the cases located in the jurisdiction of Paraná, the corrupt structure uncovered in the state of Rio de Janeiro remains understudied. The former governor Sérgio Cabral Filho, whose sentences of add up to roughly 300 years of imprisonment, was accused of defrauding various bids and diverting millions of dollars from public budgets. Responding to the allegations, Mr. Cabral used popular support and accomplishments of his administration to justify common, yet illicit, practices. On base of this case study we are asking: What does a professional politician facing law-enforcement teach us about the interplay between corruption and populism? For the analysis, we will look at the defendant’s direct speech at interrogations combined with biographical information, previous electoral campaigns and newspaper articles. Our findings from a concrete episode of Brazil’s contemporary history provide insight on how populist narratives are strategically employed by a politician facing corruption charges and his contenders. The anticorruption moral crusade and an anti-establishment sentiment due to the scheme uncovered might explain the election of a former judge as his successor and the support for Jair Bolsonaro in Rio de Janeiro.

Political Corruption and Organizational Crime: The Grey Fringes of Democracy and the Private Economy, 2021
Political corruption is often defined as the misuse of public office to advance personal gain. So... more Political corruption is often defined as the misuse of public office to advance personal gain. Solutions are often reflections of the view that corrupt practices can be avoided if the principal-agent problem is solved. Yet in Brazil, the attainment of collective goals seems to be significant for understanding rule-deviation inside and across political parties. By examining the participation of members of the political parties in acts that were investigated and prosecuted at two recent scandals, the Mensalão and the Petrolão, I will test the theoretical model of organizational corruption hypothesis at this particular type of organization indispensable for a democratic system. Using official records from the criminal and administrative investigations concerning the Workers’ Party (PT) and the Progressive Party (PP) as evidence, behavior in pursuit of self-interested goals has been found to be underrated in regards to goals of the party. This was true for members of the party’s bureaucracy and for mandate holders, with partisan elites playing a central role in the decision-making process. Instead of intentionally making unethical decisions motivated by greed, individuals break rules to collect money for electoral campaigns or to secure their place in the coalition in what appears to be a reaction to overly rigid regulation too costly to comply with.
Direito à Cidade: uma visão por gênero, 2017
Direito Achado na Rua: Introdução Crítica ao Direito Urbanístico., 2020
Este capítulo pretende, através das experiências vivenciadas em quatro ações de usucapião cole-in... more Este capítulo pretende, através das experiências vivenciadas em quatro ações de usucapião cole-interpretação do art. 10 do Estatuto da Cidade e na forma como ele vem sendo interpretado pelo Judiciário do Estado do Paraná. Apesar de famosa por ser a capital do planejamento urbano, Curitiba, enquanto metrópole brasi-leira, não foge à regra da urbanização desordenada em suas áreas periféricas. Em que pese o planeja-mento urbano condensar maior parte das áreas que hoje são marcadas pela consolidação de ocupações

Ciências Sociais Unisinos, 2020
A luta dos movimentos sociais pela posse da terra e o acesso à moradia tem uma interface constant... more A luta dos movimentos sociais pela posse da terra e o acesso à moradia tem uma interface constante com o sistema de justiça, acionado para a defesa da propriedade. Embora o sistema normativo possua diversos dispositivos para relativização do direito à propriedade, frente à sua função social, bem como para mediação de conflitos e ponderação de direitos, é certo que essas categorias não são de uso tão comum em ações de reintegração de posse quanto poderiam. O presente trabalho analisa, a partir de casos ocorridos no Brasil no período de 2018 a 2020, algumas das categorias acionadas para defesa da manutenção dos possuidores na área, contrapondo estas àquelas acionadas nas respectivas decisões judiciais. Nossos resul-tados sobre a resolução 10 do Conselho Nacional de Direitos Humanos (CNDH), que trata de soluções garantidoras de direitos humanos e medidas preventivas em situações de conflitos fundiários coletivos rurais e urbanos, sugerem uma diferença entre os usos esperados pelos movimentos e seus representantes e a recepção da normativa pelo Judiciário
Books by Maria Eugenia Trombini
Corona und Korruption, 2022
In 2020, Rio de Janeiro’s governor Wilson Witzel, a former judge, was suspended on charges of mal... more In 2020, Rio de Janeiro’s governor Wilson Witzel, a former judge, was suspended on charges of malfeasance in state contracts to fight the coronavirus pandemic. Investigative procedures, recorded as text and video sources, comprise an unprecedented dataset that enable an empirical investigation of COVID-related corruption to be conducted. On the basis of this case study, we are asking what are the continuities and changes related to public procurement graft uncovered in Rio de Janeiro? Our findings provide further insight on the interplay between politicians and businesspeople around electoral financing as well as disputes between technical and political staff at the state's health secretariat, advancing a definition of systemic corruption.
Dossier Coordenation by Maria Eugenia Trombini
Dossiê "Sociologia da Probidade Pública e Usos do Direito no 'Combate à Corrupção'", publicado na... more Dossiê "Sociologia da Probidade Pública e Usos do Direito no 'Combate à Corrupção'", publicado na Revista de Ciências Sociais da Universidade Federal do Ceará em julho de 2022 e coorganizado com a Prof. Drª. Juliane Sant'Ana Bento (UFRGS).
Papers by Maria Eugenia Trombini
Books by Maria Eugenia Trombini
Dossier Coordenation by Maria Eugenia Trombini