Papers by Margarida Castro Neves
Do ponto de vista de "software" foram rea 1 izadas alterações nos módulos dos sistemas ... more Do ponto de vista de "software" foram rea 1 izadas alterações nos módulos dos sistemas dê forma a compatibilizá-los com o PLURIX. 2.1 - SITIM 0 SITIM (Engespaço, 1988a; INPE, 1989) é um sistema destinado à extração de informações a partir de dados de ...
SPIE Proceedings, 2010
ABSTRACT In this work we present a multibiometric face recognition framework based on combining i... more ABSTRACT In this work we present a multibiometric face recognition framework based on combining information from 2D with 3D facial features. The 3D biometrics channel is protected by a privacy enhancing technology, which uses error correcting codes and cryptographic primitives to safeguard the privacy of the users of the biometric system at the same time enabling accurate matching through fusion with 2D. Experiments are conducted to compare the matching performance of such multibiometric systems with the individual biometric channels working alone and with unprotected multibiometric systems. The results show that the proposed hybrid system incorporating template protection, match and in some cases exceed the performance of corresponding unprotected equivalents, in addition to offering the additional privacy protection.

Abstract: Travel documents such as the electronic passport (ePass) ensure that each person can be... more Abstract: Travel documents such as the electronic passport (ePass) ensure that each person can be uniquely identified by a single document. The development of new ePass security chip technologies allows for the inclusion of biometric properties in the data carrier of the ePass. The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) has determined a personal photograph as being the interoperable feature for all global travel documents; ICAO [Gro04] regulations reference quality requirements for fa-cial images as defined in ISO standard ISO/IEC 19794-5 [Intb]. Project FIReBIRDs goal is to prepare an international facial image database for conformity tests based on ISO/IEC 19794-5 [Intb], to analyze the requirements in the regulating documents, and to develop suggestions for adaptations and extensions of these standards. The FIReBIRD database shall provide a well-defined ground truth for level 3 con-formance testing. For this purpose the specifications in the standard were thoroughly ana...

The International Virtual Observatory Alliance (IVOA) has developed and built, in the last two de... more The International Virtual Observatory Alliance (IVOA) has developed and built, in the last two decades, an ecosystem of distributed resources, interoperable and based upon open shared technological standards. In doing so the IVOA has anticipated, putting into practice for the astrophysical domain, the ideas of FAIR-ness of data and service resources and the Open-ness of sharing scientific results, leveraging on the underlying open standards required to fill the above. In Europe, efforts in supporting and developing the ecosystem proposed by the IVOA specifications has been provided by a continuous set of EU funded projects up to current H2020 ESCAPE ESFRI cluster. In the meantime, in the last years, Europe has realised the importance of promoting the Open Science approach for the research communities and started the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) project to create a distributed environment for research data, services and communities. In this framework the European VO community, ...

arXiv: Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics, 2019
The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) is in its early stages, but already some aspects of the EO... more The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) is in its early stages, but already some aspects of the EOSC vision are starting to become reality, for example the EOSC portal and the development of metadata catalogues. In the astrophysical domain already exists an open approach to science data: the Virtual Observatory view put in place by the International Virtual Observatory Alliance (IVOA) architecture of standards. The ESCAPE (European Science Cluster of Astronomy & Particle physics ESFRI research infrastructures) project has, among its tasks, to demonstrate that the VO architecture can be integrated within the EOSC building one and to provide guidelines to ESFRI partners (European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures) in doing this. This contribution reports on the progress of this integration after the first months of work inside ESCAPE.
The 3D Face project investigates the use of 3D face recognition technologies, and aims to improve... more The 3D Face project investigates the use of 3D face recognition technologies, and aims to improve their performance so that it would be possible to use such technologies in unsupervised access control scenarios in airports. During this project novel sensors, 2D, 3D, skin texture matchers and fusion algorithms have been developed. A technology performance test has been performed on all algorithms, in order to evaluate the technology improvements. This paper describes the independent test and evaluation activities for this project and gives an overview of the results obtained.
SPLAT-VO is an extensible analysis and display tool for extracted spectra that can also interact ... more SPLAT-VO is an extensible analysis and display tool for extracted spectra that can also interact with the Virtual Observatory. Copyright c © 2001-2005 Council for the Central Laboratory of the Research Councils Copyright c © 2006-2007 Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council Copyright c © 2007-2009 Science and Technology Facilities Council Copyright c © 2010-2015 Peter W. Draper Copyright c © 2013 German Astrophysical Virtual Observatory (GAVO) iii SUN/243.42—

We study the effect of growth on the fingerprints of adolescents, based on which we suggest as im... more We study the effect of growth on the fingerprints of adolescents, based on which we suggest as imple method to adjust for growth when trying to retrieve an adolescent'sfi ngerprint in ad atabase years later.H ere, we focus on the statistical analyses used to determine howfingerprints grow: Procrustes analysis allows us to establish that fingerprints growisotropically,anappropriate mixed effects model shows that fingerprints essentially growproportionally to body height. The resulting growth model is validated by showing that it brings points of interest as close as if both fingerprints were taken from an adult. Further details on this study,inparticular results when applying our growth model in verification and identification tests, can be found in C. Gottschlich, T. Hotz, R. Lorenz, S. Bernhardt, M. Hantschel and A. Munk: Modeling the Growth of Fingerprints ImprovesMatching for Adolescents,IEEE Transations on Information Fo rensics and Security,2011 (to appear). 1I ntroduction Consider thefollowing scenario: an adolescent at age 11, say,gives his fingerprints which are entered into an automatic fingerprint identification system (AFIS); later,atage 30, his fingerprints are again taken, and run against the AFIS database. To find the adolescent fingerprint matching the adult one is made difficult by the fact that the adolescent has grown into an adult-a sh aveh is fingerprints, compare Figure 1. As these systems are usually engineered for adults, growth effects are not taken into account appropriately,and the AFIS will decide that the adolescent print matches the adult print poorly; indeed, the points of interest (POI), i.e. minutiae and singular points, cannot be brought close by merely rotating and translating the imprints, see Figure 1(right).
Astronomy and Computing, 2014

ABSTRACT SPLAT-VO is a powerful graphical tool for displaying, comparing, modifying and analyzing... more ABSTRACT SPLAT-VO is a powerful graphical tool for displaying, comparing, modifying and analyzing astronomical spectra, as well as searching and retrieving spectra from services around the world using Virtual Observatory (VO) protocols and services. The development of SPLAT-VO started in 1999, as part of the Starlink StarJava initiative, sometime before that of the VO, so initial support for the VO was necessarily added once VO standards and services became available. Further developments were supported by the Joint Astronomy Centre, Hawaii until 2009. Since end of 2011 development of SPLAT-VO has been continued by the German Astrophysical Virtual Observatory, and the Astronomical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. From this time several new features have been added, including support for the latest VO protocols, along with new visualization and spectra storing capabilities. This paper presents the history of SPLAT-VO, it’s capabilities, recent additions and future plans, as well as a discussion on the motivations and lessons learned up to now.

Brömme, Arslan (Ed.) u.a.; Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI):BIOSIG 2011 : Proceedings - I´nternational Conference of the Biometrics Special Interest Group.Bonn : Köllen, 2011, pp. 33-44(GI-Edition - Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI) P-191).
The purpose of this paper is to describe the development and performance tests of acontact-free f... more The purpose of this paper is to describe the development and performance tests of acontact-free fingerprint sensor,T rueFinger3D (TF3D). This contactless fingerprint sensor is designed to be perfectly interoperable with fingerprint image data captured with contact-based sensors or ink pads. This is achievedbyacquiring a3D dataset of the fingertip together with the image of the papillary lines. Based on the 3D data, the papillary lines image can be processed to compensate perspective foreshortening or even emulate deformation effects caused with contact-based sensors. The 3D measurement mechanism and the image processing are described in detail. The resulting fingerprint images taken by the contactless sensor are then matched with images taken by regular contact-based fingerprint readers at different force levels. The comparison shows that the geometric distortion of our contactless sensor TF3D is comparable to that of contact-based sensors deployed under regular conditions. Our test also shows that contact-based sensors operated under irregular or strong force conditions suffer from asubstantial performance degradation, not seen with the contactless sensor TF3D, which has perfect reproducibility.T he results also indicate perfect interoperability of the TF3D with anyc ontact-based data and should therefore entitle the sensor to acertification for governmental use.
In this work we present a multibiometric face recognition framework based on combining informatio... more In this work we present a multibiometric face recognition framework based on combining information from 2D with 3D facial features. The 3D biometrics channel is protected by a privacy enhancing technology, which uses error correcting codes and cryptographic primitives to safeguard the privacy of the users of the biometric system at the same time enabling accurate matching through fusion with 2D. Experiments are conducted to compare the matching performance of such multibiometric systems with the individual biometric channels working alone and with unprotected multibiometric systems. The results show that the proposed hybrid system incorporating template protection, match and in some cases exceed the performance of corresponding unprotected equivalents, in addition to offering the additional privacy protection.

… this series in order to make …
Travel documents such as the electronic passport (ePass) ensure that each person can be uniquely ... more Travel documents such as the electronic passport (ePass) ensure that each person can be uniquely identified by a single document. The development of new ePass security chip technologies allows for the inclusion of biometrie properties in the data carrier of the ePass. The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) has determined a personal photograph as being the interoperable feature for all global travel documents; ICAO [Gro04] regulations reference quality requirements for facial images as defined in ISO standard ISOIIEC 19794-5 [Intb]. Project FIReBIRDs goal is to prepare an international facial image database for conformity tests based on ISOIIEC 19794-5 [Intb], to analyze the requirements in the regulating documents, and to develop suggestions for adaptations and extensions of these standards.
The FIReBIRD database shall provide a well-defined ground truth for level 3 conformance testing. For this purpose the specifications in the standard were thoroughlyanalyzed and in some parts refined to allow for apreeise definition of ground truth. We show with two examples that there might be a defined common-sense definition for some parameters, but they are not measurable and their specification is not scientifically founded: the definition of full frontal view and the definition of eye and hair colors. Our results show that specifications and requirements should always be checked for necessity, practicability and usability and that a continued review and revision of biometric standards is necessary.

Digital face images and fingerprint images are included in all newly issued EU passports. Face im... more Digital face images and fingerprint images are included in all newly issued EU passports. Face images stored within electronic passports (ePass) have to conform to ISO/IEC 19794-5 which defines a number of quality requirements for facial image data. A software application (QS Software) is used to verify photographic image properties (pose, head/image size, height-to-page ratio, etc.) as well as setup properties (color depth, contrast, brightness, etc.). To ensure reliability and reproducibility of automated facial image processing systems it is necessary to assess the quality of existing software packages. To this end a database of facial image data would be of significant value as a testing base.
The goal for project series FIReBIRD (Facial Image REcognition Benchmark Including Realistic Disturbances) is to establish a database of facial images that can be used worldwide for compliance and performance testing and quality verification based on ISO standards. FIReBIRD will beconducted in close cooperation of Fraunhofer IGD and the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) and will be carried out in parallel and in international cooperation with the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and the British National Physical Laboratory (NPL). After successful completion of a conceptual framework the international database will be built. This facial image database will consist of distinct data sets used by two separate user groups for two different purposes: public test data that is available for algorithm developers and non-public test data for system evaluation accessible only to authorized organizations such as BSI/Fraunhofer IGD, NPL and NIST.
Proceedings of the …, Jan 1, 2008
The 3D Face project investigates the use of 3D face recognition technologies, and aims to improve... more The 3D Face project investigates the use of 3D face recognition technologies, and aims to improve their performance so that it would be possible to use such technologies in unsupervised access control scenarios in airports. During this project novel sensors, 2D, 3D, skin texture matchers and fusion algorithms have been developed. A technology performance test has been performed on all algorithms, in order to evaluate the technology improvements. This paper describes the independent test and evaluation activities for this project and gives an overview of the results obtained.
Papers by Margarida Castro Neves
The FIReBIRD database shall provide a well-defined ground truth for level 3 conformance testing. For this purpose the specifications in the standard were thoroughlyanalyzed and in some parts refined to allow for apreeise definition of ground truth. We show with two examples that there might be a defined common-sense definition for some parameters, but they are not measurable and their specification is not scientifically founded: the definition of full frontal view and the definition of eye and hair colors. Our results show that specifications and requirements should always be checked for necessity, practicability and usability and that a continued review and revision of biometric standards is necessary.
The goal for project series FIReBIRD (Facial Image REcognition Benchmark Including Realistic Disturbances) is to establish a database of facial images that can be used worldwide for compliance and performance testing and quality verification based on ISO standards. FIReBIRD will beconducted in close cooperation of Fraunhofer IGD and the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) and will be carried out in parallel and in international cooperation with the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and the British National Physical Laboratory (NPL). After successful completion of a conceptual framework the international database will be built. This facial image database will consist of distinct data sets used by two separate user groups for two different purposes: public test data that is available for algorithm developers and non-public test data for system evaluation accessible only to authorized organizations such as BSI/Fraunhofer IGD, NPL and NIST.
The FIReBIRD database shall provide a well-defined ground truth for level 3 conformance testing. For this purpose the specifications in the standard were thoroughlyanalyzed and in some parts refined to allow for apreeise definition of ground truth. We show with two examples that there might be a defined common-sense definition for some parameters, but they are not measurable and their specification is not scientifically founded: the definition of full frontal view and the definition of eye and hair colors. Our results show that specifications and requirements should always be checked for necessity, practicability and usability and that a continued review and revision of biometric standards is necessary.
The goal for project series FIReBIRD (Facial Image REcognition Benchmark Including Realistic Disturbances) is to establish a database of facial images that can be used worldwide for compliance and performance testing and quality verification based on ISO standards. FIReBIRD will beconducted in close cooperation of Fraunhofer IGD and the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) and will be carried out in parallel and in international cooperation with the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and the British National Physical Laboratory (NPL). After successful completion of a conceptual framework the international database will be built. This facial image database will consist of distinct data sets used by two separate user groups for two different purposes: public test data that is available for algorithm developers and non-public test data for system evaluation accessible only to authorized organizations such as BSI/Fraunhofer IGD, NPL and NIST.