Latar belakang dari penelitian ini adalah teknologi, seperti mesin pendingin ,saat ini adalah bag... more Latar belakang dari penelitian ini adalah teknologi, seperti mesin pendingin ,saat ini adalah bagian penting dalam kehidupan kita sehari-hari, terlebih kita tinggal di negara yang beriklim tropis. Mesin showcase dibutuhkan untuk pendinginan makanan dan minuman, penyimpanan dan distribusi makanan, proses kimia yang memerlukan pendinginan.. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan pengelolaan (R-12) dengan (R-134a) pada mesin showcase pendingin penyimpan bahan makanan dan minuman dan untuk mengetahui unjuk kerja (COP), dan efisiensi mesin pendingin yang menggunakan refrigeran (R-12) dengan refrigeran (R-134a). Mesin yang diteliti merupakan mesin showcase pendingin dengan siklus kompresi uap. Variasi penelitian yang dipakai adalah jenis refrigeran, yaitu R-134a dan R-12. Pada penelitian pertama, showcase dialiri refrigeran R-134a dan diuji sebanyak 5 kali dalam 5 hari selama 300 menit. Pada penelitian kedua,refrigeran diganti menjadi R-12 dan diuji sebanyak 5 kali dalam 5 hari selama 300 menit. Hasil Penelitian memberi kesimpulan (a)) showcase berhasil dibuat dan bekerja dengan baik, (b) Koefisien prestasi ideal (COP ideal) R134a hampir sama dengan R-12. Efisiensi showcase untuk R134a lebih unggul dibanding R-12.
E-Jurnal Physical Education, Sport, Health and Recreation, 2020
Futsal is a popular game for all people in the world. It needed agility technique to drib the bal... more Futsal is a popular game for all people in the world. It needed agility technique to drib the ball. The purpose of study was to find the effect of agility training on dribbling ability for futsal beginner player. The study used quantitative approach using experimental one group. The study gave the treatment for futsal beginner. It did in futsal club Bengkulu. The data was taken from the agility test in dribbling playing (pre-test and post-test). The technique of data analysis used t-test paired two sample for means. The result of finding shows that the average of pretest score obtained a score of 11.95, while average of posttest obtained a score of 16.05. Furthermore, the statistical analysis of the T-Test obtained t-count of -11.56 < t-table = 2.1009. From these results it can be concluded that there is the effect of agility training toward dribbling ability in futsal playing.
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Social Sciences (ICSS 2018), 2018
Nanggala III Natural Park is a nature conservation area which has a very important role in sustai... more Nanggala III Natural Park is a nature conservation area which has a very important role in sustaining the life of the community. Assessment of forest health in the region is essential as a tool to evaluate to evaluate this area in order to provide sustainable benefits. This study aims to assess the level of health forest in Nanggala III Natural Park using Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and remote sensing. This study uses transformation of vegetation index and field observation, while the sampling method used purposive sampling method. Indicators for assessing forest health level using analysis of vegetation index (NDVI) using Landsat 8, recorded in 2015. Zoning to determine the level of forest health based on the pixel values of image transformation vegetation index. Based on the results of data processing, it can be seen that in general, the forest area in Nanggala III Natural Park categorized in the healthy forest. Land cover is dominated by vegetation with high-density level with an area reaching 798.84 ha (82.48%), then the vegetation densities in the medium with an area of 97.74 ha (10.09%), sparse vegetation densities in the area 26.28 ha (2.71%) and non-vegetation cover (cloud and build area) amounted to 45.72 ha (4.72%).
In recent years, identity has become a critical factor in teacher training as this affects the te... more In recent years, identity has become a critical factor in teacher training as this affects the teaching practice in the classroom. However, many teachers remain confused about their identity as teachers, as persons, and as professionals who may lead to an identity crisis. This narrative study aims to discover how teachers implement their identity as a teacher in a classroom. It is employed in one of the Islamic schools in Indonesia. Interview data revealed that the teacher constructed three facets of the teacher’s identity: teacher-student relation, professionalism, and religious beliefs based on Johnston's framework. It showed that a teacher's identity is undoubtedly influenced by teachers' religious beliefs and social values, which affects the way the teacher teaches. Due to the teaching experience, there is no identity crisis and difficulties in implementing the identity. The teacher can distinguish his role as a teacher and as an individual. Findings also showed that...
The school principal has been unable to carry out his duties as a supervisor optimally, Objective... more The school principal has been unable to carry out his duties as a supervisor optimally, Objective of this research is to find out why the head of the School is not optimal in carrying out duties as supervis or . Determination of the subject using purposive sampling technique. This study uses a qualitative approach with data collection methods, namely observation, interviews and documentation. Data analysis techniques include data reduction, data presentation and verification / drawing conclusions, while checking the validity of the data is done by extending observations , observation accuracy, and triangulation. The findings in this study indicate that the principal considers the teacher to have professional competence obtained from his education, the principal considers that the implementation of supervision is not so important, and the principal himself does not know about optimal supervision. The conclusion is that the principal has not performed his duties as a supervisor optima...
Kegiatan dan pelaksanaan proyek terdiri dari bermacam proses dan prosedur yang harus diselenggara... more Kegiatan dan pelaksanaan proyek terdiri dari bermacam proses dan prosedur yang harus diselenggarakan bersama antara pihak kontraktor, konsultan dan stakeholder selaku pemegang modal. Penerapan teknologi informasi pada kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk membantu serta memudahkan pengelolaan proses anggaran belanja, inovasi, perubahan dan kebijakan-kebijakan lainnya yang bersifat strategis. Perancangan sistem informasi manajemen proyek diharapkan dapat menjadi salah satu acuan dan sumber solusi untuk permasalahan tersebut. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini dirancang dengan menggunakan metode Waterfall yang terdiri dari beberapa tahap yaitu : tahap analisa data, tahap perencanaan, tahap implementasi dan tahap pengujian. Konsep perancangan menggunakan metode object oriented dengan menggunakan UML (Unitied Modelling Languange), yang terdiri dari : Use Case Diagram, Activity Diagram dan Sequence Diagram. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah berupa rancangan sistem informasi manajemen proyek yang dise...
Wilayah pesisir Kota Makassar berkembang pesat yang ditandai dengan reklamasi laut untuk pemukima... more Wilayah pesisir Kota Makassar berkembang pesat yang ditandai dengan reklamasi laut untuk pemukiman, pusat perniagaan, industri dan pelabuhan. Aktivitas tersebut dapat menimbulkan penurunan kualitas perairan pesisir Kota Makassar. Hasil analisis kandungan logam berat Pb, Cd dan Cu pada perairan dengan metode Spektrofotometer Serapan Atom (SSA) di perairan sekitar kawasan Metro Tanjung Bunga dan muara Sungai Tallo menunjukkan, kandungan Pb di perairan sekitar kawasan Metro Tanjung Bunga 0,110 ppm dan muara Sungai Tallo 0,097 ppm. Kandungan logam berat Cd di perairan sekitar kawasan Metro Tanjung Bunga 0,030 ppm dan muara Sungai Tallo 0,729 ppm. Kandungan logam berat Cu pada perairan sekitar kawasan Metro Tanjung Bunga 0,020 ppm dan muara Sungai Tallo 0,165 ppm. Berdasarkan pedoman baku mutu air laut, kandungan logam berat pada kedua perairan tersebut berada diatas ambang batas normal. Salah satu upaya untuk mengurangi tingkat toksisitas logam berat pada perairan pesisir Kota Makassar...
Dengan rontoknya rezim orde baru telah menghantarkan Indonesia pada kondisi akan tuntuan akan per... more Dengan rontoknya rezim orde baru telah menghantarkan Indonesia pada kondisi akan tuntuan akan perubahan di sektor publik yang jauh tertinggal dibanding sektor swasta. Tuntutan itu diantaranya peningkatan partisipasi masyarakat, transparansi, dan akuntabilitas pengelolaan dana publik. NGO sebagai bagian dari sektor publik merupakan alternatif lain dalam mengisi ruang kosong pelayanan publik yang sampai saat ini belum tersentuh oleh Pemerintah dan Swasta. NGO pun perlu berbenah terutama terkait permasalahan akuntabilitas. Akuntabiltas pada organisasi NGO merupakan hal yang substansial namun masih menjadi suatu pertanyaan dan permasalahan tersendiri mengenai bagaimana akuntabilitas NGO itu sebenarnya dan mengapa masyarakat tertarik akan hal tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bentuk dan praktek akuntansi yang diterapkan dan dipahami organisasi Himmatun Ayat sebagai wujud akuntabilitas terhadap masyarakat, dan pendonor, serta informasi tentang implementasi PSAK 45 pada o...
This study aimed at determining the contribution of leg muscle power, abdominal muscle strength, ... more This study aimed at determining the contribution of leg muscle power, abdominal muscle strength, and flexibility towards heading results of the students in Football River School Natar. The method used descriptive correlational because the basic aim of this research was to determine the contribution of relation among the variables. The population was all the football players of Football River School Natar consisting of 28 students. Total sampling used to take the sample. The results showed that leg muscle power contributes 45.2%; abdominal muscle strength contributes 51.2%; flexibility contributes 58%; leg muscle power, abdominal muscle strength, and flexibility contribute 67.4%. It can be concluded that leg muscle power, abdominal muscle strength, and flexibility have contributed significantly towards heading results of the students in Football River School Natar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui besarnya kontribusi power otot tungkai, kekuatan otot perut dan kelentukan ter...
Nyamuk merupakan salah satu serangga ditimpakan kepada orang-orang yang disebabkan oleh pard memi... more Nyamuk merupakan salah satu serangga ditimpakan kepada orang-orang yang disebabkan oleh pard memimpin dalam berbagai penyakit tak terlukiskan seperti malaria, demam berdarah dan cikungunya. Nyamuk adalah membawa masalah bagi ruang hidup terutama di daerah penurunan sanitasi banjir tersebut. Pencegahan penyakit yang disebabkan oleh nyamuk telah dilakukan dengan banyak cara antara lain dengan menggunakan insektisida seperti DDT, BHC, dll Insektisida memungkinkan untuk menyebabkan keracunan bagi manusia dan makhluk hidup lain. Menggunakan insektisida yang tidak terkontrol akan memberikan kompleks risiko tinggi. Ini adalah ide yang baik untuk mendapatkan metode alternatif yang lebih baik. Gelombang ultrasonik memilih sebagai metode alternatif untuk efektivitas dan ramah lingkungan. Fokus penelitian telah dilakukan untuk memiliki frekuensi gelombang ultrasonik optimal mematikan yang disebabkan persentase tertinggi dan untuk mendapatkan dosis atau kepadatan volume energi gelombang ultraso...
10th International Conference on Adaptative Modeling and Simulation, 2021
The Face-Centred finite volume (FCFV), which stems from a mixed-formulation of the Discontinuous ... more The Face-Centred finite volume (FCFV), which stems from a mixed-formulation of the Discontinuous Galerkin (DG) methods, is presented for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. The main feature of the FCFV formulation is the definition of the solution at the centre of cell faces. In contrast, existing Cell-Centred (CCFV) and Vertex-Centred (VCFV) finite volume formulations available in many CFD require the reconstruction of gradients at the cell faces. As a consequence, those technologies experience suboptimal convergence when the grid is distorted or stretched [4-6]. On the contrary, the FCFV achieves first-order accuracy for the solution and its gradient without the need of flux reconstruction. Hence, FCFV preserves its accuracy irrespective of grid stretching or distortion [1-3]. From an industrial perspective, this flexibility in mesh generation is a critical aspect in face of the complex geometric configurations to be studied in CFD problems. Furthermore, the FCFV formulation naturally circumvents the need for pressure correction strategies to deal with the velocity-pressure coupling in incompressible flow problems. The capabilities of the FCFV for the simulation of incompressible Navier-Stokes equations will be presented via numerical experiments involving both academic and industrial benchmarks.
Budapest International Research and Critics Institute (BIRCI-Journal): Humanities and Social Sciences, 2020
This study aims to analyze the effect of employee competence on increasing employee motivation in... more This study aims to analyze the effect of employee competence on increasing employee motivation in Sumut Bank of Sharia Unit, North Sumatera. This research uses descriptive and verification methods. The place of research was conducted at Sumut Bank of Sharia Unit, North Sumatera. Considering the nature of this research is descriptive and verification, the research method used is descriptive survey and explanatory survey method. The type of investigation in this research is causality, which is testing the causal relationship between independent variables, intervening variables, moderating variables and dependent variables. The unit of analysis in this study is the employees at Sumut Bank of Sharia Unit, North Sumatera. The result shows that Competence in Sumut Bank of Sharia Unit, North Sumatera is perceived as poor to good. The highest average value is an indicator of the ability of employees to express narratives, meaning that employees actually have the ability to carry out their d...
Alif lām mīm )الم( merupakan fawātiḥ As-suwar berupa al-aḥruf almuqaṭṭa'ah yang diperdebatkan o... more Alif lām mīm )الم( merupakan fawātiḥ As-suwar berupa al-aḥruf almuqaṭṭa'ah yang diperdebatkan oleh para mufasir. Mayoritas mufasir tidak menafsirkan lafadz tersebut, kecuali dengan kata wallahu 'alam. Meski begitu tetap ada sebagian mufasir yang berupaya mentakwilkannya, sepertihalnya Ar-raziy dan Ibnu 'Arabi. Upaya itu juga berlaku di Nusantara sebagaimana yang dilakukan oleh Kyai Shalih Darat dalam tafsirnya Faiḍ Al-rahmān fi Tarjamah al-Kalām al-Mālik Al-Daiyyān. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa dalam menafsirkan lafadz alif lām mīm, Kyai Shalih Darat banyak dipengaruhi oleh pemikiran Ibnu Arabi dan al-Razī, sehingga menafsirkan ayat tersebut dalam dua versi. Pertama, alif mengisyaratkan wujud pertama (al-wujud al-awwual) yaitu Allah, lām mengisyaratkan wujud tengah (al-wujud al-mutawassiṭ) yaitu Jibril, sedangkan mīm mengisyaratkan wujud terakhir, yaitu Muhammamad. Versi kedua, alif mengisyaratkan ilmu syari'at, lām mengisyaratkan ilmu thariqah dan mīm menginyaratkan ilmu hakikat.
Compatibilidad in vitro de Trichoderma spp. con fungicidas de uso común en cacao (Theobroma cacao... more Compatibilidad in vitro de Trichoderma spp. con fungicidas de uso común en cacao (Theobroma cacao L.) In vitro compatibility of Trichoderma spp. with fungicides commonly used in cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.
Altitude sickness in climbers and efficacy of NSAIDs trial (ASCENT): randomized, controlled, tria... more Altitude sickness in climbers and efficacy of NSAIDs trial (ASCENT): randomized, controlled, trial of ibuprofen versus placebo for prevention of altitude illness. Wilderness Environ Med. 2012; 23:307-315. 7. Gertsch JH, Lipman GS, Holck PS, et al. Prospective, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled comparison of acetazolamide versus ibuprofen for prophylaxis against high altitude headache: the headache evaluation at altitude trial (HEAT).
Abstract: This dissertation creates models of past potential vegetation in the Southern Levant du... more Abstract: This dissertation creates models of past potential vegetation in the Southern Levant during most of the Holocene, from the beginnings of farming through the rise of urbanized civilization (12 to 2.5 ka BP). The time scale encompasses the rise and collapse of the ...
Latar belakang dari penelitian ini adalah teknologi, seperti mesin pendingin ,saat ini adalah bag... more Latar belakang dari penelitian ini adalah teknologi, seperti mesin pendingin ,saat ini adalah bagian penting dalam kehidupan kita sehari-hari, terlebih kita tinggal di negara yang beriklim tropis. Mesin showcase dibutuhkan untuk pendinginan makanan dan minuman, penyimpanan dan distribusi makanan, proses kimia yang memerlukan pendinginan.. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan pengelolaan (R-12) dengan (R-134a) pada mesin showcase pendingin penyimpan bahan makanan dan minuman dan untuk mengetahui unjuk kerja (COP), dan efisiensi mesin pendingin yang menggunakan refrigeran (R-12) dengan refrigeran (R-134a). Mesin yang diteliti merupakan mesin showcase pendingin dengan siklus kompresi uap. Variasi penelitian yang dipakai adalah jenis refrigeran, yaitu R-134a dan R-12. Pada penelitian pertama, showcase dialiri refrigeran R-134a dan diuji sebanyak 5 kali dalam 5 hari selama 300 menit. Pada penelitian kedua,refrigeran diganti menjadi R-12 dan diuji sebanyak 5 kali dalam 5 hari selama 300 menit. Hasil Penelitian memberi kesimpulan (a)) showcase berhasil dibuat dan bekerja dengan baik, (b) Koefisien prestasi ideal (COP ideal) R134a hampir sama dengan R-12. Efisiensi showcase untuk R134a lebih unggul dibanding R-12.
E-Jurnal Physical Education, Sport, Health and Recreation, 2020
Futsal is a popular game for all people in the world. It needed agility technique to drib the bal... more Futsal is a popular game for all people in the world. It needed agility technique to drib the ball. The purpose of study was to find the effect of agility training on dribbling ability for futsal beginner player. The study used quantitative approach using experimental one group. The study gave the treatment for futsal beginner. It did in futsal club Bengkulu. The data was taken from the agility test in dribbling playing (pre-test and post-test). The technique of data analysis used t-test paired two sample for means. The result of finding shows that the average of pretest score obtained a score of 11.95, while average of posttest obtained a score of 16.05. Furthermore, the statistical analysis of the T-Test obtained t-count of -11.56 < t-table = 2.1009. From these results it can be concluded that there is the effect of agility training toward dribbling ability in futsal playing.
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Social Sciences (ICSS 2018), 2018
Nanggala III Natural Park is a nature conservation area which has a very important role in sustai... more Nanggala III Natural Park is a nature conservation area which has a very important role in sustaining the life of the community. Assessment of forest health in the region is essential as a tool to evaluate to evaluate this area in order to provide sustainable benefits. This study aims to assess the level of health forest in Nanggala III Natural Park using Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and remote sensing. This study uses transformation of vegetation index and field observation, while the sampling method used purposive sampling method. Indicators for assessing forest health level using analysis of vegetation index (NDVI) using Landsat 8, recorded in 2015. Zoning to determine the level of forest health based on the pixel values of image transformation vegetation index. Based on the results of data processing, it can be seen that in general, the forest area in Nanggala III Natural Park categorized in the healthy forest. Land cover is dominated by vegetation with high-density level with an area reaching 798.84 ha (82.48%), then the vegetation densities in the medium with an area of 97.74 ha (10.09%), sparse vegetation densities in the area 26.28 ha (2.71%) and non-vegetation cover (cloud and build area) amounted to 45.72 ha (4.72%).
In recent years, identity has become a critical factor in teacher training as this affects the te... more In recent years, identity has become a critical factor in teacher training as this affects the teaching practice in the classroom. However, many teachers remain confused about their identity as teachers, as persons, and as professionals who may lead to an identity crisis. This narrative study aims to discover how teachers implement their identity as a teacher in a classroom. It is employed in one of the Islamic schools in Indonesia. Interview data revealed that the teacher constructed three facets of the teacher’s identity: teacher-student relation, professionalism, and religious beliefs based on Johnston's framework. It showed that a teacher's identity is undoubtedly influenced by teachers' religious beliefs and social values, which affects the way the teacher teaches. Due to the teaching experience, there is no identity crisis and difficulties in implementing the identity. The teacher can distinguish his role as a teacher and as an individual. Findings also showed that...
The school principal has been unable to carry out his duties as a supervisor optimally, Objective... more The school principal has been unable to carry out his duties as a supervisor optimally, Objective of this research is to find out why the head of the School is not optimal in carrying out duties as supervis or . Determination of the subject using purposive sampling technique. This study uses a qualitative approach with data collection methods, namely observation, interviews and documentation. Data analysis techniques include data reduction, data presentation and verification / drawing conclusions, while checking the validity of the data is done by extending observations , observation accuracy, and triangulation. The findings in this study indicate that the principal considers the teacher to have professional competence obtained from his education, the principal considers that the implementation of supervision is not so important, and the principal himself does not know about optimal supervision. The conclusion is that the principal has not performed his duties as a supervisor optima...
Kegiatan dan pelaksanaan proyek terdiri dari bermacam proses dan prosedur yang harus diselenggara... more Kegiatan dan pelaksanaan proyek terdiri dari bermacam proses dan prosedur yang harus diselenggarakan bersama antara pihak kontraktor, konsultan dan stakeholder selaku pemegang modal. Penerapan teknologi informasi pada kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk membantu serta memudahkan pengelolaan proses anggaran belanja, inovasi, perubahan dan kebijakan-kebijakan lainnya yang bersifat strategis. Perancangan sistem informasi manajemen proyek diharapkan dapat menjadi salah satu acuan dan sumber solusi untuk permasalahan tersebut. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini dirancang dengan menggunakan metode Waterfall yang terdiri dari beberapa tahap yaitu : tahap analisa data, tahap perencanaan, tahap implementasi dan tahap pengujian. Konsep perancangan menggunakan metode object oriented dengan menggunakan UML (Unitied Modelling Languange), yang terdiri dari : Use Case Diagram, Activity Diagram dan Sequence Diagram. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah berupa rancangan sistem informasi manajemen proyek yang dise...
Wilayah pesisir Kota Makassar berkembang pesat yang ditandai dengan reklamasi laut untuk pemukima... more Wilayah pesisir Kota Makassar berkembang pesat yang ditandai dengan reklamasi laut untuk pemukiman, pusat perniagaan, industri dan pelabuhan. Aktivitas tersebut dapat menimbulkan penurunan kualitas perairan pesisir Kota Makassar. Hasil analisis kandungan logam berat Pb, Cd dan Cu pada perairan dengan metode Spektrofotometer Serapan Atom (SSA) di perairan sekitar kawasan Metro Tanjung Bunga dan muara Sungai Tallo menunjukkan, kandungan Pb di perairan sekitar kawasan Metro Tanjung Bunga 0,110 ppm dan muara Sungai Tallo 0,097 ppm. Kandungan logam berat Cd di perairan sekitar kawasan Metro Tanjung Bunga 0,030 ppm dan muara Sungai Tallo 0,729 ppm. Kandungan logam berat Cu pada perairan sekitar kawasan Metro Tanjung Bunga 0,020 ppm dan muara Sungai Tallo 0,165 ppm. Berdasarkan pedoman baku mutu air laut, kandungan logam berat pada kedua perairan tersebut berada diatas ambang batas normal. Salah satu upaya untuk mengurangi tingkat toksisitas logam berat pada perairan pesisir Kota Makassar...
Dengan rontoknya rezim orde baru telah menghantarkan Indonesia pada kondisi akan tuntuan akan per... more Dengan rontoknya rezim orde baru telah menghantarkan Indonesia pada kondisi akan tuntuan akan perubahan di sektor publik yang jauh tertinggal dibanding sektor swasta. Tuntutan itu diantaranya peningkatan partisipasi masyarakat, transparansi, dan akuntabilitas pengelolaan dana publik. NGO sebagai bagian dari sektor publik merupakan alternatif lain dalam mengisi ruang kosong pelayanan publik yang sampai saat ini belum tersentuh oleh Pemerintah dan Swasta. NGO pun perlu berbenah terutama terkait permasalahan akuntabilitas. Akuntabiltas pada organisasi NGO merupakan hal yang substansial namun masih menjadi suatu pertanyaan dan permasalahan tersendiri mengenai bagaimana akuntabilitas NGO itu sebenarnya dan mengapa masyarakat tertarik akan hal tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bentuk dan praktek akuntansi yang diterapkan dan dipahami organisasi Himmatun Ayat sebagai wujud akuntabilitas terhadap masyarakat, dan pendonor, serta informasi tentang implementasi PSAK 45 pada o...
This study aimed at determining the contribution of leg muscle power, abdominal muscle strength, ... more This study aimed at determining the contribution of leg muscle power, abdominal muscle strength, and flexibility towards heading results of the students in Football River School Natar. The method used descriptive correlational because the basic aim of this research was to determine the contribution of relation among the variables. The population was all the football players of Football River School Natar consisting of 28 students. Total sampling used to take the sample. The results showed that leg muscle power contributes 45.2%; abdominal muscle strength contributes 51.2%; flexibility contributes 58%; leg muscle power, abdominal muscle strength, and flexibility contribute 67.4%. It can be concluded that leg muscle power, abdominal muscle strength, and flexibility have contributed significantly towards heading results of the students in Football River School Natar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui besarnya kontribusi power otot tungkai, kekuatan otot perut dan kelentukan ter...
Nyamuk merupakan salah satu serangga ditimpakan kepada orang-orang yang disebabkan oleh pard memi... more Nyamuk merupakan salah satu serangga ditimpakan kepada orang-orang yang disebabkan oleh pard memimpin dalam berbagai penyakit tak terlukiskan seperti malaria, demam berdarah dan cikungunya. Nyamuk adalah membawa masalah bagi ruang hidup terutama di daerah penurunan sanitasi banjir tersebut. Pencegahan penyakit yang disebabkan oleh nyamuk telah dilakukan dengan banyak cara antara lain dengan menggunakan insektisida seperti DDT, BHC, dll Insektisida memungkinkan untuk menyebabkan keracunan bagi manusia dan makhluk hidup lain. Menggunakan insektisida yang tidak terkontrol akan memberikan kompleks risiko tinggi. Ini adalah ide yang baik untuk mendapatkan metode alternatif yang lebih baik. Gelombang ultrasonik memilih sebagai metode alternatif untuk efektivitas dan ramah lingkungan. Fokus penelitian telah dilakukan untuk memiliki frekuensi gelombang ultrasonik optimal mematikan yang disebabkan persentase tertinggi dan untuk mendapatkan dosis atau kepadatan volume energi gelombang ultraso...
10th International Conference on Adaptative Modeling and Simulation, 2021
The Face-Centred finite volume (FCFV), which stems from a mixed-formulation of the Discontinuous ... more The Face-Centred finite volume (FCFV), which stems from a mixed-formulation of the Discontinuous Galerkin (DG) methods, is presented for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. The main feature of the FCFV formulation is the definition of the solution at the centre of cell faces. In contrast, existing Cell-Centred (CCFV) and Vertex-Centred (VCFV) finite volume formulations available in many CFD require the reconstruction of gradients at the cell faces. As a consequence, those technologies experience suboptimal convergence when the grid is distorted or stretched [4-6]. On the contrary, the FCFV achieves first-order accuracy for the solution and its gradient without the need of flux reconstruction. Hence, FCFV preserves its accuracy irrespective of grid stretching or distortion [1-3]. From an industrial perspective, this flexibility in mesh generation is a critical aspect in face of the complex geometric configurations to be studied in CFD problems. Furthermore, the FCFV formulation naturally circumvents the need for pressure correction strategies to deal with the velocity-pressure coupling in incompressible flow problems. The capabilities of the FCFV for the simulation of incompressible Navier-Stokes equations will be presented via numerical experiments involving both academic and industrial benchmarks.
Budapest International Research and Critics Institute (BIRCI-Journal): Humanities and Social Sciences, 2020
This study aims to analyze the effect of employee competence on increasing employee motivation in... more This study aims to analyze the effect of employee competence on increasing employee motivation in Sumut Bank of Sharia Unit, North Sumatera. This research uses descriptive and verification methods. The place of research was conducted at Sumut Bank of Sharia Unit, North Sumatera. Considering the nature of this research is descriptive and verification, the research method used is descriptive survey and explanatory survey method. The type of investigation in this research is causality, which is testing the causal relationship between independent variables, intervening variables, moderating variables and dependent variables. The unit of analysis in this study is the employees at Sumut Bank of Sharia Unit, North Sumatera. The result shows that Competence in Sumut Bank of Sharia Unit, North Sumatera is perceived as poor to good. The highest average value is an indicator of the ability of employees to express narratives, meaning that employees actually have the ability to carry out their d...
Alif lām mīm )الم( merupakan fawātiḥ As-suwar berupa al-aḥruf almuqaṭṭa'ah yang diperdebatkan o... more Alif lām mīm )الم( merupakan fawātiḥ As-suwar berupa al-aḥruf almuqaṭṭa'ah yang diperdebatkan oleh para mufasir. Mayoritas mufasir tidak menafsirkan lafadz tersebut, kecuali dengan kata wallahu 'alam. Meski begitu tetap ada sebagian mufasir yang berupaya mentakwilkannya, sepertihalnya Ar-raziy dan Ibnu 'Arabi. Upaya itu juga berlaku di Nusantara sebagaimana yang dilakukan oleh Kyai Shalih Darat dalam tafsirnya Faiḍ Al-rahmān fi Tarjamah al-Kalām al-Mālik Al-Daiyyān. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa dalam menafsirkan lafadz alif lām mīm, Kyai Shalih Darat banyak dipengaruhi oleh pemikiran Ibnu Arabi dan al-Razī, sehingga menafsirkan ayat tersebut dalam dua versi. Pertama, alif mengisyaratkan wujud pertama (al-wujud al-awwual) yaitu Allah, lām mengisyaratkan wujud tengah (al-wujud al-mutawassiṭ) yaitu Jibril, sedangkan mīm mengisyaratkan wujud terakhir, yaitu Muhammamad. Versi kedua, alif mengisyaratkan ilmu syari'at, lām mengisyaratkan ilmu thariqah dan mīm menginyaratkan ilmu hakikat.
Compatibilidad in vitro de Trichoderma spp. con fungicidas de uso común en cacao (Theobroma cacao... more Compatibilidad in vitro de Trichoderma spp. con fungicidas de uso común en cacao (Theobroma cacao L.) In vitro compatibility of Trichoderma spp. with fungicides commonly used in cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.
Altitude sickness in climbers and efficacy of NSAIDs trial (ASCENT): randomized, controlled, tria... more Altitude sickness in climbers and efficacy of NSAIDs trial (ASCENT): randomized, controlled, trial of ibuprofen versus placebo for prevention of altitude illness. Wilderness Environ Med. 2012; 23:307-315. 7. Gertsch JH, Lipman GS, Holck PS, et al. Prospective, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled comparison of acetazolamide versus ibuprofen for prophylaxis against high altitude headache: the headache evaluation at altitude trial (HEAT).
Abstract: This dissertation creates models of past potential vegetation in the Southern Levant du... more Abstract: This dissertation creates models of past potential vegetation in the Southern Levant during most of the Holocene, from the beginnings of farming through the rise of urbanized civilization (12 to 2.5 ka BP). The time scale encompasses the rise and collapse of the ...
Papers by Heru Setiawan