Papers by Nina Clara Tiesler

Sprache, Flucht, Migration, 2019
Die Grundlage des Beitrags bilden drei in den 1990er-Jahren in Israel erhobene narrative Intervie... more Die Grundlage des Beitrags bilden drei in den 1990er-Jahren in Israel erhobene narrative Interviews mit ehemaligen Emigrant_innen, die zwischen 1932 und 1945 aus deutschsprachigen Gebieten Europas nach Palästina auswanderten. Ihre Lebensgeschichten zeigen, wie Migrationen aufgrund von Bedrohung und Verfolgung die Geschichte Europas schon in der ersten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts geprägt haben. Eine Metaphernanalyse der Interviews offenbart verschiedene Aspekte der komplexen Beziehung der Interviewten zur Erfahrung der (erzwungenen) Migration und zu den damit verbundenen Emotionen, allen voran den Aspekt des traumatischen Bruchs und der Angst sowie das Gefühl des Bedroht-Seins. Wiederkehrende metaphorische Phraseologismen wie auch die Wiedergabe nationalsozialistischer Parolen weisen zudem darauf hin, dass diese kulturell und gesellschaftlich verankerte Sinnstrukturen verdichten.
Yearbook of Muslims in Europe, Volume 2
Yearbook of Muslims in Europe, Volume 3, 2011

Etnográfica: Revista do Centro em Rede de Investigação em Antropologia, 2012
O artigo serve de introdução ao dossiê "Futebol e emigração portuguesa", proporcionando... more O artigo serve de introdução ao dossiê "Futebol e emigração portuguesa", proporcionando uma visão comparativa das conclusões do projeto de investigação internacional Diasbola, dedicado ao papel do futebol entre emigrantes portugueses e luso-descendentes de oito contextos diaspóricos. O objetivo foi caracterizar o futebol em comparação com outros elementos culturais utilizados pelos migrantes como meios de ligação ao seu país de origem, em processos de construção de comunidade e performance de "portugalidade". Partimos da hipótese de que o futebol, que constitui um importante fenómeno sociocultural na sociedade portuguesa, representa um elemento particularmente poderoso na vida cultural quotidiana dos emigrantes, bem como um ponto de referência crucial na ligação destes ao seu local de origem. Sustentados por material etnográfico, os resultados da investigação confirmam claramente esta hipótese, mas contradizem a sua conotação algo restrita ou unilateral: embora a...
Muslims at the Margins of Europe
Análise Social, 2005
Desde o final da segunda guerra mundial, a migracao laboral, a descolonizacao, os objectivos educ... more Desde o final da segunda guerra mundial, a migracao laboral, a descolonizacao, os objectivos educacionais, a fuga de zonas de crise e da pobreza economica, geraram uma vaga crescente de imigracao de paises de maioria muculma

ABSTRACT Agergaard, S. & N.C. Tiesler In recent years women’s soccer has enjoyed a boom i... more ABSTRACT Agergaard, S. & N.C. Tiesler In recent years women’s soccer has enjoyed a boom in participation and it is now undergoing significant growth in participation and organization, worldwide (FIFA 2007). The number of players has more than doubled since the year 2000 and has surpassed 29 million girls and women playing soccer (FIFA 2013). Besides its increasing popularity among participants the game has also experienced a growth in economic support, an expansion of well-organized leagues in several countries and increase in media coverage, advertising and sponsorship. Still, working as a professional or semi-professional women’s soccer player is only possible in around 30 out of the currently 123 FIFA-listed women’s soccer countries (see chapter 3). This means that talented and skilled women soccer players in most countries need to leave their home in order to become professionals (Tiesler 2012b: 113). Our initial studies suggest that international mobility in women’s soccer (particularly of players but also coaches) has increased substantially in recent years, expanding beyond traditional geographic limits and assuming globalized characteristics (Agergaard and Botelho 2010; Botelho and Agergaard 2011; Tiesler 2012a, 2012b). While the first professional soccer league for women in the USA (WUSA) and its follow-up WPS (Women’s Professional Soccer), leagues in the biggest receiving country, had accounted for up to 30 percent of migrant players, the percentages of foreigners in the preferred countries of destination in Europe, such as Sweden, Germany, England and Russia, made up on average between 19 and 23 percent of league players in the seasons 2007/08 and 2008/09 (Tiesler 2010: 5). In single premier league clubs in the European core countries, such as Germany and Sweden, migrants constitute anywhere between 36 to 50 percent of league players (team rosters 2010/11). Very little, however, is known about the ways in which these migratory processes have developed. Which are the main trends and patterns concerning the international mobility of women soccer players? Why do different areas come to appear as centers and peripheries? What is specific about women’s soccer migration in comparison to related areas of studies, such as women’s and youth migration, male sports migration and migration of the highly skilled? What can we learn more generally, at a conceptual level, from studying this specific subject area? [...]
The international mobility of women’s soccer players has increased substantially in recent years.... more The international mobility of women’s soccer players has increased substantially in recent years. For instance the percentage of national team players playing in clubs abroad grew from 13 percent among the squads participating at the 2008 Olympic Games (Tiesler 2012a) to 26.6 percent at the 2012 Olympic Games. Very little, however, is known about the main trends and patterns in the international mobility of women soccer players. Which countries are involved? How do the streams of emigration and immigration evolve? And how may we develop new insights into fluxes in sports labor migration by taking a transnational perspective?
Resum o A Europa comporta hoje cerca de 15 milhoes de muculmanos, 30 mil dos quais em Portugal. D... more Resum o A Europa comporta hoje cerca de 15 milhoes de muculmanos, 30 mil dos quais em Portugal. Durante as ultimas decadas, os muculmanos da Europa moderna revelaram capacidades notaveis na construcao de comunidades e nos processos de institucionalizacao. Ou seja, adoptaram certos habitos e padroes europeus, mantendo ao mesmo tempo costumes e padroes religiosos e culturais que diferem da cultura dominante. Isso tambem se aplica aos muculmanos de Portugal. Trabalhando alguns dos factores que afectaram a relacao entre a minoria muculmana e a sociedade dominante, tentarei desenhar uma imagem mais pormenorizada da NPI em Portugal. Palavras-chave Muculmanos, minorias religiosas, integracao e marginalizacao, classes medias
While recent immigration from Muslim countries contributes to the diversification of Islamic life... more While recent immigration from Muslim countries contributes to the diversification of Islamic life in Portugal, postcolonial people of Indian-Mozambican background continue playing a key role in Islamic association work. One example is the Youth Association of the Islamic Community (CilJovem) in Lisbon, which gets more engaged in Muslim activities at the international level since 9/11. A study which compares cultural attitudes of these young Portuguese Sunnites with those of non-Muslim peers reveals: Islam and Muslim-ness are important matters; they are deeply attached to their home country and 'mainstream Portuguese' .

Resumo Alemao Die Erfahrung von Heimatlosigkeit, begrundet im Verlust der Einheit der Gesellschaf... more Resumo Alemao Die Erfahrung von Heimatlosigkeit, begrundet im Verlust der Einheit der Gesellschaft, scheint im Zeitalter internationaler Migrationen universell. Offen gestellt wird die Frage nach Heimat im aktuellen Diaspora-Diskurs, der sich seit 1989 auserhalb der traditionell mit Religion befassten Disziplinen entwickelte. Mit kritischem Blick auf begriffliche Verluste beschreibt der vorliegende Beitrag die enorme Konjunktur von Diaspora-Konzepten in den Sozialwissenschaften, u.a. am Beispiel der Diskurse uber Muslime im heutigen Europa. Abstract English In the era of international migration, the experience of homelessness, deriving from the loss of the myth of cultural and ethno-linguistically singularity in contemporary societies, seems to become an universal phenomenon. Questions of home and belonging are key issues in the current discourses on Diaspora which, since the turning point of 1989, developed beyond those academic disciplines concerned with religion. At taking a crit...

When studying the social phenomena in and around football, five major elements and consequences o... more When studying the social phenomena in and around football, five major elements and consequences of globalization processes become evident, namely international migration, the global flow of capital, the syncretistic nature of tradition and modernity in contemporary culture, new experiences of time and space and the revolutionary development in information technologies. In an exploration of these themes, 14 international scholars have contributed to this special issue of Soccer and Society, which presents the results of a one-year-project of inspiring discussion among authors and editors and of its final international conference held in Lisbon in May 2006 . [ 11 It looks at football as a major social, economic and cultural phenomenon in societies and national contexts as diverse as Portugal, Germany, England, Spain, Brazil, Angola, Mozambique, China, Japan, South Korea, Russia and the USA . In examining football-related phenomena under the headings of nations and migration, myths and...
2 This number is arrived at by cross-referencing of data from the Aliens and Borders Service (Ser... more 2 This number is arrived at by cross-referencing of data from the Aliens and Borders Service (Serviço de Estrangeiros e Fronteiras, SEF) and estimates from within the community. Pakistanis use to live in the centre of and near Lisbon (Odivelas), as well as in Porto. No significant research has so far been carried out about/among this population. 3 This number is arrived at by cross-referencing data from the SEF (3,000 individuals), and data provided by the Consulate of Bangladesh in Lisbon (4,500). The number 4,000 corresponds with the estimates made by researchers with ethnographic field experience. Bangladeshis mostly live in the centre of Lisbon, but also in and around Porto.
Page 1. Nina Clara Tiesler uslime in Europa Religion und Identitätspolitiken unter veränderten ge... more Page 1. Nina Clara Tiesler uslime in Europa Religion und Identitätspolitiken unter veränderten gesellschaftlichen Verhältnissen Politik & Kultur Page 2. Page 3. Nina Clara Tiesler Muslime in Europa On 02Y8-13E-B9JK Page 4. Politik & Kultur BandS LIT Page 5. ...

Análise Social, 2006
Le football est, sans nul doute, un phenomene omnipresent dans la dimension publique (mais aussi ... more Le football est, sans nul doute, un phenomene omnipresent dans la dimension publique (mais aussi privee) de la vie portugaise. On peut meme parler de la «footballisation» de la societe portugaise, et nombreux sont les critiques de l'hegemonie culturelle du football et de ses rapports etroits avec la politique. Paradoxalement, cette profonde popularite et cette centralite sociale du football au Portugal coexistent avec une realite contraire: les niveaux d'assistance au jeux «sur place» sont etonnamment faibles. L'article souligne et analyse quelques particularites de la formation sociale du football au Portugal, justement a partir de ces realites apparemment paradoxales. Se penchant sur les donnees disponibles en matiere d'assistance dans les stades portugais au cours des trois dernieres decennies, mais en se referant toujours aux contextes historiques respectifs, les auteurs indiquent et developpent six facteurs/arguments qui pourraient aider a expliquer ce paradoxe ...
While recent immigration from Muslim countries contributes to the diversification of Islamic life... more While recent immigration from Muslim countries contributes to the diversification of Islamic life in Portugal, postcolonial people of Indian-Mozambican background continue playing a key role in Islamic association work. One example is the Youth Association of the Islamic Community (CilJovem) in Lisbon, which gets more engaged in Muslim activities at the international level since 9/11. A study which compares cultural attitudes of these young Portuguese Sunnites with those of non-Muslim peers reveals: Islam and Muslim-ness are important matters; they are deeply attached to their home country and ‘mainstream Portuguese’.
Women, Soccer and Transnational Migration
Papers by Nina Clara Tiesler
Organization Prof. Dr. Mathias Bös, PD Dr. Nina Clara Tiesler, Deborah Sielert
Institute of Sociology, Leibniz University of Hannover
Email to: [email protected]
Venue Hannover, Leibnizhaus
Date THU, 14.12.2017 and FRI, 15.12.2017
Approaching Ethnoheterogenesis: Membership, Ethnicity, and Social Change in Contemporary Societies
Organization Prof. Dr. Mathias Bös, PD Dr. Nina Clara Tiesler, Deborah Sielert
Institute of Sociology, Leibniz University of Hannover
Email to: [email protected]
Venue Hannover Leibnizhaus
Date THU, 14.12.2017 and FRI, 15.12.2017