Papers by Christine Schwarz
Anlässlich des 50. Bandes der Buchreihe der Gesellschaft für Medien in der Wissenschaft ziehen di... more Anlässlich des 50. Bandes der Buchreihe der Gesellschaft für Medien in der Wissenschaft ziehen die Autoren im Vorwort des Sammelwerkes zur Geschichte und zum Thema des E-Learning Zwischenbilanz. Unter den Schwerpunkten E-Learning-Förderung (1.), Didaktik (2.), Sicht der Anwender (3.), Institution Hochschule (4.) und Visionen fassen sie die Inhalte der einzelnen Beiträge des Buches zusammen. (DIPF/ ssch.)
Diese Zwischenbilanz zum E-Learning enthält folgende Schwerpunkte: (I) Förderung von E-Learning: ... more Diese Zwischenbilanz zum E-Learning enthält folgende Schwerpunkte: (I) Förderung von E-Learning: Was führt zum Erfolg? Wer definiert den Erfolg?, (II) Im Dienst der Didaktik? Welche Rolle spielt die Technik?, (III) E-Learning aus Sicht der Anwender, (IV) Die Perspektive der Hochschule als Institution. (DIPF/paul)
This paper reflects the changing notion of the Virtual University and its realization. We introdu... more This paper reflects the changing notion of the Virtual University and its realization. We introduce an approach from the Sociology of Science and Technology (STS) which analyses the construction of the "student as a user" as seen through the "eyes of designers". We ask how social relations are built into technological artefacts. In showing how socio-technical developments transcend sometimes contradict and various notions of "the student" we discuss difficulties and chances of bridging the gap between designers of e-learning-artefacts and its assumed addresses. (DIPF/Orig.)
Sprache – Bildung – Geschlecht

This article refl ects on the relationship between evaluation and trust. Evaluation has become pr... more This article refl ects on the relationship between evaluation and trust. Evaluation has become prominent in recent years as a way to control administrative action. The underlying assumption here is that administrative action, e.g. in the form of publicly funded programmes, requires control in order to gain or sustain its legitimacy. Two case studies of programmes of higher education reform in Germany, initiating so-called ‘virtual universities’, are used to investigate how stakeholders experienced evaluation. Informants argued that there was too much evaluation, that confusion and competition arose about the roles of evaluation, and that little instrumental use occurred. This situation caused frustration and begs the question whether evaluation, intended to increase trust through systematic and transparent inquiry and rational decision-making, contradicted its own claims. It is argued that evaluation can be endangered by ‘inverse process use’ or ‘process damage’.
»In den Untergrund gehen: das Verschmelzen von Kooperation und Widerstand«. This article connects... more »In den Untergrund gehen: das Verschmelzen von Kooperation und Widerstand«. This article connects insights about the dynamics of resistance from sociology of critique with critical management research. This connection will highlight that silent and hardly visible forms of protest need more attention from social research. Taking an interview sequence as a source, aspects of analyzing micro-resistance are developed. Explanations and justifications of how to deal with management practices show a coexistence of both, resistance and collaboration. The ensuing kind of identity regulation obviously makes management systems work together with individuals who try to stay capable of action. These insights challenge established concepts of critique in social research.
Empfohlene Zitierung / Suggested Citation: Bender, G., Bieber, D., Hielscher, V., Marschall, J., ... more Empfohlene Zitierung / Suggested Citation: Bender, G., Bieber, D., Hielscher, V., Marschall, J., Ochs, P., & Vaut, S. (2006). Evaluation der Maßnahmen zur Umsetzung der Vorschläge der Hartz-Kommission: Arbeitspaket 2, Organisatorischer Umbau der Bundesagentur für Arbeit ; Evaluationsbericht 2006. (Forschungsbericht / Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales, F356g). Saarbrücken: ISO Institut für Sozialforschung und Sozialwirtschaft e.V..
Formalität und Informalität in Organisationen, 2014
Standig horen wir, dass Organisationen gestaltet werden mussen. Doch warum Veranderungsprojekte m... more Standig horen wir, dass Organisationen gestaltet werden mussen. Doch warum Veranderungsprojekte manchmal nicht gelingen – oder zumindest nicht so, wie es meist vermittelt wird – daruber wird zumindest offiziell weitestgehend geschwiegen.

Evaluation, 2007
This article reflects on the relationship between evaluation and trust. Evaluation has become pro... more This article reflects on the relationship between evaluation and trust. Evaluation has become prominent in recent years as a way to control administrative action.The underlying assumption here is that administrative action, e.g. in the form of publicly funded programmes, requires control in order to gain or sustain its legitimacy.Two case studies of programmes of higher education reform in Germany, initiating so-called `virtual universities', are used to investigate how stakeholders experienced evaluation. Informants argued that there was too much evaluation, that confusion and competition arose about the roles of evaluation, and that little instrumental use occurred. This situation caused frustration and begs the question whether evaluation, intended to increase trust through systematic and transparent inquiry and rational decision-making, contradicted its own claims. It is argued that evaluation can be endangered by `inverse process use' or `process damage'.

This article examines how personnel entrusted with developing competitive tools deal with such ta... more This article examines how personnel entrusted with developing competitive tools deal with such tasks and how they reflect on them. What is their experience when competition is prescribed as the main solution to the problems confronting their organizations? The analysis of a subset of twelve interviews from a broader case study reveals that competition needs to be instituted in a bureaucratic manner. To begin with, the article provides a glimpse into how managers portray their work environment. After diagnosing an administratively staged bureaucratic competition, the article discusses how this occupational field of ‘third-space-professionals’ can be understood. On the one hand, the work of these (fictional) managers contributes towards smoothing the contradictions of neoliberalism; on the other hand, it questions the very credibility of such forms of rationalization. A third species: Designers of competition A warning from Josefa, a faculty manager, is only one example of the deep do...
Papers by Christine Schwarz