Books by Marion Krause
Book Reviews: Šaric, L., The Russ. Review 67/4 (2008), 694-695; Petrova, M.A., Voprosy jazykoznan... more Book Reviews: Šaric, L., The Russ. Review 67/4 (2008), 694-695; Petrova, M.A., Voprosy jazykoznanija 5/2008, 149-154; Sonnenhauser, B., Russ. Linguistics 34/2 (2010), 187-198; Wiemer, B., Zeitschrift für slav. Philologie 67/2 (2010), 463-478;
Supplementary Volume/Tape/CD to Bjulleten’ Fonetičeskogo Fonda russkogo jazyka
Supplementary Volume/Tape/CD to Bjulleten’ Fonetičeskogo Fonda russkogo jazyka
Bjulleten’ Fonetičeskogo Fonda russkogo jazyka ., 2001
Supplementary Volume/Tape/CD to Bjulleten’ Fonetičeskogo Fonda russkogo jazyka
Supplementary Volume/Tape/CD to Bjulleten’ Fonetičeskogo Fonda russkogo jazyka
Bilingualism and Language Learning by Marion Krause

The paper focuses on oral presentations for business purposes in a foreign language (Russian). As... more The paper focuses on oral presentations for business purposes in a foreign language (Russian). As an audio-visual discourse type, presentations require general communicative skills, presentation techniques, language proficiency, and the knowledge of culturally embedded, pragmatic practices which meet the expectations of the auditory. Against this background, this paper examines how native speakers of Russian perceive presentations by Russian speaking foreigners. This perceptual approach allows us to analyze a large complex of linguistic and non-linguistic features of presentations and to shed light on the expectations built up towards the realization of this discourse type within a certain language culture. Special attention is paid to linguistic
characteristics of spoken communication that lead to the perception of a non-native accent, and towards the qualitative and quantitative impact of different types of linguistic errors on the evaluations by a native auditory.
Books by Marion Krause
Bilingualism and Language Learning by Marion Krause
characteristics of spoken communication that lead to the perception of a non-native accent, and towards the qualitative and quantitative impact of different types of linguistic errors on the evaluations by a native auditory.
characteristics of spoken communication that lead to the perception of a non-native accent, and towards the qualitative and quantitative impact of different types of linguistic errors on the evaluations by a native auditory.
variants undergo active processes of change forced by extra- and intralinguistic factors.
As a basis for understanding ongoing language processes, the paper first gives a description of dialect distribution and a critical overview of the linguistic principles which have
been assumed for dialect differentiation in Russia. Afterwards, the focus is changed to current processes mainly described as leveling. With regard to a differentiated model of dialect competence, the paper provides a complex insight into current problems of dialect use. Thereby it addresses mainly qualitative sociolinguistic approaches like accommodation theory and auditory design as seminal for future investigations of the language situations in rural and small-town Russia.