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Although there is an observable increase in socio-economic polarizations within most (Western) countries, the debate on social inequalities has lost its former central position within sociology. Against the background of current political... more
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      Discourse AnalysisSociologyPierre BourdieuSpace
Subsequent to the Brundtland Report (World Commission on Environment and Development 1987, Our Common Future), sustainability has been set up in many countries as a mission statement of cross-sectoral policies. Sustainable development... more
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      Discourse AnalysisSpace and PlaceSocial JusticeNeoliberalism
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      Discourse AnalysisSociologyHuman GeographyMichel Foucault
In regards to labour market policy, one can observe an enforced mobilisation of employee subjects disregarding their social and spatial embeddings. Yet, this atomised subject construction is mirrored in many empirical studies on... more
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      Urban DevelopmentResidential MobilitySpatial demographyRäumliche Mobilität
Automobilität stellt, so die hier vertretene These, das Mobilitätsdispositiv einer spezifischen Gesellschaftsformation dar, das als Element der fordistischen Produktionsweise entstand und in den westlichen Nachkriegsgesellschaften... more
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Der vorliegende Beitrag verfolgt ein doppeltes Ziel: Mit dem Konzept des Mobilitätsdispositivs wird ein Vorschlag formuliert, wie ein soziologisches Verständnis von Automobilität aussehen könnte, das anschlussfähig ist für weitere... more
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One of the key arguments of the mobilities paradigm is that people's mobility practices are embedded in their spatial, cultural, political, economical, social and personal context. Yet, empirical mobility research tends to research these... more
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      Research MethodologyMobility/MobilitiesSubjectivitiesMichel Foucault
Applying Foucault’s thinking to automobility, I argue that the notion of “mobility as dispositif” facilitates traversing and tracing different narratives about mobilities, which in turn foreground the interweavings of discursive... more
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      Political EconomyMobility/MobilitiesMichel FoucaultAutomobility
In this paper, I focus on the subject conceptualisations within mobilities research. In order to strengthen the argument of the co-constitution of social formations and mobile subjectivities, I will highlight the role of automobility in... more
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      Research MethodologyMobility/MobilitiesActor Network TheorySubjectivities
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soz:mag -Das Soziologie Magazin Basel, Bern, Genf, Zürich: Verein virtuelle SoziologInnen soz:mag DAS SOZIOLOGIE MAGAZIN Some Rights Reserved Dieser soz:mag-Artikel unterliegt einer Creative Commons Lizenz. Er... more
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Call for Papers for a Forum “Shapes of Post-growth Societies”, at the Final Conference of the DFG Research Group ‘Landnahme, Accelearation, Activation’ and the 2nd Regional Conference of the German Sociological Association at the... more
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      Future StudiesSocial JusticeTransportationPublic Health
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      Marxist theoryMarxist Theory
Zusammenfassung: Forschungsinfrastrukturen als essenzieller Bestandteil sozialwissenschaftlichen Forschens sind kaum im Bewusstsein der Öffentlichkeit und der Wissenschaften präsent. Sie sind jedoch maßgeblich an der Produktion,... more
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      Human GeographySpaceDiscourse Studies
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