Papers by Angeliki Tzouganatou
Culture and Computing. Design Thinking and Cultural Computing, 2021
This paper explores the role of Application Programming Interface, (API), in Galleries, Libraries... more This paper explores the role of Application Programming Interface, (API), in Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums (GLAM) sector, and reflects on its role for opening up cultural digital heritage for inclusive future memory making. It also discusses possibilities of a participatory API ecosystem, going beyond high quality metadata and data interoperability. APIs are often seen as facilitators for opening up knowledge, but when it comes to future memory making, little is known with regards to the power relations that are constructed within the digital ecosystem and how does this influence the interplay. The paper proposes a contribution towards this domain, critically exploring aspects that are facilitating or hindering people’s participation for enabling future collective memory making.

Can a chatbot enable us to change our conceptions, to be critically reflective? To what extent ca... more Can a chatbot enable us to change our conceptions, to be critically reflective? To what extent can interaction with a technologically "minimal" medium such as a chatbot evoke emotional engagement in ways that can challenge us to act on the world? In this paper, we discuss the design of a provocative bot, a "bot of conviction", aimed at triggering conversations on complex topics (e.g. death, wealth distribution, gender equality, privacy) and, ultimately, soliciting specific actions from the user it converses with. We instantiate our design with a use case in the cultural sector, specifically a Neolithic archaeological site that acts as a stage of conversation on such hard themes. Our larger contributions include an interaction framework for bots of conviction, insights gained from an iterative process of participatory design and evaluation, and a vision for bot interaction mechanisms that can apply to the HCI community more widely. CCS CONCEPTS • Human-centered computing → Interaction design theory, concepts and paradigms; Interaction techniques.

Galleries, libraries, archives and museums (GLAMs) are striving to retain audience attention to i... more Galleries, libraries, archives and museums (GLAMs) are striving to retain audience attention to issues related to cultural heritage, by implementing various novel opportunities for audience engagement through technological means online. Although born-digital assets for cultural heritage may have inundated the Internet in some areas, most of the time they are stored in “digital warehouses,” and the questions of the digital ecosystem’s sustainability, meaningful public participation and creative reuse of data still remain. Emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI), are used to bring born-digital archives to light, aiming to enhance the public’s engagement and participation. At the core of this debate lies both the openness of data and issues of privacy. How open to the public should born-digital archives be? Should everything be open and available online, and what does it take to achieve balance between openness and privacy, especially through AI initiatives? The stu...

AoIR Selected Papers of Internet Research
With the growing proliferation of digital media into the memory practices of cultural institution... more With the growing proliferation of digital media into the memory practices of cultural institutions and ordinary people, questions about a growing dependence on monopolistic technology companies on the creation, access and preservation of collective memory have emerged. For cultural institutions that rely on social media to boost their audience engagement, this also means that they lose part of their role as public educators, while ordinary people fear the loss of ownership over their personal memories. This paper proposes equitable approaches to the current digital ecosystem, that is built on the extraction and profit-making of personal data, that can be developed by looking beyond the current market, envisioning possibilities for related policies that could enable the re-design of the current memory ecosystem towards social inclusion. The argument is based on a combination of ethnographic research into initiatives that foster the openness of knowledge by enabling fair practices to ...

International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction HCII 2021: Culture and Computing. Design Thinking and Cultural Computing, 2021
This paper explores the role of Application Programming Interface, (API), in Galleries, Libraries... more This paper explores the role of Application Programming Interface, (API), in Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums (GLAM) sector, and reflects on its role for opening up cultural digital heritage for inclusive future memory making. It also discusses possibilities of a participatory API ecosystem, going beyond high quality metadata and data interoperability. APIs are often seen as facilitators for opening up knowledge, but when it comes to future memory making, little is known with regards to the power relations that are constructed within the digital ecosystem and how does this influence the interplay. The paper proposes a contribution towards this domain, critically exploring aspects that are facilitating or hindering people’s participation for enabling future collective memory making.

CHI '19 Proceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2019
Can a chatbot enable us to change our conceptions, to be critically reflective? To what extent ca... more Can a chatbot enable us to change our conceptions, to be critically reflective? To what extent can interaction with a technologically 'minimal' medium such as a chatbot evoke emotional engagement in ways that can challenge us to act on the world? In this paper, we discuss the design of a provocative bot, a 'bot of conviction', aimed at triggering conversations on complex topics (e.g. death, wealth distribution, gender equality, privacy) and, ultimately, soliciting specific actions from the user it converses with. We instantiate our design with a use case in the cultural sector, specifically a Neolithic archaeological site that acts as a stage of conversation on such hard themes. Our larger contributions include an interaction framework for bots of conviction, insights gained from an iterative process of participatory design and evaluation, and a vision for bot interaction mechanisms that can apply to the HCI community more widely.

Advances in Archaeological Practice 6 (4): 377-383, 2018
In the digital age, cultural organizations strive to retain audience engagement especially via ex... more In the digital age, cultural organizations strive to retain audience engagement especially via experimentation with novel technologies and social media. The latter are increasingly influencing the way cultural heritage is perceived, providing options for grappling with crucial issues in the sector, including sustainability, openness, and public participation. One tool that has been deployed to explore these issues is the chatbot, a computer program designed to simulate conversation with human users, especially over the internet. Chatbots run through different conversational interfaces, but they have a particularly heavy application in Facebook Messenger. Within the museums and cultural sector specifically, these robotic media are regularly proclaimed to offer novel engagement mechanisms that can empower participants to actively participate in the heritage process. However, most heritage Messenger bots are purely informative and object- or exhibit-centered, providing little opportunity for meaningful interactivity, creative expression, or critical engagement. This article explores and critically reviews three Messenger chatbots related to heritage organizations, concluding with suggestions for their future development.

PhD Thesis, 2023
Since the early 2000s, the open knowledge movement has created a fertile ground for democratising... more Since the early 2000s, the open knowledge movement has created a fertile ground for democratising access to and production of knowledge. However, emerging digital media technologies have brought challenges that need to be addressed when evaluating the potential for openness for democratic knowledge production and participation. Despite increased attempts to involve the public in cultural knowledge production, the participation gap remains wide, as barriers have been identified to prevent people from (re)using cultural heritage collections. In addition, social media platforms do not seem to stand up to their promise of providing participatory culture in open and fair forms. These large-scale commercial platforms have acquired monopolistic tactics by having control over the digital ecosystem and ultimately, are monopolising cultural knowledge production. The first research question of this doctoral study looks at the conditions of the openness of cultural data. The second concerns the resources that are required for opening up knowledge in an equitable and participatory way in the digital economy. The methodology of the doctoral work is qualitative, combining expert interviews, observations and Grounded Theory approaches. The findings of this research propose moving away from obfuscate practices and/or digital “gatekeepers”. Through my thesis, I propose a knowledge stewardship model, which can be used in two ways: a) within a participatory stewardship framework and b) within a collective approach to knowledge stewardship, fostering the public’s meaningful participation in the production of cultural heritage knowledge through open and fair ways. In this way, cultural heritage institutions can renegotiate their relationship with communities in the digital era and tap into their potential for social value and their impact on civic welfare.
This MSc dissertation proposes a novel perspective regarding audience engagement within the cultu... more This MSc dissertation proposes a novel perspective regarding audience engagement within the cultural heritage institutions. It introduces a social media tool, a Facebook Messenger chatbot, for the archaeological site of Çatalhöyük, as an unique opportunity for audience engagement. The design and development processes have been focused on delivering an interactive, participatory and engaging chatting experience that will transform the way audiences engage with cultural and historical sites and institutions. Additionally, a formative evaluation of the project, conducted as part of this dissertation, offers opportunities that would lead to its future improvement.

Η Λήμνος, ένα νησί με μακρά κατοίκηση από την Προϊστορία έως και το σήμερα, έχει απασχολήσει την ... more Η Λήμνος, ένα νησί με μακρά κατοίκηση από την Προϊστορία έως και το σήμερα, έχει απασχολήσει την αρχαιολογική μελέτη και έρευνα από τις αρχές του 20ου αιώνα. Στην βιβλιογραφία οι πληροφορίες για την Προϊστορική Λήμνο απαντούν πολύ συχνότερα σε σχέση με αυτές των Ιστορικών χρόνων, εξαιτίας της μεγάλης άνθησης που γνώρισε η Λήμνος κατά την Πρώιμη Εποχή του Χαλκού με παραπάνω από 20 εντοπισμένους ως σήμερα οικισμούς, με πιο γνωστούς εκείνους της Πολιόχνης, του Κουκονησίου και της Μύρινας. Στους ιστορικούς χρόνους εντελώς ιδιότυπο αποδεικνύεται όλο και περισσότερο με την έρευνα το αρχαϊκό πρόσωπο του νησιού, με σημαντικά τα ιερά της Ηφαιστίας, του Καβειρίου αλλά ως φαίνεται και της Μύρινας. Στη φάση αυτή εγγράφεται και το πολυσυζητημένο θέμα της παρουσίας των Τυρρήνων στη Λήμνο όπου στη βιβλιογραφία υπάρχουν αρκετά στοιχεία και ανανεώνεται συνεχώς στο θέμα αυτό. Από την άλλη, για τα Ρωμαϊκά χρόνια παρέχει ελάχιστες πληροφορίες για την Λήμνο. Σκοπός της εργασίας είναι να αναδειχθούν και να μελετηθούν τα σημαντικότερα ευρήματα της Ρωμαϊκής περιόδου ενώ παράλληλα να αναχθούν καίρια στοιχεία και συμπεράσματα όσον αφορά στην περίοδο αυτή στην Λήμνο μέσω των καταλοίπων της περιόδου που έχουν έρθει στο φως από την αρχαιολογική σκαπάνη. Θα δοθεί έμφαση στην αρχιτεκτονική και την τοπογραφία των θέσεων. Η Ρωμαϊκή περίοδος είναι κρίσιμη και ιδιαιτέρως σημαντική για τα ιστορικά χρόνια αφού οι ισορροπίες που μεταβάλλονται και οι αλλαγές που συντελούνται διαδραματίζουν καθοριστικό ρόλο στην εξέλιξη της ιστορίας και της ανθρωπότητας.

Στην εργασία παρουσιάζονται οι θαλαμωτοί τάφοι της περιοχής των Μυκηνών, η δημοσίευση των οποίων ... more Στην εργασία παρουσιάζονται οι θαλαμωτοί τάφοι της περιοχής των Μυκηνών, η δημοσίευση των οποίων έγινε από την Αγνή Ξενάκη-Σακελλαρίου. Η ανασκαφή των τάφων διεξήχθει από τον Χρήστο Τσούντα στο τέλος του 19ου αιώνα σε 9 ανασκαφικές περιόδους. Ο Τσούντας όμως δεν προχώρησε σε συστηματική δημοσίευση της ανασκαφής, καθώς στράφηκε στην αρχαιολογική έρευνα της Θεσσαλίας. Στην δημοσίευση των θαλαμωτών τάφων προέβη η Ξενάκη-Σακελλαρίου το 1985, σχεδόν 100 χρόνια μετά την ανασκαφή τους. Οι τάφοι οργανώνονται σε συστάδες, στις πλαγιές των λόφων γύρω από τις Μυκήνες, όπως επισημαίνει ο Τσούντας, ενώ η Ξενάκη-Σακελλαρίου διακρίνει μεγαλύτερες ομάδες συστάδων, τις οποίες τις εντάσσει σε νεκροταφεία. Έτσι στην δημοσίευσή της παρουσιάζονται 5 νεκροταφεία, τα οποία απλώνονται στις πλαγιές των λόφων στην περιοχή βόρεια και δυτικά από την Ακρόπολη των Μυκηνών. Τα νεκροταφεία αυτά είναι το νεκροταφείο του Ασπροχώματος-Αγριοσυκιάς, το νεκροταφείο του λόφου Παναγίας, το νεκροταφείο του Κάτω Φούρνου, το νεκροταφείο Σουλεϊμάνι και το νεκροταφείο Καλκάνι. Στη δημοσίευση, παρουσιάζονται 103 θαλαμωτοί τάφοι και ένας θολωτός στον λόφο της Παναγίας. Οι θαλαμωτοί τάφοι, είναι λαξευμένοι στο βράχο των κλιτύων των λόφων. Αποτελούνται από δρόμο, συνήθως μακρύ και πλατύ και από τον κυρίως θάλαμο. Σε κάποιες περιπτώσεις ο δρόμος είναι ανηφορικός. Οι θάλαμοι δεν είχαν ορισμένο σχήμα. Κάποιοι τάφοι είχαν και δεύτερο θάλαμο ενώ σε αρκετούς είχαν ανοιχτεί κόγχες στον κυρίως θάλαμο. Σύμφωνα με τα ημερολόγια ανασκαφής του Τσούντα και μολονότι οι τάφοι βρέθηκαν αναμοχλευμένοι, είχαν χρησιμοποιηθεί για πολλαπλές ταφές και ίσως ήταν οικογενειακοί. Χαρακτηριστικό στοιχείο της πλειονότητας των τάφων αυτών είναι η πλουσιότητα των κτερισμάτων τους. Τέλος, εξακολουθούν να απασχολούν την έρευνα λόγω κάποιων αρχιτεκτονικών ιδιαιτεροτήτων που ελάχιστοι από αυτούς φέρουν όπως αυτών της θολωτής οροφής και των διακοσμημένων προσόψεων ενώ υποστηρίζεται ότι στους τάφους αυτούς ήταν θαμμένη μία ελίτ των Μυκηνών.
Papers by Angeliki Tzouganatou