University of Graz
Institut fuer Oeffentliches Recht
Bridging constitutional design, politics and ethnic division in Bosnia-Herzegovina
Bosnia-Herzegovina since Dayton: Civic and Uncivic Values
The Interplay between Equality and Participation ... in Minorities, their Rights, and the Monitoring of the European Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities.
The case law of the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina in comparative perspective.
The relation of the Constitutional court vis-à-vis other judicial bodies and the High Representative
The relation of the Constitutional court vis-à-vis other judicial bodies and the High Representative
How to reconcile political unity, legal equality with cultural diversity?
Any problem-oriented description of the regulation of language rights in Austria has to begin with the description of the fragmentation of legal sources and its consequences for a contextualized analysis of these rights ...
- by Josef Marko
Law and Religion: The Need for the Development of an Interdisciplinary Framework of Analysis
... für die Zulassung zum Medizinstudium
Project: Freedom of religion and inter-religious dialogue: individual-community-State.
A scientific study: Doctrinal and practical aspects of the relationship between the state, churches/religious communities and individuals
A scientific study: Doctrinal and practical aspects of the relationship between the state, churches/religious communities and individuals
This paper analyzes the role of the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina for the promotion of social justice under the conditions of a triple transformation from war to peace and from a communist regime based on the Titoist... more