University of Graz
Changes in consumption processes have been recognised as important steps towards sustainable development. The aim of this paper is to give an overview of research on sustainable consumption and to sketch new approaches in economic... more
The present stalemate in climate negotiations has led policy analysts and economists to explore the possible emergence of alternative climate regimes. This paper explores the idea of replacing international cooperation on greenhouse gas... more
Do Not Cite or Quote 7 Chapter 11 Revised on 20/07/2006 11:31 PM and so put downward pressure on the prices. Depending on fossil-fuel producer's response, oil, gas or coal prices may fall, leading to loss of revenues by the producers, and... more
A linked input output/econometric model of the Austrian economy with an energy block is used in this study to assess sectoral effects of CO2 reduction. The energy block and the other commodities are linked by a partitioned i-o-model. The... more
The ability to stimulate technological change might turn out to be one of the hidden treasures in the Kyoto Protocol. Based on the proposed Austrian Kyoto Policy Package we focus on the technological innovations induced by this program... more
This paper analyses the effects of energy taxation on the Austrian economy. Simulations are carried out with a linked input-output macromodel. The macroeconomic effects of an energy tax on economic growth, employment, the rate of... more
Based on the verified emissions for the 2005 and 2006 trading years, the actual emissions and allowances for each installation covered by the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS) were compared. Based on data available for 24 Member States... more
Based on the verified emissions for the 2005 and 2006 trading years, the actual emissions and allowances for each installation covered by the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS) were compared. Based on data available for 24 Member States... more
The present stalemate in climate negotiations has led policy analysts and economists to explore the possible emergence of alternative climate regimes. This paper explores the idea of replacing international cooperation on greenhouse gas... more
A linked input output/econometric model of the Austrian economy with an energy block is used in this study to assess sectoral effects of CO2 reduction. The energy block and the other commodities are linked by a partitioned i-o-model. The... more
Die Neue Klassische Makro6konomik provozierte nicht nur die 6konomische Theorie, sondern brachte auch eine neue Herausforderung f~ir die 6konometrische Methodologie im Zusammenhang mit der Parametersch~itzung unter der Hypothese der... more
This paper analyses the effects of energy taxation on the Austrian economy. Simulations are carded out with a linked input-output macromodel. The macroeconomic effects of an energy tax on economic growth, employment, the rate of inflation... more
We start from the assertion that a useful monetary policy design should be founded on more realistic assumptions about what policymakers can know at the time when policy decisions have to be made. Since the Taylor rule – if used as an... more
Im Rahmen der Klimarahmenkonvention der UNO treffen die Vertragsstaaten zu ihren Verhandlungen (Conference of Parties, COP 16) von 29. November bis 10. Dezember 2010 in Cancun, Mexiko zusam-men. Die naturwissenschaftlichen Grundlagen für... more
The Austrian Assessment Report 2014 (AAR14) is based on the IPCC structure and process; it consists of three volumes that present the existing knowledge on climate change in Austria, and on the needs and possibilities for mitigation and... more