Books by Christian Schloegl
Papers by Christian Schloegl

Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 2013
he ISSI conference series is one of the prime events in scientometrics and informetrics and is or... more he ISSI conference series is one of the prime events in scientometrics and informetrics and is organized under the auspices of the International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics. The scope of this year's ISSI was to "provide an international open forum for scientists, research managers, authorities and information professionals to debate the current status and advancements of informetric and scientometric theories and their deployment" ( In addition to the traditional evaluative focus, practical applications in related fields such as library and information science, history of science and philosophy of science were discussed. This year, the European Doctoral Forum took place for the fifth time at an ISSI conference. Besides the Center for Doctoral Studies at the University of Vienna, ASIS&T SIG/MET and the European Student Chapter of ASIS&T were partner organizations. The primary objective of the European doctoral forum is to provide doctoral students with a platform for presenting and discussing their research projects with senior researchers and fellow students and to develop relationships with other scientists. This doctoral forum was organized by Ivana Roche from INIST (Institut de l'Information Scientifique et Technique) and Christian Schlögl from the University of Graz. Due to the limited time available (the forum took place between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. on July 15), not all applications could be accepted. Finally, nine students from five different countries (Austria, Germany,
ABSTRACT Graz, Universität, Habilitation, 2000.

Introduction. Though literature on information and knowledge management is vast, there is much co... more Introduction. Though literature on information and knowledge management is vast, there is much confusion concerning the meaning of these terms. Hence, this article should give some orientation and work out the main aspects of information and knowledge management. Method. An author co-citation analysis, which identified the main dimensions of information management, forms the basis of the study of literature. In it, the main aspects of information management are further refined. Furthermore, it will be investigated if the concept of knowledge management adds anything to information management, and if so what it is. Analysis. Data for analysis were retrieved from Science Citation Index and Social Science Citation Index. Though the literature review is based on the quantitative results of the bibliometric analysis and has tried to consider the most prominent publications, some degree of subjectivism cannot be excluded. Results. As a result of analysis, a distinction can be made between content and technology-oriented information management approaches. According to the literature review, technology-oriented information management includes data management, information technology management and strategic information technology management. The main emphasis of these approaches is the effective and efficient use of information technology. In contrast, content-oriented approaches focus on information and its use. They can be distinguished in records management, provision of external information, human-centered information management, and information resources management. The reading of the literature on knowledge management reveals, that this term is either used synonymously for information management or for the management of work practices with the goal of improving the generation of new knowledge and the sharing of existing knowledge. Conclusions This article identifies various aspects that are embraced by the change font Information and knowledge management: dimensions and approaches
Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 2004
While we are aware of the different meanings of "journals" and "periodicals," we use them synonym... more While we are aware of the different meanings of "journals" and "periodicals," we use them synonymously in our article, as does the ISI in its Journal Citation Reports.

Journal of Information Science, 2008
Our study examines the suitability of Scopus for bibliometric analyses in comparison with the Web... more Our study examines the suitability of Scopus for bibliometric analyses in comparison with the Web of Science (WOS). In particular we want to explore if the outcome of bibliometric analyses differs between Scopus and WOS and, if yes, in which aspects. Since journal indicators vary among disciplines, we analysed only journals from the subject pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences. Nonetheless, our study has also broader implications. Its major findings are: (a) Each top-100 JCR pharmacy journal was covered by Scopus. (b) The impact factor was higher for 82 and the immediacy index greater for 78 journals in Scopus in 2005. Pharmacy journals with a high impact factor in the JCR usually have a high impact factor in Scopus. (c) Several medium impact journals could be identified in Scopus which were not reported in JCR. (d) The two databases differed in the number of articles within a tolerable margin of deviation for most journals.

Journal of Information Science, 2006
This paper deals with a bibliometric analysis of data from the document delivery service Subito. ... more This paper deals with a bibliometric analysis of data from the document delivery service Subito. After a short introduction, Subito will be presented briefly. The main part reports on the design and the results of the study, which covers the following major topics • distribution of article orders to journals, • identification of the core journals which contribute to most article supplies, • subject distribution of the most requested journals, • relation between the most requested (Subito) and the most cited journals (SCI), • differences in age of ordered and cited articles, and • dependency of journal requests on their subscription rates. As will be shown, most Subito article orders are covered by a relatively small number of journals, most of which are from life sciences, especially medicine. There is only a slight overlap between the most requested and the most cited journals suggesting that these two indicators represent different concepts. This is also confirmed by different obs...

Journal of Documentation, 2008
PurposeThe aim of this paper is to explore the relationship between practitioners and academics i... more PurposeThe aim of this paper is to explore the relationship between practitioners and academics in scholarly communication in library and information science (LIS) journals.Design/methodology/approachThe research is based on a reader survey, a citation analysis and an editor survey. The reader survey identifies both differences in journal rankings between practitioners and academics and the contribution of practitioners to LIS journals. The editor survey provides the proportions of practitioners and academics for the journals. The citation analysis shows the disparities in information exchange between the journals mainly preferred by practitioners and those more favoured by academics. Furthermore, it is possible to explore if practitioner journals differ from academic journals in the citation indicators and in other data collected in the editor survey.FindingsIt is found that: practitioners play an active role both as readers and as authors of articles in LIS journals; there is only...
Library Collections, Acquisitions, and Technical Services, 2004

Libellarium: journal for the research of writing, books, and cultural heritage institutions
In our paper we present a study in which we investigated the level of information literacy of fir... more In our paper we present a study in which we investigated the level of information literacy of first-year students across different studies offered by faculties at the University of Graz. Data were collected by means of a multiple-choice questionnaire. In total we analyzed 232 questionnaires completed by first-year students from six studies (faculties). The results show that the overall level of information literacy is mediocre. However, the difference in the level of information literacy across the studies is not as big as originally expected. The type of high school completed has a strong effect at least in the beginning of the studies. Another interesting result shows that the students rated their information literacy skills much higher than the test indicated. It can be concluded that multiple-choice questionnaires are an efficient and objective test instrument to inform the students that they are much less information literate than they believe themselves to be.
At the beginning of a scientific study, it is usually quite hard to get an overview of a research... more At the beginning of a scientific study, it is usually quite hard to get an overview of a research field. We aim to address this problem of classic literature search using web data. In this extended abstract, we present work-in-progress on an interactive visualization of research fields based on readership statistics from the social reference management system Mendeley. To that end, we use library co-occurrences as a measure of subject similarity. In a first evaluation, we find that the visualization covers current research areas within educational technology but presents a view that is biased by the characteristics of readers. With our presentation, we hope to elicit feedback from the Websci'13 audience on (1) the usefulness of the prototype, and (2) how to overcome the aforementioned biases using collaborative construction techniques.
Anwendungsorientiertes Wissensmanagement, 2002
Bestandsaufnahme Informationsmanagement, 2001
Bestandsaufnahme Informationsmanagement, 2001
Information - Wissenschaft & Praxis, 2012
... Christian. schloegl® kfunigraz. ac. at 2Eötvös-Lorand-Universität Budapest Lehrstuhl für Bibl... more ... Christian. schloegl® kfunigraz. ac. at 2Eötvös-Lorand-Universität Budapest Lehrstuhl für Bibliotheks-und Informationswissenschaft Muzeum krt. 6-8, H-1088 Budapest Tel./Fax:+ 36-1/266-7946 email: suetheo@ ludens. elte. ...
Books by Christian Schloegl
Papers by Christian Schloegl