Books by Regina F . Bendix

Göttingen Studies in Cultural Anthropology/European Ethnology, 2022
The clash of June 1967, called by Israelis the Six-Day War and by Palestinians the Naksa (setback... more The clash of June 1967, called by Israelis the Six-Day War and by Palestinians the Naksa (setback), is a critical milestone within the longstanding Israeli- Palestinian conflict. Despite all the scholarly attention ever since, there remain unheard voices and untold stories. It is the personal stories of people in the region that are at the center of this book. How do they remember 1967? How were their lives affected, even changed dramatically as a result of that short war? Listening to their stories as told some 50 years later, an incomplete tapestry of memories and understandings emerge. This book is the product of a re- search collaboration among Palestinian, Israeli and European folklorists, cultural anthropologists and sociologists. The personal stories were collected in the framework of interviews with men and women from all walks of life, on the days before, during and after this dramatic confrontation. The book is comprised of eleven chapters based on a corpus of several hundred conversations, as well as eight representative interviews. Together they afford insight into differential memories and sensations, visions of euphoria and despair, newly revived hopes, pain and disappointment, disillusionment and repentance.

At once a slogan and a vision for future scholarship, interdisciplinarity promises to break throu... more At once a slogan and a vision for future scholarship, interdisciplinarity promises to break through barriers to address today's complex challenges. Yet even high-stakes projects often falter, undone by poor communication, strong feelings, bureaucratic frameworks, and contradictory incentives.
This new book shows newcomers and veteran researchers how to craft associations that will lead to rich mutual learning under inevitably tricky conditions. Strikingly candid and always grounded, the authors draw a wealth of profound, practical lessons from an in-depth case study of a multiyear funded project on cultural property. Examining the social dynamics of collaboration, they show readers how to anticipate sources of conflict, nurture trust, and jump-start thinking across disciplines. Researchers and institutions alike will learn to plan for each phase of a project life cycle, capturing insights and shepherding involvement along the way.

Community and participation have become central concepts in the nomination processes surrounding ... more Community and participation have become central concepts in the nomination processes surrounding heritage, intersecting time and again with questions of territory. In this volume, anthropologists and legal scholars from France, Germany, Italy and the USA take up questions arising from these intertwined concerns from diverse perspectives: How and by whom were these concepts interpreted and reinterpreted, and what effects did they bring forth in their implementation? What impact was wielded by these terms, and what kinds of discursive formations did they bring forth? How do actors from lo- cal to national levels interpret these new components of the heritage regime, and how do actors within heritage-granting national and international bodies work it into their cultural and political agency? What is the role of experts and expertise, and when is scholarly knowledge expertise and when is it partisan? How do bureaucratic institutions translate the imperative of participation into concrete practices? Case studies from within and without the UNESCO matrix combine with essays probing larger concerns generated by the valuation and valorization of culture.
Papers by Regina F . Bendix
Kuckuck. Notizen zur Alltagskultur, 2023
Erfahrung - Kulturanalytische Perspektivierungen, 2023
Published in a German-language collection edited by Martina Röthl and Barbara Sieferle, the chapt... more Published in a German-language collection edited by Martina Röthl and Barbara Sieferle, the chapter sheds light on the concept of "Erfahrung" (experience) in terms of its intersections between habitus and tacit knowledge. Examples are drawn from the realm of craft knowledge and horse breeding.
PoLAR - Political and Legal Anthropology Review, 2022
Part of "Emergent Conversation 16" on "Peer Review as Intellectual Accompaniment"
Traditiones, 2021
The expansion from material heritage – pleasing sight and to a lesser extent touch (for very ofte... more The expansion from material heritage – pleasing sight and to a lesser extent touch (for very often material heritage may be touched only within limits) – to the realm of the intangible indicates an increase in the reflexive consideration of the full sensorium. With the ratification of the 2003 Intangible Heritage Convention, we have turned to select for heritage status cultural practices and perceptions entailing the body and the senses more fully: music and dance, as well as craft traditions exemplifying the knowledge in hands and the skill of touch.The new French sensory heritage law could be a significant marker in the changing dynamic of valorizing selected aspects of culture.
Special Issue of Etnográfica: Revista do Centro de Estudos de Antropologica Social 25(2)(2021) , 2021
(open access publication)

Disparidades. Revista de Antropología , 2021
Includes on p. 2-5 brief pieces I presented in the concluding session of the wonderful SIEF 2019 ... more Includes on p. 2-5 brief pieces I presented in the concluding session of the wonderful SIEF 2019 in Santiago de Compostela
Abstract from this online journal: "This experimental section includes some parts of the performative event "The materiality of transformations: Listening to objects", which closed the 14th SIEF conference held in Santiago de Compostela in 2019. Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett, Regina Bendix, Dorothy Noyes, Sharon Roseman and Francisco Cruces conversed on stage about the cultural meanings of a selection of personal objects. By unveiling the stories contained in mezuzahs, hair, a serving platter and a shawl, they put the methodological power of the object/story couplet to the test. The benefits of articulating narrativity with materiality; the silent power of things in everyday life; the embedded character of storytelling, and some of its affective, moral and celebratory virtues were highlighted. The final event can be seen at <> from minute 00:52:50 to 01:31:00."
Brigitte Frizzoni, ed.: Verschwörungserzählungen. Würzburg: Königshausen und Neumann, 2020
Anthropological Journal of European Cultures, 2020
Interdisciplinary collaboration is a sensible approach for addressing complex problems. However, ... more Interdisciplinary collaboration is a sensible approach for addressing complex problems. However, academic training and the resulting disciplinary habitus (and competition) often leave such collaborative skills woefully underdeveloped. This contribution outlines how eth-nographic sensibilities and skills may contribute to overcoming borders between disciplinary practitioners and enhancing self-awareness within and across scientific and scholarly practice. It thus proposes ethnographic attention as interdisciplinary midwifery.
Gesichter der Wissenschaft. Ed. by Christian Vogel and Sonja E. Nökel. Göttingen, 2019, pp. 278-83, 2019
Brief essay for an exhibit publication concerned with the (mostly) visual representation of scien... more Brief essay for an exhibit publication concerned with the (mostly) visual representation of scientists and scholars in the media
Narrative Culture, 2020
As an interviewee in a research project on the remembrance of the 1967 war, Ali, a resident and s... more As an interviewee in a research project on the remembrance of the 1967 war, Ali, a resident and service provider of Jerusalem’s Old City, shared exceptionally vibrant stories in Hebrew with an Israeli interviewer. Later, a Palestinian interviewer interviewed Ali about the same events in his native Arabic. Leading up to a presentation of a number of Ali’s stories told in these interviews, the article examines the conditions of interviewing within and across conflict lines and the capacity of the narrating space created in dialogue to offer conditions of truth. The parallel analysis of the two interviews and a selection of stories contained therein examines Ali’s rhetoric of sincerity. It allowed for different points of emphasis with each interviewer while maintaining Ali’s sense of inner truth.
Palestine Israel Journal, 2019
Alltag - Kultur - Wissenschaft, 2019
Folklore 130(3)(2019):221-236., 2019
The David Buchan Lecture 2018 examines a range of small memorial interventionsfrom occupational c... more The David Buchan Lecture 2018 examines a range of small memorial interventionsfrom occupational culture to Holocaust markers. Rather than working with largefigures on pedestals, they are designed to subtly disrupt everyday perception. Whatare the motives behind such initiatives? Who pays for them? What kinds of materialsare they made of and how do they seek to imprint their message onto present andfuture generations? Drawing from American and German cases, similar questionspresent themselves: who is entitled to decide what should be publicly rememberedand in what form? How effective are small memorial interventions in stirring publicdiscussion of the past? How does intentional memorial activity compare to actualevidence of historical events in everyday life?
JEECA Jouranl of European Ethnology and Cultural Analysis, 2019
Abstract: Seeking new approaches to the huge complex from house to hovel, shack to skyscraper, or... more Abstract: Seeking new approaches to the huge complex from house to hovel, shack to skyscraper, or castle to condominium, the SIEF Congress entitled Dwelling. Crisis – Craft – Creativity sought new avenues to old and well-established areas of research. The present article complements the long history of research on vernacular housing in cultural research with a query on how narration and other communicative arts endow dwellings with atmosphere. Drawing from vernacular and popular sources, the approach seeks an analytic grounding for the concept of atmosphere, in this case, showing how different narrative genres express and/or guide the experience of dwellings and capture sensory perceptions in communicable forms.
Keywords: narrative, atmosphere, sensory perception, space, emotion
Books by Regina F . Bendix
This new book shows newcomers and veteran researchers how to craft associations that will lead to rich mutual learning under inevitably tricky conditions. Strikingly candid and always grounded, the authors draw a wealth of profound, practical lessons from an in-depth case study of a multiyear funded project on cultural property. Examining the social dynamics of collaboration, they show readers how to anticipate sources of conflict, nurture trust, and jump-start thinking across disciplines. Researchers and institutions alike will learn to plan for each phase of a project life cycle, capturing insights and shepherding involvement along the way.
Papers by Regina F . Bendix
Abstract from this online journal: "This experimental section includes some parts of the performative event "The materiality of transformations: Listening to objects", which closed the 14th SIEF conference held in Santiago de Compostela in 2019. Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett, Regina Bendix, Dorothy Noyes, Sharon Roseman and Francisco Cruces conversed on stage about the cultural meanings of a selection of personal objects. By unveiling the stories contained in mezuzahs, hair, a serving platter and a shawl, they put the methodological power of the object/story couplet to the test. The benefits of articulating narrativity with materiality; the silent power of things in everyday life; the embedded character of storytelling, and some of its affective, moral and celebratory virtues were highlighted. The final event can be seen at <> from minute 00:52:50 to 01:31:00."
Keywords: narrative, atmosphere, sensory perception, space, emotion
This new book shows newcomers and veteran researchers how to craft associations that will lead to rich mutual learning under inevitably tricky conditions. Strikingly candid and always grounded, the authors draw a wealth of profound, practical lessons from an in-depth case study of a multiyear funded project on cultural property. Examining the social dynamics of collaboration, they show readers how to anticipate sources of conflict, nurture trust, and jump-start thinking across disciplines. Researchers and institutions alike will learn to plan for each phase of a project life cycle, capturing insights and shepherding involvement along the way.
Abstract from this online journal: "This experimental section includes some parts of the performative event "The materiality of transformations: Listening to objects", which closed the 14th SIEF conference held in Santiago de Compostela in 2019. Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett, Regina Bendix, Dorothy Noyes, Sharon Roseman and Francisco Cruces conversed on stage about the cultural meanings of a selection of personal objects. By unveiling the stories contained in mezuzahs, hair, a serving platter and a shawl, they put the methodological power of the object/story couplet to the test. The benefits of articulating narrativity with materiality; the silent power of things in everyday life; the embedded character of storytelling, and some of its affective, moral and celebratory virtues were highlighted. The final event can be seen at <> from minute 00:52:50 to 01:31:00."
Keywords: narrative, atmosphere, sensory perception, space, emotion