Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
History of Art
uando il biografo di Gregorio IV (827-844) descrisse, ormai al tramonto di una stagione gloriosa dell'architettura ecclesiastica a Roma, gli interventi disposti dal pontefice per Santa Maria in Trastevere, si sentì in dovere di aggiungere... more
Studies the origin of the idiomatic expression "in medio ecclesiae" in Ps 22 ("in medio ecclesiae laudabo te") and its application by frankish theologians to Cross-monuments in carolingian churches and the liturgy of their dedication. The... more
Rituale und Zeremonien, so eine jüngste Definition, sind "standardisiertes Verhalten in kommunikativer Funktion, wobei die pragmatische Grundlage zurücktreten oder ganz entschwinden kann". 1 Doch werden die Motivationen für zeremonielles... more
Studies the impact of plaster casts and graphic reproductions of Roman Antiquies from the 16th to 18th cent. on the formation of Antiquarian European knowledge culture and investigates the use of reproductions by Christian Gottlob Heyne... more
die Macht haben, die kollektive Erinnerung von Gemeinschaften zu formen, wie die Erforschung der Lieux de mémoire gezeigt hat, dann haben sakrale Monumente hierzu sicher ein besonderes Potential.1 Dass St. Peter in Rom oder die... more
The study investigates the use of Icons in secular ceremonies through a comparative analysis of images and textual sources frome Rome and Byzantium. Icons were used in much the same way as ancient imperial portraits when honoring... more
The paper discusses the use of croci dipinte and the first altarpieces in the monastic hours. A thorough study of practices in liturgical and other religious sources demonstrates, that from early medieval times the meditation of the... more
Discusses the practice and meaning of the term "palatium sacrum" from Late antiquity until the Age of Charlemagne. Its use in Law, Ritual and Political Theory was much more restricted than claimed by many scholars, because of changing... more
Luchterhandt Bilder ohne Worte. Protokoll und höfischer Luxus in den Empfangszeremonien des mittelbyzantinischen Kaiserhofs Streit am byzantinischen Kaiserhof -auf den ersten Blick scheint dieses Thema für einen Kunsthistoriker wenig... more
Ausgehend von den Entwürfen für das Hamburger Nationaltheater und in Auseinandersetzung mit Kurt W. Forster erörtert der Aufsatz die Kontroverse um das "Architektonische Lehrbuch" Schinkels. Entgegen der jüngeren Forschung versucht er... more
Investigates the Impact of the main political powers (Bishop, comune, entourage of Matilde di Canossa) on the controversial discussed building history of the Cathedral von Parma 1040-1170
The paper discusses 57 relics from the Holy Land in the Roman Sancta Sanctorum Chapel, collected by the Popes from ca. 600 to 900 A. D. Using statistical analysis it is designed to answer the following questions: (1) What information does... more
Discusses the role of the material history in the building projects of Paschalis I. (817-824), the ecclestiastical career of the Pope as former supervisor of the Saint's cults in St. Peter's, and his relation to the pontificate of Leo... more
Wenn die Barbaren [...] Rom sehen und seine kühnen Werke, staunend wie der Lateran alle sterblichen Dinge überragt: Welches Staunen muss dann mich erfüllen, der zum Himmlischen aus dem Irdischen kam ... und aus Florenz zu gesunden und... more