Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Drittes Physikalisches Institut - Biophysik
Fluorescence antibunching is a well-known technique for determining the number of independent emitters per molecule or molecular complex. It was rarely applied to autofluorescent proteins due to the necessity of collecting large numbers... more
For measurements of transient absorption a laser-raster technique has been found to be surprisingly sensitive. It utilizes spatial separation of excitation and probing by employing a fast-flowing jet stream. The time resolution is... more
The conformational dynamics of proteins plays a key role in their complex physiological functions. Fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) is a particular powerful tool for studying protein conformational dynamics, but requires... more
of molecules in the sample. Current fluorescence lifetime technology is too slow by a factor of at least 1000 to detect this decay accurately within the millisecond timescale of a typical biochemical transient. Our system, based on a... more
The authors present a double frequency modulation technique to determine the¯uorescence power with an accuracy of at least 10 À5 . Quantitative analysis of the modulation transfer from the excitation to the¯uorescence power is used to... more
Using a highly sensitive spectrometer we measured the absorption of transient states of different dyes in liquid solution. Analysing the temporal and spectral dependency of the absorption we determined lifetimes as well as absorption... more
During chemotaxis and phototaxis, sperm, algae, marine zooplankton, and other microswimmers move on helical paths or drifting circles by rhythmically bending cell protrusions called motile cilia or flagella. Sperm of marine invertebrates... more
The type I interferon (IFN) receptor plays a key role in innate immunity against viral and bacterial infections. Here, we show by intramolecular Förster resonance energy transfer spectroscopy that ligand binding induces substantial... more
The discovery of Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) 1 has revolutionized our ability to measure inter-and intramolecular distances on the nanometre scale using fluorescence imaging. The phenomenon is based on... more
In recent years, new optical systems have been developed with the ability to collect light at very high angles of emission, exceeding the critical angle of total internal reflection. Prominent examples are solid-immersion lenses and... more