Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Department of Crop Sciences, Agroecology
Landscape context affects predator–prey interactions and predator diet composition, yet little is known about landscape effects on insect gut microbiomes, a determinant of physiology and condition. Here, we combine laboratory and field... more
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creat ive Commo ns Attri bution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Plant diversity affects species richness and abundance of taxa at higher trophic levels. However, plant diversity effects on omnivores (feeding on multiple trophic levels) and their trophic and non-trophic interactions are not yet studied... more
The diversity and community composition of ground arthropods is routinely analyzed by pitfall trap sampling, which is a cost-and time-effective method to gather large numbers of replicates but also known to generate data that are biased... more
Landscape context affects predator-prey interactions and predator diet composition, yet little is known about landscape effects on insect gut microbiomes, a determinant of physiology and condition. Here, we combine laboratory and field... more
Context Agricultural intensification is contributing to a global species decline. Underlying mechanisms include toxic effects of pesticides on non-target organisms and reductions in habitat and food availability. However, the effects of... more
20 We would like to thank the landowners who allowed us to sample lady beetles on their land, and we also 21 thank Rachel Mallinger, Hannah Gaines-Day, Heidi Liere, Allison Dehnel, and Ken Frost for rides to the sampling sites. This... more
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The diversity and community composition of ground arthropods is routinely analyzed by pitfall trap sampling, which is a cost-and time-effective method to gather large numbers of replicates but also known to generate data that are biased... more
Methods Lady beetles were collected from April to September 2011 in 30 landscapes in southern Wisconsin, USA. We examined how body size, body density, and lipid content of the beetles responded to the percentage of intensive cropland,... more
Author contributions: JT, CG, and KDM conceived and designed the study; JT performed the laboratory experiments and collected field samples; JT and JM performed molecular analysis and processed the data; JT, CG, and CS analyzed output... more
Continuing disappearance and degradation of primary tropical rainforests in Indonesia, and the ongoing conversion of degraded forest to monoculture plantations, threaten many bird species with local extinction. Yet, information on bird... more
2019) High critical forest habitat 3 thresholds of native bird communities in Afrotropical agroforestry landscapes. -4 BIOLOGICAL CONSERVATION 230 pp. 20-28.
2019) High critical forest habitat 3 thresholds of native bird communities in Afrotropical agroforestry landscapes. -4 BIOLOGICAL CONSERVATION 230 pp. 20-28.