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Spemannstraße 38 ing portions of the two eyes are rarely perceived simultaneously, but instead alternate in their dominance. At 72076 Tü bingen Germany each point in time, the nondominant stimulus is invisible (Blake and Logothetis,... more
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      Cognitive ScienceVisual perceptionVisual CortexOrientation
Aftereffects are perceptual illusions caused by visual adaptation to one or more stimulus attribute, such as orientation, motion, or shape. Neurophysiological studies seeking to understand the basis of visual adaptation have observed... more
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      NeurosciencePsychologyVisual CortexBrain Mapping
The role of primary visual cortex (V1) in determining the contents of perception is controversial. Human functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies of perceptual suppression have revealed a robust drop in V1 activity when a... more
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      Cognitive SciencePsychophysicsConsciousness (Psychology)Neuroimaging
but highly significant pattern fragments. A novel model uses the properties of thermodynamic systems operating far from equilibrium. Such systems construct order by dissipating energy. Conditioned stimuli in reinforcement learning... more
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    • Psychophysiology
Injury to the primary visual cortex (V1) leads to the loss of visual experience. Nonetheless, careful testing shows that certain visually guided behaviors can persist even in the absence of visual awareness1 -5. The neural circuits... more
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      NeuroscienceBehaviorVisual perceptionBiology
The coordinated movement of the eyes and hands under visual guidance is an essential part of goal directed behavior. Several cortical areas known to be involved in this process exchange projections with the dorsal aspect of the thalamic... more
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      NeuroscienceDecision MakingElectrophysiologyAnimal Behavior
We investigated how the perceptual visibility of a target influences the pattern of microsaccadic eye movements expressed during generalized flash suppression. We found that the microsaccade rate was highly dependent on the reported... more
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      PsychophysicsVisual attentionAttentionVision
Spemannstraße 38 appearance of the stimulus into one configuration for up to several minutes [8]. 72076 Tü bingen Germany
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      PsychophysicsVisual perceptionConsciousnessAdolescent
We investigated how the perceptual visibility of a target influences the pattern of microsaccadic eye movements expressed during generalized flash suppression. We found that the microsaccade rate was highly dependent on the reported... more
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      PsychophysicsVisual attentionAttentionVision
Visual perception involves coordination between sensory sampling of the world and active interpretation of the sensory data. Human perception of objects and scenes is normally stable and robust, but it falters when one is presented with... more
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      Cognitive SciencePsychophysicsConsciousness (Psychology)Visual perception
Neurophysiological and functional imaging experiments remain in apparent disagreement on the role played by the earliest stages of the visual cortex in supporting a visual percept. Here, we report electrophysiological findings that shed... more
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      Visual perceptionMultidisciplinaryVisual CortexLight
Injury to the primary visual cortex (V1) leads to the loss of visual experience. Nonetheless, careful testing shows that certain visually guided behaviours can persist even in the absence of visual awareness. The neural circuits... more
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      NeuroscienceBehaviorVisual perceptionBiology
Visual perception involves coordination between sensory sampling of the world and active interpretation of the sensory data. Human perception of objects and scenes is normally stable and robust, but it falters when one is presented with... more
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      Cognitive SciencePsychophysicsConsciousness (Psychology)Visual perception
To examine the role of the visual thalamus in perception, we recorded neural activity in the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) and pulvinar of 2 macaque monkeys during a visual illusion that induced the intermittent perceptual suppression... more
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      Visual perceptionAttentionMultidisciplinaryLow Frequency
How consciousness (experience) arises from and relates to material brain processes (the "mind-body problem") has been pondered by thinkers for centuries, and is regarded as among the deepest unsolved problems in science, with wide-ranging... more
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      NeurosciencePsychologyCognitive SciencePsychophysiology
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceNeuroimagingCognition
How consciousness (experience) arises from and relates to material brain processes (the “mind-body problem”) has been pondered by thinkers for centuries, and is regarded as among the deepest unsolved problems in science, with wide-ranging... more
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      NeurosciencePsychologyCognitive SciencePsychophysiology