Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Crop production in the tropics is subject to considerable climate variability caused by the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) phenomenon. In Southeast Asia, El Niño causes comparatively dry conditions leading to substantial declines of... more
The regional climate model REMO has been applied to study rainfall variability in South Sulawesi, Indonesia by comparing model data with observations. During the period 1979 -1993 data correlation was 0.82. A high correlation (more than... more
Conversions of natural ecosystems, e.g., from rain forests to managed plantations, result in significant changes in the hydrological cycle including periodic water scarcity. In Indonesia, large areas of forest were lost and extensive oil... more
Membandingkan data curah hujan bulanan antara hasil pengamatan di permukaan (OBS) dengan data dari pengukuran melalui satelit TRMM dan hasil keluaran model permukaan NOAH telah dilakukan terhadap beberapa lokasi yaitu Medan, Indramayu,... more
Simulations of the Indonesian rainfall variability using the Max Planck Institute regional climate model REMO have been performed using three different lateral boundary forcings: Reanalyses from the European Centre for Medium-Range... more
This study has analyzed a rainfall estimation using a modified convective stratiform technique (CSTm). Unlike the original convective stratiform technique (CST), which only utilizes infrared (IR) data, CSTm applies not only IR data but... more
Model iklim regional RegCM4 telah digunakan untuk mempelajari dampak perubahan penggunaan lahan (land use) terhadap variabilitas komponen fluks radiasi dan pameter permukaan. Data penggunaan lahan tahun 2000 dan tahun 2010 digunakan... more
Pemilihan prediktor terbaik untuk curah hujan di 15 pos pengamatan di Indramayu telah dilakukan menggunakan metode statistical downscaling. Teknik Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) yang diaplikasikan pada metode ini menggunakan data... more
Tropical lowland rainforests are increasingly threatened by the expansion of agriculture and the extraction of natural resources. In Jambi Province, Indonesia, the interdisciplinary EFForTS project focuses on the ecological and... more
The regional climate model REMO has been applied to study rainfall variability in South Sulawesi, Indonesia by comparing model data with observations. During the period 1979-1993 data correlation was 0.82. A high correlation (more than... more
Extreme rainfall zone is needed to determine of vulnerable areas. Unfortunately there is no any study about it until now. The existing zone is only limited to the average rainfall so it is not suitable for extreme rainfall. This study... more
- by Dodo Gunawan
Tropical peatlands in Indonesia have been disturbed over decades and are a source of carbon dioxide (CO) into the atmosphere by peat respiration and peatland fire. With a portable solar spectrometer, we have performed measurements of... more
Deforestation and draining of the peatlands in equatorial SE Asia has greatly increased their flammability, and in September-October 2015 a strong El Niño-related drought led to further drying and to widespread burning across parts of... more
The extremogram is a method for measuring extreme events dependence in stationary time series, which can be view analog as the autocorrelation function (ACF) of extreme value. This study aims to measure the time dependency of extreme... more
This is a PDF of a manuscript that has been peer-reviewed and accepted for publication. As the article has not yet been formatted, copy edited or proofread, the final published version may be different from the early online release. This... more
APN Science Bulletin 8 (1) Future changes in annual precipitation extremes over Southeast Asia under global warming of 2°C This article provides detailed information on projected changes in annual precipitation... more
Drought is becoming one of the most important issues for government and policy makers. National food security highly concerned, especially when drought occurred in food production center areas. Climate variability, especially in South... more
The glaciers near Puncak Jaya in Papua, Indonesia, the highest peak between the Himalayas and the Andes, are the last remaining tropical glaciers in the West Pacific Warm Pool (WPWP). Here, we report the recent, rapid retreat of the... more