Christian E. Loeben
[email protected]
Dr. Christian E. Loeben
Egyptologist - Hannover - Department of Egyptology and Coptology, Georg-August-University, Goettingen / Germany
Born in 1961 in West-Berlin. 1981-6 he studied Egyptology and Art History at the Free University of Berlin. MA-thesis on “The Inscribed Chests and Boxes from the Tomb of Tutankhamun”. Already while still a student he regularly spent many months in Egypt doing fieldwork in Saqqara (1982: „Joint Mission University of Berlin / University of Hanover“), Thebes (1983-5 and 1987-9: Centre Franco-Égyptien d’Étude des Temples de Karnak) and Deir el-Haggar, Dakhleh Oasis (2000: Dakhleh Oasis Project). 1985-7 employment by the University of Chicago (Epigraphic Survey, Chicago House) in Luxor. 1990-1 teaching assignment at „Institut Khéops“, Paris. 1992-2003 “Assistent” (Assistant Professor) for Egyptology at Humboldt University Berlin, of which the last two semesters he was replacing the vacant full professorship of Egyptology. 1999 at the same university Ph.D. on „Observations concerning the Context and the Functioning of Royal Statuary in the Temple of Amun at Karnak” (published: Leipzig 2001). Outside Berlin also Egyptological teaching assignments at the universities of Cologne, Havana, Leiden, Leipzig, Leuven and Marburg; since 2005 almost every semester courses in Egyptology and Ancient Cultures at the university of Göttingen. Since 1993 Consultant Egyptologist for the Collection of Antiquities at the Cuban National Museum for the Fine Arts in Havana. Since 2004 keeper of the collections of Ancient Egypt and Islam at “Museum August Kestner” in Hanover/Germany. At this museum he already realised over a dozen special exhibitions on Egyptian topics, all of which were based on his own concept, three of which were international cooperations and two were even crowned with the “German Design Award” (for the most important ones see: https://freimaurerei-und-aegypten.de and https://bes-the-exhibition.com). Other Egyptological exhibitions (co-)curated by him have been realized in Landshut/Bavaria (1992), Berlin (2001), Havana/Cuba (1994 and 2006), Gordes/France (2010), Vienna/Austria (2022), Hildesheim (2022), Bratislava/Slovakia and Gotha (2022-23) as well as in Edinburgh/Scotland (2005-6), Basel/Switzerland (2006-7 und 2008-9), Amsterdam/Netherlands, Copenhagen/Denmark and Nîmes/France (2019-2023), the last five mentioned ones were again international cooperations. For six years from August 2010 he has been one of ten elected members of the board of directors of CIPEG, the International Committee for Egyptology within the International Council of Museums (ICOM). For many years and until present he has been invited member of international vetting committees for the following art fairs: BAAF (Basel and Brussels/Belgium), BRAFA (Brussels) and TEFAF (Maastricht/Netherlands). Thanks to his intimate knowledge of the art market he became an internationally demanded specialist for evaluating Egyptian objects e.g. for insurance purposes as well as modern and historical collection values, a task he has not only done for the City of Hanover, but also for mayor international traveling exhibitions and even for German official authorities, e.g. the “Bundesamt für offene Vermögensfragen” (Federal Office of Unresolved Questions of Property). In June 2012 he was the only German member of a mixed French and international committee evaluating the scientific work of the Egyptian Department of “Musée du Louvre” (Paris). In 2021 he was invited to be part of a similar committee for “Antikenmuseum Basel und Sammlung Ludwig”.
Dr. Christian E. Loeben
[email protected]
Phone: +4917652234549
Address: Asternstr. 24
30167 Hannover
Dr. Christian E. Loeben
Egyptologist - Hannover - Department of Egyptology and Coptology, Georg-August-University, Goettingen / Germany
Born in 1961 in West-Berlin. 1981-6 he studied Egyptology and Art History at the Free University of Berlin. MA-thesis on “The Inscribed Chests and Boxes from the Tomb of Tutankhamun”. Already while still a student he regularly spent many months in Egypt doing fieldwork in Saqqara (1982: „Joint Mission University of Berlin / University of Hanover“), Thebes (1983-5 and 1987-9: Centre Franco-Égyptien d’Étude des Temples de Karnak) and Deir el-Haggar, Dakhleh Oasis (2000: Dakhleh Oasis Project). 1985-7 employment by the University of Chicago (Epigraphic Survey, Chicago House) in Luxor. 1990-1 teaching assignment at „Institut Khéops“, Paris. 1992-2003 “Assistent” (Assistant Professor) for Egyptology at Humboldt University Berlin, of which the last two semesters he was replacing the vacant full professorship of Egyptology. 1999 at the same university Ph.D. on „Observations concerning the Context and the Functioning of Royal Statuary in the Temple of Amun at Karnak” (published: Leipzig 2001). Outside Berlin also Egyptological teaching assignments at the universities of Cologne, Havana, Leiden, Leipzig, Leuven and Marburg; since 2005 almost every semester courses in Egyptology and Ancient Cultures at the university of Göttingen. Since 1993 Consultant Egyptologist for the Collection of Antiquities at the Cuban National Museum for the Fine Arts in Havana. Since 2004 keeper of the collections of Ancient Egypt and Islam at “Museum August Kestner” in Hanover/Germany. At this museum he already realised over a dozen special exhibitions on Egyptian topics, all of which were based on his own concept, three of which were international cooperations and two were even crowned with the “German Design Award” (for the most important ones see: https://freimaurerei-und-aegypten.de and https://bes-the-exhibition.com). Other Egyptological exhibitions (co-)curated by him have been realized in Landshut/Bavaria (1992), Berlin (2001), Havana/Cuba (1994 and 2006), Gordes/France (2010), Vienna/Austria (2022), Hildesheim (2022), Bratislava/Slovakia and Gotha (2022-23) as well as in Edinburgh/Scotland (2005-6), Basel/Switzerland (2006-7 und 2008-9), Amsterdam/Netherlands, Copenhagen/Denmark and Nîmes/France (2019-2023), the last five mentioned ones were again international cooperations. For six years from August 2010 he has been one of ten elected members of the board of directors of CIPEG, the International Committee for Egyptology within the International Council of Museums (ICOM). For many years and until present he has been invited member of international vetting committees for the following art fairs: BAAF (Basel and Brussels/Belgium), BRAFA (Brussels) and TEFAF (Maastricht/Netherlands). Thanks to his intimate knowledge of the art market he became an internationally demanded specialist for evaluating Egyptian objects e.g. for insurance purposes as well as modern and historical collection values, a task he has not only done for the City of Hanover, but also for mayor international traveling exhibitions and even for German official authorities, e.g. the “Bundesamt für offene Vermögensfragen” (Federal Office of Unresolved Questions of Property). In June 2012 he was the only German member of a mixed French and international committee evaluating the scientific work of the Egyptian Department of “Musée du Louvre” (Paris). In 2021 he was invited to be part of a similar committee for “Antikenmuseum Basel und Sammlung Ludwig”.
Dr. Christian E. Loeben
[email protected]
Phone: +4917652234549
Address: Asternstr. 24
30167 Hannover
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Papers by Christian E. Loeben
Abstract of lecture:
In the context of a current study by Jennifer Moldenhauer, a young Christian Archaeologist, of the 358 pieces of „Late Antique/Coptic“ textile fragments in the Egyptian collection of the Museum August Kestner, Hanover/Germany, also the 31 – hitherto completely unknown – non-Coptic, mostly Pharaonic textiles will be studied by the museum’s Egyptologist. Although it is only vaguely retraceble how they entrered the museum’s collection, their archaeological provenance is well known. A fair number of them originates in the Cache of Royal Mummies from Deir el-Bahari and can even be linked to precise Mummies, hence they date to the rewrapping of them in Dyn. 21. Most excitingly, however, the remaining non-Coptic textiles date to ALL other periods of Egyptian
history, archaic, Old, Middle, and New Kingdom as well as to the Graeco-Roman aera … For this reason this group of Egyptian textiles in Hanover represents an unusually broad example of Egyptian textile industry in a rather small museum collection.
PLEASE NOTE: this lecture has never been published, a final study and publication are currently in preparation together with Philippe Martinez (Paris).
Adolf Miethe: Unter der Sonne Oberägyptens. Neben den Pfaden der Wissenschaft. Berlin: Verlag Dietrich Reimer, 3. Aufl. 1924. (StB Hannover, Erd 807/8b)
Within the lecture series:
Die Stadtbibliothek Hannover schließt ihre Magazine und Tresore auf. Einmal im Monat wird ein besonderes Buch aus der 575-jährigen Geschichte vorgestellt.
Schon sehr bald nach der für die europäische Geschichte so richtungsweisenden Schlacht von Waterloo machte man sich Gedanken, wie an dieses Ereignis am Ort des Geschehens würdig zu erinnern sei. Anfänglich waren eine Reihe von Denkmälern im ägyptisierenden Stil geplant, so z.B. auch das Hauptmonument: zuerst als Pyramide, dann als Obelisk. Realisiert wurde nach langen Debatten um die Aussagekraft von Monumenten im altägyptischen Stil schließlich - völlig unägyptisch - der berühmte Hügel mit dem ihn krönenden Löwendenkmal. Wirklich „ägyptisch“ gebaut wurde am Ende nur, aber dafür umso imposanter, das Denkmal für die Gefallenen aus Hannover, die Mitglieder der „King’s German Legion“. Dieses sowie das braunschweigische Monument in Waterloo erstrahlen mit dem Gedenkjahr, dank jüngster Restaurierungsmaßnahmen der Deutschen Botschaft im Königreich Belgien (Brüssel), wieder in neuem Glanz, aktueller Anlass, in einem Vortrag der kaum bekannten und deshalb umso spannenderen Planungs- und (Nicht-)Realisierungsgeschichten ägyptisierender Denkmäler für Waterloo genauer nachzugehen.
Wegen der ab nächster Woche vorübergehend geltenden, neuen Öffnungszeiten des Museum August Kestner (Fr.-So. 11-18.00) ist das Museum am 08.06. leider geschlossen und die Führung durch die Ägyptische Sammlung:
„Die Prinzipien Maat und Sia: Wahrheit und Weisheit im Pharaonischen Ägypten“, mit Christian E. Loeben
kann dort nicht in Präsenz stattfinden,
sondern nun gratis - ohne Museumseintrittspreis! - und direkt bei Ihnen zu Hause: in YouTube als Video-Premiere unten:
Mit herzlichen Grüßen Assunta Verrone