Books by Doris Bachmann-Medick
Saeculum. Jahrbuch für Universalgeschichte 71,2, 2021
Lätzer-Lasar: Archaeology and Sacred Space: On Ancient and Contemporary Practices of (De-) Sacral... more Lätzer-Lasar: Archaeology and Sacred Space: On Ancient and Contemporary Practices of (De-) Sacralization of the Palatine in Rome Archaeology, as a modern social practice for the analysis of historical processes on the basis of material remains, plays an ambivalent role in the (de-)sacralization of ancient remains. On the one hand it provides evidence for the deep history of human communities; on the other it often destroys our illusions about the past. Inspired by the French sociologist Henri Lefebvre our aim is to analyze the production of sacred spatiality, respectively the process of the

Çeviribilimin Paradigmaları. Çeviri Seçkisi. Doris Bachmann-Medick Özel Sayısı. , 2021
Türkisches und deutsches Abstract:
“Çeviribilimin Paradigmaları” serisinin amacı, çeviribilim al... more Türkisches und deutsches Abstract:
“Çeviribilimin Paradigmaları” serisinin amacı, çeviribilim alanına ilişkin yabancı dilde yayımlanan önemli makalelerin Türkçeye çevrilerek daha geniş bir okur kitlesine ulaşmasıyla alana katkıda bulunmaktır.
Elinizdeki bu çalışma, yerleşik kuramlara, yalnızca yöntemlere ve kavramlara eleştirel bir bakış sunarak salt beşeri ve sosyal bilimlere değil, bilgi ve bilim geleneklerine de açılım sağlayan Doris Bachmann- Medick’in bilim dünyasında yankı uyandıran metinlerini de içermektedir. Araştırmacının kendi seçkisine dayanan metinlerin çevirilerini Aykut Haldan, Eda Büyükyıldırım, Faruk Yücel, Nihan Demiryay, Özlem Gencer Çıtak, Pınar Akkoç Bayır, Saniye Uysal Ünalan ve Simge Yılmaz yapmışlardır. Kitapta Doris Bachmann-Medick’in kültür incelemeleri ve kültürlerarası çalışmalar alanında sunduğu bilimsel katkılarla ilgili bilgi veren bir önsöz de yer almaktadır. Funda Civelekoğlu ve Saniye Uysal Ünalan’ın hazırladıkları bu bölümün Doris Bachmann- Medick’in metinlerini yorumlamada yararlı olacağını düşünüyorum. Bu özel sayının yeni açılımlar sunması dileğiyle…
Ziel der Reihe "Paradigms of Translation Studies" ist es, durch Übersetzung wichtiger fremdsprachiger Artikel zur Translationswissenschaft ins Türkische dieses Forschungsfeld einem breiteren Publikum zugänglich zu machen. Der vorliegende Band, herausgegeben von Nilgin Tanış Polat, umfasst die Texte von Doris Bachmann-Medick zur kulturwissenschaftlichen Übersetzungsforschung. Diese Texte finden in der wissenschaftlichen Welt Resonanz, indem sie kritische Perspektiven nicht nur für etablierte Theorien, Methoden und Konzepte eröffnen, sondern für die Geistes-, Kultur- und Sozialwissenschaften überhaupt – auch für Übersetzungsbeziehungen zwischen Wissenssystemen und wissenschaftlichen Traditionen. Die Übersetzungen der ausgewählten Texte stammen von Aykut Haldan, Eda Büyükyıldırım, Faruk Yücel, Nihan Demiryay, Özlem Gencer Çıtak, Pınar Akkoç Bayır, Saniye Uysal Ünalan und Simge Yılmaz. Das Buch enthält zudem ein einleitendes Vorwort, das über die wissenschaftlichen Beiträge von Doris Bachmann-Medick zum Feld der Kulturwissenschaften und Interkulturellen Studien informiert. Die von Funda Civelekoğlu und Saniye Uysal Ünalan erarbeitete Einführung bietet einen Rahmen für die Interpretation der Texte von Doris Bachmann-Medick. Wir haben die Hoffnung, dass diese Sonderausgabe zu einer Bereicherung führt…

Futures of the Study of Culture, eds. Doris Bachmann-Medick, Jens Kugele, Ansgar Nünning, 2020
How can we approach possible but unknown futures of the study of culture? This volume explores th... more How can we approach possible but unknown futures of the study of culture? This volume explores this question in the context of a changing global world.The contributions in this volume discuss the necessity of significant shifts in our conceptual and epistemological frameworks. Taking into account changing institutional research settings, the authors develop pathways to future cultural research, addressing the crucial concerns of the cultural and social worlds themselves. The contributions thereby utilize contact zones within a wide range of disciplines such as cultural anthropology, sociology, cultural history, literary studies, the history of science and bioethics as well as the environmental and medical humanities. Examining emerging inter- and transdisciplinary points of reference, the volume invites scholars in the humanities and social sciences to take part in a conversation about theories, methods, and practices for the future study of culture.

MIGRATION Changing Concepts, Critical Approaches Recent debates on migration have demonstrated th... more MIGRATION Changing Concepts, Critical Approaches Recent debates on migration have demonstrated the important role of concepts in academic and political discourse. The contributions to this collection revisit established analytical categories in the study of migration such as border regimes, orders of belonging, coloniality, translation, trans/national digital culture and memory. Exploring notions, images and realities of migration in their cultural framings, this volume sheds light on the powerful work of these concepts. Including perspectives on migration from history, visual studies, pedagogy, literary and cultural studies, cultural anthropology and sociology, it explores the complex scholarly and popular notions of migration with particular focus on their often unspoken assumptions and political implications. Revisiting established analytical tools in the study of migration, the interdisciplinary contributions explore new approaches and point to the importance of conceptual nuance extending beyond academic discourse.

The contemporary fields of the study of culture, the humanities and the social sciences are unfol... more The contemporary fields of the study of culture, the humanities and the social sciences are unfolding in a dynamic constellation of cultural turns. This book provides a comprehensive overview of these theoretically and methodologically groundbreaking reorientations. It discusses the value of the new focuses and their analytical categories for the work of a wide range of disciplines. In addition to chapters on the interpretive, performative, reflexive, postcolonial, translational, spatial and iconic turns, it discusses emerging directions of research. Drawing on a wealth of international research, this book maps central topics and approaches in the study of culture and thus provides systematic impetus for changed disciplinary and transdisciplinary research in the humanities and beyond -e.g., in the fields of sociology, economics and the study of religion. This work is the English translation by Adam Blauhut of an influential German book that has now been completely revised. It is a stimulating example of a cross-cultural translation between different theoretical cultures and also the first critical synthesis of cultural turns in the English-speaking world.

В книге Дорис Бахманн-Медик рассматривается сложная конфигурация современных наук о культуре, кот... more В книге Дорис Бахманн-Медик рассматривается сложная конфигурация современных наук о культуре, которая начинает складываться со второй половины ХХ века и продолжает менять свои контуры по сей день. Автор выделяет семь парадигмальных смен исследовательского фокуса, или «культурных поворотов»: интерпретативный, перформативный, рефлексивный, постколониальный, переводческий, пространственный и пикториальный/иконический. В исследовании подробно описывается контекст возникновения, основные теоретические установки и аналитические категории каждого из «поворотов», а также то влияние, которое они оказали на самоосмысление отдельных дисциплин и развитие междисциплинарных предметных областей. Особое внимание уделяется концептуальным взаимосвязям и пересечениям между самими «поворотами», равно как и перспективам их развития, в том числе в свете новых вызовов культурологическим исследованиям – например, со стороны постсекулярного мышления, или «нейробиологического поворота».
This volume introduces key concepts for a trans/national expansion in the study of culture. Using... more This volume introduces key concepts for a trans/national expansion in the study of culture. Using translation as an analytical category, it explores what is translatable and untranslatable between nation-specific approaches such as British/American cultural studies, German Kulturwissenschaften and other traditions in studying culture. The range of articles included in the book covers both theoretical reflections and specific case studies that analyze the tensions and compatibilities amongst contemporary perspectives on the study of culture. By testing various key concepts -translation, cultural transfer, travelling concepts -this volume reflects on an essential vocabulary and common points of reference for scholars seeking new frameworks and methodologies for the foundation of a trans/national study of culture that is commensurate with the entangled nature of our world society.
Papers by Doris Bachmann-Medick

How can we approach possible but unknown futures of the study of culture? This volume explores th... more How can we approach possible but unknown futures of the study of culture? This volume explores this question in the context of a changing global world. The contributions in this volume discuss the necessity of significant shifts in our conceptual and epistemological frameworks. Taking into account changing institutional research settings, the authors develop pathways to future cultural research, addressing the crucial concerns of the cultural and social worlds themselves. The contributions thereby utilize contact zones within a wide range of disciplines such as cultural anthropology, sociology, cultural history, literary studies, the history of science and bioethics as well as the environmental and medical humanities. Examining emerging inter- and transdisciplinary points of reference, the volume invites scholars in the humanities and social sciences to take part in a conversation about theories, methods, and practices for the future study of culture.

The exploration of possible futures of the study of culture is more than a prognostic effort, dia... more The exploration of possible futures of the study of culture is more than a prognostic effort, diagnosis of trends, or progressive elaboration of theories and methods. It also requires the critical consideration of possible future topics, transformations, and potentials within an interdisciplinary and international research field that faces contested futures in a rapidly changing global world. This volume discusses recent developments, emerging directions, and concerns for the study of culture from a wide range of national and disciplinary contexts, while addressing pressing challenges and crucial issues found in contemporary public discourse. The articles in this volume have been written and edited well before there were any signs of the current global Covid-19 pandemic that has rapidly brought death, fear, and unforeseen challenges to individual lives and cultural systems. We, of course, do not know what the future will bring or hold in store for our world, but we sincerely hope that we will find ways to cope with all the challenges resulting from this global pandemic. What the corona crisis shows us already, however, is that we depend not only on political and economic systems, but also on ideas, common values, and cultural practices to shape a common future. We need the perspectives of the humanities and social sciences to understand and to create our society, culture, and global world. We have rarely experienced this fragility of our globalized world and such uncertainty of any future outlook. In times when human lives, economies, and political systems are at stake, we grope our way forward taking very small steps at a time as the very foundations of future expectations seem radically shaken. Yet, although written well before this global crisis, the articles in this volume have approached the topic of 'futures' rather cautiously and with nuance. Instead of generating a global prognostic vision, this collection pursues incipient approaches that try to expand the limits of our established but often ill-suited conceptual settings and disciplinary and institutional arrangements. It aims to open up new horizons for the study of culture by bringing changed conceptual tools and research practices in sight that could perhaps make us better equipped for dealing with urgent concerns and future issues yet unknown. With the generous support of the University Library Giessen, we have made the book available through Open Access to maximize the accessibility and potential of its contributions to spark debates worldwide. Our goal was to produce a collection that is not only multidisciplinary but also multi-voiced, as exemplified by our two-perspective introductions and an interview with Peter L. Galison. Most of the contributions originated at the international symposium held in 2016 to celebrate the 15th anniversary of the Giessen Graduate Centre for Open Access.
Wie und nach welchen Kriterien entstehen turns? Doris Bachmann-Medick entfaltet das Spektrum der ... more Wie und nach welchen Kriterien entstehen turns? Doris Bachmann-Medick entfaltet das Spektrum der unterschiedlichen cultural turns und zeigt ihr Potential für eine Veränderung des Kulturbegriffs selbst. Wieweit die cultural turns eine Abkehr von einem übertriebenen Konstruktivismus hin zur Rückgewinnung von Referentialität befördern, wird schließlich an unterschiedlichen Formen von re-turns gezeigt. Von hier aus eröffnet sich ein breiterer Horizont, in dem sich die zukünftige Forschungslandschaft der Kulturwissenschaften ausgehend von cultural turns (und über sie hinaus?) weiterprofilieren könnte.
Zeitschrift für interkulturelle Germanistik, 2019
Zeitschrift für Kulturwissenschaften, 2017
Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Geistesgeschichte, 1994
Die neuere Debatte über Weltliteratur bzw. Dritte-Welt-Literatur regt dazu an, in postkolonialer ... more Die neuere Debatte über Weltliteratur bzw. Dritte-Welt-Literatur regt dazu an, in postkolonialer Theorie und an Textbeispielen (Amitav Ghosh, Salman Rushdie) kulturelle "Differenzen" statt multikultureller Vielfalt zu betonen. Mißverstehen und Aushandeln von Verschiedenheiten entgegen internationalistischer Vereinheitlichung werden zu Leitkategorien einer kritischen Praxis kultureller Übersetzung.
Books by Doris Bachmann-Medick
“Çeviribilimin Paradigmaları” serisinin amacı, çeviribilim alanına ilişkin yabancı dilde yayımlanan önemli makalelerin Türkçeye çevrilerek daha geniş bir okur kitlesine ulaşmasıyla alana katkıda bulunmaktır.
Elinizdeki bu çalışma, yerleşik kuramlara, yalnızca yöntemlere ve kavramlara eleştirel bir bakış sunarak salt beşeri ve sosyal bilimlere değil, bilgi ve bilim geleneklerine de açılım sağlayan Doris Bachmann- Medick’in bilim dünyasında yankı uyandıran metinlerini de içermektedir. Araştırmacının kendi seçkisine dayanan metinlerin çevirilerini Aykut Haldan, Eda Büyükyıldırım, Faruk Yücel, Nihan Demiryay, Özlem Gencer Çıtak, Pınar Akkoç Bayır, Saniye Uysal Ünalan ve Simge Yılmaz yapmışlardır. Kitapta Doris Bachmann-Medick’in kültür incelemeleri ve kültürlerarası çalışmalar alanında sunduğu bilimsel katkılarla ilgili bilgi veren bir önsöz de yer almaktadır. Funda Civelekoğlu ve Saniye Uysal Ünalan’ın hazırladıkları bu bölümün Doris Bachmann- Medick’in metinlerini yorumlamada yararlı olacağını düşünüyorum. Bu özel sayının yeni açılımlar sunması dileğiyle…
Ziel der Reihe "Paradigms of Translation Studies" ist es, durch Übersetzung wichtiger fremdsprachiger Artikel zur Translationswissenschaft ins Türkische dieses Forschungsfeld einem breiteren Publikum zugänglich zu machen. Der vorliegende Band, herausgegeben von Nilgin Tanış Polat, umfasst die Texte von Doris Bachmann-Medick zur kulturwissenschaftlichen Übersetzungsforschung. Diese Texte finden in der wissenschaftlichen Welt Resonanz, indem sie kritische Perspektiven nicht nur für etablierte Theorien, Methoden und Konzepte eröffnen, sondern für die Geistes-, Kultur- und Sozialwissenschaften überhaupt – auch für Übersetzungsbeziehungen zwischen Wissenssystemen und wissenschaftlichen Traditionen. Die Übersetzungen der ausgewählten Texte stammen von Aykut Haldan, Eda Büyükyıldırım, Faruk Yücel, Nihan Demiryay, Özlem Gencer Çıtak, Pınar Akkoç Bayır, Saniye Uysal Ünalan und Simge Yılmaz. Das Buch enthält zudem ein einleitendes Vorwort, das über die wissenschaftlichen Beiträge von Doris Bachmann-Medick zum Feld der Kulturwissenschaften und Interkulturellen Studien informiert. Die von Funda Civelekoğlu und Saniye Uysal Ünalan erarbeitete Einführung bietet einen Rahmen für die Interpretation der Texte von Doris Bachmann-Medick. Wir haben die Hoffnung, dass diese Sonderausgabe zu einer Bereicherung führt…
Papers by Doris Bachmann-Medick
“Çeviribilimin Paradigmaları” serisinin amacı, çeviribilim alanına ilişkin yabancı dilde yayımlanan önemli makalelerin Türkçeye çevrilerek daha geniş bir okur kitlesine ulaşmasıyla alana katkıda bulunmaktır.
Elinizdeki bu çalışma, yerleşik kuramlara, yalnızca yöntemlere ve kavramlara eleştirel bir bakış sunarak salt beşeri ve sosyal bilimlere değil, bilgi ve bilim geleneklerine de açılım sağlayan Doris Bachmann- Medick’in bilim dünyasında yankı uyandıran metinlerini de içermektedir. Araştırmacının kendi seçkisine dayanan metinlerin çevirilerini Aykut Haldan, Eda Büyükyıldırım, Faruk Yücel, Nihan Demiryay, Özlem Gencer Çıtak, Pınar Akkoç Bayır, Saniye Uysal Ünalan ve Simge Yılmaz yapmışlardır. Kitapta Doris Bachmann-Medick’in kültür incelemeleri ve kültürlerarası çalışmalar alanında sunduğu bilimsel katkılarla ilgili bilgi veren bir önsöz de yer almaktadır. Funda Civelekoğlu ve Saniye Uysal Ünalan’ın hazırladıkları bu bölümün Doris Bachmann- Medick’in metinlerini yorumlamada yararlı olacağını düşünüyorum. Bu özel sayının yeni açılımlar sunması dileğiyle…
Ziel der Reihe "Paradigms of Translation Studies" ist es, durch Übersetzung wichtiger fremdsprachiger Artikel zur Translationswissenschaft ins Türkische dieses Forschungsfeld einem breiteren Publikum zugänglich zu machen. Der vorliegende Band, herausgegeben von Nilgin Tanış Polat, umfasst die Texte von Doris Bachmann-Medick zur kulturwissenschaftlichen Übersetzungsforschung. Diese Texte finden in der wissenschaftlichen Welt Resonanz, indem sie kritische Perspektiven nicht nur für etablierte Theorien, Methoden und Konzepte eröffnen, sondern für die Geistes-, Kultur- und Sozialwissenschaften überhaupt – auch für Übersetzungsbeziehungen zwischen Wissenssystemen und wissenschaftlichen Traditionen. Die Übersetzungen der ausgewählten Texte stammen von Aykut Haldan, Eda Büyükyıldırım, Faruk Yücel, Nihan Demiryay, Özlem Gencer Çıtak, Pınar Akkoç Bayır, Saniye Uysal Ünalan und Simge Yılmaz. Das Buch enthält zudem ein einleitendes Vorwort, das über die wissenschaftlichen Beiträge von Doris Bachmann-Medick zum Feld der Kulturwissenschaften und Interkulturellen Studien informiert. Die von Funda Civelekoğlu und Saniye Uysal Ünalan erarbeitete Einführung bietet einen Rahmen für die Interpretation der Texte von Doris Bachmann-Medick. Wir haben die Hoffnung, dass diese Sonderausgabe zu einer Bereicherung führt…