Justus-Liebig-University Giessen
Statistics and Econometrics
Arable farming is an intrinsically risky enterprise. Therefore, managing risks and uncertainties in agriculture is very important as it affects all sectors of the economy of a developing country like Pakistan. To do so, a whole suite of... more
This study investigates the impact of the mechanism of green public consumption policy on environmental equity and provides a feasible reference for the rational formulation of corresponding policies for China. Establish a mediation... more
Understanding market integration in developing countries is an important issue in current research. This study is an attempt to analyze wheat market integration in Pakistan. Previous research on the subject has attempted at analyzing... more
This study is a maiden empirical attempt to examine the long-run linkage between households’ usage of energy and economic progression in Pakistan from the period of 1972–2017. The Autoregressive Distributive Lag (ARDL) bounds testing... more
C hilli (Capsicum annuum L.) is one of the essential vegetable crops, which is cultivated almost all around the world and cultivated over an area of 1.856 million hectares with a production of 4.626 million tons . Nutritionally it is a... more
In the current study, we have analyzed the impact of formal credit on agricultural output : Evidence from Pakistan. by using secondary data from 1996 to 2015. Augmented Dickey Fuller (ADF) test was applied to check the stationarity of the... more
Wheat and rice are important staple food crops of South Asian countries including Pakistan. Wheat and rice trade across South Asian countries takes place not only to earn foreign exchange but to ensure food security also. Market... more
This research was carried out in District Naushahro Ferozero, Sindh, Pakistan to examine the role of first microfinance bank financing in agricultural activities. A multistage technique was adopted to select (151) farmers from five... more
Polyethylene glycol (PEG-6000) is often used for the early establishment screening of the wheat genotypes against drought stress conditions. A collection of twenty-one newly developed bread wheat genotypes (developed through conventional... more
Callosobruchus spp. are global serious pests of pulses. Therefore, two studies were carried out to determine their distribution in three ecological zones of the Sindh, Pakistan along with their damage potential to major pulses. Survey was... more
Vegetables hold very important and significant place in our diet, among vegetables chilli (Capsicum annuum L.) is one of the most important vegetable crop of Pakistan. The vegetable’s market integration is the major problem in Pakistan... more