Book Reviews by Clara Verri

The connection between the practical, physical realization of the botany-born concept of transpla... more The connection between the practical, physical realization of the botany-born concept of transplantation and its usage as cultural metaphor in identity-building aspects opens a range of questions regarding the problematic transferral of the concept from the scientific subject to the cultural disciplines. The interdisciplinary reconstruction of this conceptual fracture is investigated by the publication Kulturwissenschaftliche Konzepte der Transplantation (2019) edited by Ottmar Ette and Uwe Wirth, in collaboration with Carolin Haupt.
Transplantation: Jenseits transkultureller und identitätsbildender Prozesse German Abstract: Der Zusammenhang zwischen der praktischen, physischen Umsetzung des aus der Botanik stammenden Transplantationskonzepts und seiner Verwendung als kulturelle Metapher in identitätsbildenden Aspekten wirft eine Reihe von Fragen hinsichtlich der problematischen Übertragung des Konzepts vom wissenschaftlichen Fach auf die kulturellen Disziplinen auf. Die interdisziplinäre Rekonstruktion dieses konzeptuellen Bruchs wird in dem Band Kulturwissenschaftliche Konzepte der Transplantation (2019) herausgegeben von Ottmar Ette und Uwe Wirth, unter Mitarbeit von Carolin Haupt, untersucht.
21st-Century Media, 21st-Century Fiction Review of ‘Fictions of the Internet’: From Intermediality to Transmedia Storytelling in 21st-Century Novels (2018) by Anna Weigel-Heller, 2020
The application of new media to 21st-century novels is the trigger of emerging narrative genres, ... more The application of new media to 21st-century novels is the trigger of emerging narrative genres, which revolutionize the narrative panorama and leave space for innovative conceptual approaches. The influence of popular new media creates original circumstances for the development of new kinds of interaction between the storytelling and the reader/spectator, accentuating the rising need for social, multimedia engagements. The newest concepts and approaches of the emerging, wide fields of transmediality and intermediality in transmedial narratives are objects of the handbook ‘Fictions of the Internet’. From Intermediality to Transmedia Storytelling in 21st-Century Novels (2018) by Anna Weigel-Heller.
Conference Presentations by Clara Verri
From the local, national to the global, cultural hybridity nowadays travels across the individual... more From the local, national to the global, cultural hybridity nowadays travels across the individual, political, religious, biological, cultural and virtual spaces in historical contexts of nation-states, transnational movements and globalization. The problematization of the term oscillates between essentialization and its usage as a categorical instrument. However, cultural hybridity can entangle new meanings and action-oriented concepts. This conference aims to reframe the discourse on hybridity by exploring this cultural artefact in theory and social practice and as a still useful analytical tool in the study of culture.
Papers by Clara Verri

The concept of cultural hybridity seems ordinary now due to the daily usages of the term in a glo... more The concept of cultural hybridity seems ordinary now due to the daily usages of the term in a global context, but it covers a lengthy scholarly discourse. In the Winter Semester 2020/21, the discussion of Pnina Werbner's article on the dialectics of hybridity during a Research Area 6 meeting captivated the members' interest. What novel ideas does hybridity bring to different cultural environments, and how? Possible answers were that cultural shifts between the local and the global are involved, as well as encounters and reformulation of identities. The concept helps reflect on the interaction processes between identities and cultures by considering the emergence of new realities. The interdisciplinary and international conference "Cultural Identities in a Global World: Reframing Cultural Hybridity," from 23 to 25 June, aimed to shed light on the dynamics and social practices engaging hybridity as a tool of cultural analysis and formation. The experimental format of the laboratory conference aimed to inspire a reformulation of this concept and to bind everyday reality with academic knowledge during the keynote lecture, the two workshops, the eight panels, and the final laboratory-debate. The conference started with a digital World Café through the platform On the page created for the event, four questions were formulated to break the ice and present the participants. The questions respectively asked for a short introduction (name, university, faculty, degree), how hybridity relates to their scholarly work, how it relates to their daily life and, finally, the meaning of hybridity in a short sentence or word. To answer these questions the participants accessed the page and used the function of leaving a comment. This World Café showed the international, interdisciplinary and polyphonic aspects of hybridity in academic knowledge and everyday life among the participants. KULT_online. Review Journal for the Study of Culture 64/2021 first panels of the first day were Negotiation of Gender in the Digital Era and Digitalisation of Culture. Both were held simultaneously, as both discussed the importance of the digital in rethinking concepts such as gender and culture. NEELLY FAS-SAD (Goethe University Frankfurt) opened the session Negotiation of Gender in the Digital Era chaired by LAURA POPA (Justus Liebig University Giessen), by focusing on the global spread of the image of the child-woman in digital pop-culture across Europe and Asia. In her poster presentation, "The Myth of the Child-Woman in Visual Media Concepts," Fas-sad analyzed how Lolita's sexualized aesthetics contribute to the hypersexualization of young girls, child pornography, and sexual violence against children on the Internet and social media platforms. In order to reclaim women's bodies, the new aesthetic of an asexualized, subversive Gothic Lolita was introduced. Following the same interest in gender aesthetics, ATHIRA B.K. (Jawaharlal Nehru University) discussed a novel bridehood imaginary emerging in India since the 1990s in her talk "Weddings and Digital Circuits: The Case of an Emergent Bridehood in India." As opposed to arguing that there is openness to hybrid cultural influences due to globalization, the results of her analysis of a series of Instagram wedding images during the COVID-19 crisis indicate that this newly formed aesthetic is not much negotiated and still bound to social, political, and religious hierarchies according to local contexts. A stronger negotiation of gender in the digital sphere has been proposed by AIDEN JAMES COSCIENZA (Temple University) in "Gender Hybridity, Cultural Hybridity, and Transcultural Audiences." He demonstrated how fans of media texts circulated on the Internet can selfdiscover and self-produce hybrid gender identities as a consequence of perceiving gender in the 21st century as a borderless territory related to global encounters. The panel Digitalisation of Culture was chaired by CLARA VERRI
Der Zusammenhang zwischen der praktischen, physischen Umsetzung des aus der Botanik stammenden Tr... more Der Zusammenhang zwischen der praktischen, physischen Umsetzung des aus der Botanik stammenden Transplantationskonzepts und seiner Verwendung als kulturelle Metapher in identitatsbildenden Aspekten wirft eine Reihe von Fragen hinsichtlich der problematischen Ubertragung des Konzepts vom wissenschaftlichen Fach auf die kulturellen Disziplinen auf. Die interdisziplinare Rekonstruktion dieser konzeptuellen Fraktur wird in dem Band Kulturwissenschaftliche Konzepte der Transplantation (2019) herausgegeben von Ottmar Ette und Uwe Wirth, unter Mitarbeit von Carolin Haupt, untersucht.
Die Auswirkungen neuer Medien auf Romane des 21. Jahrhunderts sind der Ausloser fur eine Vielzahl... more Die Auswirkungen neuer Medien auf Romane des 21. Jahrhunderts sind der Ausloser fur eine Vielzahl von aufkommenden narrativen Genres, die das narrative Panorama revolutionieren und Raum fur innovative konzeptuelle Ansatze lassen. So bereitet der Einfluss popularer neuer Medien fruchtbare Umstande fur die Entwicklung neuartiger Interaktionen zwischen „Storytelling“ und Lesern/Zuschauern, wobei der wachsende Bedarf an sozialen, multimedialen Engagements hervorgehoben wird. Der Band ‚Fictions of the Internet’. From Intermediality to Transmedia Storytelling in 21st-Century Novels (2018) von Anna Weigel-Heller diskutiert die neuesten Konzepte und Ansatze in den weiten Feldern der Transmedialitat und Intermedialitat in transmedialen Narrativen.
Book Reviews by Clara Verri
Transplantation: Jenseits transkultureller und identitätsbildender Prozesse German Abstract: Der Zusammenhang zwischen der praktischen, physischen Umsetzung des aus der Botanik stammenden Transplantationskonzepts und seiner Verwendung als kulturelle Metapher in identitätsbildenden Aspekten wirft eine Reihe von Fragen hinsichtlich der problematischen Übertragung des Konzepts vom wissenschaftlichen Fach auf die kulturellen Disziplinen auf. Die interdisziplinäre Rekonstruktion dieses konzeptuellen Bruchs wird in dem Band Kulturwissenschaftliche Konzepte der Transplantation (2019) herausgegeben von Ottmar Ette und Uwe Wirth, unter Mitarbeit von Carolin Haupt, untersucht.
Conference Presentations by Clara Verri
Papers by Clara Verri
Transplantation: Jenseits transkultureller und identitätsbildender Prozesse German Abstract: Der Zusammenhang zwischen der praktischen, physischen Umsetzung des aus der Botanik stammenden Transplantationskonzepts und seiner Verwendung als kulturelle Metapher in identitätsbildenden Aspekten wirft eine Reihe von Fragen hinsichtlich der problematischen Übertragung des Konzepts vom wissenschaftlichen Fach auf die kulturellen Disziplinen auf. Die interdisziplinäre Rekonstruktion dieses konzeptuellen Bruchs wird in dem Band Kulturwissenschaftliche Konzepte der Transplantation (2019) herausgegeben von Ottmar Ette und Uwe Wirth, unter Mitarbeit von Carolin Haupt, untersucht.