Mariachiara Franceschini
Co-Director of the field project Vulci Cityscape (https://vulcityscape.hypotheses.org/)
- since 4.2020 Akademische Rätin, Universität Freiburg, Institut für Archäologische Wissenschaften, Abteilung Klassische Archäologie
- 2.2017-4.2020 Assistentin / PostDoc, University of Zurich, Archaeological Institute, Classical Archaeology
- 2015-2016 Reisestipendium (travel grant) of the German Archaeological Institute
- 5.2015-1.2017 Research grant at the German Archaeological Institute in Rome (paused during the Reisestipendium)
- 2014-2015 Research Assistant, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Ägyptisches Museum und Papyrussammlung, (http://ww2.smb.museum/berlpap/)
- 2010-2014 PhD at Freie Universität Berlin (2010-2013 Scholarship of „Elsa-Neumann-Stipendium“)
Dissertation: „Relevanz und Neubewertung eines standardisierten Motivs. Die Mantelfiguren in der rotfigurigen Vasenmalerei des 6. – 5. Jhs. v. Chr.“ (Advisors: Prof. Dr. F. Fless; Prof. Dr. L. Winkler-Horaček)
- 2003-2009 University joint-degree at IUSS (Institute for Advanced Studies), Pavia
- 2006-2008 MA at University of Pavia and at Freie Universität Berlin (Advisors: Prof. Dr. M. Harari, Dr. C. Isler-Kerény)
- 2003-2006 BA at University of Pavia (Advisor: Prof. Dr. M. Harari)
Address: Universität Freiburg
Institut für Archäologische Wissenschaften
Abteilung Klassische Archäologie
Friedrichstraße 39 (Fahnenbergplatz)
D-79098 Freiburg
- since 4.2020 Akademische Rätin, Universität Freiburg, Institut für Archäologische Wissenschaften, Abteilung Klassische Archäologie
- 2.2017-4.2020 Assistentin / PostDoc, University of Zurich, Archaeological Institute, Classical Archaeology
- 2015-2016 Reisestipendium (travel grant) of the German Archaeological Institute
- 5.2015-1.2017 Research grant at the German Archaeological Institute in Rome (paused during the Reisestipendium)
- 2014-2015 Research Assistant, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Ägyptisches Museum und Papyrussammlung, (http://ww2.smb.museum/berlpap/)
- 2010-2014 PhD at Freie Universität Berlin (2010-2013 Scholarship of „Elsa-Neumann-Stipendium“)
Dissertation: „Relevanz und Neubewertung eines standardisierten Motivs. Die Mantelfiguren in der rotfigurigen Vasenmalerei des 6. – 5. Jhs. v. Chr.“ (Advisors: Prof. Dr. F. Fless; Prof. Dr. L. Winkler-Horaček)
- 2003-2009 University joint-degree at IUSS (Institute for Advanced Studies), Pavia
- 2006-2008 MA at University of Pavia and at Freie Universität Berlin (Advisors: Prof. Dr. M. Harari, Dr. C. Isler-Kerény)
- 2003-2006 BA at University of Pavia (Advisor: Prof. Dr. M. Harari)
Address: Universität Freiburg
Institut für Archäologische Wissenschaften
Abteilung Klassische Archäologie
Friedrichstraße 39 (Fahnenbergplatz)
D-79098 Freiburg
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InterestsView All (41)
Books by Mariachiara Franceschini
Die Mantelfiguren, eines der zentralen Motive der attischen Bilderwelt, sind Gegenstand der Untersuchung des vorliegenden Buchs, in dem ein innovativer Zugang zum Bildsystem der attischen Vasenmalerei vorgestellt wird. Reflektiert man die bisherige communis opinio zu den namenlosen männlichen Himationsträgern, so wird ihre Wahrnehmung von den späteren Bildern, in denen diese Figuren scheinbar isoliert nur auf einer Seite der Vase auftauchen, dominiert, wobei sie sich nur schwer in semantische Kategorien einordnen lassen. Die typologische und semantische Untersuchung dieses Bildmotivs für die attisch-rotfigurige Vasenmalerei des 6.–5. Jhs. v.Chr. zeigt jedoch, dass die Mantelfiguren in ihrer diachronen, bildlichen und semantischen Entwicklung sowohl ein vielfältiges ikonographisches Spektrum, als auch eine relevante kommunikative und inhaltliche Bedeutung aufweisen. Die Auswertung einer umfangreichen und repräsentativen Materialbasis kommt zu dem Ergebnis, dass eines der häufigsten Motive der attisch-rotfigurigen Vasenproduktion in Wirklichkeit nicht nur ein komplexeres und relevanteres Element der antiken Bildsprache war als bisher vermutet, sondern geradezu paradigmatisch ein interpretatives Schlüsselmoment im Verhältnis zwischen Produzent, Betrachter, Objekt und Bildwelt liefert.
Mantle figures, a central motif of the Attic red-figure vase production, form the subject matter of the present volume, which introduces an innovative approach towards the representational system of Attic vase painting. So far, the communis opinio on anonymous male figures wearing the himation is dominated by a perception rooted in later depictions, where these seemingly isolated figures are shown only on one side of the vase and are difficult to integrate into existing semantic categories. However, a typological and semantic study of this motif on Attic red-figure vases of the 6th-5th centuries B. C. demonstrates that mantle figures in their diachronic, pictorial and semantic development show both a varied iconographic spectrum and are significant in terms of communication and meaning content. The analysis of an extensive and representative corpus reveals that this motif, one of the most common on Attic red-figure vases, is not only a more complex and relevant element of Ancient imagery than has been realised so far, but indeed can stand as an almost paradigmatic interpretative key for the relationship between producers, viewers, objects and imagery.
Edited volumes by Mariachiara Franceschini
these networks perceived by ancient societies and actors as a means to perform and
assert social, personal and group identities?
Covering various periods and geo-cultural areas from Iran to the western Mediterranean,
with a strong focus on classical antiquity, the papers collected here approach the
topic of network as resources in three different but interrelated thematic domains:
the interaction between societies and the natural environment (socio-natural
networks), the transmission of knowledge and habitus (networks of knowledge
and power) and religious interactions (sacred landscape). The social values that
communities attribute to the networks they are embedded in are opened up to new
interpretative layers, dynamics and scales. Looking at networks as resources changes
our perspective on both terms of the equation. On the one hand, ancient networks are
reframed in their relational and social contexts and linked to their actors’ intentions
and perceptions. On the other hand, the properties of specifi c networks, such as
fl uidity, redundancy and the strength and fragility of relationships, shed new light on
resources and resource-related socio-cultural dynamics.
Papers by Mariachiara Franceschini
Die Mantelfiguren, eines der zentralen Motive der attischen Bilderwelt, sind Gegenstand der Untersuchung des vorliegenden Buchs, in dem ein innovativer Zugang zum Bildsystem der attischen Vasenmalerei vorgestellt wird. Reflektiert man die bisherige communis opinio zu den namenlosen männlichen Himationsträgern, so wird ihre Wahrnehmung von den späteren Bildern, in denen diese Figuren scheinbar isoliert nur auf einer Seite der Vase auftauchen, dominiert, wobei sie sich nur schwer in semantische Kategorien einordnen lassen. Die typologische und semantische Untersuchung dieses Bildmotivs für die attisch-rotfigurige Vasenmalerei des 6.–5. Jhs. v.Chr. zeigt jedoch, dass die Mantelfiguren in ihrer diachronen, bildlichen und semantischen Entwicklung sowohl ein vielfältiges ikonographisches Spektrum, als auch eine relevante kommunikative und inhaltliche Bedeutung aufweisen. Die Auswertung einer umfangreichen und repräsentativen Materialbasis kommt zu dem Ergebnis, dass eines der häufigsten Motive der attisch-rotfigurigen Vasenproduktion in Wirklichkeit nicht nur ein komplexeres und relevanteres Element der antiken Bildsprache war als bisher vermutet, sondern geradezu paradigmatisch ein interpretatives Schlüsselmoment im Verhältnis zwischen Produzent, Betrachter, Objekt und Bildwelt liefert.
Mantle figures, a central motif of the Attic red-figure vase production, form the subject matter of the present volume, which introduces an innovative approach towards the representational system of Attic vase painting. So far, the communis opinio on anonymous male figures wearing the himation is dominated by a perception rooted in later depictions, where these seemingly isolated figures are shown only on one side of the vase and are difficult to integrate into existing semantic categories. However, a typological and semantic study of this motif on Attic red-figure vases of the 6th-5th centuries B. C. demonstrates that mantle figures in their diachronic, pictorial and semantic development show both a varied iconographic spectrum and are significant in terms of communication and meaning content. The analysis of an extensive and representative corpus reveals that this motif, one of the most common on Attic red-figure vases, is not only a more complex and relevant element of Ancient imagery than has been realised so far, but indeed can stand as an almost paradigmatic interpretative key for the relationship between producers, viewers, objects and imagery.
these networks perceived by ancient societies and actors as a means to perform and
assert social, personal and group identities?
Covering various periods and geo-cultural areas from Iran to the western Mediterranean,
with a strong focus on classical antiquity, the papers collected here approach the
topic of network as resources in three different but interrelated thematic domains:
the interaction between societies and the natural environment (socio-natural
networks), the transmission of knowledge and habitus (networks of knowledge
and power) and religious interactions (sacred landscape). The social values that
communities attribute to the networks they are embedded in are opened up to new
interpretative layers, dynamics and scales. Looking at networks as resources changes
our perspective on both terms of the equation. On the one hand, ancient networks are
reframed in their relational and social contexts and linked to their actors’ intentions
and perceptions. On the other hand, the properties of specifi c networks, such as
fl uidity, redundancy and the strength and fragility of relationships, shed new light on
resources and resource-related socio-cultural dynamics.
Der Vortrag soll einen Einblick in das 2019 initiierte Forschungsprojekt zur Cityscape Vulcis geben, das es sich zum Ziel gesetzt hat, mit einer Kombination aus non-invasiven geophysikalischen Prospektionen und gezielten Grabungsschnitten an neuralgischen Punkten das Stadtbild Vulcis und seine Veränderung in der longue durée in den Blick zu nehmen.
Zunächst wurde 2020 der gesamte Bereich nördlich des sog. decumanus geomagnetisch prospektiert und im Anschluss ein neuer Stadtplan für dieses Areal erstellt, der bisherige Vorstellungen zur Cityscape Vulcis grundlegend revidiert. Dabei wurde u. a. ein neuer monumentaler Tempel identifiziert, der im Sommer 2021 durch eine erste Ausgrabungskampagne stratigraphisch eingeordnet werden konnte.
Diese neuen Ergebnisse sollen zu unserem bisherigen Kenntnisstand zu anderen etruskischen Städten ins Verhältnis gesetzt werden, um so einen neuen Zugang zur etruskischen Urbanistik zu gewinnen.
Per la fase orientalizzante, contiamo frammenti di lastre decorate a guilloche white-on-red confrontabili, tra gli altri, con esemplari da Acquarossa e Caere. Agli inizi dell’età arcaica si inquadrano le sime con teorie di grifoni e cervi, che presentano somiglianze con lastre soprattutto da Poggio Buco, ma anche da Veio; rispetto a queste hanno, tuttavia, dimensioni considerevolmente maggiori e monumentali. Tra i nuovi ritrovamenti si contano, inoltre, frammenti di sime a lingue, simili a esemplari da Tuscania e Acquarossa (570/560 a.C.) e diversi frammenti di lastre con teorie di guerrieri che ben si allineano a tipi noti da Tuscania, Poggio Buco e Acquarossa (570-550 a.C.).
Per la prima volta è possibile disporre di un consistente ensemble di terrecotte architettoniche vulcenti da contesti scavati stratigraficamente che abbracciano senza soluzione di continuità l’intero VI secolo a.C. Le terrecotte, messe in relazione a tegole, coppi e frammenti di pittura parietale dal riempimento del tempio, consentono di far luce su edifici di diverse dimensioni e cronologia presenti in area urbana prima del nuovo tempio. In particolare, le sime con teorie di grifoni e cervi, proprio per le loro particolari dimensioni, sembrano riferirsi a edifici pubblici. I nuovi ritrovamenti ampliano notevolmente e integrano il corpus delle terrecotte architettoniche di Vulci e permetto una più approfondita conoscenza della coroplastica vulcente in un’importante fase di sviluppo urbano e delle influenze in Etruria Meridionale.
Séance 3 / Sessione 3
École Française de Rome – Piazza Navona
XIX. International Congress of Classical Archaeology „Archaeology and Economy in the Ancient World“ in Köln und Bonn
May 24, 2018
It is crucial to highlight the potential of the mantle-figures to lead and intensify the external viewer's perception. Like a “chorus” on the edge of the image the internal spectators can interact with the action, conveying the viewer an active and emotional participation to the events. If the audience is moved to the opposite field of the vase they become a narrating audience, which leads the viewer through the process of cognition as a pure narrative experience. The redundancy of the mantle-figures allowed, in this context, to follow the narrative thread not only in the iconographic program of a vase but in the whole system of images.
Furthermore, both visual and literary sources allow us to understand the himation in Greek perception as a symbol of the belonging to the Hellenic polis and to its common values. The mantle-figures, representing this ideal community, contextualize the narration in the polis and convey a broader cultural Greek identity.
More infos: https://www.e-a-a.org/eaa2024
More infos: https://www.e-a-a.org/eaa2024
More infos: https://www.e-a-a.org/eaa2024
Proposals for papers must be sent to: [email protected] and [email protected]
Deadline for the submission of paper proposals (max. 300 words): Sunday 16th April 2023
Keywords: Cultural Contacts, Dynamic, Environment, Landscape, Resources, Sacred Landscapes
Session format: Regular session