Juergen Bauhus
Jürgen Bauhus is Professor of Silviculture at the Faculty of Environment and Natural Resources at Freiburg University, Germany, since 2003. From 1996 to 2003 he worked at the Australian National University. His research on dynamics and management of structure and composition of forests, carbon and nutrient cycles, ecological interactions in mixed-species forests, as well as the adaptation of forests to global change. He published several books and more than 150 peer-reviewed papers and book chapters. He is a member of the Scientific Advisory Board on Forest Policy at the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture. For his scientific accomplishments he received in 2014 the IUFRO scientific achievement award.
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Papers by Juergen Bauhus
artifi cial regeneration. A cost-effective alternative regeneration technique is the so called “oak bio-group” planting, which became popular in central Europe for re-afforestations from 1970s onwards. Bio-groups are either so-called nests, where 20–30 oaks/m2 were sown or planted, or groups with 25–26 trees at 1 m spacing, and where the bio-groups at spaced out at the distance of future crop trees. Although many experimental trials have been established to analyse this approach, and some have been evaluated individually, so far there has been no comprehensive analysis of all experiments. Here we will present a comparative assessment of tree quality development between bio-groups and row plantings through a mixed effect meta-analysis with hierarchical linear modelling. The main parameters analysed were stem form, crown type, slenderness, and branch free bole length. At the stand level, the two treatments were compared on the basis of the number of future crop trees. This first silvicultural meta-analysis of a regeneration method will provide an important basis for future decisions about establishment of oak-dominated stands in Central Europe.