Ercüment Çelik
Ercüment Çelik is Venia Legendi for Sociology, whose research interests focus on the sociology of work and labour, the sociology of development, Southern Theory/Sociology, and global knowledge production and circulation. He gained his Associate Professor title awarded by the Turkish Interuniversities Council in October 2015.
He studied Sociology at the Middle East Technical University in Turkey before finishing his MA in the Global Studies Programme at the University of Freiburg, Germany, the University of KwaZulu Natal in South Africa and the Jawaharlal Nehru University in India. In 2009, he completed his PhD at the Institute for Sociology of the University of Freiburg, where he worked as a researcher and lecturer until 2015. He was also a faculty member of Global Studies M.A. Programme. Celik was a visiting post-doctoral researcher at the university of Cape Town in South Africa and a visiting lecturer at Latin American School of Social Sciences, FLACSO in Argentina. He was awarded with a research fellowship by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey from February 2016 to August 2017. At the same time, he served as an Associate Professor in Labour Economics and Industrial Relations Department at Ankara University until January 2018. He was a consulting trainer for 'Workplace Social Dialogue Project in Turkey' initiated by the Ethical Trading Initiative, UK until July 2019.
Celik held an Interim Professorship at the Institute for Sociology of the University of Freiburg and an Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung Fellowship at Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies-FRIAS from September 2019 to July 2022.
His dissertation, "Street Traders: A Bridge Between Trade Unions and Social Movements in Contemporary South Africa" (2010) was published by Nomos Publishers. In 2011 his dissertation was awarded the Turkish Social Sciences Association's the Young Social Scientist. He is the co-editor of Global Knowledge Production in the Social Sciences: Made in Circulation (2014), published by Ashgate (new edition Routledge). His most recent book entitled 'Southern Sociology and Sociology in Turkey' (original in Turkish) is published by Notabene in Turkey in July 2018.
Ercüment Çelik is Editorial Board Member of Transcience, a Journal of Global Studies, and Board Member of ISA Research Committee on Labor Movements (RC44) (2014-2023), and of Social Movements, Collective Action and Social Change (RC48) (2014-2016).
Supervisors: Emeritus Professor Ari Sitas, South Africa, Professor Hermann Schwengel, Germany, and Professor Boike Rehbein, Germany
He studied Sociology at the Middle East Technical University in Turkey before finishing his MA in the Global Studies Programme at the University of Freiburg, Germany, the University of KwaZulu Natal in South Africa and the Jawaharlal Nehru University in India. In 2009, he completed his PhD at the Institute for Sociology of the University of Freiburg, where he worked as a researcher and lecturer until 2015. He was also a faculty member of Global Studies M.A. Programme. Celik was a visiting post-doctoral researcher at the university of Cape Town in South Africa and a visiting lecturer at Latin American School of Social Sciences, FLACSO in Argentina. He was awarded with a research fellowship by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey from February 2016 to August 2017. At the same time, he served as an Associate Professor in Labour Economics and Industrial Relations Department at Ankara University until January 2018. He was a consulting trainer for 'Workplace Social Dialogue Project in Turkey' initiated by the Ethical Trading Initiative, UK until July 2019.
Celik held an Interim Professorship at the Institute for Sociology of the University of Freiburg and an Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung Fellowship at Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies-FRIAS from September 2019 to July 2022.
His dissertation, "Street Traders: A Bridge Between Trade Unions and Social Movements in Contemporary South Africa" (2010) was published by Nomos Publishers. In 2011 his dissertation was awarded the Turkish Social Sciences Association's the Young Social Scientist. He is the co-editor of Global Knowledge Production in the Social Sciences: Made in Circulation (2014), published by Ashgate (new edition Routledge). His most recent book entitled 'Southern Sociology and Sociology in Turkey' (original in Turkish) is published by Notabene in Turkey in July 2018.
Ercüment Çelik is Editorial Board Member of Transcience, a Journal of Global Studies, and Board Member of ISA Research Committee on Labor Movements (RC44) (2014-2023), and of Social Movements, Collective Action and Social Change (RC48) (2014-2016).
Supervisors: Emeritus Professor Ari Sitas, South Africa, Professor Hermann Schwengel, Germany, and Professor Boike Rehbein, Germany
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InterestsView All (13)
Articles in English by Ercüment Çelik
This article focuses on the Supply Chain Law Initiative in Germany (SCLI)/Initiative Lieferkettengesetz as a case of global justice advocacy. The SCLI was a campaign by German civil society organizations that advocated for a law that would make it mandatory for corporations active in Germany to respect human, labor, and environmental rights along their supply chains. This research explores the strategies for advocacy used by the SCLI in the process of effective law-making. It also investigates the role of the SCLI in the context of global labor solidarity. The research results show that although this new law has some shortcomings in terms of international human rights standards, it has achieved partial progress as one of the most successful examples of alliance building between unions and civil society organizations in Germany. The SCLI has brought about a paradigm shift from voluntary towards mandatory due diligence. This experience can be carried one step further to accomplish a supply chain law at the European Union level. The authors argue that the SCLI experience opens up a new stage for rethinking the structural dilemma of unions in Germany in choosing between global solidarity and national corporatist social partnership.
Keywords: global justice; advocacy strategies; trade unions; Germany; supply chains; social movement unionism; social partnership
co-author: Simon Norbert Schmid
Drawing on a review of key literature, this article analyses the labour aristocracy in early 20th-century South Africa, going beyond traditional conceptual and territorial boundaries created through a methodological nationalism and Eurocentrism since the emergence of labour history as an academic discipline. It identifies some key dimensions attributed to the labour aristocracy in mainstream approaches that focused on Victorian and Edwardian Britain, and attempts to illustrate how these could be considered in analysing the particular South African case. The article mainly focuses on how the understanding of labour aristocracy would be reconstructed by demonstrating an aristocracy of labour that merges with an aristocracy of colour in South Africa.
class, labour aristocracy, race, skilled labour, South Africa, white working class
This article espouses the key question of distribution of benefits from hosting a ‘mega-event’ such as the Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) World Cup. Through focusing on the case of street traders, the author aims to demonstrate how marginalized sectors were excluded from the benefits of the 2010 FIFA World Cup in South Africa. This is achieved by an analysis of two major processes that took place in due course of the preparations for the World Cup and during the tournament: the “World Class Cities” creation projects involving the World Cup host cities, and the adaptation of FIFA by-laws by these host cities. The author also reviews some previous experiences of ‘mega-events’ in other countries and the current policies on the informal economy, particularly street trading in South Africa. He suggests that an inclusionary perspective begins with the recognition of informal economy and street trading as an integral part of the urban economy in the global South. The author underlines the importance of including the right to livelihoods in the vision of African cities and recognition of the organisations of street traders as partners in the processes of social dialogue.
Keywords: mega-events, world-class cities, informal economy, street traders.
Articles in German by Ercüment Çelik
Articles in Turkish by Ercüment Çelik
Sosyal bilimlerin uluslararasılaşmasına bir Güney bakış açısı sunan bu makale, ilk önce Güney’e yönelik kavramsal yaklaşımları ele almaktadır. Makale Güney’i, tipik bir Kuzey-Güney ikileminin ötesine geçerek ve Güney’in dünya ölçeğinde bir sosyal bilim anlayışını yaratmadaki rolüne odaklanarak anlamaya çalışmaktadır. Bunu takiben, sosyal bilimlerin ve özellikle sosyolojinin Güney’de yükselişine atıf yapan radikal ve provokatif tasavvurlara değinmektedir. Burada, Jean ve John. L. Comaroff’un “Avro-Amerika’nın hızlı bir şekilde Afrika’ya doğru evrilmesi” ve Michael Burawoy’un “Amerikan Sosyolojisi’ni Güney Afrikalılaştırmak” biçiminde ifadesini bulan radikal söylemlerinin üzerinde durulmaktadır. Bir sonraki bölümde makalenin ana odak noktası olan Güney Sosyolojisi, Jean ve John. L. Comaroff, Raewyn Connell ve Michael Burawoy’un çalışmalarını inceleyerek ele alınmaktadır. Bu bölümde altı çizilen ve tartışılan başlıca konular şunlardır: Güney’den teoriye yapılan çağrı, dünya sosyolojisindeki Kuzey ve Güney arasındaki hegemonik ilişki ve bunun eleştirisi, dünya sosyoloji tarihinin mitik yazımını aşma ve Connell’ın sunduğu alternatif bir tarih anlayışı, Güney Afrika Sosyolojisi ve Burawoy’un “sosyolojik ve siyasi tasavvurun diyalektiktiği yaklaşımı, Burawoy’un Güney ‘İçinde’ Sosyoloji, ‘Güney’in Sosyolojisi ve Güney ‘İçin’ Sosyoloji ayrımı. Güney Afrika Sosyolojisi’ni de tanıtma çabasında olan bu çalışma, Türkiye Sosyolojisi’nde bazı sorun alanlarını belirlemeyi ve Güney Sosyolojisi’nin Türkiye Sosyolojisi için ne anlam ifade edebileceğini tartışmaya açmayı amaçlamaktadır. Bu tartışmada, Kuzey’e teorik, metodolojik, epistemolojik ve kurumsal bağımlılık, yerelle sosyoloğun ya da sosyal bilimcinin ilişkisi, araştırma gündemleri, akademik özgürlük, sosyoloji eğitimi ve kurumsal gelişimi konuları üzerinde durulmaktadır. Bu makalede ayrıca, dünya sosyolojisi içindeki hegemonik ilişkiyi kırma potansiyeli taşıyan Güney Sosyolojisi’ne ve Güney’de teoriye yapılan çağrıya Türkiye’den kulak verilmesinin, Türkiye sosyolojisi ve sosyal biliminin geleceği açısından çok şey sunabileceği veya katkıda bulunabileceği öne sürülmektedir. Bu anlamda yazar, Güney Sosyolojisi’ne bakışta öne çıkan “Güney’den ya da Çevre’den öğrenme” ve dünya ölçeğinde “karşılıklı öğrenme”nin önemini vurgulamaktadır. Türkiye’de sosyologların ve sosyal bilimcilerin Güney’deki toplumları, bu toplumların sosyal bilimini ve sosyal bilimcilerini, bilimsel yayınlarını, bu toplumlardaki araştırma gündemlerini ve araştırma yöntemlerini ne kadar tanıdığını ve tanıttığını sorunsallaştıran yazar, “Güney hattında öğrenme”yi bir öneri olarak sunmakta ve bunun Türkiye gibi toplumlarda sosyoloji ve genel anlamda sosyal bilimlerin gelişimi açısından öncelik ve aciliyet arzettiğini düşünmektedir. Son olarak, “Güney hattınca öğrenme”nin nasıl mümkün kılınabileceği ve Türkiye sosyal bilimleri ve bilimcilerinin bunun içerisinde nasıl yer alabileceğini tartışan yazar, bunun Türkiye Sosyolojisi ve sosyal bilimine katkı sunacabileceğini ileri sürmektedir. Türkiye Sosyolojisi’ndeki sorun alanlarını belirlemenin yanında, bir vizyon yaratma çabasına da ihtiyaç olduğunu vurgulayan yazar, bu makalede sunulan öneriye eleştirilerin, buna yönelik ve bunu aşan tartışmaların gelişmesine önem vermektedir.
Anahtar kelimeler: Güney, Güney Sosyolojisi, Güney Afrika, Türkiye Sosyolojisi, Güney Hattında Öğrenme
Offering a Southern perspective on the internationalization of the social sciences, this article first discusses the conceptual approaches to the South. It attempts to understand the South by going beyond the typical dilemma of a North-South divide, and by focusing on the role of the South in creating a social science on a world scale. Following this, it points out two radical and provocative imaginations, which refer to the rise of the social sciences and in particular, sociology in the South: Jean and John. L. Comaroff’s statement of “how Euro-America is evolving towards Africa” and Michael Burawoy’s statement of “South Africanizing U.S. Sociology”. The main focus of the article, Southern Sociology is discussed in the next section on the bases of Jean and John. L. Comaroff’s, Raewyn Connell’s and Michael Burawoy's works. The main issues highlighted and discussed in this part include: the call to theory in the South, the hegemonic relationship between the North and South in the social sciences and its critique, going beyond the mythical writing of history of sociology, and Connell’s alternative conception of this history, South African Sociology and Burawoy’s approach to the dialectic of “sociological imagination” and “political imagination”, and Burawoy’s distinction between Sociology in the South, Sociology of the South and Sociology for the South. This article also attempts to introduce South African Sociology. Furthermore, it aims to identify some of the problem areas in Turkish Sociology and to open up debate for what Southern Sociology could mean for Turkish Sociology. This discussion focuses on the following issues: theoretical, methodological, epistemological and institutional dependency to the North, engagement of the sociologists and social scientists with the local, research agendas, academic freedom, sociology education and its institutional development. In this article, it is suggested that giving an ear to the call to theory in the South and to Southern Sociology, which has a potential to break the hegemonic relationship within the social sciences in the world, may mean a lot for the future of sociology and social sciences in Turkey. In this sense, the author highlights in these approaches the ideas of “learning from the South or the periphery” and “mutual learning” on a world scale. The author problematises the degree of knowledge of sociologists and social scientists in Turkey about the societies in the South, their social sciences and social scientists, their academic publications, their research agendas and research methods. Then, he suggests that “learning across the periphery” may have priority and urgency for the development of sociology and social sciences in societies like Turkey. Finally, the author discusses how “learning across the periphery” could be made possible and how Turkish social sciences and scientists could take part in this process. He believes that this involvement could contribute to the future development of social sciences in Turkey. The author emphasizes the need to efforts towards creating a vision in addition to identifying problem areas in Turkish sociology and gives value to the criticism of this proposal and further debate on this issue.
Keywords: the South, Southern Sociology, South Africa, Turkish Sociology, learning across the periphery
1970’li ve 1980’li yıllarda Güney’de (o zamanki yaygın tabiri ile Üçüncü Dünya’da) yükselen emek hareketlerini tanımlamak üzere kullanılmaya başlanan “Toplumsal Hareket Sendikacılığı” (THS) kavramı, 1990’lı yıllardan itibaren hem küresel Güney hem de Kuzey’de sendikaların yeniden yapılanma ve canlanma girişimlerinde öne çıkan bir model olarak yaygınlaşmıştır. Bu makalede Güney Afrika, Brezilya, Filipinler, Güney Kore, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ve Almanya’daki
emek hareketlerinin bu dönemlere dair kendilerine özgün gelişimleri ile birlikte THS kavramının emek çalışmaları ve çalışma sosyolojisi alanlarında akademisyenler tarafından kullanımları incelenecektir. Bunu takiben, bu kavramın nasıl küresel bir dolaşıma geçtiği, bu dolaşımda hangi süreçlerin öne çıktığı ve kavramın betimsel olarak nasıl çeşitlendiği ele alınacaktır. Bu inceleme sonucunda öne sürülecek başlıca tez, THS kavramının sosyal bilimlerde kavramların küresel düzeyde hegemonik olmayan dolaşımına ender bir örnek teşkil etmesidir.
THS’nin nasıl alternatif bir sendikacılık anlayışına tekabül ettiği, ‘Güney’den Öğrenme’nin örneklerini nasıl içinde barındırdığı, yerel deneyimler üzerinden nasıl geliştiği ve küresel ölçekte bu çoklu deneyimlerin nasıl tanındığı gibi, bu tezi destekleyen çeşitli unsurlar bu makalede ayrıntılı olarak sunulacaktır. Kuramsal ve kavramsal bir çalışmanın ürünü olan bu metinde bilgi ve verilere uluslararası
düzeyde geniş bir literatür analizi ve doküman incelemesiyle ulaşılmıştır.
Anahtar kelimeler:
sendikacılık, emek hareketi, toplumsal hareketler, toplumsal hareket sendikacılığı
A Study on the Emergence and Global Circulation of ‘Social Movement
Unionism’ Concept
The ‘social movement unionism’ (SMU) concept has been developed to describe labor movements in the global South in the 1970s and 1980s, and then later used as a model of union revitalization in both the North and South. This article reviews the labor movements in various countries such as South Africa, Brazil, Philippines, South Korea, the U.S.A. and Germany and analyzes the scholarly use of the SMU concept. The author mainly argues that SMU can be regarded as an
appropriate example of a non-hegemonic circulation of concepts in labour sociology and social sciences on a world scale, since it refers to an alternative trade unionism; represents cases of learning from the south; is based on local engagements and experiences; and develops through and acknowledges multiple cases. The data and information in this theoretical and conceptual study are based on an extensive literature review at international level and document analyses.
unionism, labor movement, social movements, social movement unionism
Books by Ercüment Çelik
Sosyal bilimlerde ve özellikle sosyoloji alanında bilgi üretim süreçlerinin küresel ölçekteki hegemonik yapısı, son on yıldır gittikçe genişleyen bir eleştiri yelpazesiyle karşılaşmaktadır. Küresel Güney’de
sosyal bilimlerin hızla yükselişiyle dünya sosyoloji çevrelerinde ilgiyle takip edilmeye başlanan Güney Sosyolojisi yaklaşımları, ‘Güney’den öğrenme’ süreçlerinin önünü açan bu yelpazenin en güncel parçalarındandır.
Ercüment Çelik bu çalışmada Güney Sosyolojisi yaklaşımlarını Türkiye sosyoloji camiasına tanıtmayı amaçlamakta ve bu yaklaşımlardaki temel tezleri Türkiye’de sosyoloji disiplininin gelişim dönemlerine
uygulayarak, Güney Sosyolojisi ve Türkiye Sosyolojisi arasında nasıl bir ilişki kurulabileceğini soruşturmaktadır. Türkiye’de sosyoloji disiplininin tarihsel ve güncel gelişiminin yeni ve özgün bir okumasını sunmayı hedefleyen bu çalışma, aynı zamanda Türkiye’de sosyoloji eğitiminde Kuzey’de üretilen kuramlara bağımlılığı ve Güney’de üretilen bilgi ve kuramlara hiç denecek kadar az yer verildiğini ampirik araştırma bulgularıyla ortaya koymaktadır.
Ana hatlarıyla Güney Sosyolojisi bakış açısının Türkiye Sosyolojisi ve sosyal biliminin gelişimine ciddi bir katkı sunacağını öneren Ercüment Çelik, bu düşüncesini Türkiye’de bu konu üzerine yazılan bu ilk kitap aracılığıyla tartışmaya açmaktadır.
Abstract in English:
The rich contributions to the development of a Southern Sociology perspective have enabled sociologists in various countries to rethink and reassess the development of sociology discipline in their countries. This book firstly, aims to identify the main theses of the scholars contributed to the Southern Sociology perspective such as Connell, Burawoy, Comaroff and Comaroff, Bhambra, Rosa, Maia etc. and then applies these to the historical development of Turkish sociology. The author selectively focuses on two periods, the 1930s-1950s and the 1970s-1980s, which would, he believes, be a valuable contribution from Turkey to the ongoing development of Southern Sociology perspective. The former period was remarked by the re-establishment of sociology at the Turkish universities with the contribution of German migrant scholars, who had to escape from the nationalist-socialist regime in Germany at those years. This period exemplifies a continuity of the Eurocentric development of sociology that extends and partly challenges the periodization of the development of sociology by Connell. The latter period was remarked by the contribution of Turkish scholars and intelligentsia to the international debates on the “Asian Type of Mode of Production” and “Petty Commodity Production”, which in turn exemplifies a Southern production of knowledge and engages with Burawoy’s arguments on Southern Sociology. The book secondly, problematizes the hegemonic construction and structure of the discipline at Turkish universities and focuses on the teaching of ‘Contemporary Sociological Theory’ Courses. The author presents empirical findings of the content analysis of course syllabi and reading lists at 16 sociology departments and qualitative analysis of in-depth interviews with 14 sociologists teaching this course.
Asian Mode of Production, Petty Commodity Production, Contemporary Sociological Theory, Southern Sociology and Turkish Sociology
Thematically arranged and both international and interdisciplinary in scope, this volume reflects the different theoretical and thematic backgrounds of the contributing authors, who enter into dialogue and debate with one another in the development of a more inclusive, more representative and more theoretically relevant stage for the social sciences.
A rigorous critique of the contemporary state of the social sciences as well as an attempt to find another way of doing transnational sociology, Global Knowledge Production in the Social Sciences will appeal to scholars of sociology, political science and social theory with interests in the production of social scientific knowledge, postcolonialism and transnationalism in research.
This article focuses on the Supply Chain Law Initiative in Germany (SCLI)/Initiative Lieferkettengesetz as a case of global justice advocacy. The SCLI was a campaign by German civil society organizations that advocated for a law that would make it mandatory for corporations active in Germany to respect human, labor, and environmental rights along their supply chains. This research explores the strategies for advocacy used by the SCLI in the process of effective law-making. It also investigates the role of the SCLI in the context of global labor solidarity. The research results show that although this new law has some shortcomings in terms of international human rights standards, it has achieved partial progress as one of the most successful examples of alliance building between unions and civil society organizations in Germany. The SCLI has brought about a paradigm shift from voluntary towards mandatory due diligence. This experience can be carried one step further to accomplish a supply chain law at the European Union level. The authors argue that the SCLI experience opens up a new stage for rethinking the structural dilemma of unions in Germany in choosing between global solidarity and national corporatist social partnership.
Keywords: global justice; advocacy strategies; trade unions; Germany; supply chains; social movement unionism; social partnership
co-author: Simon Norbert Schmid
Drawing on a review of key literature, this article analyses the labour aristocracy in early 20th-century South Africa, going beyond traditional conceptual and territorial boundaries created through a methodological nationalism and Eurocentrism since the emergence of labour history as an academic discipline. It identifies some key dimensions attributed to the labour aristocracy in mainstream approaches that focused on Victorian and Edwardian Britain, and attempts to illustrate how these could be considered in analysing the particular South African case. The article mainly focuses on how the understanding of labour aristocracy would be reconstructed by demonstrating an aristocracy of labour that merges with an aristocracy of colour in South Africa.
class, labour aristocracy, race, skilled labour, South Africa, white working class
This article espouses the key question of distribution of benefits from hosting a ‘mega-event’ such as the Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) World Cup. Through focusing on the case of street traders, the author aims to demonstrate how marginalized sectors were excluded from the benefits of the 2010 FIFA World Cup in South Africa. This is achieved by an analysis of two major processes that took place in due course of the preparations for the World Cup and during the tournament: the “World Class Cities” creation projects involving the World Cup host cities, and the adaptation of FIFA by-laws by these host cities. The author also reviews some previous experiences of ‘mega-events’ in other countries and the current policies on the informal economy, particularly street trading in South Africa. He suggests that an inclusionary perspective begins with the recognition of informal economy and street trading as an integral part of the urban economy in the global South. The author underlines the importance of including the right to livelihoods in the vision of African cities and recognition of the organisations of street traders as partners in the processes of social dialogue.
Keywords: mega-events, world-class cities, informal economy, street traders.
Sosyal bilimlerin uluslararasılaşmasına bir Güney bakış açısı sunan bu makale, ilk önce Güney’e yönelik kavramsal yaklaşımları ele almaktadır. Makale Güney’i, tipik bir Kuzey-Güney ikileminin ötesine geçerek ve Güney’in dünya ölçeğinde bir sosyal bilim anlayışını yaratmadaki rolüne odaklanarak anlamaya çalışmaktadır. Bunu takiben, sosyal bilimlerin ve özellikle sosyolojinin Güney’de yükselişine atıf yapan radikal ve provokatif tasavvurlara değinmektedir. Burada, Jean ve John. L. Comaroff’un “Avro-Amerika’nın hızlı bir şekilde Afrika’ya doğru evrilmesi” ve Michael Burawoy’un “Amerikan Sosyolojisi’ni Güney Afrikalılaştırmak” biçiminde ifadesini bulan radikal söylemlerinin üzerinde durulmaktadır. Bir sonraki bölümde makalenin ana odak noktası olan Güney Sosyolojisi, Jean ve John. L. Comaroff, Raewyn Connell ve Michael Burawoy’un çalışmalarını inceleyerek ele alınmaktadır. Bu bölümde altı çizilen ve tartışılan başlıca konular şunlardır: Güney’den teoriye yapılan çağrı, dünya sosyolojisindeki Kuzey ve Güney arasındaki hegemonik ilişki ve bunun eleştirisi, dünya sosyoloji tarihinin mitik yazımını aşma ve Connell’ın sunduğu alternatif bir tarih anlayışı, Güney Afrika Sosyolojisi ve Burawoy’un “sosyolojik ve siyasi tasavvurun diyalektiktiği yaklaşımı, Burawoy’un Güney ‘İçinde’ Sosyoloji, ‘Güney’in Sosyolojisi ve Güney ‘İçin’ Sosyoloji ayrımı. Güney Afrika Sosyolojisi’ni de tanıtma çabasında olan bu çalışma, Türkiye Sosyolojisi’nde bazı sorun alanlarını belirlemeyi ve Güney Sosyolojisi’nin Türkiye Sosyolojisi için ne anlam ifade edebileceğini tartışmaya açmayı amaçlamaktadır. Bu tartışmada, Kuzey’e teorik, metodolojik, epistemolojik ve kurumsal bağımlılık, yerelle sosyoloğun ya da sosyal bilimcinin ilişkisi, araştırma gündemleri, akademik özgürlük, sosyoloji eğitimi ve kurumsal gelişimi konuları üzerinde durulmaktadır. Bu makalede ayrıca, dünya sosyolojisi içindeki hegemonik ilişkiyi kırma potansiyeli taşıyan Güney Sosyolojisi’ne ve Güney’de teoriye yapılan çağrıya Türkiye’den kulak verilmesinin, Türkiye sosyolojisi ve sosyal biliminin geleceği açısından çok şey sunabileceği veya katkıda bulunabileceği öne sürülmektedir. Bu anlamda yazar, Güney Sosyolojisi’ne bakışta öne çıkan “Güney’den ya da Çevre’den öğrenme” ve dünya ölçeğinde “karşılıklı öğrenme”nin önemini vurgulamaktadır. Türkiye’de sosyologların ve sosyal bilimcilerin Güney’deki toplumları, bu toplumların sosyal bilimini ve sosyal bilimcilerini, bilimsel yayınlarını, bu toplumlardaki araştırma gündemlerini ve araştırma yöntemlerini ne kadar tanıdığını ve tanıttığını sorunsallaştıran yazar, “Güney hattında öğrenme”yi bir öneri olarak sunmakta ve bunun Türkiye gibi toplumlarda sosyoloji ve genel anlamda sosyal bilimlerin gelişimi açısından öncelik ve aciliyet arzettiğini düşünmektedir. Son olarak, “Güney hattınca öğrenme”nin nasıl mümkün kılınabileceği ve Türkiye sosyal bilimleri ve bilimcilerinin bunun içerisinde nasıl yer alabileceğini tartışan yazar, bunun Türkiye Sosyolojisi ve sosyal bilimine katkı sunacabileceğini ileri sürmektedir. Türkiye Sosyolojisi’ndeki sorun alanlarını belirlemenin yanında, bir vizyon yaratma çabasına da ihtiyaç olduğunu vurgulayan yazar, bu makalede sunulan öneriye eleştirilerin, buna yönelik ve bunu aşan tartışmaların gelişmesine önem vermektedir.
Anahtar kelimeler: Güney, Güney Sosyolojisi, Güney Afrika, Türkiye Sosyolojisi, Güney Hattında Öğrenme
Offering a Southern perspective on the internationalization of the social sciences, this article first discusses the conceptual approaches to the South. It attempts to understand the South by going beyond the typical dilemma of a North-South divide, and by focusing on the role of the South in creating a social science on a world scale. Following this, it points out two radical and provocative imaginations, which refer to the rise of the social sciences and in particular, sociology in the South: Jean and John. L. Comaroff’s statement of “how Euro-America is evolving towards Africa” and Michael Burawoy’s statement of “South Africanizing U.S. Sociology”. The main focus of the article, Southern Sociology is discussed in the next section on the bases of Jean and John. L. Comaroff’s, Raewyn Connell’s and Michael Burawoy's works. The main issues highlighted and discussed in this part include: the call to theory in the South, the hegemonic relationship between the North and South in the social sciences and its critique, going beyond the mythical writing of history of sociology, and Connell’s alternative conception of this history, South African Sociology and Burawoy’s approach to the dialectic of “sociological imagination” and “political imagination”, and Burawoy’s distinction between Sociology in the South, Sociology of the South and Sociology for the South. This article also attempts to introduce South African Sociology. Furthermore, it aims to identify some of the problem areas in Turkish Sociology and to open up debate for what Southern Sociology could mean for Turkish Sociology. This discussion focuses on the following issues: theoretical, methodological, epistemological and institutional dependency to the North, engagement of the sociologists and social scientists with the local, research agendas, academic freedom, sociology education and its institutional development. In this article, it is suggested that giving an ear to the call to theory in the South and to Southern Sociology, which has a potential to break the hegemonic relationship within the social sciences in the world, may mean a lot for the future of sociology and social sciences in Turkey. In this sense, the author highlights in these approaches the ideas of “learning from the South or the periphery” and “mutual learning” on a world scale. The author problematises the degree of knowledge of sociologists and social scientists in Turkey about the societies in the South, their social sciences and social scientists, their academic publications, their research agendas and research methods. Then, he suggests that “learning across the periphery” may have priority and urgency for the development of sociology and social sciences in societies like Turkey. Finally, the author discusses how “learning across the periphery” could be made possible and how Turkish social sciences and scientists could take part in this process. He believes that this involvement could contribute to the future development of social sciences in Turkey. The author emphasizes the need to efforts towards creating a vision in addition to identifying problem areas in Turkish sociology and gives value to the criticism of this proposal and further debate on this issue.
Keywords: the South, Southern Sociology, South Africa, Turkish Sociology, learning across the periphery
1970’li ve 1980’li yıllarda Güney’de (o zamanki yaygın tabiri ile Üçüncü Dünya’da) yükselen emek hareketlerini tanımlamak üzere kullanılmaya başlanan “Toplumsal Hareket Sendikacılığı” (THS) kavramı, 1990’lı yıllardan itibaren hem küresel Güney hem de Kuzey’de sendikaların yeniden yapılanma ve canlanma girişimlerinde öne çıkan bir model olarak yaygınlaşmıştır. Bu makalede Güney Afrika, Brezilya, Filipinler, Güney Kore, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ve Almanya’daki
emek hareketlerinin bu dönemlere dair kendilerine özgün gelişimleri ile birlikte THS kavramının emek çalışmaları ve çalışma sosyolojisi alanlarında akademisyenler tarafından kullanımları incelenecektir. Bunu takiben, bu kavramın nasıl küresel bir dolaşıma geçtiği, bu dolaşımda hangi süreçlerin öne çıktığı ve kavramın betimsel olarak nasıl çeşitlendiği ele alınacaktır. Bu inceleme sonucunda öne sürülecek başlıca tez, THS kavramının sosyal bilimlerde kavramların küresel düzeyde hegemonik olmayan dolaşımına ender bir örnek teşkil etmesidir.
THS’nin nasıl alternatif bir sendikacılık anlayışına tekabül ettiği, ‘Güney’den Öğrenme’nin örneklerini nasıl içinde barındırdığı, yerel deneyimler üzerinden nasıl geliştiği ve küresel ölçekte bu çoklu deneyimlerin nasıl tanındığı gibi, bu tezi destekleyen çeşitli unsurlar bu makalede ayrıntılı olarak sunulacaktır. Kuramsal ve kavramsal bir çalışmanın ürünü olan bu metinde bilgi ve verilere uluslararası
düzeyde geniş bir literatür analizi ve doküman incelemesiyle ulaşılmıştır.
Anahtar kelimeler:
sendikacılık, emek hareketi, toplumsal hareketler, toplumsal hareket sendikacılığı
A Study on the Emergence and Global Circulation of ‘Social Movement
Unionism’ Concept
The ‘social movement unionism’ (SMU) concept has been developed to describe labor movements in the global South in the 1970s and 1980s, and then later used as a model of union revitalization in both the North and South. This article reviews the labor movements in various countries such as South Africa, Brazil, Philippines, South Korea, the U.S.A. and Germany and analyzes the scholarly use of the SMU concept. The author mainly argues that SMU can be regarded as an
appropriate example of a non-hegemonic circulation of concepts in labour sociology and social sciences on a world scale, since it refers to an alternative trade unionism; represents cases of learning from the south; is based on local engagements and experiences; and develops through and acknowledges multiple cases. The data and information in this theoretical and conceptual study are based on an extensive literature review at international level and document analyses.
unionism, labor movement, social movements, social movement unionism
Sosyal bilimlerde ve özellikle sosyoloji alanında bilgi üretim süreçlerinin küresel ölçekteki hegemonik yapısı, son on yıldır gittikçe genişleyen bir eleştiri yelpazesiyle karşılaşmaktadır. Küresel Güney’de
sosyal bilimlerin hızla yükselişiyle dünya sosyoloji çevrelerinde ilgiyle takip edilmeye başlanan Güney Sosyolojisi yaklaşımları, ‘Güney’den öğrenme’ süreçlerinin önünü açan bu yelpazenin en güncel parçalarındandır.
Ercüment Çelik bu çalışmada Güney Sosyolojisi yaklaşımlarını Türkiye sosyoloji camiasına tanıtmayı amaçlamakta ve bu yaklaşımlardaki temel tezleri Türkiye’de sosyoloji disiplininin gelişim dönemlerine
uygulayarak, Güney Sosyolojisi ve Türkiye Sosyolojisi arasında nasıl bir ilişki kurulabileceğini soruşturmaktadır. Türkiye’de sosyoloji disiplininin tarihsel ve güncel gelişiminin yeni ve özgün bir okumasını sunmayı hedefleyen bu çalışma, aynı zamanda Türkiye’de sosyoloji eğitiminde Kuzey’de üretilen kuramlara bağımlılığı ve Güney’de üretilen bilgi ve kuramlara hiç denecek kadar az yer verildiğini ampirik araştırma bulgularıyla ortaya koymaktadır.
Ana hatlarıyla Güney Sosyolojisi bakış açısının Türkiye Sosyolojisi ve sosyal biliminin gelişimine ciddi bir katkı sunacağını öneren Ercüment Çelik, bu düşüncesini Türkiye’de bu konu üzerine yazılan bu ilk kitap aracılığıyla tartışmaya açmaktadır.
Abstract in English:
The rich contributions to the development of a Southern Sociology perspective have enabled sociologists in various countries to rethink and reassess the development of sociology discipline in their countries. This book firstly, aims to identify the main theses of the scholars contributed to the Southern Sociology perspective such as Connell, Burawoy, Comaroff and Comaroff, Bhambra, Rosa, Maia etc. and then applies these to the historical development of Turkish sociology. The author selectively focuses on two periods, the 1930s-1950s and the 1970s-1980s, which would, he believes, be a valuable contribution from Turkey to the ongoing development of Southern Sociology perspective. The former period was remarked by the re-establishment of sociology at the Turkish universities with the contribution of German migrant scholars, who had to escape from the nationalist-socialist regime in Germany at those years. This period exemplifies a continuity of the Eurocentric development of sociology that extends and partly challenges the periodization of the development of sociology by Connell. The latter period was remarked by the contribution of Turkish scholars and intelligentsia to the international debates on the “Asian Type of Mode of Production” and “Petty Commodity Production”, which in turn exemplifies a Southern production of knowledge and engages with Burawoy’s arguments on Southern Sociology. The book secondly, problematizes the hegemonic construction and structure of the discipline at Turkish universities and focuses on the teaching of ‘Contemporary Sociological Theory’ Courses. The author presents empirical findings of the content analysis of course syllabi and reading lists at 16 sociology departments and qualitative analysis of in-depth interviews with 14 sociologists teaching this course.
Asian Mode of Production, Petty Commodity Production, Contemporary Sociological Theory, Southern Sociology and Turkish Sociology
Thematically arranged and both international and interdisciplinary in scope, this volume reflects the different theoretical and thematic backgrounds of the contributing authors, who enter into dialogue and debate with one another in the development of a more inclusive, more representative and more theoretically relevant stage for the social sciences.
A rigorous critique of the contemporary state of the social sciences as well as an attempt to find another way of doing transnational sociology, Global Knowledge Production in the Social Sciences will appeal to scholars of sociology, political science and social theory with interests in the production of social scientific knowledge, postcolonialism and transnationalism in research.