Papers by Gerhard Minnameier
Zeitschrift für Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik

Im Zentrum des Beitrags steht die Frage, wie individuelle Moralitaet im Kontext der Theorie ratio... more Im Zentrum des Beitrags steht die Frage, wie individuelle Moralitaet im Kontext der Theorie rationalen Handelns und der Verhaltensoekonomik konzipiert und modelliert werden kann. Zentral ist dabei die systematische Differenzierung zwischen Praeferenzen und Restriktionen (im Sinne von Beliefs). Im ersten Teil wird gezeigt, dass dies im Rahmen bekundeter Praeferenzen (revealed preferences) nicht bzw. nur sehr eingeschraenkt moeglich ist. Im zweiten Teil wird auf Basis eines aktuellen Ansatzes, der „Reason-based Theory of Rational Choice“, und einer neo-Kohlberg’schen Moraltheorie herausgearbeitet, wie dem genannten Anspruch Rechnung getragen werden kann. (The contribution focuses on the question how individual morality can be conceptualised and modelled in the context of rational choice theory and behavioural economics. In this respect it is crucial to differentiate systematically between preferences, on the one hand, and restrictions (in terms of beliefs), on the other. The first par...
Kohlberg basamaklari cercevesine uymayan ahlâki yargi (moral reasoning) siklikla gecis basamaklar... more Kohlberg basamaklari cercevesine uymayan ahlâki yargi (moral reasoning) siklikla gecis basamaklarinda degerlendirilmektedir. Bu konularin bir denge basamaginda olmayip, daha cok ic catisma duzeyinde olduklari farz edilmektedir. Bu makalede, sozu edilen goruse karsi cikilmakta, 4 1/2 yargisinin diger herhangi bir ahlaki yargi tipinden daha tutarsiz olmadigi ve Basamak 4 1/2'un ayri bir basamak olarak kabulu gerektigi savunulmaktadir. Bu kabul ancak; ahlaki bilis mimarisinde ayri bir kose tasi olarak Basamak 4 1/2' u icine alan yeni bir basamak sinisandirmasi cercevesi icinde mumkun olacaktir.
Zeitschrift für Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik, 2015
ABSTRACT. It is well known that the process of scientific inquiry, according to Peirce, is driven... more ABSTRACT. It is well known that the process of scientific inquiry, according to Peirce, is driven by three types of inference, namely abduction, deduction, and induction. What is behind these labels is, however, not so clear, since abduction and induction are often interchanged in meaning or subjected to one another. What’s more this scramble is not restricted to these terms but also applies to related notions such as explanation or coherence. The present paper tries to sort this out to some extent with respect to Peircean epistemology and to show how relevant Peirce’s logic of inquiry really is if it is properly understood and put in context with current lines of philosophical debate. 1.

Analogical reasoning has been investigated by philosophers and psychologists who have produced di... more Analogical reasoning has been investigated by philosophers and psychologists who have produced different approaches like “schema induction”(Gick and Holyoak) or the “structure-mapping theory” (Gentner). What is commonplace, however, is that analogical reasoning involves processes of matching and mapping. Apart from the differences that exist between these approaches, one important problem appears to be the lack of inferential precision with respect to these processes of matching and mapping. And this is all the more problematic, because analogical reasoning is widely conceived of as “inductive” reasoning. However, inductive reasoning – in a narrow and technical sense – is not creative, whereas analogical reasoning counts as an important source of human creativity. It is C. S. Peirce’s merit to have pointed to this fact and that induction can merely extrapolate and generalize something already at hand, but not the kind of reasoning that leads to new concepts. Indeed, inventive reason...

Since Carol Gilligan (1982) presented her conception of “two morals“, several empirical studies h... more Since Carol Gilligan (1982) presented her conception of “two morals“, several empirical studies have been carried out to verify her assumption that the moral reasoning of men and women generally follows different principles. Some of the research findings occasioned us to look for gender-specific traits in a sample of insurance apprentices as well. Once again, the data confirm that Gilligan’s assumption cannot be uphold although some results of our detailed analysis of moral reasoning and the conditions of its development seem to be gender-biased. In our paper we argue that gender differences in moral judgments should not be dealt with as a matter of the quality of moral reasoning („different voice-hypothesis“) but rather as a matter of perceiving social role concepts in a deciding situation („different role-hypothesis“). Thus, the intraand interpersonal differences in moral judgment found in our study might not be explained by the internal structure „moral competence“ alone. To a ce...
Journal for Markets and Ethics, 2019
D. Münk, K. Breuer & T. Deißinger (Hrsg.): Berufs‐ und Wirtschaftspädagogik – Probleme und Perspektiven aus nationaler und internationaler Sicht: Neue Forschungserträge aus der Berufs‐ und Wirtschaftspädagogik. Leverkusen: Verlag Barbara Budrich, 2008

L. Magnani & C. Casadio (eds.), Model-based reasoning in science and technology – Logical, epistemological, and cognitive issues, Heidelberg: Springer. doi: , 2016
“Selective abduction” is a notion coined by L. Magnani, who contrasts it with the more common not... more “Selective abduction” is a notion coined by L. Magnani, who contrasts it with the more common notion of “creative abduction”. However, selective abduction may easily be confused with inference to the best explanation (IBE). This constitutes a problem, if IBE is reconstructed as an inductive inference. For on the one hand, abduction and induction must be distinct. On the other hand, Gabbay and Woods, but also Hintikka and Kapitan, even include hypothesis selection as part and parcel of the abductive inference per se. Consequently, there seems to be a riddle about what selective abduction clearly means and how it could be distinguished from other forms of reasoning. The contribution tries to solve this problem by explicating selective abduction and embedding it in an overall taxonomy of inferences.
K. Breuer, T. Deißinger & D. Münk (Hrsg.): Modernisierung der Berufsbildung – Neue Forschungserträge und Perspektiven der Berufs‐ und Wirtschafspädagogik. Opladen: Verlag Barbara Budrich, 2008

Journal of Adult Development, 2009
The study provides an in-depth analysis of two young adult subjects from a longitudinal study who... more The study provides an in-depth analysis of two young adult subjects from a longitudinal study who underwent successive and significant developmental changes. Their developmental patterns, however, are only revealed by a new conception of moral stages, which is both more comprehensive and more detailed than Kohl- berg's original approach. In particular, the suggested alternative taxonomy neatly accommodates what appears as developmental anomalies in the Kohlbergian frame of reference. What is more, apart from merely matching with the observed data, the new theory also explains why the subjects developed the way they did, since it reveals the inherent cognitive conflicts at each stage and how these are resolved at the following one. Although the theory stands against the Kohlberg theory as it is, it may be understood as an extension and further development of the latter, in the sense that Kohlbergian stages are differentiated, supple- mented, and theoretically substantiated within...
Papers by Gerhard Minnameier