Articles / Chapters by Sarah W Lynch
Archduke Ferdinand II of Austria: A Second-Born Son in Renaissance Europe, 2021
Annali di architettura, 2019
Looking for Leisure: Court Residences and Their Satellites, 1400-1700, 2017
Karle Škréta (1610-1674): Dílo a doba. Studie, dokumenty, prameny, 2013
Book Reviews by Sarah W Lynch

Renaissance Quarterly, 2016
K rivokl at / P€ urglitz: Jagd, Wald, Herrscherrepr€ asentation. Ji r ı Fajt, Markus H€ orsch, an... more K rivokl at / P€ urglitz: Jagd, Wald, Herrscherrepr€ asentation. Ji r ı Fajt, Markus H€ orsch, and Vladislav Raz ım, eds. Studia Jagellonica Lipsiensia 17. Ostfildern: Jan Thorbecke Verlag, 2014. 396 pp. €69. Studia Jagellonica Lipsiensia's seventeenth book addresses the important Czech castle K rivokl at (the book uses the German name, P€ urglitz): its history, archaeology, and surroundings. However, this volume provides not only a thorough look at the castle itself, but places it in context in the region through a series of focused studies of the surroundings, written sources concerning the castle and related sites, and, perhaps most importantly, the development and use of the surrounding forest and hunting grounds. This book is by far the most ambitious publication on K rivokl at to date. It is divided into three sections, moving from the castle itself to the European context. The first part is devoted to the fabric of the castle, taking into account the natural features of the landscape. These essays, arranged in roughly chronological order, address the different sections and phases of the building of the castle, each of which assesses previous literature and archaeological work on K rivokl at. The most notable contribution of this section is the inclusion of archaeological evidence from excavations conducted in 2004-06, the results of which were never published. This pushes the date of the earliest parts of the castle to the tenth century. Of particular interest is Jan Vesely's assessment of the late fourteenth-century renovations executed under King Wenzel IV (r. 1363-1419), and Ji r ı Fajt and Markus H€ orsch's study of the history, decoration, and use of the castle's chapel. In keeping with the interest in placing K rivokl at in its context, the authors examine the nearby residence of Zbe cno, which was destroyed (although the village of
The Catholic Historical Review, 2012
Catalogue Entries by Sarah W Lynch
Phönix aus der Asche: Bildwerdung der antike Druckgrafiken bis 1869 = L'araba fenice: l'antico visualizzato nella grafica a stampa fino al 1869, 2019
Conference Presentations by Sarah W Lynch
Storia della storia dell'architettura. Genesi e sviluppo di una disciplina scientifica tra prospettive nazionali e modelli europei, 2022
Renaissance Society of America, 2021
The emotional reception of the Northern Renaissance in the modernities of latenineteenth-and earl... more The emotional reception of the Northern Renaissance in the modernities of latenineteenth-and early-twentieth-century culture is not well studied. Yet this period saw a spate of new history writing, notably by
Talks by Sarah W Lynch
Renaissance Society of America, 2021
A reconsidered drawing for an unknown cardinal tomb attributed to the Neapolitan sculptor Annibal... more A reconsidered drawing for an unknown cardinal tomb attributed to the Neapolitan sculptor Annibale Caccavello sheds light on the models that inspired the artist’s activity in the 1560s. Unprecedented reference to mid-century Roman sculpture – including architectural motifs by Michelangelo, Raffaello da Montelupo and young Giovan Antonio Dosio – postulates a sojourn of Caccavello in Rome and sets his work at the forefront of Neapolitan tomb sculpture.
Papers by Sarah W Lynch

The Catholic Historical Review, 2012
here.The volume, indeed, is not intended as a guide to the breadth of a fifteenth-century man’s t... more here.The volume, indeed, is not intended as a guide to the breadth of a fifteenth-century man’s thought. Divided into three parts, the essays taken together instead represent the biographical, narrative, geographic, and intellectual topography that affected Cusanus and that he, in turn, influenced. Part I, “Ideas and Events,” considers canon law, the Great Western Schism, conciliarism, philosophy and theology, spirituality, the fall of Constantinople, and the Congress of Mantua.This grouping might seem eclectic in another context, but here it makes sense, given Cusanus’s wide-ranging interests and activities. Part II, “Persons,” is comprised of twenty-six bio-sketches ranging from the familiar (Pope Pius II, Cardinal Bessarion of Nicaea, Pope Eugene IV, John of Ragusa, and Juan de Segovia) to the less well known (Peter Wymar von Erkelenz,Eleanor of Scotland,Gregor Heimburg, and János Vitéz).Part III, “Places,” offers thirty-two essays representing a travelogue of not only Cusanus but also of Watanabe.
Karel Škréta (1610-1674): Dílo a Doba. Studie, Dokumenty, Prameny / Karel Škréta (1610-1674): His Era and His Work. Studies, Documents, Sources. Proceedings of the International Conference, Prague, 29-31 March 2011, edited by Lenka Stolárová and Kateřina Holečková. Prague: Národní Galerie, 2013.
Articles / Chapters by Sarah W Lynch
Book Reviews by Sarah W Lynch
Catalogue Entries by Sarah W Lynch
Conference Presentations by Sarah W Lynch
Talks by Sarah W Lynch
Papers by Sarah W Lynch