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,t he Berliner Zeitung,o ne of the biggest dailies in the German Democratic Republic (GDR), published an article written by their populare conomic journalist Dr.Karl-Heinz Gerstner about avisit by Mozambique'sPresident SamoraM achel: The... more
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      Cultural StudiesArchaeologyMaterial Culture StudiesArchaeology of Refuse
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Zur Einführung JÖRG RÜPKE Acta aut agenda Schrift-Performanz-Beziehungen in der römischen Religionsgeschichte 1 Ritual und Text: Unzulässige Vereinfachungen (11)-2 Ein erstes Beispiel (13)-3 Variatio delectat oder: Wettbewerb im... more
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    • Disney Animation Film
Aim of this paper is to support the view that all human practical identities are contingent by arguing against the view that there is at least one necessary practical identity shared by all human beings, namely Humanity. The view that... more
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      PhilosophyMusic and identity
معرفی و نقد کتاب سراج السایرین احمد جام
Review and Introduce Aḥmad Jām's Book, the Famous Sufi of the 5th and 6th Century
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      Persian LiteratureOld Persian Literature
Neda Saghaee and Richard van Leeuwen Narrating the pilgrimage to Mecca discusses a wide variety of historical and contemporary personal accounts of the pilgrimage to Mecca, most of which presented in English for the first time. The book... more
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    • Cultural Studies
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      MetaphysicsSpeculative Realism
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Ziel der Studie ist die Befreiung der Vernunft aus ihrer selbstverschuldeten Unmündigkeit. Die Sprengung ihrer regulativen Ketten soll den Möglichkeitsgrund einer Metaphysik der Freiheit legen. Das Buch handelt von der Vernunft und dem... more
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      MetaphysicsEpistemologyEmpiricismRealism (Philosophy)
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Mit unserer diesjährigen Preisfrage zielen wir auf verschiedene geschichtsphilosophische Dimensionen der Ereignisse um 1989 zwischen utopischer Hoffnung auf eine Weiterentwicklung des Sozialismus und der Perspektive einer kapitalistischen... more
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      MarxismPhilosophy of HistoryGDR History
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In 1994, 4 years after the end of the Civil War, Lebanon passed Presidential Decree 5427 naturalizing over 154,931 foreign residents. During the four parliamentary elections that followed, these naturalized citizens demonstrated a higher... more
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      Voting BehaviorPolitical ParticipationVoter Turnout
This volume focuses on the impact of the Armenian Genocide on different academic disciplines at the crossroads of the centennial commemorations of the Genocide. Its interdisciplinary nature offers the opportunity to analyze the Genocide... more
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      HistorySociologyDemographyOttoman History
The concept of solidarity is ambiguous: it includes mechanisms of taxes and redistribution, charity, altruistic contributions and political support, social policy, concessions, grants, funds, food, clothes, social entrepreneurship,... more
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