Books by Eva Gentes

Die literarische Selbstübersetzung ist ein weitgehend unbekanntes Phänomen, obwohl es in den letz... more Die literarische Selbstübersetzung ist ein weitgehend unbekanntes Phänomen, obwohl es in den letzten zwei Jahrzehnten verstärkt das Interesse von Literatur- und Übersetzungswissenschaftlern geweckt hat. Die Dissertation setzt bei der Unsichtbarkeit der Selbstübersetzung an, versucht diese am Beispiel der romanischsprachigen Gegenwartsliteratur (1980–2015). Hierzu zeichnet sie den Weg der Selbstübersetzung von der Textgenese bis hin zur Veröffentlichung und Übersetzung in weitere Sprachen nach, um so ihre verschiedenen Funktions- und Wirkungsweisen nachvollziehen zu können. Es wird gezeigt werden, dass Selbstübersetzung eine derart komplexe und heterogene literarische Praxis ist, dass eine Neudefinierung des Begriffs der Selbstübersetzung erforderlich ist.
In Teil A „Rahmenbedingungen der Selbstübersetzung“ wird einleitend aufgezeigt, wo sich welche Autoren in oder aus einer romanischen Sprache selbst übersetzen, aus welchen Gründen sie dies tun und in bzw. aus welchen Sprachen die 336 identifizierten Selbstübersetzer ihre Werke übersetzen. Teil B widmet sich der Selbstübersetzung als Prozess und untersucht, wie Schreib-, Korrektur- und Übersetzungsprozesse in der Textgenese von zwei- und dreisprachigen Selbstübersetzungen ineinandergreifen. Teil C „Selbstübersetzung als Produkt“ geht zunächst der Frage der Sichtbarkeit anhand vor verlegerischen und auktorialen Peritexten nach. Im Anschluss wird aufgezeigt, welche Strategien von Verlegern und Übersetzern entwickelt wurden, um selbstübersetzte Texte in weitere Sprachen zu übersetzen und dem doppelten Ausgangstext gerecht zu werden. In Teil D „Selbstübersetzer in der romanischen Gegenwartsliteratur“ werden die theoretischen Ausführungen der vorangegangenen Teile zusammengeführt. Am Beispiel von sechs bislang kaum erforschten Selbstübersetzern aus den Hochburgen Spanien, Frankreich und Mexiko wird ein Einblick in die individuelle Praxis der Selbstübersetzung im Kontext weniger verbreiteter Sprachen gegeben.
Literary self-translation is a largely unknown phenomenon, although in the past two decades it has increasingly gained attention with both literary and translation scholars. This dissertation examines the invisibility of self-translation in the realm of contemporary literature in Romance languages (1980-2015). Literary self-translation will be discussed both as a process and a product in order to understand its various functions and effects. It will be shown that self-translation is a complex and heterogeneous practice which ultimately requires a re-definition of the notion of self-translation.
In Part A, "Frame Conditions of Self-Translation," we will start by giving a geographical overview of where authors self-translate into or from a Romance language. We will then discuss the reasons for opting for self-translation and finally examine the different language combinations used by the 336 identified self-translators. Part B focuses on “self-translation as a process” and explores how writing, correction and translation processes interrelate in the textual genesis of bilingual and trilingual self-translations. Part C "Self-translation as a product" takes a closer look at the visibility of self-translation in editorial and auctorial peritexts. Afterwards, it will be discussed which strategies publishers and translators have developed in order to translate self-translated texts into other languages. Based on the theoretical reflections from the preceding chapters, Part D "Self-Translators in Contemporary Literature in Romance Languages" gives an insight into the individual practice of self-translation in the context of less common languages. The trajectory of six self-translators from Spain, France and Mexico, which so far have hardly been investigated, will be discussed in detail.
Papers by Eva Gentes

Literary Self-Translation in Hispanophone Contexts - La autotraducción literaria en contextos de habla hispana, 2019
The chapter provides a panoramic overview of self-translation from and into Indigenous languages ... more The chapter provides a panoramic overview of self-translation from and into Indigenous languages among contemporary Mexican writers, in which the link between self-translation and language maintenance is closely explored. These authors often consider their decision to write in or translate into their native language as part of a broader effort to preserve their cultural and linguistic heritage. Since the conditions of the publishing market indicate these writers’ works would not otherwise be published, this language choice necessary entails self-translation. The study examines the use of this practice among authors with different linguistic backgrounds, such as Zapotec poets Natalia Toledo Paz and Irma Pineda Santiago, and Maya-Yucatec poet Briceida Cuevas Cob. It also discusses how their bilingual works are translated into other languages and what role this process can play in preserving and revitalizing Indigenous languages.
Journal of Literary Multilingualism
The Routledge Handbook of Literary Translingualism, 2021
provides a comprehensive overview of self-translation as part of translingual literature
Literary Self-Translation in Hispanophone Contexts, 2019
published in: Literary Self-Translation in Hispanophone Contexts - La autotraducción literaria en... more published in: Literary Self-Translation in Hispanophone Contexts - La autotraducción literaria en contextos de habla hispana, edited by Lila Bujaldón, Belén Bistué and Melisa Stocco, Palgrave Macmillan, 2019, Pages 75-102.
Plurilinguisme et autotraduction, 2019
This article provides an overview on the research on self-translation and outlines some ideas for... more This article provides an overview on the research on self-translation and outlines some ideas for further research. A statistical analysis of the last bibliography published in July 2017 provides a first account of the history of research on self-translation. The objective is to obtain a coherent picture of the development of the research field "autotraductologie" (Lagarde, 2013, p. 10)
in: "Plurilinguisme et autotraduction. Langue perdue, langue 'sauvée'" edited by Anna Lushenkova Foscolo and Malgorzata Smorag-Goldberg, published by Eur'orbem, 2019, pp. 235-256. ISBN 979-10-96982-13-4
Autotraduzione. Obiettivi, strategie, testi, 2019
Full reference: Gentes, Eva. 2019. “Transmigration und Selbstübersetzung – Linda Olsson und Miros... more Full reference: Gentes, Eva. 2019. “Transmigration und Selbstübersetzung – Linda Olsson und Miroslav Penkov.” In: Bruno Berni & Alessandra D’Atena (eds.), Autotraduzione. Obiettivi, strategie, testi. Roma: Istituto italiano di studi germanici, 122–144.
Abstract in English, Article in German
Self-translation is a common practice among minority langu... more Abstract in English, Article in German
Self-translation is a common practice among minority language writers, who often consider their works an active contribution to language maintenance. However, translation reveals itself to be a double-edged sword in contexts of lesser-translated languages. This article aims to show that there is an urgent need for self-translation studies to explore the link between self-translation and language maintenance.
Gentes, Eva. 2016. “‘… et ainsi j’ai décidé de me traduire’. Les moments déclencheurs dans la vie... more Gentes, Eva. 2016. “‘… et ainsi j’ai décidé de me traduire’. Les moments déclencheurs dans la vie littéraire des autotraducteurs”. In: Alessandra Ferraro & Rainier Grutman (eds.), L’autotraduction littéraire: perspectives théoriques. Paris: Classiques Garnier 85-101
La première expérience d'autotraduction constitue un moment clé dans le parcours littéraire d'un écrivain bilingue. Le premier objectif de cet article est donc d'identifier les moments déclencheurs: comment et dans quelles circonstances devient-on autotraducteur? Nous examinerons le profil de quatorze écrivains contemporains (vivants) qui ont partagé leur première expérience d'autotraduction, soit en entrevue, soit dans un témoignage publié.
Oxford Bibliographies entry on "self-translation" among Latinos in the United States.
GRIN - Verlag für akademische Texte Der GRIN Verlag mit Sitz in München und Ravensburg hat sich s... more GRIN - Verlag für akademische Texte Der GRIN Verlag mit Sitz in München und Ravensburg hat sich seit der Gründung im Jahr 1998 auf die Veröffentlichung akademischer Texte spezia-lisiert. Die Verlagswebseite ist für Studenten, Hochschullehrer und ...
Bibliography on self-translation by Eva Gentes
Consists of references to published and unpublished material on self-translation, organized into ... more Consists of references to published and unpublished material on self-translation, organized into the following sections: special issues, edited volumes, published books and articles, self-translators on self-translation, PhD theses, master’s theses, unpublished conference papers.
Consists of references to published and unpublished material on self-translation, organized into ... more Consists of references to published and unpublished material on self-translation, organized into the following sections: special issues, edited volumes, published books and articles, self-translators on self-translation, PhD theses, master’s theses, unpublished conference papers.
Consists of references to published and unpublished material on self-translation, organized into ... more Consists of references to published and unpublished material on self-translation, organized into the following sections: special issues, edited volumes, published books and articles, self-translators on self-translation, PhD theses, master’s theses, unpublished conference papers.
Consists of references to published and unpublished material on self-translation, organized into ... more Consists of references to published and unpublished material on self-translation, organized into the following sections: special issues, edited volumes, published books and articles, PhD theses, master’s theses, unpublished conference papers.
Consists of references to published and unpublished material on self-translation, organized into ... more Consists of references to published and unpublished material on self-translation, organized into the following sections: special issues, edited volumes, handbook and dictionary entries, published books and articles, PhD theses, master’s theses, unpublished conference papers
Consists of references to published and unpublished material on self-translation, organized into ... more Consists of references to published and unpublished material on self-translation, organized into the following sections: special issues, edited volumes, handbook and dictionary entries, published books and articles, PhD theses, master’s theses, unpublished conference papers
Consists of references to published and unpublished material on self-translation, organized into ... more Consists of references to published and unpublished material on self-translation, organized into the following sections: special issues, edited volumes, handbook and dictionary entries, published books and articles, PhD theses, master’s theses, unpublished conference papers
Consists of references to published and unpublished material on self-translation, organized into ... more Consists of references to published and unpublished material on self-translation, organized into the following sections: special issues, edited volumes, published books and articles, PhD theses, master’s theses, unpublished conference papers.
Books by Eva Gentes
In Teil A „Rahmenbedingungen der Selbstübersetzung“ wird einleitend aufgezeigt, wo sich welche Autoren in oder aus einer romanischen Sprache selbst übersetzen, aus welchen Gründen sie dies tun und in bzw. aus welchen Sprachen die 336 identifizierten Selbstübersetzer ihre Werke übersetzen. Teil B widmet sich der Selbstübersetzung als Prozess und untersucht, wie Schreib-, Korrektur- und Übersetzungsprozesse in der Textgenese von zwei- und dreisprachigen Selbstübersetzungen ineinandergreifen. Teil C „Selbstübersetzung als Produkt“ geht zunächst der Frage der Sichtbarkeit anhand vor verlegerischen und auktorialen Peritexten nach. Im Anschluss wird aufgezeigt, welche Strategien von Verlegern und Übersetzern entwickelt wurden, um selbstübersetzte Texte in weitere Sprachen zu übersetzen und dem doppelten Ausgangstext gerecht zu werden. In Teil D „Selbstübersetzer in der romanischen Gegenwartsliteratur“ werden die theoretischen Ausführungen der vorangegangenen Teile zusammengeführt. Am Beispiel von sechs bislang kaum erforschten Selbstübersetzern aus den Hochburgen Spanien, Frankreich und Mexiko wird ein Einblick in die individuelle Praxis der Selbstübersetzung im Kontext weniger verbreiteter Sprachen gegeben.
Literary self-translation is a largely unknown phenomenon, although in the past two decades it has increasingly gained attention with both literary and translation scholars. This dissertation examines the invisibility of self-translation in the realm of contemporary literature in Romance languages (1980-2015). Literary self-translation will be discussed both as a process and a product in order to understand its various functions and effects. It will be shown that self-translation is a complex and heterogeneous practice which ultimately requires a re-definition of the notion of self-translation.
In Part A, "Frame Conditions of Self-Translation," we will start by giving a geographical overview of where authors self-translate into or from a Romance language. We will then discuss the reasons for opting for self-translation and finally examine the different language combinations used by the 336 identified self-translators. Part B focuses on “self-translation as a process” and explores how writing, correction and translation processes interrelate in the textual genesis of bilingual and trilingual self-translations. Part C "Self-translation as a product" takes a closer look at the visibility of self-translation in editorial and auctorial peritexts. Afterwards, it will be discussed which strategies publishers and translators have developed in order to translate self-translated texts into other languages. Based on the theoretical reflections from the preceding chapters, Part D "Self-Translators in Contemporary Literature in Romance Languages" gives an insight into the individual practice of self-translation in the context of less common languages. The trajectory of six self-translators from Spain, France and Mexico, which so far have hardly been investigated, will be discussed in detail.
Papers by Eva Gentes
in: "Plurilinguisme et autotraduction. Langue perdue, langue 'sauvée'" edited by Anna Lushenkova Foscolo and Malgorzata Smorag-Goldberg, published by Eur'orbem, 2019, pp. 235-256. ISBN 979-10-96982-13-4
Self-translation is a common practice among minority language writers, who often consider their works an active contribution to language maintenance. However, translation reveals itself to be a double-edged sword in contexts of lesser-translated languages. This article aims to show that there is an urgent need for self-translation studies to explore the link between self-translation and language maintenance.
La première expérience d'autotraduction constitue un moment clé dans le parcours littéraire d'un écrivain bilingue. Le premier objectif de cet article est donc d'identifier les moments déclencheurs: comment et dans quelles circonstances devient-on autotraducteur? Nous examinerons le profil de quatorze écrivains contemporains (vivants) qui ont partagé leur première expérience d'autotraduction, soit en entrevue, soit dans un témoignage publié.
Bibliography on self-translation by Eva Gentes
In Teil A „Rahmenbedingungen der Selbstübersetzung“ wird einleitend aufgezeigt, wo sich welche Autoren in oder aus einer romanischen Sprache selbst übersetzen, aus welchen Gründen sie dies tun und in bzw. aus welchen Sprachen die 336 identifizierten Selbstübersetzer ihre Werke übersetzen. Teil B widmet sich der Selbstübersetzung als Prozess und untersucht, wie Schreib-, Korrektur- und Übersetzungsprozesse in der Textgenese von zwei- und dreisprachigen Selbstübersetzungen ineinandergreifen. Teil C „Selbstübersetzung als Produkt“ geht zunächst der Frage der Sichtbarkeit anhand vor verlegerischen und auktorialen Peritexten nach. Im Anschluss wird aufgezeigt, welche Strategien von Verlegern und Übersetzern entwickelt wurden, um selbstübersetzte Texte in weitere Sprachen zu übersetzen und dem doppelten Ausgangstext gerecht zu werden. In Teil D „Selbstübersetzer in der romanischen Gegenwartsliteratur“ werden die theoretischen Ausführungen der vorangegangenen Teile zusammengeführt. Am Beispiel von sechs bislang kaum erforschten Selbstübersetzern aus den Hochburgen Spanien, Frankreich und Mexiko wird ein Einblick in die individuelle Praxis der Selbstübersetzung im Kontext weniger verbreiteter Sprachen gegeben.
Literary self-translation is a largely unknown phenomenon, although in the past two decades it has increasingly gained attention with both literary and translation scholars. This dissertation examines the invisibility of self-translation in the realm of contemporary literature in Romance languages (1980-2015). Literary self-translation will be discussed both as a process and a product in order to understand its various functions and effects. It will be shown that self-translation is a complex and heterogeneous practice which ultimately requires a re-definition of the notion of self-translation.
In Part A, "Frame Conditions of Self-Translation," we will start by giving a geographical overview of where authors self-translate into or from a Romance language. We will then discuss the reasons for opting for self-translation and finally examine the different language combinations used by the 336 identified self-translators. Part B focuses on “self-translation as a process” and explores how writing, correction and translation processes interrelate in the textual genesis of bilingual and trilingual self-translations. Part C "Self-translation as a product" takes a closer look at the visibility of self-translation in editorial and auctorial peritexts. Afterwards, it will be discussed which strategies publishers and translators have developed in order to translate self-translated texts into other languages. Based on the theoretical reflections from the preceding chapters, Part D "Self-Translators in Contemporary Literature in Romance Languages" gives an insight into the individual practice of self-translation in the context of less common languages. The trajectory of six self-translators from Spain, France and Mexico, which so far have hardly been investigated, will be discussed in detail.
in: "Plurilinguisme et autotraduction. Langue perdue, langue 'sauvée'" edited by Anna Lushenkova Foscolo and Malgorzata Smorag-Goldberg, published by Eur'orbem, 2019, pp. 235-256. ISBN 979-10-96982-13-4
Self-translation is a common practice among minority language writers, who often consider their works an active contribution to language maintenance. However, translation reveals itself to be a double-edged sword in contexts of lesser-translated languages. This article aims to show that there is an urgent need for self-translation studies to explore the link between self-translation and language maintenance.
La première expérience d'autotraduction constitue un moment clé dans le parcours littéraire d'un écrivain bilingue. Le premier objectif de cet article est donc d'identifier les moments déclencheurs: comment et dans quelles circonstances devient-on autotraducteur? Nous examinerons le profil de quatorze écrivains contemporains (vivants) qui ont partagé leur première expérience d'autotraduction, soit en entrevue, soit dans un témoignage publié.
Available as Pdf file:
9th and 10th June 2022 in Vienna.
This talk provides insight into the intertwining of writing, proofreading and
translation processes in the text genesis of self-translated novels in the Iberian context. We will take a closer look at the bilingual writing practices of several contemporary Iberian authors, among them the Basque writer Unai Elorriaga, the Galician writers Marina Mayoral and Domingo Villar, as well as Catalan writers Lolita Bosch, Flavia Company, Carme Riera, Teresa Solana, Lluís Maria Todó, and trilingual writers Laia Fàbregas and Monika Zgustová.