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The development of distributed modelling technology has been hampered by incomplete understanding of spatially-variable processes and the lack of adequate data to characterize spatially varying inputs and state variables. This seems to be... more
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      GeologySoil ErosionCatenaSoil sciences
In recent years, distributed (spatially explicit) models have become more widely used, in part because of the availability of geographic information systems. However, advances in the understanding of hydrologic and geomorphic processes in... more
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Integrated Watershed Management (IWM) has emerged worldwide as the preferred model for watershed planning. IWM uses the watershed as the basic geographic planning unit while integrating social, economic, ecological and policy concerns... more
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      Analytic Hierarchy ProcessWatershed ManagementIntegratedDecision Models
Distributed process-based hydrologic models have been used to describe and predict the movement of sediment on small watersheds. However, to parameterize these models requires an understanding of the spatial variability of erosion... more
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      Environmental ScienceGeologyDistributed ProcessingCatena
The general problem of solving for normal flow dcplh in open-chan nel flow has a complication in that some types of channel cross sections do not always have a unique solution. This paper analyzes an alternative iterative pro cedure for... more
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      Civil EngineeringNumerical AnalysisIrrigation & DrainageDepth
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Distributed process-based hydrologic models have been used to describe and predict the movement of sediment on small watersheds. However, to parameterize these models requires an understanding of the spatial variability of erosion... more
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      Environmental ScienceGeologyDistributed ProcessingCatena
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Hydraulic, sediment, land-use, and rock-erosivity data of 22 alluvial streams were used to evaluate conditions of bedload transport and the performance of selected bedload-transport equations. Transport categories of transport-limited... more
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      Civil EngineeringHydraulic EngineeringHydraulic
Sediment represents a major non-point source pollutant throughout the world. In addition to reduced agricultural productivity as the result of the loss of fertile soil, soil erosion also can have significant water-quality impacts in... more
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      Civil EngineeringEnvironmental ScienceEconomic analysisNew Mexico
The Simplex and the Shuffled Complex Evolution-University of Arizona (SCE-UA) optimization algorithms and the simple least-squares (SLS) and the heteroscedastic maximum likelihood estimator (HMLE) were applied to identify erosion... more
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      MathematicsHydrologyMultidisciplinaryParameter estimation
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      Civil EngineeringEnvironmental ScienceIrrigation and Drainage EngineeringInterdisciplinary Engineering
A process-based erosion model is used to study parameterization problems of sediment entrainment equations in overland flow areas. One of the equations for entrainment by flow is developed based on a theory of excess stream power, while... more
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      Civil EngineeringEnvironmental ScienceIrrigationIrrigation and Drainage Engineering
The question of watershed response to changes in land use and land cover has received a great deal of attention in the hydrologic literature. One of the primary tools for quantifying such changes has been the paired watershed approach. In... more
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      Civil EngineeringEnvironmental ScienceHydraulicsWatershed Management
A semiquantitative analysis was used to assess the impacts of water rights appropriations and allocations in the Upper Rio Grande (URG) Basin, in Colorado. The study also explores the causes and effects of the changes on collateral... more
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      Civil EngineeringEnvironmental ScienceGroundwaterSurface Water
The general problem of solving for normal flow dcplh in open-chan nel flow has a complication in that some types of channel cross sections do not always have a unique solution. This paper analyzes an alternative iterative pro cedure for... more
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      Civil EngineeringNumerical AnalysisIrrigation & DrainageDepth
A numerical procedure is developed for quickly and accurately finding the location and flow depth of a flow transition (critical control section) in open channels with discharge gradually varying along the channel length. General... more
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      EngineeringCivil EngineeringHydraulicsNumerical Analysis
A process based, distributed runoff erosion model (KINEROS2) was used to examine problems of parameter identification of sediment entrainment equations for small watersheds. Two multipliers were used to reflect the distributed nature of... more
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      Environmental EngineeringCivil EngineeringEnvironmental ScienceParameter Identification
This paper evaluates the effects of watershed geometric representation (i.e., plane and channel representation) on runoff and sediment yield simulations in a semiarid rangeland watershed. A process based, spatially distributed runoff... more
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      Environmental EngineeringCivil EngineeringSediment Yield