Papers by Wighart v. Koenigswald
Mitteilungen der Bayerischen Staatssammlung für Paläontologie und Histor. Geologie., 1977
Mitteilungen der Bayerischen Staatssammlung für Paläontologie und Histor. Geologie., 1969

Annals of Carnegie Museum, Feb 22, 1994
In the Chalicotheriidae the main shearing facets of upper and lower molars possess a very signifi... more In the Chalicotheriidae the main shearing facets of upper and lower molars possess a very significant modification of the direction of Hunter-Schreger bands (HSB). In contrast to the primitive horizontal HSB orientation, chalicotheres show distinctly U-shaped HSB that intersect the main cutting edges at almost right angles. This relationship is maintained throughout the various stages of wear. This specific characteristic is shared with Brontotheriidae. Certain other Perissodactyla, such as Tapiroidea and Rhinocerotidae, but definitely not the Equoidea, follow a similar tendency. Functionally, the reorientation of the HSB is interpreted as an adaptation to reduce abrasion. The reorientation of the HSB seems to be related to interprismatic matrix (IPM) parallel to the prisms. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Bei den Chalicotheriidae zeigen die Hauptschneidekanten der oberen und unteren Molaren eine aulfallende Abweichung von der normalerweise horizontalen Orientierung der Hunter-Schreger-Bander (HSB). Die HSB sind U-formig gebogenen und stehen annahemd senkrecht auf den Hauptschneidekanten. Dieser Winkel bleibt durch diese spezielle Anordnung auch wahrend der fortschreitenden Abkauung erhalten. Dieses abgeleitete Merkmal teilen die Chalicotheriidae mit den Brontotheriidae. Andere Perissodactyla, wie die Tapiroidea und Rhinocerotidae, nicht aber die Equoidea, verfolgen eine ahnliche Strategic. Funktionell wird diese Reorientierung der HSB als Anpassung gedeutet, durch die der Abrieb der Schneidekante reduziert wird. Die Reorientierung der HSB scheint an eine Interprismatische Matrix (IPM) gebunden sein, die parallel zu den Prismen liegt. to some other Perissodactyla." Annals of the Carnegie Museum 63(1), 49-65.

Zeitschrift für Säugetierkunde : im Auftrage der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Säugetierkunde e.V., 1993
The Schmelzmuster of the incisors in Gliroidea (Gliridae and Seleviniidae, Rodentia, Mammalia) an... more The Schmelzmuster of the incisors in Gliroidea (Gliridae and Seleviniidae, Rodentia, Mammalia) and their systematic significance Investigated is the enamel ultrastructure in incisors of about 20 fossil and extant gliroid genera and subgenera. According to the Schmelzmuster of the lower incisor three groups can clearly be differentiated. Group 1 contains Myoxus and Glirulus having mainly transversly orientated Hunter-Schreger bands (HSB) and a thick prismless external enamel (PLEX). The Schmelzmuster of group 2 is more derived in having diagonally orientated HSB. This group contains Dryomys, Eliomys with its several fossil subgenera from the Mediterranean islands, and Leithia, Microdyromys, and "Peridyromys" brailloni. Group 3 with the most derived Schmelzmuster characterized by longitudinally arranged HSB covers Graphiurus, Myomimus, Miodyromys, Muscardinus, Selevinia, and Plioselevinia. This Schmelzmuster is represented at least since the early Middle Miocene (MN 4) and indicates the early Separation of these groups. This allows plenty of time for further differentiation in other characters. The probability of paralleHsm has to be rejected according to a survey of other rodents with rearranged HSB. Group 3 is tying together the Seleviniidae with some but not all Gliridae. Therefore, the Seleviniidae are not a sister group of the Gliridae in general and should be incorporated into the Gliridae. The grouping according to the schmelzmuster contradicts to some degree the systematic arrangement according to molar morphology (Daams 1981) but corresponds widely with the analysis of soft parts as done by Kratochvil (1973). This indicates the importance of the enamel analysis. Einleitung Die Schneidezähne der Nagetiere sind in ihrer äußeren Morphologie recht arm an Merkmalen. Der Zahnschmelz aber, der als dünne Auflage die labiale Seite der Schneidezähne bedeckt, bietet ein bisher oft nur ungenügend genutztes Informationspotential, das aber für systematische Fragestellungen zusätzlich zur Morphologie (Thenius 1989) sehr bedeutsam sein kann. Die klassischen Unterordnungen der Rodentia lassen sich in gewissem Maße am Schmelz der Schneidezähne unterscheiden (Korvenkontio 1934; Boyde 1978). Auch innerhalb der Unterordnungen zeichnen sich systematisch relevante Gruppen ab. So konnte Martin (1992) innerhalb der Caviomorpha und Hystricognatha neue Argumente für die phylogenetischen Beziehungen am Schmelz der Schneidezähne aufzeigen. Stellenweise lassen sich sogar einzelne Famihen (z.B. Eomyidae, Wahlert und Koenigswald 1985) oder Gattungen (z.B. Marmota, Koenigswald 1990) durch Besonderheiten im Schmelzmuster kennzeichnen.
Mitteilungen der Bayerischen Staatssammlung für Paläontologie und Histor. Geologie., 1978
Zoomorphology, Apr 1, 1987
Bulletin Oregon Museum 30, 2023
WvK, CW, and UBG conceived and designed the study, performed the investigation, analyzed the data... more WvK, CW, and UBG conceived and designed the study, performed the investigation, analyzed the data, prepared figures and tables, authored or reviewed drafts of the paper, approved the final draft.

Tooth enamel microstructure in Megasorex gigas (MERRIAM 1897) and Cryptotis magna (MERRIAM 1895) from Mexico - in comparison to the schmelzmuster in other shrews. , 2019
The enamel microstructure of molars in Mexican soricines Megasorex and Cryptotis is described and... more The enamel microstructure of molars in Mexican soricines Megasorex and Cryptotis is described and compared to the six types of schmelzmuster found in fossil and recent Soricidae. These types of schmelzmuster show a high correlation to the current systematics of Soricidae. In Megasorex, the relatively simple schmelzmuster is dominated by radial enamel. However, a very thin innermost layer of differentiated enamel indicates the beginning of a two-layered schmelzmuster. This corresponds to the Notiosorex-schmelzmuster. The teeth of Megasorex lack pigmentation, which is not reflected in its schmelzmuster. Similarities to the white-toothed Crocidura-schmelzmuster are superficial. Cryptotis has the typical two-layered enamel of derived Soricinae. The specific enamel type of the inner layer and the strong lateral inclination of its prisms represent a new modification of the highly derived Blarina-schmelzmuster. Zusammenfassung: Die Mikrostruktur des Zahnschmelzes in den Molaren der Mexikanischen Spitzmäuse, Megasorex und Cryptotis, wird beschrieben und mit den sechs Schmelzmuster-Typen verglichen, die von den fossilen und rezenten Soriciden bekannt sind. Die unterschiedenen Schmelzmuster-Typen weisen eine sehr hohe Übereinstimmung mit der derzeitigen systematischen Gliederung der Soriciden auf. Das Schmelzmuster von Megasorex ist relativ einfach und wird von radialem Schmelz dominiert. Aber eine sehr dünne Innenschicht weist auf eine beginnende Zweischichtigkeit hin, wie sie im Notiosorex-Schmelzmuster zu beobachten ist. Den Zähnen von Megasorex fehlt die Pigmentierung, die sich aber nicht auf das Schmelzmuster auswirkt. Eine gewisse Ähnlichkeit zum dem Schmelzmuster der weißzähnigen Crocidura ist nur oberflächlich. Cryptotis hat das für evoluierte Soricinae typische zwei-schichtige Schmelzmuster. Der besondere Schmelztyp der Innenschicht und die starke seitliche Neigung der Prismen belegen eine Zugehörigkeit zum hoch abgeleiteten Blarina-Schmelzmuster, wobei Cryptotis eine neue Modifikation belegt.
Development, Function and Evolution of Teeth

Text-fig. 5. Cryptotis magna, details of the schmelzmuster. a) Detail from the pald more closely ... more Text-fig. 5. Cryptotis magna, details of the schmelzmuster. a) Detail from the pald more closely to the prd. The REIS of the inner layer is strongly inclined to the right (prd). Because the prisms are almost horizontal, the IPM occurs as a sheet between the rows of prisms. The crystallites of the IPM are perpendicular to the direction of prisms. b) In the protoconid, the two-layered enamel is obvious. In the inner layer, prisms are inclined from both sides, from the pald and prod. The IPM is almost perpendicular to the prisms. The outer layer is of radial enamel. c) The paraconid shows slightly inclined prisms and IPM, and most is radial enamel. d) Detail from the pald. The inner layer is formed by radial enamel with inter-row sheets (REIS). In the left part of the picture, a minimal inclination towards the left (pad) is recognizable. The outer layer is composed of radial enamel. Note the step close to the margin between the two enamel types. It is caused by pigmentation in the oute...
Historical Biology, 2015
Cricetid rodents have a very high reproductive capacity and usually a short life span, measured i... more Cricetid rodents have a very high reproductive capacity and usually a short life span, measured in months rather than years. Many of them are also non-gregarious, searching for new resources outside the confines of their present habitat. These features provide cricetid rodents with valuable attributes as agents of historical biology. We describe a new species of cricetid rodent, Paciculus walshi, an Oligocene cricetid rodent in North America; we characterise its enamel microstructure and dental features and review its relationship with other cricetid rodents globally, to place it within the framework of Oligocene historical biology.

Annales Zoologici Fennici
Three functional aspects (jaw movement, collapse of lophs by wear, and molar wear gradient) are d... more Three functional aspects (jaw movement, collapse of lophs by wear, and molar wear gradient) are described for Lophiodon and compared with typical lophodont dentitions in other mammals, e.g., Macropus, Pyrotherium and Deinotherium. The jaw movement is deduced from striations and guiding rails. In Lophiodon only phase I of the power stroke is documented by facets, whereas a minor phase II occurs in Macropus. During phase I the lophs perform two functions: cutting when the crests are passing each other, and compressing the bolus during further interlocking. When dentine is exposed the lophs collapse and lose their trenchant function and are grinding only. The sudden collapse of the lophs is partially due to the abrasion within the compression chamber, as seen in Dendrolagus. The molar wear gradient (the differential wear between the first and last molars) is low in Pyrotherium, intermediate in Lophiodon, and Deinotherium as compared with a low molar wear gradient in Tapirus or a high g...
Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 1994

Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 2006
Gondwanatherians are an enigmatic group of extinct non-therian mammals apparently restricted to s... more Gondwanatherians are an enigmatic group of extinct non-therian mammals apparently restricted to some of the western Gondwanan continents (Late Cretaceous-early Palaeocene of South America, and Late Cretaceous of Madagascar and India). They developed rodent-like incisors and the earliest known hypsodont cheek-teeth among mammals. Recently, a small rodent-like dentary fragment was recovered from middle Eocene beds on the Antarctic Peninsula, preserving part of the incisor; both the incisor enamel structure and the mandibular morphology suggest close affinities with Sudamerica ameghinoi from the early Palaeocene of Patagonia, up to now the youngest known Gondwanatheria. Thus, the new specimen becomes the youngest occurrence of a gondwanathere, adding significant direct and indirect evidence on: (1) the already documented cosmopolitanism of gondwanatheres among Gondwanan mammals; and (2) the crucial biogeographical role of Antarctica during the Cretaceous-Tertiary mammalian transition.
Papers by Wighart v. Koenigswald