Papers by Christian Briesack

Y. Becker u. a., Die Monte Abatone-Nekropole von Cerveteri. Vorbericht zur Grabungskampagne 2022, KuBA 11/12, 2021/22, 95-111, 2022
In the joint excavation project at the Monte Abatone necropolis of Cerveteri, the participating p... more In the joint excavation project at the Monte Abatone necropolis of Cerveteri, the participating partners have continued and expanded the excavations in the southwestern part of the necropolis near the Tumulus Campana, which started in 2018. The aim was to complete the investigation of a cluster of early small tumuli as well as to examine some larger burial structures in the area, detected by previous geophysical investigations. Altogether, 15 new graves were examined as well as some anomalies in the geophysical survey east and north of the Tumulus Campana. Additionally, a survey campaign has been carried out to study more open visible burial structures at the western slope of the plateau, including a tomb-lined access to the plateau at the northern limit of the necropolis.
D. Beck u. a., Die Monte Abatone-Nekropole von Cerveteri. Vorbericht zur Grabungskampagne 2021, KuBA 11/12, 77-93, 2021
Im Ausgrabungsprojekt zur Monte Abatone-Nekropole in Cerveteri wurden die 2018 begonnenen Untersu... more Im Ausgrabungsprojekt zur Monte Abatone-Nekropole in Cerveteri wurden die 2018 begonnenen Untersuchungen im Bereich um den Tumulus Campana fortgeführt und erweitert. Das Ziel war es, die Struktur und die Entwicklung der Bestattungspraktiken in diesem Areal zu untersuchen. Grundlage hierfür bilden Grabungen, weitere geophysikalische Untersuchungen, Surveykampagnen sowie die Auswertung historischer Luftbilder. In dem Areal südlich und südwestlich des Tumulus konnte ein dichter homogener Cluster von Gräbern im sog. ‚Kragebautypus‘, beginnend im frühen 7. Jhs. v. Chr., festgestellt werden, während im Norden zum einen ein Altar am Tumulus und zum anderen eine Reihe Kammergräber (6.–4./3. Jh. v. Chr.) entlang der Hangkante des Plateaus dokumentiert werden konnten.
Edizioni Quasar di Severino Tognon srl, 2017

in: U. Kelp – W.-R. Teegen (Hrsg.), Wealthy and Healthy? Methodological Approaches to Non-Élite Burials: Panel 1.2, Archaeology and Economy in the Ancient World. Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Classical Archaeology, Cologne/Bonn 2018, Band 1 (Heidelberg 2022) 33–51
On behalf of the 'Associazione Internazionale di Archeologia Classica (AIAC)' the 19 th Internati... more On behalf of the 'Associazione Internazionale di Archeologia Classica (AIAC)' the 19 th International Congress for Classical Archaeology took place in Cologne and Bonn from 22 to 26 May 2018. It was jointly organized by the two Archaeological Institutes of the Universities of Cologne and Bonn, and the primary theme of the congress was 'Archaeology and Economy in the Ancient World'. In fact, economic aspects permeate all areas of public and private life in ancient societies, whether in urban development, religion, art, housing, or in death. Research on ancient economies has long played a significant role in ancient history. Increasingly in the last decades, awareness has grown in archaeology that the material culture of ancient societies offers excellent opportunities for studying the structure, performance, and dynamics of ancient economic systems and economic processes. Therefore, the main objective of this congress was to understand economy as a central element of classical societies and to analyze its interaction with ecological, political, social, religious, and cultural factors. The theme of the congress was addressed to all disciplines that deal with the Greco-Roman civilization and their neighbouring cultures from the Aegean Bronze Age to the end of Late Antiquity. The participation of more than 1.200 scholars from more than 40 countries demonstrates the great response to the topic of the congress. Altogether, more than 900 papers in 128 panels were presented, as were more than 110 posters. The publication of the congress is in two stages: larger panels are initially presented as independent volumes, such as this publication. Finally, at the end of the editing process, all contributions will be published in a joint conference volume. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all participants and helpers of the congress who made it such a great success. Its realization would not have been possible without the generous support of many institutions, whom we would like to thank once again: the Universities of Bonn and Cologne, the Archaeological Society of Cologne, the Archaeology Foundation of Cologne, the Gerda Henkel Foundation, the Fritz Thyssen Foundation, the Sal. Oppenheim Foundation, the German Research Foundation (DFG), the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), the Romano-Germanic Museum Cologne and the LVR-LandesMuseum Bonn. Finally, our thanks go to all colleagues and panel organizers who were involved in the editing and printing process.
in: F. Rumscheid – S. Schrenk (Hrsg.), Göttliche Ungerechtigkeit? Strafen und Glaubensprüfungen als Themen antiker und frühchristlicher Kunst. Ausstellungskatalog Bonn (Petersberg 2018) 387–396, 2018
Die Mythen der Niobe, der Andromeda, des Marsyas, der Iphigenie und des Laokoon können auf unteri... more Die Mythen der Niobe, der Andromeda, des Marsyas, der Iphigenie und des Laokoon können auf unteritalisch-rotfigurigen Vasen für verschiedene Deutungen stehen. Diese sind auf Grund des Verwendungskontextes fast ausschließlich im Grabbereich zu suchen. Die Vasen waren wegen ihrer vielfältigen Motivik nicht nur für den Verstorbenen und das Jenseits gedacht, sondern wurden zum Träger sepulkraler Botschaften, die für die Trauerbewältigung der Gesellschaft elementar waren.

in: Kölner und Bonner Archaeologica 3, 2013, 9-39
This small group of aryballoi belongs to those bucchero vessels which have been influenced by Cor... more This small group of aryballoi belongs to those bucchero vessels which have been influenced by Corinthian pottery. Their material can give proof of this cultural transfer and its mechanisms. For an extensive examination they are to be analyzed regarding typology, decoration, chronology and inscriptions. Their shape is so closely related to the Corinthian pottery that it reflects the development of Corinthian aryballoi. However, there is also a small group of special shapes which has been influenced by local traditions. Concerning the decoration which has been mostly made by engraving, the Etruscans have adapted some elements from Corinthian pottery, but it is as a whole a mix of different influences. The containers were mainly produced in the second half of the seventh century B.C. Finally, the inscriptions suggest that the bucchero aryballoi were used especially as gifts in the Etruscan society. This may constitute a functional justification for the vessels’ special status which is also suggested by their small quantity.
in: Kölner und Bonner Archaeologica 2, 2012, 229-252
Talks by Christian Briesack
30th EAA Annual Meeting, Rome 28th - 31st August 2024
The study presents some of the objects made of glass and faience, such as pendants, fibulae, spik... more The study presents some of the objects made of glass and faience, such as pendants, fibulae, spiked vessels or amulets, found during recent excavations at the Monte Abatone necropolis in Caere/Cerveteri.
Das Monte Abatone Projekt in Cerveteri. Zur Aufarbeitung der Altgrabungen und zu den Prospektionskampagnen, 2024
AG Etrusker und Italiker 21. Treffen, Basel 03-04.04.2023
Congresso Internazionale: Lavori in corso a Cerveteri tra Canada ed Europa, Santa Maria Capua Vetere 1 dicembre 2021
16th Annual Conference of the European Association for the Study of Religions, Bern 17.-21 June 2018
19th International Congress of Classical Archaeology Cologne/Bonn, 22.-26 May 2018
AG Etrusker und Italiker 12. Treffen, Hamburg 22.-23.01.2016
Papers and Chapters by Christian Briesack
Rivista annuale open access e peer reviewed fondata da Mauro Cristofani e Riccardo Francovich, 2022
Tra terminologia e lessicologia: un "ponte" informatico nel percorso scientifico di Giovanni Adam... more Tra terminologia e lessicologia: un "ponte" informatico nel percorso scientifico di Giovanni Adamo Alessandro Di Ludovico, Sergio Camiz, Experimenting Generalized Procrustes Analysis on a corpus of scenes carved on Mesopotamian cylinder seals and encoded in a textual data set Lorenzo Cardarelli, Annalisa Lapadula, Dimensionality reduction for data visualization and exploratory analysis of ceramic assemblages Giulia Iadicicco, David Vicenzutto, Silvia Paltineri, Cluster analysis, classificazione numerica e remote sensing. Metodi di analisi integrati applicati alla survey presso San Basilio di Ariano nel Polesine (RO) Élodie Guillon, Modélisation spatiale au Proche-Orient phénicien à l'époque hellénistique (IV e-I er s. av. n. è.
Papers by Christian Briesack
Talks by Christian Briesack
Papers and Chapters by Christian Briesack