Papers by Juan David Garcia Gonzalez
Amfiteatru Economic, 2024
There are 15 independent countries that emerged (re-emerged) from the Union of Soviet Socialist R... more There are 15 independent countries that emerged (re-emerged) from the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics since its collapse in 1991. The process of independence of the Former Soviet Union (FSU) countries was followed by massive economic, political, and institutional reforms that, in most cases, sought the transition from centralised systems to market economies. This paper uses the club convergence method developed by Phillips and Sul (2007, 2009) to analyse convergence in terms of size of government and economic growth between 1991 and 2018 for 14 FSU countries: Armenia,
Regionalization of Latin America based on asymmetries in the absorptive capacity of countries, 2023
has a rich history of regional integration agreements with no sustained success. One possible exp... more has a rich history of regional integration agreements with no sustained success. One possible explanation is that these agreements mainly depend on political considerations and do not have a solid basis at the level of private agents. Opposite to the previous literature on regionalism, a method founded on asymmetric economies is proposed in this work. Based on the identification of sources and manifestations of asymmetries, a club clustering proposal of countries is provided. The study involves 67 variables, 20 countries from Latin America, and a period between 1985 and 2008. The results reveal that the existing agreements are not based on the countries' asymmetries, then, the achievement of a successful continental integration is unlikely under the current circumstances.

Psychology, Society, & Education, 2019
Family environment, parental economic and social conditions influence students' academic performa... more Family environment, parental economic and social conditions influence students' academic performance. However, in Colombia, research and methods that have been used to study these variables are rather limited. This research predicts the academic performance of students who took the 2016 State exam for access to higher education (Saber 11) based on observations and characteristics of the students' families. The data comes from the database of the Colombian Institute Educational Evaluation (ICFES), and classification trees are generated in order to predict academic results. The results show that the family variables that best predict academic results are, respectively, the educational level of the mother, the socioeconomic stratum of the household, the number of books in the home, the educational level of the father and the presence of a computer in the household.
Iberoamerican Journal of Development Studies, 2019
In this paper, we use annual data from 2008 to 2017 for 24 departments of Colombia, including Bog... more In this paper, we use annual data from 2008 to 2017 for 24 departments of Colombia, including Bogota DC, to study the relationships between corruption and inequality. The econometric results obtained with the Pedroni methodology (1995, 2001) indicate a positive correlation between corruption and the GINI. This result coincides with the findings of various authors who argue that increases in the level of fraud or low institutional quality result in increased social class inequality. On the other hand, there is a positive and statistically significant relationship between the GINI, unemployment, informality and per capita GDP, while education has a negative impact on income inequality.

Resumen: La implementación de tecnologías de información (ti) a nivel empresarial plantea la preo... more Resumen: La implementación de tecnologías de información (ti) a nivel empresarial plantea la preocupación de cuál es el efecto de dicha inversión. Generalmente, esta preocupación se asocia Innovaciones en Tecnología COnTRIBuTIOn OF InFORmATIOn TeCHnOLOGIes InITIATIVes In ORGAnIZATIOns: A LITeRATuRe ReVIeW ABsTRACT: Implementation of Information Technologies (it) at corporate level raises concerns about the effect of such investment. Generally, concerns are linked to the associated costs of it initiatives and not to the benefits of their adoption. From a systematic review of the literature, different models of benefits from it in organizations are analyzed in order to propose a multidimensional structure for the identification and classification of the benefits generated by the use of these technologies. This proposed structure consists of 15 benefits grouped into four organizational dimensions: 1) informational, 2) transactional, 3) transformational and 4) strategic. This referential framework allows envisioning and assessing the contributions of it initiatives in the generation of value for organizations.
La teoría del ciclo económico ha evolucionado continuamente dejando a su paso diversas explicacio... more La teoría del ciclo económico ha evolucionado continuamente dejando a su paso diversas explicaciones, causas, consecuencias y formas de análisis. El presente texto analiza la incidencia de los choques externos y de la productividad en los ciclos económicos en Colombia entre 1980 y 2010, tema de importancia prioritaria si se tiene en cuenta que pequeñas diferencias entre tasas de crecimiento pueden determinar grandes diferencias en el nivel de vida de los ciudadanos. El principal resultado refleja la alta relación entre los ciclos económicos descendentes y los precios de los commodities de exportación planteando grandes retos en un contexto de bajos precios del petróleo.
Since the introduction in the 1940s of the "big push" as a concept and a conceptual frame, it has... more Since the introduction in the 1940s of the "big push" as a concept and a conceptual frame, it has served to explain the divergent processes of economic growth and development of different countries. This article attempts to link the advance in the theory of the big push made by (Murphy, Shleifer and Vishny, 1988), with other studies that empirically confirm this development. The results show that the mathematical development made by (Murphy et al., 1988) can be supported empirically, which means that in fact the actual inter-sectoral dependence, under certain conditions, helps to build virtuous circles contributing to economic growth and development.
En 1900 Popayán había perdido el empuje que la había caracterizado como centro económico del occi... more En 1900 Popayán había perdido el empuje que la había caracterizado como centro económico del occidente del país el siglo anterior, esta desaceleración económica vino acompañada de otras particularidades como su afinidad con el partido conservador y la iglesia, lo cual ayudó a configurar un movimiento obrero especial, de poco alcance y visibilidad nacional, y muy ligado a corrientes políticas. El objetivo del presente texto es determinar la conexión de la iglesia y la prensa en la configuración del movimiento obrero en Popayán. El periodo de análisis es la primera mitad del siglo XX, no sólo por acotar el tema, sino también porque es un periodo pionero en cuestión sindical.
En el marco de un Estado Social de Derecho y de las recientes negociaciones entre el Gobierno y l... more En el marco de un Estado Social de Derecho y de las recientes negociaciones entre el Gobierno y las FARC es de primera necesidad instrumentar el acervo de datos disponibles para entender sinérgicamente la problemática de la violencia y la pobreza en Colombia y así, formular y ejecutar políticas adecuadas a nivel Nacional y Regional. En este contexto el presente trabajo busca identificar los departamentos colombianos con mayor incidencia de la violencia y pobreza en Colombia a través de la metodología de análisis de componentes principales, para que, con la menor pérdida de información, estos datos puedan ser interpretados en índices de violencia y pobreza.
Papers by Juan David Garcia Gonzalez