University Of Bayreuth, Germany
Religionswissenschaft II
This text was automatically generated on 3 novembre 2016. Dieses Werk ist lizenziert unter einer Creative Commons Namensnennung-Nicht-kommerziell-Keine Bearbeitung 3.0 Deutschland Lizenz.
Mit Blick auf die religionswissenschaftlich-didaktische Forderung einer "Religionskunde" im schulischen Kontext beschreibt der Beitrag die Geschichte und rechtliche wie normative Rahmenbedingungen des Schulfachs Ethik unter besonderer... more
Meditation liegt im Trend. In den verschiedensten gesellschaftlichen Bereichen lässt sich diese Feststellung auch ohne eine erschöpfende Analyse nachvollziehen. Charakteristisch ist dabei in den letzten Jahren in aller Regel die Dominanz... more
En el presente ensayo se tratará sobre una religión sincretista: la santería mexicana, así como su adaptación a la era postmoderna distinguida por tendencias como interculturalidad y digitalización. Basado en una breve vista general sobre... more
Based on Heidegger’s hermeneutics and the idea of the sacred and the profane by Eliade, the present work is focused the conceptualization of sacred places from a phenomenological perspective. First, a concept of the sacred is outlined... more
Cyber-religiosity is a concept proposed for the investigation of religious phenomena with any kind of relation to the Internet. It is based on the theory of cyber-religion as a cyber cultural phenomenon and focused on religiosity. The... more
This is a translation of an article published in the magazine Du: kulturelle Monatsschrift in 1964 and retrieved by the ETH-Bibliothek ETH Zurich. It´s a tribute to Johannes Itten, which outlines some relevant biographical data of the... more
Neopagan religiosities which refer to European, pre-Cristian traditions often use authentication strategies for their religious beliefs and practices that stress the antiquity of their sources and being part of a traditional cultural... more
The Mexican city of Catemaco is famous for its diversity of African-American religious traditions. Although Santería was originally shaped in Cuba, the local Mexican versions show not only a variety of references regarding their origins... more
Neopagans in Mexico City started to communitise only about 20 years ago. An initial analysis of related interview material shows that the narratives they develop about their first contact with neopagan content and their access to the... more