International ardieological expedition makes research in settlement belonging V-IV century BC, near Gamgemidi village of Shamkir distiict of Azerbaijan since 2016. In this large teritory there are remains of big public buildings typycal...
moreInternational ardieological expedition makes research in
settlement belonging V-IV century BC, near Gamgemidi village of
Shamkir distiict of Azerbaijan since 2016. In this large
teritory there are remains of big public buildings typycal tor
Ahamenid culture. Main building of this setllement was the
great palace, remains of which are discovered on 2 hills called
Idealtepe and Gurbantepe. Propiles of die palace were
located on Idealtepe, while main building of it was on Gurbantepe. Palace on Gurbantepe had portico with 12 pillars,
big hall tor audiences, odier halls with pillars, long corridors
and many other accommodations.
Excavations gave approximate measurements of dimensions of the palace. In some places in 30-60 cm depth of the
ground remaining upper part of walls made of mud brick
have been found.
In places where excavations made floor deep, 2 types of
monolith pillar basis discovered. Till now in each of two halls
4 bell shaped basis of pillars discovered. In portico and other
halls basis of pillars were stair like quadrangular in shape with
round tora on top. Pillars on these were made of wood. Only
on partially cleared small portion of floor 22 pillar basis found.
Two of them were discovered in 2013, This basis also were
quadrangular and upper part of them was broken.
In 2014 colleagues from Germany succeeded to get grant
to continue excavations in Garajernirli in 2014-2015. This
grant mainly was given for excavations in Ilyastepe hill. This
year expedition made little for research of main palace on
Gurbantepe of the settlement. Here was discovered one more
quadrangular stair like pillar base and now 22 of basis are
known. Till now very litle portion of the palace is unearthed.
Excavations show that in audience hall under the pillar basis
there is layer of pebble around 1 m thick. Mud brick walls,
also, were built on 12-15 cm pebble layer basernent. New big
fragments suggestive of stone storage pils whre also found.
Main excavations made on Ilyastepe hill which is located 1
km to north-east from the palace. All over die surface of the
hill, in die territory with the diameter of 60 m there are
widely spread fragments of pottery and small particles of
limestone which 15 used tor making pillar basis. The fragments of big agricultural pitchers and bowls frequently had
been seen.
On the eastern part of the hill mud brick walls are
discovered. In die centre of the hill there is mund shaped
pillar base with spikes on the sides. There is semicircular line
made of one layer of smoth stone on die western part of die
hill. We suggest hat an this hill there were spiritual constructions. We hope hat in 2015 all remains in this hill will be opened.