Journal Articles by Dr Edmond Beqiri

The research in this paper initially contains the definition of the phenomenon of the informal ec... more The research in this paper initially contains the definition of the phenomenon of the informal economy, analyzing opinions from different authors in this field, then the links between the informal economy and money laundering, some data about the scale of money laundering in the world and forms divided according to their financial activities. The paper analyzes the stages of money laundering and the main sources of black money in the transition countries, which are presented by economic practice activities most exposed to this phenomenon. Special emphasis is given to the development and use of integrated system of dissemination of information through technology, which monitors economic activities of Kosovo, which are exposed to this phenomenon, then suggestions detection methods to fight this phenomenon, which are negative effects on the economy that causes this phenomenon and finally, given the model of how national surveillance system operates phenomenon of money laundering in Kosovo-CBK, commercial banks and other financial institutions.
DOI: 10.5901/ajis.2015.v4n2s1p23
"Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary studies"
Vol 4, No 2 S1 ... more DOI: 10.5901/ajis.2015.v4n2s1p23
"Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary studies"
Vol 4, No 2 S1 (2015), August 2015 - Special Issue.
Publisher: MCSER Publishing; Rome-Italy; (Access this Journal online at
Global Impact Factor: 0.608; Index Copernicus Impact Factor: 6.44 (Year 2012)
Location: Rome - Italy

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Modern companies use Local and Regional Networks, as well as the Internet, for everyday Business. With the latest developments in the region, this has become relatively easy, since companies have a full support to develop the IS by the ISP in a manner of: Centralized (Hierarchical) IS; Decentralized (Distributed) IS or Combined (both hierarchical and distributed) IS.
Since the company branches and hence its resources lay within one single state, the network is usually provided by the same ISP. This means that the offer includes Internet, DNS, E-mail service, Intranet and VPN. Now, most of the services provided are designed to be used all over the WWW and the offer itself consists of very ingenious solutions. The development of applications for Internet / Intranet seeks to overcome the limitations of Web forms interface.
The nature of work of Companies distributed around a state requires a combination of various types of communication means as: Wired Networks; Wireless Networks; Meshing Networks; GPRS Networks.
In the case of bigger trading Companies, the number of processes that has to be managed, as well as very large number of various items-codes, in combination with the need to serve immediately, makes VPN Networks more attractive.
VPN makes possible the use of: Local Data Servers; Local Application Servers; Distant Central Data Servers; Combination of Wire Networks with Wireless and GPRS Networks.
The expansion of the business in other neighboring countries complicates the communication between branches and central. The need for immediate information stays the same, but, since we usually have more than one different ISP, the solutions becomes a little more complicated. This paper offers the original solution how the communication between branches has to be done using Bridges and VPN tunnels between the networks of two different ISP-s.

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This research paper is focused on the role of ICT and e-learning education/literacy as a key component on the Education System of the transition countries. It investigates the importance of ICT and e-learning literacy and their impact on: curriculum development and implementation, Learner-centered teaching/learning, Competency-based approaches, Integrated teaching and learning, Flexibility and mobility, Transparency and accountability.
As we know, the Curriculum means the aggregate of learning areas, subjects, and cross-cutting issues available in an education system. In a broader sense, the curriculum also includes aspects of teaching methodologies, assessment and teaching learning resources such as ICT and e-learning.
This research explores whether e-learning and ICT can enhance the competency-based curriculum in Kosovo within the new revised Curriculum Framework. The primary research is based on experiences and the level of inclusion of ICT education with the implementation of actual 2001 Curriculum Framework (White Discussion Paper), and on the result of intensive and dedicated 12 months work of Kosovo State Curriculum Council (KSCC) and the Technical Team (TT) that are closely involved in the development of the new 2010 version of the Kosovo Curriculum Framework for pre-school, primary, secondary and post-secondary education.
Paper shows that ICT and e-learning education/literacy are the key components in implementation of the Curriculum Framework having in mind immediate needs for improvement of Kosovo’s system of education and the current educational trends in developed countries so that students are competitive in knowledge and skills with their peers in Europe and wider.
The results of the research shows that the revised Curriculum Framework should include ICT and e-learning education/literacy with a competency-based approach, developed through practically-oriented learning. Information Technology with e-learning literacy and the shift from a content-based to a competency based curriculum creates the potential of Kosovo youth to compete successfully in the labor market locally and abroad. The expectation from the result of this paper is also to maximize the potential benefits that may be derived from a growing number of educated youth and to bring about improvements to Kosovo’s society, economy and environment in order to bring it into closer alignment with advanced western European societies.
The paper also looks at the effects of ICT and e-learning literacy in all main features of the curriculum stages and their result with Student Personal development of key competencies: such as communication and expression, thinking and learning, Life-, work-, and environment-related competencies etc. It also creates the basis for extended communication and cooperation between schools and community, in order to increase the quality and equity of education services, as well as the accountability of teachers, schools and education authorities at different levels.
Finally, the research shows that the ICT and e-learning literacy of teaching staff needs to change and academics need to embrace new technology since Kosovo society is now reconnected to the most recent developments in science, technology and culture. The way for a new dialogue between the Kosovo education system and other progressive education systems of the world now has a new chance. In this respect, another important aim of Kosovo education should be to equip learners with valuable updated knowledge and instrumental skills which will help them cope with the challenges of a learning society, and of lifelong learning perspectives in an interdependent world.
Keywords: ICT, IT, Education, e-learning, Curriculum, Information, Technology, Kosovo, South-East Europe

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Abstract: The use of technology in schools in reasonably large scale began in many developed countries earnest in the 1980s and in the 1990s. Commercial usage of the Internet and fast development of Information Technology helped convince governments of these countries that the time was right to make large investments in ICTs. In most middle and low developed countries, this process started a little later, and have (until recently) proceeded more slowly. As a result, in the last ten years, education systems began to adopt the use of ICT policies in significant amounts (or are planning to do so).
On the other hand, Programs and Curricula from the fields of Information & Communication Technology (ICT), which are the research focus of this paper, have to be updated very frequently as a result of fast development in the last 10 years. The first author of this paper used his experience and knowledge of different Educations Systems situation in SEE Countries, as he was the Member of The Kosovo State Council for Curriculum (KSCC), from 2009 to 2013.
The existing structure of the education system of SEE countries need to be supported with the necessary ICT equipment and Software, which will engage the students in the Society of Knowledge. This is also the case for the training and qualifications of teachers, although there are individual cases involving ICT in teacher training programs.
Through this paper, which propose the new concept of the education system, the conclusion recognizes the need to introduce ICT and EU standards. Management Systems in the field of education of SEE countries are mostly outdated and inadequate and does not use the possibilities offered by ICT. Hence there is a need to introduce ICT in the management system and the system that ensures the quality of the education system. This research paper investigates the importance of ICT and the impact on: curriculum development and implementation, Student/Learner-centered teaching/learning, Competency-based approaches, Integrated teaching and learning, Flexibility and mobility, Transparency and accountability.
Finally, the research shows that the ICT and e-learning literacy of teachers needs to change and academics need to embrace new technology since SEE countries are now reconnected to the most recent developments in science, technology and culture.
The methodology of the research is focused on the comparative model of this issue, between the models in EU and South-East European Countries (SEE).
The main conclusions and recommendations will be useful to be implemented within Educational Systems of SEE countries, and as an impact, the contribution of the paper will be shown as a possible model of Education System supported be ICT in the countries of SEE
Key words: Information, Communication, Technology, SEE, Education, Programs, ICT, Curricula
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This research paper is focused on the usage of accumulators-batteries or electrochemica... more SUMMARY:
This research paper is focused on the usage of accumulators-batteries or electrochemical sources, and proposes implementation of the instrument based on a measurement method of the quality of battery cells. The authors have built a measuring instrument which is based on Mance's method, which measures very complex parameter.
Determining the quality of cells or quality of batteries as the mono-block with random electrical voltage and capacity using this method is fast, accurate and free. The electrical parameter is very significant, and in addition that includes physico-chemical properties of the battery, it shows data for maximum energy that the battery gives, and this is often lacking in the catalogs of local producers. Paper also shows a brief the technical and economic overview in determining the quality of accumulator-batteries suggesting measurement of its internal resistance and at the same time by selecting cost-free measuring method with high precision.
Key words: measurement, battery, accumulator, quality, technology, Mance, resistance
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Punimi e plotë mund ta shkarkoni falas nga: more Punimi e plotë mund ta shkarkoni falas nga:
Digital Economy, and e-business every day and more are used in large
measure, this increase is due to greater use of rapid development of information
Most who use these services, know very little about computer network
infrastructure, which makes possible the use of information technology in the
With the new technology, networks have become more complex and play
a vital role in helping business performance. Taking advantage of advances in
technology, with the help of computer network can add new services, and thus
increase productivity.
In this paper will include data on the importance of computer networks
for the implementation, execution and delivery of information based on the
importance of computer networks.
On this day, computers and data are critical to information system. From
computer networks could gain some good such as the possibility of sending
information, success in business growth, support (Supporting) of different
applications, the possibility of access to different sources, etc.
AKTET; Vol. VI, Nr 2, 2013; ISSN 2073-2244, 2013
Using econometric method, this paper discusses how to find the survival of a necessary... more SUMMARY:
Using econometric method, this paper discusses how to find the survival of a necessary number of firms beside of the effects of a larger market. Also the paper shows a monopolistic tendence to domestic sales, which can also sell as much as they prefer at the export price. Paper also shows how to find the static efficiency related to net benefits for international trades. As the result it discusses how to determine the maximum value for monopoly profits. In favor of this results, in the paper are given original expressions with the original graphical presentation.
Key words: Econometric Analysis, International Trade, Barriers, Monopoly Profits, Efficiency

Përcaktimi vlerave vitale të aku-celulave industriale plumb-acid, në kushte industriale
Abstract:This research paper contributes to shortening the review time to verify the quality of i... more Abstract:This research paper contributes to shortening the review time to verify the quality of industrial accumulator - cells and to determine the maximum energy that can provide lead- acid cells. For the verification of the quality of manufacturing cells in capacity (instead of their nominal capacity examined C10 - stationary cells or those C5 - Tractional cells) where measurements lasting 5 to 10 hours respectively; With this measuring method, their current situation can reflect within a very short time. Many battery manufacturers are not considering these two vital parameters such as internal resistance and the short current circuit They do not represent these parameters in their catalogs due to the lack of sophisticated instruments and their high cost. However, the presented proposal in the paper (IEC 60896-11/2002) and its protocol allows such a convenience, to use a mathematical analysis that demonstrates that the measurements are precise and accurate, this research therefore deserves a special attention in this field.
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Komunikimi është sferë e jetës së njeriut, që ekziston pothuajse, që prej ekzistimit të vetë jetë... more Komunikimi është sferë e jetës së njeriut, që ekziston pothuajse, që prej ekzistimit të vetë jetës. Komunikimi bëhet me mjete dhe forma të ndryshme, ku një ndër format më bashkëkohore të komunikimit është rrjeti global që ndryshe e quajmë INTERNET. Ndër shërbimet kryesore të internetit, që përdoret nga bizneset është marketingu elektronik ku me këtë nënkuptojm reklamimin e produkteve dhe shërbimeve përmes kompjuterit. Kjo është një mundësi e shkëlqyeshme për bizneset që të informojnë klientët potencial për mallrat dhe shëbimet e tyre. Në këtë punim do të flasim për format më të lehta dhe më të përdorura për reklamim në internet si dhe përparësitë e kësaj forme të reklamimit ndaj formave tjera të reklamimit si në mediat e shkruar dhe ato televizive. Maketingu përmes inernetit, ndryshe E-maketingu është marketimi i produkteve ose shërbimeve nëpërmjet internetit, i cili sjell përfitime të shumta dhe unike për marketingun, duke përfshirë koston e ulët në distribuimin e informacioneve dhe me këtë luan rolin e një mediumi ndaj audiencës globale. Forma më e re dhe më e ndershme për një biznes më të sigurtë dhe të suksesshëm padyshim që sot është Marketingu Elektonik.
Bota gjithnjë e më shumë po përballet me digjitalizimin e sferave të ndryshme të jetës apo me sht... more Bota gjithnjë e më shumë po përballet me digjitalizimin e sferave të ndryshme të jetës apo me shtimin e parashtesës “e” pranë shumë gjërave që në botën e vjetër ishin ndryshe. Tani gjithnjë e më shumë po dëgjojmë për “e- biznesin”, “e-tregtinë”, “e-qeverisjen” e të tjera ndërsa që për dit e më shumë po e shohim se gjithnjë e më shumë gjëra sot po bëhet me përdorimin e kompjuterit dhe internetit. Përdorimi i teknologjive të reja dhe zhvillimi i hovshëm i internetit ka bërë që një “e” të paraqitet edhe para biletave tradicionale duke i shndërruar ato në “e-bileta” apo bileta të rezervuara me anën e Internetit.

ECTS në Universitetin e Prishtinës, 2002
Manuali të cilin jeni duke e lexuar është botuar më qëllim që të ndihmojë fakultetet dhe shkollat... more Manuali të cilin jeni duke e lexuar është botuar më qëllim që të ndihmojë fakultetet dhe shkollat e larta të Universitetit të Prishtinës në implementimin dhe përdorimin e sistemit evropian të transferit të kredive ECTS (European Credit Transfer System). Me përdorimin e ECTS-së mundësohet programi i këmbimit të studentëve, garantohet njohje akademike e pjesës së studimeve jashtë etj. Përmbajtja e këtij manuali është e mbështetur në përvojen e rreth 1200 institucioneve universitare.
Në dhjetë vitet e fundit, shumë shtete të Evropës në siste-met e tyre nacionale të arsimit kanë zbatuar, akumulimin e bazuar në kredi. Shumica prej tyre e kanë bërë reformimin e sistemit të arsimit duke e përshtatur atë me realitetin e dimensionit global në sektorin e arsimit. Këto zhvillime janë ngushtë të ndërlidhura me krijimin e hapësirës Evropiane të arsimit të lartë të parashikuar me deklaratat e Sorbonës dhe atë të Bolonjës.
Deklarata e Bolonjës në mënyrë të veçantë e rekomandon krijimin e “sistemit të kredive – çfarë është sistemi ECTS” (‘a system of credits – such as in the ECTS system’). Aplikimi i sistemit të bazuar në kredi ndihmon harmo¬ni¬zimin e arkitekturës së sistemeve arsi-more në Evropë. Krijimi i sistemit efektiv ECTS, me një kornizë të bazuar në kredi u jep përparësi të gjithë banorëve të Evropës.
Sistemi i këtillë e kushtëzon transparencën e institucioneve universitare, lejon fleksibilitet në zhvillimin e planeve studimore personale dhe të barazimit të përmbajtjes së programeve si dhe kushtëzon marrëveshjet për mobilitet të studentëve, jo vetëm për-brenda shtetit, por edhe me shtetet e tjera.
Sistemet e bazuara në kredi janë mjete të fuqishme, të cilat ndihmojnë mobilitetin në mes formave të ndryshme të shkollimit. Aplikimi i ECTS-së në arsim e mundëson njohjen e mësimit të ar-ritur në nivel nacional dhe ndërkombëtar.
Njohja dhe pranimi i studimeve dhe thirrjeve akademike dhe profesionale është parakusht për krijimin e hapësirës së hapur Evropiane të arsimit, në të cilën studentët dhe mësimdhënësit mund të lëvizin lirisht. ECTS sistemi është zhvilluar me këtë qëllim, për tu lehtësuar institucioneve njohjen e të arriturave mësimore të stu-dentit nëpërmes njësive të përbashkëta dhe të kuptueshme – kredive dhe notave.
Përdorimi i ECTS-së është në bazë vullnetare dhe mbështetet në besimin dhe konfidencën reciproke në performanset akademike të institucioneve partnere. Secili institucion i zgjedhë partnerët e vet.
Përvoja me ECTS-në ka treguar se disa institucione në fillim kanë rezistuar ndryshimin, por gradualisht e kanë bërë përshtatjen e sistemit për të përfituar beneficionet e shumëfishta, mirëkup-timin dhe mobilitetin. Deklarata e Bolo¬njës është një tregues i përkrahjes politike të qeverive Evropiane për sistemin ECTS.
ECTS sistemi i kreditimit nuk i rregullon as barazon përm-bajtjen, strukturën dhe ekuivalencën e programeve studimore. Në anën tjetër, ky sistem promovon ndryshimet dhe fleksibilitetin në programe, e përmirëson suksesin dhe kalueshmërinë në studime, mundëson shfrytëzimin maksimal të kapaciteteve kadrovike, të pajisjeve dhe të hapësirës.
Përparësia kryesore e ECTS-së është në mundësinë e kri-jimit të programeve studimore interdisplinare dhe multidisiplinare të cilësisë së lartë të mësimit dhe realizimit, të cilat në kohë të fundit shumë kërkohen. Në sistem të këtillë të hapur dhe të lirë, studentët munden që nga një numër i madh i lëndëve mësimore (kurseve) dhe mësimdhënësve që i ofrohen, t’i zgjedhë më të mirët.

Administrim Biznesi, Viti I, Nr. 2, 2010
Autori këtë punim kërkimor e përgatiti si i angazhuar në cilësinë e anëtarit të rregullt të Këshi... more Autori këtë punim kërkimor e përgatiti si i angazhuar në cilësinë e anëtarit të rregullt të Këshillit Shtetëror të Kosovës për Kurrikula (KSHKK), në të cilin është emëruar nga Ministria e Arsimit Shkencës dhe Teknologjisë së Kosovës, si ekspert dhe përgjegjës për programet e ndërlidhura me teknologjinë e informacionit dhe të komunikimit. KSHKK është themeluar që nga viti 2008 dhe është në fazën e aprovimit të Kornizës së re kurrikulare të Kosovës, pas përfundimit të suksesshëm të diskutimit publik në muajin nëntor 2010. Për më shumë se 2 vjet KSHKK që formohet nga 20 anëtarë eminentë të fushave dhe disiplinave të ndryshme, kryesisht nga 2 ekspertë të lëmenjëve të: matematikës, Gjuhës shqipe, gjuhëve të huaja, TIK, historisë, gjeografisë, pedagogjisë etj. dhe i ndihmuar nga Ekipi Teknik (ET) bëri një punë shumë studioze në ndërtimin e një koncepti të ri për kurrikulin e Kosovës, i cili është i bazuar në kompetencë të studentët. Autorin e ndihmuan anëtarët e ekipit teknik të caktuar nga MASHT, të cilët mblodhën të dhëna në lidhje me teknologjinë e informacionit dhe të komunikimit në institucionet arsimore të Kosovës. Nga analiza e rezultateve është ardhë deri te përfundimet relevante mbi TIK dhe rolin e teknologjive të informacionit në implementimin e kornizës kurrikulare të bazuar në kompetencë.
Fjalët kyçe: Kurrikulum, teknologji, informacion, kompetencë, komunikim, arsim, ekonomi
JEL Kualifikimi: O030; O032;

Administrim Biznesi, Revistë shkencore, Viti 1, Nr. 1, 2010
Autori këtë punim kërkimor e përgatiti i angazhuar në cilësinë e ekspertit nga Komisioni Evropian... more Autori këtë punim kërkimor e përgatiti i angazhuar në cilësinë e ekspertit nga Komisioni Evropian si pjesë të projektit “TEMPUS-project SM SCM-C013B04 KOSOVO, FYROM”. Në kuadër të projektit "Promovimi i Bolonjës dhe implementimi i ECTS në Universitetin e Prishtinës, Universitetin Shtetëror të Tetovës dhe Universitetin e Evropës Juglindore në Tetovë", është organizuar një Anketë në të tri institucionet e arsimit të lartë duke i shfrytëzuar pyetësorët për vetëvlerësim "ECTS/DS programi për këshillim dhe vizita" të disenjuar nga Asociacioni i Universiteteve Evropiane (AUE). Në pjesën kërkimore të punimit, gjatë muajve tetor, nëntor dhe dhjetor është bërë një anketim i disa dekanëve të fakulteteve dhe i shefave të departamenteve në të tre universitetet. Nga 50 pyetsorë të plotësuar është ardhë deri te konstatimi i përdorimit të ECTS sistemit në të tre institucionet. Autori nga pyetësorët krijoi bazën e të dhënave dhe nga ajo përfitohet pasqyra e qartë krahasuese për implementimin e sistemit ECTS në këto tre Universitete. Analiza krahasuese e fituar bjen deri te përfundimet relevante mbi shfrytëzueshmërinë e ECTS sistemit në Universitetin e Prishtinës, Universitetin Shtetëror të Tetovës dhe Universitetin e Evropës Juglindore në Tetovë.
Fjalët kyçe: ECTS, teknologji, informacion, informatë, Bazë e të dhënave, Databazë,

The External Dimension of the Bologna Process, 2003
University of Prishtina (UP) is relatively new institution, but the way of its development has be... more University of Prishtina (UP) is relatively new institution, but the way of its development has been very specific and furious. The UP was founded by the Law on Foundation of the UP, which was passed by the Kosova Assemble on 18 November 1969 at separate sessions of the former Provincial Chamber.
The foundation of the UP was a great historical event to Kosova population, especially to the Albanian population, which are more than 90%.
The date of 15 February was declared the Day of the University of Prishtina.
The UP includes now 15 faculties and 7 Higher Schools.
The University signed agreements and developed successful co-operation with several universities in other countries, such as the University “Friedrich Schiller “in Jena (Germany), the Institute Joan Louis Vives in which 17 universities take part ect.
After the war in 1999 European Universities Association has given a big support to the UP in order to improve the reform process. They have financed a lot of study visits abroad, seminars, conferences here and outside for the staff and students of UP in order to advance the new teaching methods, to develop the curriculum for different faculties and to realize the reform process.
The European experts together with local experts have drafted the Law on Higher Education for Kosova and this was a big support from Council of Europe.
The Law has been approved in the Parliament.
The support of German Rectors Conference and DAAD for creating the Central Administration and the Central Laboratory of the UP is unforgettable.
Conference Papers by Dr Edmond Beqiri

Proceedings from 5th International Conference - "Compliance of the Standards in South-Eastern European Countries with the Harmonized Standards of European Union", 15-16 June, 2015 Peja, Republic Of Kosovo, Jun 2015
SEE countries are being advised that to remain competitive, they must efficiently and effectively... more SEE countries are being advised that to remain competitive, they must efficiently and effectively create, locate,
capture, and share their knowledge and expertise, and have the ability to bring that knowledge to bear on
problems and opportunities. SEE countries are showing a serious interest in implementing knowledge
management processes and technologies, and are even beginning to adopt knowledge management as part of
their overall development strategy.
With the codification approach, more explicit and structured knowledge is codified and stored in knowledge bases.
Examples of such IT tools are knowledge expert directories and video-conferencing tools. Both these Knowledge
Management approaches are fundamental to understanding the importance of ICT in creation of Environment for
Knowledge Management.
Positive samples will be useful to be implemented within SEE countries, and as an impact, the contribution of the
paper will be shown as a possible model of managing and motivating an environment that supports Knowledge
Management Environment in SEE countries, through harmonized codification using Information and
Communication Technologies.

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) degree programs in private and public universities... more Information and Communication Technology (ICT) degree programs in private and public universities remain very popular and attract very good students. In recent past, there has been an increase in the enrolment in ICT degree programs in the traditional areas of computer science, electronic engineering, computer engineering and in the newer areas of information systems and software engineering. This paper identifies some of the local and global drivers of this demand. It then uses the open networking model to analyze the future demand for ICT graduates. Using the model, the paper concludes that the focus of Kosovo universities should be in the academic areas of computer science, information systems and electronic engineering. In order to have an impact on the Kosovo economy and the ICT industry, there is an urgent need for universities to seek professional accreditation of the different ICT degree programs and therefore achieve international standards of quality. The paper recommends adopting the E-campus concept to develop a world-class learning environment for students and faculty that overcomes the low penetration of ICT in Kosovo. Although ICT profession will remain popular because of the increasing use of ICT applications in businesses and governments in the region, the challenge for the universities is to attract, retain and develop doctoral-level ICT faculty. In an innovative first for Kosovo, the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology (MEST) has embarked on a major initiative that will transform education and could boost the local and state’s economy. The Government is investing to improve education through the use of ICT, training, and support. The project will provide every Program and Department with technology, digital educational content, professional teacher training, and infrastructure for ongoing support. This Paper presents the research based on a Program to transform education through ICT, which brings 21st century education and economic opportunities to Republic of Kosovo.
Keywords: Information Technology, ICT, Education, knowledge flows, innovation
Journal Articles by Dr Edmond Beqiri
"Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary studies"
Vol 4, No 2 S1 (2015), August 2015 - Special Issue.
- Publisher: MCSER Publishing; Rome-Italy; (Access this Journal online at
- Global Impact Factor: 0.608; Index Copernicus Impact Factor: 6.44 (Year 2012)
- Location: Rome - Italy
Link of the Publication:
"Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary studies", Vol 4, No 2 S1 (2015), August 2015 - Special Issue.
- Publisher: MCSER Publishing; Rome-Italy; (Access this Journal online at
- Global Impact Factor: 0.608; Index Copernicus Impact Factor: 6.44 (Year 2012)
- Location: Rome - Italy
Link of Your Publication:
"Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary studies"
Vol 4, No 2 S1 (2015), August 2015 - Special Issue.
Publisher: MCSER Publishing; Rome-Italy; (Access this Journal online at
Global Impact Factor: 0.608; Index Copernicus Impact Factor: 6.44 (Year 2012)
Location: Rome - Italy
"Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary studies"
Vol 4, No 2 S1 (2015), August 2015 - Special Issue.
- Global Impact Factor: 0.608; Index Copernicus Impact Factor: 6.44 (Year 2012)
- Location: Rome - Italy
Link of Your Publication:
Modern companies use Local and Regional Networks, as well as the Internet, for everyday Business. With the latest developments in the region, this has become relatively easy, since companies have a full support to develop the IS by the ISP in a manner of: Centralized (Hierarchical) IS; Decentralized (Distributed) IS or Combined (both hierarchical and distributed) IS.
Since the company branches and hence its resources lay within one single state, the network is usually provided by the same ISP. This means that the offer includes Internet, DNS, E-mail service, Intranet and VPN. Now, most of the services provided are designed to be used all over the WWW and the offer itself consists of very ingenious solutions. The development of applications for Internet / Intranet seeks to overcome the limitations of Web forms interface.
The nature of work of Companies distributed around a state requires a combination of various types of communication means as: Wired Networks; Wireless Networks; Meshing Networks; GPRS Networks.
In the case of bigger trading Companies, the number of processes that has to be managed, as well as very large number of various items-codes, in combination with the need to serve immediately, makes VPN Networks more attractive.
VPN makes possible the use of: Local Data Servers; Local Application Servers; Distant Central Data Servers; Combination of Wire Networks with Wireless and GPRS Networks.
The expansion of the business in other neighboring countries complicates the communication between branches and central. The need for immediate information stays the same, but, since we usually have more than one different ISP, the solutions becomes a little more complicated. This paper offers the original solution how the communication between branches has to be done using Bridges and VPN tunnels between the networks of two different ISP-s.
This research paper is focused on the role of ICT and e-learning education/literacy as a key component on the Education System of the transition countries. It investigates the importance of ICT and e-learning literacy and their impact on: curriculum development and implementation, Learner-centered teaching/learning, Competency-based approaches, Integrated teaching and learning, Flexibility and mobility, Transparency and accountability.
As we know, the Curriculum means the aggregate of learning areas, subjects, and cross-cutting issues available in an education system. In a broader sense, the curriculum also includes aspects of teaching methodologies, assessment and teaching learning resources such as ICT and e-learning.
This research explores whether e-learning and ICT can enhance the competency-based curriculum in Kosovo within the new revised Curriculum Framework. The primary research is based on experiences and the level of inclusion of ICT education with the implementation of actual 2001 Curriculum Framework (White Discussion Paper), and on the result of intensive and dedicated 12 months work of Kosovo State Curriculum Council (KSCC) and the Technical Team (TT) that are closely involved in the development of the new 2010 version of the Kosovo Curriculum Framework for pre-school, primary, secondary and post-secondary education.
Paper shows that ICT and e-learning education/literacy are the key components in implementation of the Curriculum Framework having in mind immediate needs for improvement of Kosovo’s system of education and the current educational trends in developed countries so that students are competitive in knowledge and skills with their peers in Europe and wider.
The results of the research shows that the revised Curriculum Framework should include ICT and e-learning education/literacy with a competency-based approach, developed through practically-oriented learning. Information Technology with e-learning literacy and the shift from a content-based to a competency based curriculum creates the potential of Kosovo youth to compete successfully in the labor market locally and abroad. The expectation from the result of this paper is also to maximize the potential benefits that may be derived from a growing number of educated youth and to bring about improvements to Kosovo’s society, economy and environment in order to bring it into closer alignment with advanced western European societies.
The paper also looks at the effects of ICT and e-learning literacy in all main features of the curriculum stages and their result with Student Personal development of key competencies: such as communication and expression, thinking and learning, Life-, work-, and environment-related competencies etc. It also creates the basis for extended communication and cooperation between schools and community, in order to increase the quality and equity of education services, as well as the accountability of teachers, schools and education authorities at different levels.
Finally, the research shows that the ICT and e-learning literacy of teaching staff needs to change and academics need to embrace new technology since Kosovo society is now reconnected to the most recent developments in science, technology and culture. The way for a new dialogue between the Kosovo education system and other progressive education systems of the world now has a new chance. In this respect, another important aim of Kosovo education should be to equip learners with valuable updated knowledge and instrumental skills which will help them cope with the challenges of a learning society, and of lifelong learning perspectives in an interdependent world.
Keywords: ICT, IT, Education, e-learning, Curriculum, Information, Technology, Kosovo, South-East Europe
Abstract: The use of technology in schools in reasonably large scale began in many developed countries earnest in the 1980s and in the 1990s. Commercial usage of the Internet and fast development of Information Technology helped convince governments of these countries that the time was right to make large investments in ICTs. In most middle and low developed countries, this process started a little later, and have (until recently) proceeded more slowly. As a result, in the last ten years, education systems began to adopt the use of ICT policies in significant amounts (or are planning to do so).
On the other hand, Programs and Curricula from the fields of Information & Communication Technology (ICT), which are the research focus of this paper, have to be updated very frequently as a result of fast development in the last 10 years. The first author of this paper used his experience and knowledge of different Educations Systems situation in SEE Countries, as he was the Member of The Kosovo State Council for Curriculum (KSCC), from 2009 to 2013.
The existing structure of the education system of SEE countries need to be supported with the necessary ICT equipment and Software, which will engage the students in the Society of Knowledge. This is also the case for the training and qualifications of teachers, although there are individual cases involving ICT in teacher training programs.
Through this paper, which propose the new concept of the education system, the conclusion recognizes the need to introduce ICT and EU standards. Management Systems in the field of education of SEE countries are mostly outdated and inadequate and does not use the possibilities offered by ICT. Hence there is a need to introduce ICT in the management system and the system that ensures the quality of the education system. This research paper investigates the importance of ICT and the impact on: curriculum development and implementation, Student/Learner-centered teaching/learning, Competency-based approaches, Integrated teaching and learning, Flexibility and mobility, Transparency and accountability.
Finally, the research shows that the ICT and e-learning literacy of teachers needs to change and academics need to embrace new technology since SEE countries are now reconnected to the most recent developments in science, technology and culture.
The methodology of the research is focused on the comparative model of this issue, between the models in EU and South-East European Countries (SEE).
The main conclusions and recommendations will be useful to be implemented within Educational Systems of SEE countries, and as an impact, the contribution of the paper will be shown as a possible model of Education System supported be ICT in the countries of SEE
Key words: Information, Communication, Technology, SEE, Education, Programs, ICT, Curricula
Free Download of Full Paper:
This research paper is focused on the usage of accumulators-batteries or electrochemical sources, and proposes implementation of the instrument based on a measurement method of the quality of battery cells. The authors have built a measuring instrument which is based on Mance's method, which measures very complex parameter.
Determining the quality of cells or quality of batteries as the mono-block with random electrical voltage and capacity using this method is fast, accurate and free. The electrical parameter is very significant, and in addition that includes physico-chemical properties of the battery, it shows data for maximum energy that the battery gives, and this is often lacking in the catalogs of local producers. Paper also shows a brief the technical and economic overview in determining the quality of accumulator-batteries suggesting measurement of its internal resistance and at the same time by selecting cost-free measuring method with high precision.
Key words: measurement, battery, accumulator, quality, technology, Mance, resistance
Download full paper from:
Digital Economy, and e-business every day and more are used in large
measure, this increase is due to greater use of rapid development of information
Most who use these services, know very little about computer network
infrastructure, which makes possible the use of information technology in the
With the new technology, networks have become more complex and play
a vital role in helping business performance. Taking advantage of advances in
technology, with the help of computer network can add new services, and thus
increase productivity.
In this paper will include data on the importance of computer networks
for the implementation, execution and delivery of information based on the
importance of computer networks.
On this day, computers and data are critical to information system. From
computer networks could gain some good such as the possibility of sending
information, success in business growth, support (Supporting) of different
applications, the possibility of access to different sources, etc.
Using econometric method, this paper discusses how to find the survival of a necessary number of firms beside of the effects of a larger market. Also the paper shows a monopolistic tendence to domestic sales, which can also sell as much as they prefer at the export price. Paper also shows how to find the static efficiency related to net benefits for international trades. As the result it discusses how to determine the maximum value for monopoly profits. In favor of this results, in the paper are given original expressions with the original graphical presentation.
Key words: Econometric Analysis, International Trade, Barriers, Monopoly Profits, Efficiency
(Albanian). (English) Copyright of Vizione is the property of Intellectual Association Democratic Club and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract.
Në dhjetë vitet e fundit, shumë shtete të Evropës në siste-met e tyre nacionale të arsimit kanë zbatuar, akumulimin e bazuar në kredi. Shumica prej tyre e kanë bërë reformimin e sistemit të arsimit duke e përshtatur atë me realitetin e dimensionit global në sektorin e arsimit. Këto zhvillime janë ngushtë të ndërlidhura me krijimin e hapësirës Evropiane të arsimit të lartë të parashikuar me deklaratat e Sorbonës dhe atë të Bolonjës.
Deklarata e Bolonjës në mënyrë të veçantë e rekomandon krijimin e “sistemit të kredive – çfarë është sistemi ECTS” (‘a system of credits – such as in the ECTS system’). Aplikimi i sistemit të bazuar në kredi ndihmon harmo¬ni¬zimin e arkitekturës së sistemeve arsi-more në Evropë. Krijimi i sistemit efektiv ECTS, me një kornizë të bazuar në kredi u jep përparësi të gjithë banorëve të Evropës.
Sistemi i këtillë e kushtëzon transparencën e institucioneve universitare, lejon fleksibilitet në zhvillimin e planeve studimore personale dhe të barazimit të përmbajtjes së programeve si dhe kushtëzon marrëveshjet për mobilitet të studentëve, jo vetëm për-brenda shtetit, por edhe me shtetet e tjera.
Sistemet e bazuara në kredi janë mjete të fuqishme, të cilat ndihmojnë mobilitetin në mes formave të ndryshme të shkollimit. Aplikimi i ECTS-së në arsim e mundëson njohjen e mësimit të ar-ritur në nivel nacional dhe ndërkombëtar.
Njohja dhe pranimi i studimeve dhe thirrjeve akademike dhe profesionale është parakusht për krijimin e hapësirës së hapur Evropiane të arsimit, në të cilën studentët dhe mësimdhënësit mund të lëvizin lirisht. ECTS sistemi është zhvilluar me këtë qëllim, për tu lehtësuar institucioneve njohjen e të arriturave mësimore të stu-dentit nëpërmes njësive të përbashkëta dhe të kuptueshme – kredive dhe notave.
Përdorimi i ECTS-së është në bazë vullnetare dhe mbështetet në besimin dhe konfidencën reciproke në performanset akademike të institucioneve partnere. Secili institucion i zgjedhë partnerët e vet.
Përvoja me ECTS-në ka treguar se disa institucione në fillim kanë rezistuar ndryshimin, por gradualisht e kanë bërë përshtatjen e sistemit për të përfituar beneficionet e shumëfishta, mirëkup-timin dhe mobilitetin. Deklarata e Bolo¬njës është një tregues i përkrahjes politike të qeverive Evropiane për sistemin ECTS.
ECTS sistemi i kreditimit nuk i rregullon as barazon përm-bajtjen, strukturën dhe ekuivalencën e programeve studimore. Në anën tjetër, ky sistem promovon ndryshimet dhe fleksibilitetin në programe, e përmirëson suksesin dhe kalueshmërinë në studime, mundëson shfrytëzimin maksimal të kapaciteteve kadrovike, të pajisjeve dhe të hapësirës.
Përparësia kryesore e ECTS-së është në mundësinë e kri-jimit të programeve studimore interdisplinare dhe multidisiplinare të cilësisë së lartë të mësimit dhe realizimit, të cilat në kohë të fundit shumë kërkohen. Në sistem të këtillë të hapur dhe të lirë, studentët munden që nga një numër i madh i lëndëve mësimore (kurseve) dhe mësimdhënësve që i ofrohen, t’i zgjedhë më të mirët.
Fjalët kyçe: Kurrikulum, teknologji, informacion, kompetencë, komunikim, arsim, ekonomi
JEL Kualifikimi: O030; O032;
Fjalët kyçe: ECTS, teknologji, informacion, informatë, Bazë e të dhënave, Databazë,
The foundation of the UP was a great historical event to Kosova population, especially to the Albanian population, which are more than 90%.
The date of 15 February was declared the Day of the University of Prishtina.
The UP includes now 15 faculties and 7 Higher Schools.
The University signed agreements and developed successful co-operation with several universities in other countries, such as the University “Friedrich Schiller “in Jena (Germany), the Institute Joan Louis Vives in which 17 universities take part ect.
After the war in 1999 European Universities Association has given a big support to the UP in order to improve the reform process. They have financed a lot of study visits abroad, seminars, conferences here and outside for the staff and students of UP in order to advance the new teaching methods, to develop the curriculum for different faculties and to realize the reform process.
The European experts together with local experts have drafted the Law on Higher Education for Kosova and this was a big support from Council of Europe.
The Law has been approved in the Parliament.
The support of German Rectors Conference and DAAD for creating the Central Administration and the Central Laboratory of the UP is unforgettable.
Conference Papers by Dr Edmond Beqiri
capture, and share their knowledge and expertise, and have the ability to bring that knowledge to bear on
problems and opportunities. SEE countries are showing a serious interest in implementing knowledge
management processes and technologies, and are even beginning to adopt knowledge management as part of
their overall development strategy.
With the codification approach, more explicit and structured knowledge is codified and stored in knowledge bases.
Examples of such IT tools are knowledge expert directories and video-conferencing tools. Both these Knowledge
Management approaches are fundamental to understanding the importance of ICT in creation of Environment for
Knowledge Management.
Positive samples will be useful to be implemented within SEE countries, and as an impact, the contribution of the
paper will be shown as a possible model of managing and motivating an environment that supports Knowledge
Management Environment in SEE countries, through harmonized codification using Information and
Communication Technologies.
Keywords: Information Technology, ICT, Education, knowledge flows, innovation
"Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary studies"
Vol 4, No 2 S1 (2015), August 2015 - Special Issue.
- Publisher: MCSER Publishing; Rome-Italy; (Access this Journal online at
- Global Impact Factor: 0.608; Index Copernicus Impact Factor: 6.44 (Year 2012)
- Location: Rome - Italy
Link of the Publication:
"Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary studies", Vol 4, No 2 S1 (2015), August 2015 - Special Issue.
- Publisher: MCSER Publishing; Rome-Italy; (Access this Journal online at
- Global Impact Factor: 0.608; Index Copernicus Impact Factor: 6.44 (Year 2012)
- Location: Rome - Italy
Link of Your Publication:
"Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary studies"
Vol 4, No 2 S1 (2015), August 2015 - Special Issue.
Publisher: MCSER Publishing; Rome-Italy; (Access this Journal online at
Global Impact Factor: 0.608; Index Copernicus Impact Factor: 6.44 (Year 2012)
Location: Rome - Italy
"Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary studies"
Vol 4, No 2 S1 (2015), August 2015 - Special Issue.
- Global Impact Factor: 0.608; Index Copernicus Impact Factor: 6.44 (Year 2012)
- Location: Rome - Italy
Link of Your Publication:
Modern companies use Local and Regional Networks, as well as the Internet, for everyday Business. With the latest developments in the region, this has become relatively easy, since companies have a full support to develop the IS by the ISP in a manner of: Centralized (Hierarchical) IS; Decentralized (Distributed) IS or Combined (both hierarchical and distributed) IS.
Since the company branches and hence its resources lay within one single state, the network is usually provided by the same ISP. This means that the offer includes Internet, DNS, E-mail service, Intranet and VPN. Now, most of the services provided are designed to be used all over the WWW and the offer itself consists of very ingenious solutions. The development of applications for Internet / Intranet seeks to overcome the limitations of Web forms interface.
The nature of work of Companies distributed around a state requires a combination of various types of communication means as: Wired Networks; Wireless Networks; Meshing Networks; GPRS Networks.
In the case of bigger trading Companies, the number of processes that has to be managed, as well as very large number of various items-codes, in combination with the need to serve immediately, makes VPN Networks more attractive.
VPN makes possible the use of: Local Data Servers; Local Application Servers; Distant Central Data Servers; Combination of Wire Networks with Wireless and GPRS Networks.
The expansion of the business in other neighboring countries complicates the communication between branches and central. The need for immediate information stays the same, but, since we usually have more than one different ISP, the solutions becomes a little more complicated. This paper offers the original solution how the communication between branches has to be done using Bridges and VPN tunnels between the networks of two different ISP-s.
This research paper is focused on the role of ICT and e-learning education/literacy as a key component on the Education System of the transition countries. It investigates the importance of ICT and e-learning literacy and their impact on: curriculum development and implementation, Learner-centered teaching/learning, Competency-based approaches, Integrated teaching and learning, Flexibility and mobility, Transparency and accountability.
As we know, the Curriculum means the aggregate of learning areas, subjects, and cross-cutting issues available in an education system. In a broader sense, the curriculum also includes aspects of teaching methodologies, assessment and teaching learning resources such as ICT and e-learning.
This research explores whether e-learning and ICT can enhance the competency-based curriculum in Kosovo within the new revised Curriculum Framework. The primary research is based on experiences and the level of inclusion of ICT education with the implementation of actual 2001 Curriculum Framework (White Discussion Paper), and on the result of intensive and dedicated 12 months work of Kosovo State Curriculum Council (KSCC) and the Technical Team (TT) that are closely involved in the development of the new 2010 version of the Kosovo Curriculum Framework for pre-school, primary, secondary and post-secondary education.
Paper shows that ICT and e-learning education/literacy are the key components in implementation of the Curriculum Framework having in mind immediate needs for improvement of Kosovo’s system of education and the current educational trends in developed countries so that students are competitive in knowledge and skills with their peers in Europe and wider.
The results of the research shows that the revised Curriculum Framework should include ICT and e-learning education/literacy with a competency-based approach, developed through practically-oriented learning. Information Technology with e-learning literacy and the shift from a content-based to a competency based curriculum creates the potential of Kosovo youth to compete successfully in the labor market locally and abroad. The expectation from the result of this paper is also to maximize the potential benefits that may be derived from a growing number of educated youth and to bring about improvements to Kosovo’s society, economy and environment in order to bring it into closer alignment with advanced western European societies.
The paper also looks at the effects of ICT and e-learning literacy in all main features of the curriculum stages and their result with Student Personal development of key competencies: such as communication and expression, thinking and learning, Life-, work-, and environment-related competencies etc. It also creates the basis for extended communication and cooperation between schools and community, in order to increase the quality and equity of education services, as well as the accountability of teachers, schools and education authorities at different levels.
Finally, the research shows that the ICT and e-learning literacy of teaching staff needs to change and academics need to embrace new technology since Kosovo society is now reconnected to the most recent developments in science, technology and culture. The way for a new dialogue between the Kosovo education system and other progressive education systems of the world now has a new chance. In this respect, another important aim of Kosovo education should be to equip learners with valuable updated knowledge and instrumental skills which will help them cope with the challenges of a learning society, and of lifelong learning perspectives in an interdependent world.
Keywords: ICT, IT, Education, e-learning, Curriculum, Information, Technology, Kosovo, South-East Europe
Abstract: The use of technology in schools in reasonably large scale began in many developed countries earnest in the 1980s and in the 1990s. Commercial usage of the Internet and fast development of Information Technology helped convince governments of these countries that the time was right to make large investments in ICTs. In most middle and low developed countries, this process started a little later, and have (until recently) proceeded more slowly. As a result, in the last ten years, education systems began to adopt the use of ICT policies in significant amounts (or are planning to do so).
On the other hand, Programs and Curricula from the fields of Information & Communication Technology (ICT), which are the research focus of this paper, have to be updated very frequently as a result of fast development in the last 10 years. The first author of this paper used his experience and knowledge of different Educations Systems situation in SEE Countries, as he was the Member of The Kosovo State Council for Curriculum (KSCC), from 2009 to 2013.
The existing structure of the education system of SEE countries need to be supported with the necessary ICT equipment and Software, which will engage the students in the Society of Knowledge. This is also the case for the training and qualifications of teachers, although there are individual cases involving ICT in teacher training programs.
Through this paper, which propose the new concept of the education system, the conclusion recognizes the need to introduce ICT and EU standards. Management Systems in the field of education of SEE countries are mostly outdated and inadequate and does not use the possibilities offered by ICT. Hence there is a need to introduce ICT in the management system and the system that ensures the quality of the education system. This research paper investigates the importance of ICT and the impact on: curriculum development and implementation, Student/Learner-centered teaching/learning, Competency-based approaches, Integrated teaching and learning, Flexibility and mobility, Transparency and accountability.
Finally, the research shows that the ICT and e-learning literacy of teachers needs to change and academics need to embrace new technology since SEE countries are now reconnected to the most recent developments in science, technology and culture.
The methodology of the research is focused on the comparative model of this issue, between the models in EU and South-East European Countries (SEE).
The main conclusions and recommendations will be useful to be implemented within Educational Systems of SEE countries, and as an impact, the contribution of the paper will be shown as a possible model of Education System supported be ICT in the countries of SEE
Key words: Information, Communication, Technology, SEE, Education, Programs, ICT, Curricula
Free Download of Full Paper:
This research paper is focused on the usage of accumulators-batteries or electrochemical sources, and proposes implementation of the instrument based on a measurement method of the quality of battery cells. The authors have built a measuring instrument which is based on Mance's method, which measures very complex parameter.
Determining the quality of cells or quality of batteries as the mono-block with random electrical voltage and capacity using this method is fast, accurate and free. The electrical parameter is very significant, and in addition that includes physico-chemical properties of the battery, it shows data for maximum energy that the battery gives, and this is often lacking in the catalogs of local producers. Paper also shows a brief the technical and economic overview in determining the quality of accumulator-batteries suggesting measurement of its internal resistance and at the same time by selecting cost-free measuring method with high precision.
Key words: measurement, battery, accumulator, quality, technology, Mance, resistance
Download full paper from:
Digital Economy, and e-business every day and more are used in large
measure, this increase is due to greater use of rapid development of information
Most who use these services, know very little about computer network
infrastructure, which makes possible the use of information technology in the
With the new technology, networks have become more complex and play
a vital role in helping business performance. Taking advantage of advances in
technology, with the help of computer network can add new services, and thus
increase productivity.
In this paper will include data on the importance of computer networks
for the implementation, execution and delivery of information based on the
importance of computer networks.
On this day, computers and data are critical to information system. From
computer networks could gain some good such as the possibility of sending
information, success in business growth, support (Supporting) of different
applications, the possibility of access to different sources, etc.
Using econometric method, this paper discusses how to find the survival of a necessary number of firms beside of the effects of a larger market. Also the paper shows a monopolistic tendence to domestic sales, which can also sell as much as they prefer at the export price. Paper also shows how to find the static efficiency related to net benefits for international trades. As the result it discusses how to determine the maximum value for monopoly profits. In favor of this results, in the paper are given original expressions with the original graphical presentation.
Key words: Econometric Analysis, International Trade, Barriers, Monopoly Profits, Efficiency
(Albanian). (English) Copyright of Vizione is the property of Intellectual Association Democratic Club and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract.
Në dhjetë vitet e fundit, shumë shtete të Evropës në siste-met e tyre nacionale të arsimit kanë zbatuar, akumulimin e bazuar në kredi. Shumica prej tyre e kanë bërë reformimin e sistemit të arsimit duke e përshtatur atë me realitetin e dimensionit global në sektorin e arsimit. Këto zhvillime janë ngushtë të ndërlidhura me krijimin e hapësirës Evropiane të arsimit të lartë të parashikuar me deklaratat e Sorbonës dhe atë të Bolonjës.
Deklarata e Bolonjës në mënyrë të veçantë e rekomandon krijimin e “sistemit të kredive – çfarë është sistemi ECTS” (‘a system of credits – such as in the ECTS system’). Aplikimi i sistemit të bazuar në kredi ndihmon harmo¬ni¬zimin e arkitekturës së sistemeve arsi-more në Evropë. Krijimi i sistemit efektiv ECTS, me një kornizë të bazuar në kredi u jep përparësi të gjithë banorëve të Evropës.
Sistemi i këtillë e kushtëzon transparencën e institucioneve universitare, lejon fleksibilitet në zhvillimin e planeve studimore personale dhe të barazimit të përmbajtjes së programeve si dhe kushtëzon marrëveshjet për mobilitet të studentëve, jo vetëm për-brenda shtetit, por edhe me shtetet e tjera.
Sistemet e bazuara në kredi janë mjete të fuqishme, të cilat ndihmojnë mobilitetin në mes formave të ndryshme të shkollimit. Aplikimi i ECTS-së në arsim e mundëson njohjen e mësimit të ar-ritur në nivel nacional dhe ndërkombëtar.
Njohja dhe pranimi i studimeve dhe thirrjeve akademike dhe profesionale është parakusht për krijimin e hapësirës së hapur Evropiane të arsimit, në të cilën studentët dhe mësimdhënësit mund të lëvizin lirisht. ECTS sistemi është zhvilluar me këtë qëllim, për tu lehtësuar institucioneve njohjen e të arriturave mësimore të stu-dentit nëpërmes njësive të përbashkëta dhe të kuptueshme – kredive dhe notave.
Përdorimi i ECTS-së është në bazë vullnetare dhe mbështetet në besimin dhe konfidencën reciproke në performanset akademike të institucioneve partnere. Secili institucion i zgjedhë partnerët e vet.
Përvoja me ECTS-në ka treguar se disa institucione në fillim kanë rezistuar ndryshimin, por gradualisht e kanë bërë përshtatjen e sistemit për të përfituar beneficionet e shumëfishta, mirëkup-timin dhe mobilitetin. Deklarata e Bolo¬njës është një tregues i përkrahjes politike të qeverive Evropiane për sistemin ECTS.
ECTS sistemi i kreditimit nuk i rregullon as barazon përm-bajtjen, strukturën dhe ekuivalencën e programeve studimore. Në anën tjetër, ky sistem promovon ndryshimet dhe fleksibilitetin në programe, e përmirëson suksesin dhe kalueshmërinë në studime, mundëson shfrytëzimin maksimal të kapaciteteve kadrovike, të pajisjeve dhe të hapësirës.
Përparësia kryesore e ECTS-së është në mundësinë e kri-jimit të programeve studimore interdisplinare dhe multidisiplinare të cilësisë së lartë të mësimit dhe realizimit, të cilat në kohë të fundit shumë kërkohen. Në sistem të këtillë të hapur dhe të lirë, studentët munden që nga një numër i madh i lëndëve mësimore (kurseve) dhe mësimdhënësve që i ofrohen, t’i zgjedhë më të mirët.
Fjalët kyçe: Kurrikulum, teknologji, informacion, kompetencë, komunikim, arsim, ekonomi
JEL Kualifikimi: O030; O032;
Fjalët kyçe: ECTS, teknologji, informacion, informatë, Bazë e të dhënave, Databazë,
The foundation of the UP was a great historical event to Kosova population, especially to the Albanian population, which are more than 90%.
The date of 15 February was declared the Day of the University of Prishtina.
The UP includes now 15 faculties and 7 Higher Schools.
The University signed agreements and developed successful co-operation with several universities in other countries, such as the University “Friedrich Schiller “in Jena (Germany), the Institute Joan Louis Vives in which 17 universities take part ect.
After the war in 1999 European Universities Association has given a big support to the UP in order to improve the reform process. They have financed a lot of study visits abroad, seminars, conferences here and outside for the staff and students of UP in order to advance the new teaching methods, to develop the curriculum for different faculties and to realize the reform process.
The European experts together with local experts have drafted the Law on Higher Education for Kosova and this was a big support from Council of Europe.
The Law has been approved in the Parliament.
The support of German Rectors Conference and DAAD for creating the Central Administration and the Central Laboratory of the UP is unforgettable.
capture, and share their knowledge and expertise, and have the ability to bring that knowledge to bear on
problems and opportunities. SEE countries are showing a serious interest in implementing knowledge
management processes and technologies, and are even beginning to adopt knowledge management as part of
their overall development strategy.
With the codification approach, more explicit and structured knowledge is codified and stored in knowledge bases.
Examples of such IT tools are knowledge expert directories and video-conferencing tools. Both these Knowledge
Management approaches are fundamental to understanding the importance of ICT in creation of Environment for
Knowledge Management.
Positive samples will be useful to be implemented within SEE countries, and as an impact, the contribution of the
paper will be shown as a possible model of managing and motivating an environment that supports Knowledge
Management Environment in SEE countries, through harmonized codification using Information and
Communication Technologies.
Keywords: Information Technology, ICT, Education, knowledge flows, innovation
Considering the importance of creation of Knowledge Management Environment in SEE countries, comparable with the EU Environment, trends and situation in EU countries, and the variety of available Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Solutions on the market, it is a difficult and challenging task of deciding what type of ICT solutions to use in support of creation of Knowledge Management Environment in SEE. This paper aims to research the state of harmonized codification using the Information and Communication Technologies in SEE countries by investigating the role of ICT in creation of the successful Environment for Knowledge Management.
Codification of Knowledgeusing information and communication technology (ICT) have made it easier to acquire, store, or disseminate knowledge than ever before, many organizations are employing IT to facilitate sharing and integration of knowledge.
SEE countries are being advised that to remain competitive, they must efficiently and effectively create, locate, capture, and share their knowledge and expertise, and have the ability to bring that knowledge to bear on problems and opportunities. SEE countries are showing a serious interest in implementing knowledge management processes and technologies, and are even beginning to adopt knowledge management as part of their overall development strategy.
With the codification approach, more explicit and structured knowledge is codified and stored in knowledge bases.
Examples of such IT tools are knowledge expert directories and video-conferencing tools. Both these Knowledge Management approaches are fundamental to understanding the importance of ICT in creation of Environment for Knowledge Management.
Positive samples will be useful to be implemented within SEE countries, and as an impact, the contribution of the paper will be shown as a possible model of managing and motivating an environment that supports Knowledge Management Environment in SEE countries, through harmonized codification using Information and Communication Technologies.
Key words: Knowledge, Management, Creativity, ICT, Codification, SEE, Environment.
The existing structure of the education system of SEE countries need to be supported with the necessary ICT equipment and Software, which will engage the students in the Society of Knowledge. This is also the case for the training and qualifications of teachers, although there are individual cases involving ICT in teacher training programs.
Through this paper, which propose the new concept of the education system, the conclusion recognizes the need to introduce ICT and EU standards. Management Systems in the field of education of SEE countries are mostly outdated and inadequate and does not use the possibilities offered by ICT. Hence there is a need to introduce ICT in the management system and the system that ensures the quality of the education system. This research paper investigates the importance of ICT and the impact on: curriculum development and implementation, Student/Learner-centered teaching/learning, Competency-based approaches, Integrated teaching and learning, Flexibility and mobility, Transparency and accountability.
The research explores whether ICT can enhance the competency-based curriculum in SEE Countries within the new revised Curriculum Framework. The paper also looks at the effects of ICT literacy in all main features of the curriculum stages and their result with Student Personal development of key competencies such as: communication and expression, thinking and learning, Life-, work-, and environment-related competencies etc.
Finally, the research shows that the ICT and e-learning literacy of teachers needs to change and academics need to embrace new technology since SEE countries are now reconnected to the most recent developments in science, technology and culture.
The methodology of the research is focused on the comparative model of this issue, between the models in EU and South-East European Countries (SEE).
The main conclusions and recommendations will be useful to be implemented within Educational Systems of SEE countries, and as an impact, the contribution of the paper will be shown as a possible model of Education System supported be ICT in the countries of SEE
With the new technology the network, networks have become more complex and play a vital role in helping business performance. Taking advantage of advances in technology, with the help of computer network can add new services, and thus increase productivity.
In this work will include data on the importance of computer networks for the implementation, execution and delivery of information based on the importance of computer networks.
On this day, computers and data are critical to information system. From computer networks could gain some good such as the possibility of sending information, success in business growth, support of different applications, the possibility of access to different sources, etc. Different requirements and many have become more complex computer networks.
Here will present the fundamental design goals of the network from the beginning, that is the agreement with the client, identification of technical requirements, designing hierarchical physical topology, logical, choice of technology and equipment, etc.
The entire study will be that within the description of the network installation will be the comparison of different models of the design.
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) degree programs in private and public universities remain very popular and attract very good students. In recent past, there has been an increase in the enrolment in ICT degree programs in the traditional areas of computer science, electronic engineering, computer engineering and in the newer areas of information systems and software engineering. This paper identifies some of the local and global drivers of this demand. It then uses the open networking model to analyze the future demand for ICT graduates. Using the model, the paper concludes that the focus of Kosovo universities should be in the academic areas of computer science, information systems and electronic engineering. In order to have an impact on the Kosovo economy and the ICT industry, there is an urgent need for universities to seek professional accreditation of the different ICT degree programs and therefore achieve international standards of quality. The paper recommends adopting the E-campus concept to develop a world-class learning environment for students and faculty that overcomes the low penetration of ICT in Kosovo. Although ICT profession will remain popular because of the increasing use of ICT applications in businesses and governments in the region, the challenge for the universities is to attract, retain and develop doctoral-level ICT faculty. In an innovative first for Kosovo, the European Dukagjini College has embarked on a major initiative that will transform education and could boost the local and state’s economy. The Institution is investing to improve education through the use of ICT, training, and support. The project will provide every Program and Department with technology, digital educational content, professional teacher training, and infrastructure for ongoing support. This Paper presents the research based on a Program to transform education through ICT, which brings 21st century education and economic opportunities to Republic of Kosovo.
Keywords: Information Technology, ICT, Education, knowledge flows, local development, democratization of knowledge, local systems of innovation
1997 - 1998
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Edmond Beqiri, Gazmend Spahiu, Kujtim Gacaferri:
Informatization of the Graphic Industry in Kosova – case study: Graphic Company "Dukagjini", Pejë
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Almost all modern business organizations are using and are becoming increasingly dependent on the application of information technologies. The information with complete and reliable data is necessary to participate in the tough competition that exist worldwide. As a result of this, competition is day by day increasing the demand for the Business Information Systems.
To have a complete overview on the role and application of information technology in the insurance industry, in the paper we intend to present the importance of facilitating the IT application, of different operators and insurance companies.
The paper provides a brief overview of the development of insurance in Kosovo in recent years, which is largely depended by the application of information technology, at every level of insurance activity in terms of production and in terms of management and planning. Information Technology, not only helps in the daily business of insurance companies but it has become an imperative to it.
Authors made the research in various insurance companies and have analyzed accurate information on work done by operators in the field.
The use of the online insurance system or of e-insurance, represents the fact that the IT revolution creates unprecedented basis for activities in financial growth all over the globe.
Keywords: Information, Technology, Insurance, Kosovo, Networks, IS, Business, MIS.
The existing structure of the education system of SEE countries need to be supported with the necessary ICT equipment and Software, which will engage the students in the Society of Knowledge. This is also the case for the training and qualifications of teachers, although there are individual cases involving ICT in teacher training programs.
Through this paper, which propose the new concept of the education system, the conclusion recognizes the need to introduce ICT and EU standards. Management Systems in the field of education of SEE countries are mostly outdated and inadequate and does not use the possibilities offered by ICT. Hence there is a need to introduce ICT in the management system and the system that ensures the quality of the education system. This research paper investigates the importance of ICT and the impact on: curriculum development and implementation, Student/Learner-centered teaching/learning, Competency-based approaches, Integrated teaching and learning, Flexibility and mobility, Transparency and accountability.
The research explores whether ICT can enhance the competency-based curriculum in SEE Countries within the new revised Curriculum Framework. The paper also looks at the effects of ICT literacy in all main features of the curriculum stages and their result with Student Personal development of key competencies such as: communication and expression, thinking and learning, Life-, work-, and environment-related competencies etc.
Finally, the research shows that the ICT and e-learning literacy of teachers needs to change and academics need to embrace new technology since SEE countries are now reconnected to the most recent developments in science, technology and culture.
The methodology of the research is focused on the comparative model of this issue, between the models in EU and South-East European Countries (SEE).
The main conclusions and recommendations will be useful to be implemented within Educational Systems of SEE countries, and as an impact, the contribution of the paper will be shown as a possible model of Education System supported be ICT in the countries of SEE.
Codification of Knowledgeusing information and communication technology (ICT) have made it easier to acquire, store, or disseminate knowledge than ever before, many organizations are employing IT to facilitate sharing and integration of knowledge.
SEE countries are being advised that to remain competitive, they must efficiently and effectively create, locate, capture, and share their knowledge and expertise, and have the ability to bring that knowledge to bear on problems and opportunities. SEE countries are showing a serious interest in implementing knowledge management processes and technologies, and are even beginning to adopt knowledge management as part of their overall development strategy.
With the codification approach, more explicit and structured knowledge is codified and stored in knowledge bases. Examples of such IT tools are knowledge expert directories and video-conferencing tools. Both these Knowledge Management approaches are fundamental to understanding the importance of ICT in creation of Environment for Knowledge Management.
Positive samples will be useful to be implemented within SEE countries, and as an impact, the contribution of the paper will be shown as a possible model of managing and motivating an environment that supports Knowledge Management Environment in SEE countries, through harmonized codification using Information and Communication Technologies.
Me qëllim që të jenë sa më besnike të dhënat të shkruara në formë të monografisë për FSHAB, kryesisht jemi bazuar në dokumentacionin nga arkivi i Fakultetit, Libri amëz i punëtorëve, Referatet-recensionet për zgjedhjen e mësimdhënësve, pyetë¬sorët në formularin e personelit të Universitetit, të cilët janë plotësuar nga vetë mësimdhënësit dhe punëtorët e tjerë të Institucionit, si dhe nga bisedat me vetë punonjësit e shkollës.
Me anë të kësa monografie lexuesit mund të informohen shkurtimisht për historikun e Fakultetit të Shkencave të Apliku-ara të Biznesit, si institucion universitar, për të dhënat themelore mbi studimet në këtë shkollë, qëllimet dhe objektivat e studimit në SHLE, lokalin shkollor, kabinetet profesionale në shkollë, mësimdhënësit e kësaj shkolle, personelin administrativ të saj etj. Në fund të librit janë dhënë planet dhe programet mësimore të lëndëve mësimore të institucionit.
Shfrytëzojmë rastin që të falënderoj të gjithë mësimdhënësit dhe personelin tjetër të Fakultetit, të cilët na ndihmuan shumë me informacionet të cilat i dhanë gjatë përpi-limit të kësaj monografie.
Shpresojmë që ky libër do të pasurojë shënimin e përvje-torit të 50-të të Fakultetit të Shkencave të Aplikuara të Biznesit dhe do të shërbejë si nismë që edhe më tutje të botohen tekste dhe libra të këtillë për këtë institucion, me të cilin mburren qytetarët e Pejës dhe të mbarë Kosovës.
Pejë, më 31.05.2010 Autori
Prof.Dr. Edmond Beqiri
Autori pajtohet që ky libër të përdoret për qëllime leximi dhe mësimi, por jo edhe të kopjohet dhe përvetësohet asnjë pjesë e librit, pa u cituar ose konsultuar.
This book is written for a beginning to intermediate PC user. It is easy to follow, and logically organized, so the reader can learn easily most things about the Internet and World Wide Web. We used visual step-by-step procedures that help the user to make most of his learning.
Caption 1 and 2 introduces the Computer Networking and Advanced Communications: What is Computer Network, the ways of organizing the network, what are LAN and WAN, what are protocols, which operating system is used for the Computer Networks, what is Public Network, which are the Online Services etc.
Caption 3 contents the basic concepts for multimedia and for the Internet. This part introduces to the reader the World Wide Web, how it works, and how to use it.
In Caption 4 we cover what e-mail is, how to open an e-mail account, how to send and receive messages, how they relayed across the Internet to the correct address, sending the same message to more people, building an address book etc.
Caption 5 offers more words about the Internet, possibilities of connecting in the Internet, connecting in the Internet through Routers and Gateway computers, Internet Service Providers, addressing on the Internet, few words about the needed equipment for Internet Connection and how to Access the Internet.
Caption 6 introduces the most famous Internet Services such as: Telnet, Finger, FTP, Gopher, Usenet, VRML, Netmeeting, IRC, MSN-Messenger Service, Microsoft CHAT, ICQ and other Internet services.
In Caption 7 we cover both Microsoft’s Internet Explorer and Nets-cape’s Navigator Web browser, showing the strengths and weaknesses of both browsers.
Caption 8 contents Web Searching with focusing on the famous search engines: WebCrawler, Lycos, Infoseek Search, World Wide Worm etc. and Internet Directories such as: Yahoo, AltaVista, MSN, InfoSpace etc. At this part we cover also Academic and Professional Research. Most of people shop and pay some bills online today, so we’ve added several shopping categories to our list which are especially useful and well designed.
Caption 9 introduces the transferring of data and programs from Internet (Download) and transferring of data from the users computer to the Internet via FTP (Upload). In a few steps it’s explained how to download required software from the Internet.
Caption 10 cover what the Compressing of files is, how to compress a file, which program to use for compressing, where to get that program, and in one example it’s explained compressing and decompressing of files in WinZip application.
Finally in Caption 11 with a few pages it is explained what is Web-page design with one example of creating of web-page in Microsoft’s FrontPage application. The reader can also find what tools can he use to build large and complex Web-Pages?
With this book we have tried to get things done faster and more conveniently. The Internet has become a truly useful daily companion in countless ways. I hope that I have find the way to meet the needs of any reader.
Autori pajtohet që ky libër të përdoret për qëllime leximi dhe mësimi, por jo edhe të kopjohet dhe përvetësohet asnjë pjesë e librit, pa u cituar ose konsultuar. Libri me tekstin të cilin jeni duke e lexuar është botuar më qëllim që të ndihmojë fakultetet dhe shkollat e larta të Universitetit të Prishtinës në implementimin dhe përdorimin e sistemit evropian të transferit të kredive ECTS (European Credit Transfer System). Me përdorimin e ECTS-së mundësohet programi i këmbimit të studentëve, garantohet njohje akademike e pjesës së studimeve jashtë etj. Përmbajtja e këtij manuali është e mbështetur në përvojen e rreth 1200 institucioneve universitare.
Në dhjetë vitet e fundit, shumë shtete të Evropës në siste-met e tyre nacionale të arsimit kanë zbatuar, akumulimin e bazuar në kredi. Shumica prej tyre e kanë bërë reformimin e sistemit të arsimit duke e përshtatur atë me realitetin e dimensionit global në sektorin e arsimit. Këto zhvillime janë ngushtë të ndërlidhura me krijimin e hapësirës Evropiane të arsimit të lartë të parashikuar me deklaratat e Sorbonës dhe atë të Bolonjës.
Deklarata e Bolonjës në mënyrë të veçantë e rekomandon krijimin e “sistemit të kredive – çfarë është sistemi ECTS” (‘a system of credits – such as in the ECTS system’). Aplikimi i sistemit të bazuar në kredi ndihmon harmo¬ni¬zimin e arkitekturës së sistemeve arsi-more në Evropë. Krijimi i sistemit efektiv ECTS, me një kornizë të bazuar në kredi u jep përparësi të gjithë banorëve të Evropës.
Sistemi i këtillë e kushtëzon transparencën e institucioneve universitare, lejon fleksibilitet në zhvillimin e planeve studimore personale dhe të barazimit të përmbajtjes së programeve si dhe kushtëzon marrëveshjet për mobilitet të studentëve, jo vetëm për-brenda shtetit, por edhe me shtetet e tjera.
Sistemet e bazuara në kredi janë mjete të fuqishme, të cilat ndihmojnë mobilitetin në mes formave të ndryshme të shkollimit. Aplikimi i ECTS-së në arsim e mundëson njohjen e mësimit të ar-ritur në nivel nacional dhe ndërkombëtar.
Njohja dhe pranimi i studimeve dhe thirrjeve akademike dhe profesionale është parakusht për krijimin e hapësirës së hapur Evropiane të arsimit, në të cilën studentët dhe mësimdhënësit mund të lëvizin lirisht. ECTS sistemi është zhvilluar me këtë qëllim, për tu lehtësuar institucioneve njohjen e të arriturave mësimore të stu-dentit nëpërmes njësive të përbashkëta dhe të kuptueshme – kredive dhe notave.
Përdorimi i ECTS-së është në bazë vullnetare dhe mbështetet në besimin dhe konfidencën reciproke në performanset akademike të institucioneve partnere. Secili institucion i zgjedhë partnerët e vet.
Përvoja me ECTS-në ka treguar se disa institucione në fillim kanë rezistuar ndryshimin, por gradualisht e kanë bërë përshtatjen e sistemit për të përfituar beneficionet e shumëfishta, mirëkup-timin dhe mobilitetin. Deklarata e Bolo¬njës është një tregues i përkrahjes politike të qeverive Evropiane për sistemin ECTS.
ECTS sistemi i kreditimit nuk i rregullon as barazon përm-bajtjen, strukturën dhe ekuivalencën e programeve studimore. Në anën tjetër, ky sistem promovon ndryshimet dhe fleksibilitetin në programe, e përmirëson suksesin dhe kalueshmërinë në studime, mundëson shfrytëzimin maksimal të kapaciteteve kadrovike, të pajisjeve dhe të hapësirës.
Përparësia kryesore e ECTS-së është në mundësinë e kri-jimit të programeve studimore interdisplinare dhe multidisiplinare të cilësisë së lartë të mësimit dhe realizimit, të cilat në kohë të fundit shumë kërkohen. Në sistem të këtillë të hapur dhe të lirë, studentët munden që nga një numër i madh i lëndëve mësimore (kurseve) dhe mësimdhënësve që i ofrohen, t’i zgjedhë më të mirët.
Ideja për të përpiluar një libër të tillë në formë të informatorit për studentët e Shkollës së Lartë Ekonomike më ka përcjellë prej ditës kur kam filluar të ligjëroj në këtë shkollë. Shfrytëzova rastin që realizimin e këtij libri ta bëj me rastin e kremtimit të 40-vjetorit të themelimit të Shkollës së Lartë Ekonomike (më 01.09.1960) dhe që ky libër të jetë njëkohësisht edhe një punim monografik për këtë institucion universitar.
Përmbajtja e pjesës së librit, që është shkruar në formë të informatorit, është bazuar në Dekretligjin mbi Shkollimin e Lartë të Universitetit të Prishtinës, të aprovuar më 1994, Statutin e Universitetit të Prishtinës (1995), Statutin e Shkollës së Lartë Ekonomike (1995), Planin dhe programin mësimor për arsimimin e kuadrove për ekonomistë, të botuar nga Shkolla e Lartë Ekonomike në vitin 1995.
Me qëllim që të jenë sa më besnike të dhënat për pjesën tjetër të librit, e cila është në formë të monografisë për Shkollën e Lartë Ekonomike, kryesisht jam bazuar në dokumentacionin nga arkivi i Shkollës së Lartë Ekonomike, Libri amëz i punëtorëve, Referatet-recensionet për zgjedhjen e mësimdhënësve, pyetë¬sorët në formularin e personelit të Universitetit, të cilët janë plotësuar nga vetë mësimdhënësit dhe punëtorët e tjerë të Shkollës së Lartë Ekonomike, si dhe nga bisedat me vetë punëtorët e shkollës.
Informatorin dhe monografinë e shkollës nuk i kam ndarë në tërësi të veçuara, por ato i kam komponuar ashtu që të shërbejnë në funksion të njëra-tjetrës.
Me anë të këtij libri studentët dhe lexuesit e tjerë mund të informohen shkurtimisht për historikun e Shkollës së Lartë Ekonomike, si institucion universitar, për të dhënat themelore mbi studimet në këtë shkollë, qëllimet dhe objektivat e studimit në SHLE, për të drejtat dhe obligimet e studentëve, mënyrën e organizmit të mësimit, mënyrën e organizimit të provimeve, afatet e provimeve, lokalin shkollor, kabinetet profesionale në shkollë, mësimdhënësit e kësaj shkolle, personelin administrativ të saj etj. Në fund të librit janë dhënë planet dhe programet mësimore të lëndëve mësimore të shkollës të aprovuara në vitin 1995.
Shfrytëzoj rastin që të falënderoj të gjithë mësimdhënësit dhe personelin tjetër të Shkollës së Lartë Ekonomike të Universitetit të Prishtinës, të cilët më ndihmuan shumë me informacionet të cilat m’i dhanë gjatë përpilimit të kësaj monografie. Falënderoj edhe familjen time për përkrahje të vazhdueshme.
Shpresoj se ky libër do të pasurojë shënimin e përvjetorit të 40-të të Shkollës së Lartë Ekonomike dhe do të shërbejë si nismë që edhe më tutje të botohen informatorë dhe libra të këtillë për këtë institucion, me të cilin mburren qytetarët e Pejës dhe të mbarë Kosovës dhe të cilin e duan aq shumë.
Pejë, më 25.04.2000 Autori
Studimet në Shkollën Universitare të Biznesit në Pejë organizohen për fitimin e përgatitjes së lartë profesionale dhe akademike.
Studimet organizohen si një terësi kompakte dhe do të organizohen në shkallën profesionale dhe akademike:
Shkalla e parë – e cila është ekuivalente me nivelin BAÇELLËR (Bachelor of Arts – BA Pass degree) që ofrohet në institucionet e ngjashme të Universiteteve evropiane. Studimet në këtë shkallë akademike zgjasin 3 (tre) vjet ose 6 (gjashtë) semestra.
Studentët mund të orientohen për tre departamente të mundshme:
1. Administrimi në biznes – AB (Business Administration) –(shkalla BA),
2. Informatika e aplikuar në biznes –IAB(Business Applied Informatics)–(BA),
3. Menaxhmenti në turizëm dhe hotelieri - MTH (Tourism and Hotel Management) – (shkalla BA).
Teksti është i formuar si një kompilacion i më shumë temave të cilat është e preferueshme që kandidati ti di, në qoftë se vendos të regjistrohet në Shkollën Universitare të Biznesit në Pejë. Në këtë mënyrë studentët e ardhshëm mund të fitojnë përshtypjen mbi konceptet themelore të biznesit, menaxhmentit, ekonomisë, informatikës, matematikës, planifikimit, financave, kontabilitetit, të drejtës biznesore, ekonomisë ekologjike, statistikës etj.
Teksti është përgatitur nga mësimdhënësit e Shkollës së Biznesit të cilët me vullnet kontribuan me materialet e tyre, në mënyrë që studenti i ardhshëm të ketë sa më shumë material për përgatitjen e provimit pranues.
Duke shpresuar se ju kemi ndihmuar shumë me botimin e këtij teksti, ju dëshirojmë sukses në provimin pranues në Shkollën Universitare të Biznesit dhe në studimet e juaja të ardhshme.
Pejë, më 25.04.2003 Dr. Edmond Beqiri
- 1. “Successful Software Development”, Prentice Hall, PTR. Scot E. Donaldson, Stanley G. Siegel, Second edition dhe
- 2. “Sisteme informacioni të menaxhmentit”, Dr.Edmond Beqiri, KED, 2014
Ky tekst do të përdoret vetëm përkohësisht si material bazë gjatë shpjegimit nga mësimdhënësi, me qëllim të përgatitjes dhe udhëzimit të studentëve në punë të mëtejme profesionale, kërkuese dhe shkencore. Teksti është përshtatur me programin e lëndës mësimore “Zhvillimi dhe menaxhimi i Sistemeve Softverike” dhe për qëllime të tjera nuk mund të përdoret.
Edmond Beqiri
- email: [email protected]
Master në zhvillim softveri
Leksioni 12
Dorëzimi dhe mirëmbajtja e sistemit softverik
Master në zhvillim softveri
Leksioni 11
Testimi i sistemit softverik
Master në zhvillim softveri
Leksioni 10
Procesi i implementimit ose kodimit te softverit
Master në zhvillim softveri
Leksioni 9
Modelimi me Unified Modeling Language
Master në zhvillim softveri
Leksioni 8
Projektimi i Sistemeve softverike
Master në zhvillim softveri
Leksioni 7
Analiza e kerkesave te zhvillimi i Sistemeve softverike
Master në zhvillim softveri
Leksioni 6
Metodologjia e zhvillimit te Sistemeve softverike
Master në zhvillim softveri
Leksioni 5
Cikli jetësor i Softverit
Master në zhvillim softveri
Leksioni 3
Teoria e Pergjithshme e Sistemeve
Master në zhvillim softveri
Leksioni 2
Journal for Development Research and Science
Revistë për kërkime zhvillimore dhe shkencë
ISSN 2337-0548
Vol 1, Issue 1,
April 2016
Në këtë tekst është prezantuar arkitektura e rrjetave kompjuerike si dhe një model dhe formë e re me mundësinë e komunikimit të pajisjeve mobile duke shfrytëzuar softverin dhe rrjetat ekzistuese si dhe mundësitë e adaptimit dhe zhvillimit të rrjetave ashtu që të jetë e mundshme te ju qasemi edhe nga pajisjet mobile te cilët e përkrahin protokolin WAP për qasje në rrjet, duke marrë parasysh edhe kufizimet ekzistuese që i kanë pajisjet mobile.