Papers by Ibrahim baim

Indo-MathEdu Intellectuals Journal
This research aims to understand how the implementation of a web-based digital school report syst... more This research aims to understand how the implementation of a web-based digital school report system in Ma Al-Mubarokah Banyuasin madrasah works. The research object consists of three stages: (1) Pre-Implementation Stage, (2) Implementation Stage, and (3) Evaluation Reporting Stage. This study follows a qualitative descriptive research approach, with a research group of 12 participants including the school principal, deputy principal in charge of the curriculum, educational staff, and teaching staff. Data is collected through three methods: interviews, observations, and documentation. The data analysis technique involves data collection, data presentation, and data verification. The research findings indicate that: (1) The Pre-Implementation Stage involves tasks such as registration, enrollment, creating madrasah accounts, and teacher accounts for the implementation of the web-based digital school report system. (2) The Implementation Stage shows successful collaboration between oper...

Enrichment : Journal of Management, May 1, 2021
This study aims to determine public trust in productive economic business capital assistance prog... more This study aims to determine public trust in productive economic business capital assistance program in Manggalung Village, Mandalle District, Pangkep Regency, seen from the indicators of credible commitment, benevolence, honesty, competence, and fairness. The research method used is descriptive quantitative. The sample in this study amounted to 102 people. Type of data consists of primary data obtained through questionnaires, while secondary data comes from data from the Manggalung Village Office, documents and regulations related to the problem under study. The results showed that public trust in the capital assistance program for productive economy entrepreneurs in Manggalung Village was quite trusted, but there were still indicators that had not yet gained confidence, namely the indicators of honesty. This is due to the lack of socialization and transparency in budget stipulation and allocation.

Cendekia, Jun 27, 2023
Islamic education-based educational institutions, one of which is Islamic boarding school educati... more Islamic education-based educational institutions, one of which is Islamic boarding school education, which has existed for a long time in Indonesia. Islamic boarding school education has developed in Indonesia because the majority of Indonesian people adhere to Islam. The purpose of this study was to determine the independent learning curriculum management at the Latansa Palembang Darussalam Islamic boarding school. This study uses qualitative methods, with data collection techniques in the form of observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of the study stated that the independent learning curriculum management at the Latansa Palembang Darussalam Islamic Boarding School had not yet implemented it. Islamic boarding schools implement the 2013 curriculum management for formal education, while for the Islamic boarding school curriculum itself, Islamic boarding schools have their own curriculum which is the hallmark of the Latansa Palembang Darussalam Islamic boarding school. Several books are studied for students, including the book Safinatun Najah, Ta'lim al-Muta'allim, Tijan ad-Darari, there are also other books. Then related to the learning process of the book, it is handed over to the ustadz and ustazah who teach it, and there is an inculcation of soft skill values for students so that later they will have their own skills. In addition, the profile of Pancasila students ranging from noble character, global diversity, critical thinking, mutual cooperation, independence and creativity is contained in the 2013 curriculum management which is contained in the independent learning curriculum management.

This study aims to determine public trust in productive economic business capital assistance prog... more This study aims to determine public trust in productive economic business capital assistance program in Manggalung Village, Mandalle District, Pangkep Regency, seen from the indicators of credible commitment, benevolence, honesty, competence, and fairness. The research method used is descriptive quantitative. The sample in this study amounted to 102 people. Type of data consists of primary data obtained through questionnaires, while secondary data comes from data from the Manggalung Village Office, documents and regulations related to the problem under study. The results showed that public trust in the capital assistance program for productive economy entrepreneurs in Manggalung Village was quite trusted, but there were still indicators that had not yet gained confidence, namely the indicators of honesty. This is due to the lack of socialization and transparency in budget stipulation and allocation.

Abstrak Dalam upaya meningkatkan kesejahteraan dan kinerja aparatur, pemerintah menerapkan kebija... more Abstrak Dalam upaya meningkatkan kesejahteraan dan kinerja aparatur, pemerintah menerapkan kebijakan remunerasi. Kebijakan ini diharapkan dapat menciptakan terobosan terhadap fenomena yang menunjukkan citra kurang baik para aparatur saat ini. Terlebih lagi dengan maraknya perilaku korup aparat yang terjadi hampir di setiap institusi pemerintah baik di pusat maupun di daerah. Namun sayangnya kebijakan pemberian remunerasi yang telah dijalankan belum menunjukkan hasil yang diinginkan ,misalnya di Kementrian Keuangan ,setelah lebih dari dua tahun kebijakan remunerasi dijalankan belum nampak hasilnya secara signifikan, bahkan perilaku korup semakin parah ,berarti ada sesuatu yang tidak beres dalam pelaksanaan kebijakan remunerasi ini. Pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Barat pun tahun 2010 ini mulai melakukan uji coba,hasilnya belum dapat dilihat ,kita berharap akhir tahun ini ada hasil yang positif. Kebijakan remunerasi memerlukan sistem yang terpadu dimana kinerja, kompetensi aparatur serta sikap pengabdian dijadikan titik tolak dengan tetap konsisten menegakkan prinsip reward and punishment. Kata Kunci : Remunerasi, Kinerja aparatur. Pendahuluan Belum lama berselang, kita dikejutkan dengan kejadian yang menyangkut seorang staf pelaksana di Direktorat Jenderal Pajak golongan III.a yang memiliki rekening bank senilai 28 milyar rupiah,uang tersebut disinyalir merupakan hasil penggelapan pajak yang dilakukannya. Walaupun gaji yang diperolehnya berkisar antara 12 sd 14 juta rupiah, di atas gajih rata-rata seorang guru besar, ternyata tidak mampu mencegah penyimpangan keuangan Negara yang kemudian dikenal dengan Kasus Mafia perpajakan. Kementrian Keuangan telah menerapkan kebijakan remunerasi bagi aparatur di lingkungannya lebih dari dua tahun sehingga pendapatan mereka di atas rata-rata pendapatan aparatur Kementrian lainnya dengan harapan akan memicu peningkatan kinerja pelayanan dan mencegah terjadinya penggelapan uang Negara. Kebijakan tersebut ternyata tidak dapat
The Madrassa system has been providing an alternative mean to get education, which is religious i... more The Madrassa system has been providing an alternative mean to get education, which is religious in nature, according to the Islamic traditional values and is also affordable. Madrassa system in Pakistan, as a part of education-a social institution, is performing the functions of education institution. Acquisition of political culture and incorporation of political norms is political socialization. One of the important variable to understand the society"s political socialization is the level of political efficacy. More efficacious the members of the society are, more positive is the political socialization of the society which ultimately leads to the good functioning of political system of the society. The present study aims to study the political efficacy of the madrassa students of the Lahore district of Pakistan.

The Protishthan carries out basic research studies on the problems of development in Bangladesh. ... more The Protishthan carries out basic research studies on the problems of development in Bangladesh. It also provides training in socio-economic analysis and research methodology for the professional members of its staff and for members of other organisations concerned with development problems. This paper uses a bank profit maximisation model based on empirical industrial organisation approach to explain the interest rate spread (IRS) in the banking sector of Bangladesh using panel data of 48 banks covering the period of 2004 to 2008. The analysis shows that the higher the non-interest income as a ratio of total assets of a bank, the lower its spread. Similarly, market share of deposits of a bank, statutory reserve requirements, and NSD certificate interest rates affect the IRS. The analysis in terms of bank groups shows that IRS is significantly influenced by operating costs and classified loans for state owned commercial banks (SCBs) and specialised banks (SBs); while inflation, operating costs, market share of deposits, statutory reserve requirements, and taxes are important for the private commercial banks (PCBs). On the other hand, non-interest income, inflation, market share, and taxes matter for the foreign commercial banks (FCBs). The analysis brings out several systemic actions and measures at the bank level to improve earnings and profitability of the banks which are sustainable tools of reducing the IRS.
Absrtrak PBB adalah pajak yang dikenakan atas kepemilikan atau pemanfaatan tanah dan atau banguna... more Absrtrak PBB adalah pajak yang dikenakan atas kepemilikan atau pemanfaatan tanah dan atau bangunan. PBB merupakan pajak pusat namun demikian hampir seluruh realisasi penerimaan PBB diserahkan kepada pemerintah daerah baik provinsi maupun pada kabupaten/kota. Pajak bumi dan bangunan pedesaan dan perkotaan (PBB-P2) adalah pajak atas bumi dan/atau bangunan yang dimilki, dikuasai, dan/atau dimanfaatkan oleh orang pribadi atau badan kecuali kawasan yang digunakan untuk kegiatan usaha perkebunan, perhutanan dan pertambangan. Analisis peralihan Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan pedesaan dan perkotaan (PBB-P2) di Kabupaten Pangkep selama lima tahu terakhir mengalami kenaikan yang signifikan bahkan melebihi dari pada target begitupun pada Pendapatan Asli Daerah (APBD) dan Pendapatan Asli Daerah (PDRD). Kata Kunci: Pajak, Pedesaan, Perkotaan
Conference Presentations by Ibrahim baim
Papers by Ibrahim baim
Conference Presentations by Ibrahim baim