Papers by Mauricio Pulecio
This article examines the criticism of scientific discourse, feminist theory and conventional leg... more This article examines the criticism of scientific discourse, feminist theory and conventional legal interpretations related to legal disputes arising from the emotional relationships between same-sex couples. The first chapter outlines three starting points for discourse analysis with a focus on non-heterosexual gender which are useful for a hermeneutical analysis of sentences, legal doctrine and norms that concern same-sex couples. The second chapter presents the thinking of feminist theorists, especially queer theorists, about the way in which “heterosexual thinking” operates and how it is compulsory in Law. The third and concluding chapter is based on the results previously presented and proposes a theoretical framework for a gender-based reading of the principle schools of legal interpretation which recognizes the diversity of couples that exist in society.
Perspectivas Iberoamericanas de asuntos constitucionales, 2012

Revista Analisis Internacional, 2011
The Yogyakarta Principles (2007) on the application of international human rights law in relation... more The Yogyakarta Principles (2007) on the application of international human rights law in relation to sexual orientation and gender were adopted to face a violent context against gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgender individuals. In the first chapter, the importance of the Principles related to violations of human rights against non heterosexual people inside countries such as Uganda, as well as many other places of the world, are explored. In the second chapter the content of the Principles is examined to show that they provide new elements to international human rights law. After that, the legal force of the Principles is studied to argue that, even though they are not soft law, they have everything to become it. Finally, the value of the Principles for the interpretation of human rights norms on sexual diversity are explained, whereby they have a very important function in international law. The topics developed in the paper are crossed by the theoretical and practical tensions inherent to the Principles, tensions which are, after all, the same as those provoked by the expansion of the humanity concept to sexually diverse people.

Revista Via Iuris, 2011
This article examines the criticism of scientific discourse, feminist theory and conventional leg... more This article examines the criticism of scientific discourse, feminist theory and conventional legal interpretations related to legal disputes arising from the emotional relationships between same-sex couples. The first chapter outlines three starting points for discourse analysis with a focus on non-heterosexual gender which are useful for a hermeneutical analysis of sentences, legal doctrine and norms that concern same-sex couples. The second chapter presents the thinking of feminist theorists, especially queer theorists, about the way in which "heterosexual thinking" operates and how it is compulsory in Law. The third and concluding chapter is based on the results previously presented and proposes a theoretical framework for a gender-based reading of the principle schools of legal interpretation which recognizes the diversity of couples that exist in society.
Revista Iberoamericana, 2017
Revista Iberoamericana, 2017

A contracorriente: una revista de estudios latinoamericanos, 2020
"Por debajo del agua" is a novel by the Mexican writer Fernando Zamora. Published in 2002, the no... more "Por debajo del agua" is a novel by the Mexican writer Fernando Zamora. Published in 2002, the novel provides a singular narrative from crucial events of the Mexican Revolution, from early twentieth century. The novel’s main characters are a transgender, Hugo/Isabel, and a closeted homosexual, the Army Officer Pablo Aguirre. This paper proposes a novel’s interpretation aiming to make visible how heteronormativity became a value paradoxically reinforced after revolutionary times. Several social inequalities were reinstalled along with the emergence of a modern Mexican Nation. However, gender non-conformity is still easily obliterated either from dominant and critical narratives that construct contemporary Mexican identities. Thus, the essay proposes that “being underwater” is not only a powerful metaphor to title the novel. It is also a challenging way to rewrite the meanings attained to the Revolution in order to recognize that male-to-female subjects, as well as other abject individuals, were keenly involved in transformative uprisings pivotal for defining what is Mexico today. Applying concepts from theoreticians such as Althusser and Agamben, this article encourages alternative accounts of Mexicanity able to recognize the role played by non-heterosexual individuals in “stirring the waters” above/under which we dwell.

This essay offers a close reading of Vista desde una acera, a novel by Colombian writer Fernando ... more This essay offers a close reading of Vista desde una acera, a novel by Colombian writer Fernando Molano. The main objective is to analyze the phenomenon of in-xile (a category intertwined with sexile) and its literary depiction framed by AIDS, which takes over the body of the protagonist’s lover, Adrián. The first part analyzes the relevance of public spaces such as
Luis Ángel Arango Library, which offered safeguard conditions to the writer for his literary and sexual exploration, absent in the social environment that surrounded him. Moreover, the centrality of children’s literature in Molano’s work is exposed, from which I propose insights to interrogate the dominance of cultural heteronormativity. The second part addresses how the narrative path of AIDS is tracked over Adrian’s organs, disclosing the tyranny of the virus, which impetuously transits from the stomach to the head, surrounded by shame and disgust. Contrary to diseases like cancer, AIDS provokes disgust and rejection, sharpening repudiation toward homosexual people. Consequently, several Latin American cultural productions were profoundly affected, demonstrating how the work of a non-canonical author such as Molano is
exemplary not only due to his narrative quality, but also because of the experiential honesty ofthe text.

Resumen. Este artículo estudia la representación literaria de la mujer negra cuidadora en tres pi... more Resumen. Este artículo estudia la representación literaria de la mujer negra cuidadora en tres piezas narrativas de escritores colombianos canónicos: Dominga de Adviento en la novela Del amor y otros demonios de Gabriel García Márquez, Nay en María de Jorge Isaacs, y Frutos en el cuento Simón el Mago de Tomás Carrasquilla. Estos personajes articulan historias de ayas y mucamas negras desde la Colonia, mostrando cómo la asociación de sus identidades con la brujería y los demonios instauró los estereotipos que las expulsaron del mundo público, y que las ha mantenido dominadas en el ámbito privado. A partir de las críticas teóricas realizadas por las éticas del cuidado a las éticas de la justicia, el texto analiza la forma en la que el trabajo del cuidado, lejos de ofrecer reconocimiento social, ha servido para imponer esquemas de dominación racial e ideológica que continúan perpetuando la discriminación contra las poblaciones negras femeninas. Abstract. This paper examines literary representations of black caregivers women within three pieces by canonical Colombian writers: the characters of Dominga de Adviento from Of Love and Other Demonds by Gabriel García Márquez, Nay from María by Jorge Isaacs, and Frutos from the short story Simón el Mago by Tomás Carrasquilla. Those characters articulate the history of black housemaids from the Colony by exposing how their identities were linked to witchcraft and demons, establishing stereotypes to expel black women from the public sphere, and keeping them under domination in the private. Using critical approaches made by the Ethics of Care to Virtue Ethics, this essay analyzes the way in which caring-work has been used to expand racial and ideological domination instead of social recognition for black women. As a consequence, cultural discrimination against female African Colombian populations has been reinforced.

Ante un contexto de violencia contra las personas gays, lesbianas, bisexuales y transgeneristas, ... more Ante un contexto de violencia contra las personas gays, lesbianas, bisexuales y transgeneristas, se promulgaron los Principios de Yogyakarta sobre la aplicación de la legislación internacional de Derechos Humanos en relación con la orientación sexual y la identidad de género (2007). en el primer acápite, el artículo explora la importancia de los Principios frente a las vulneraciones de Derechos Humanos contra personas no heterosexuales en países como Uganda y también en otros lugares del mundo. en el segundo, se examinan sus contenidos para mostrar de qué forma aportan al Derecho Internacional de los Derechos Humanos. Acto seguido se examina la fuerza jurídica de los Principios para argumentar que, si bien no son soft law, tienen todo para llegar a serlo. Finalmente, se explica el valor que tienen los Principios en la interpretación de las normas sobre Derechos Humanos en materia de diversidad sexual, por lo cual cumplen una función importante en el Derecho Internacional. Los temas que trata el artículo están atravesados por las tensiones teóricas y prácticas que suscitan los Principios, y que son, en últimas, las tensiones que genera la apertura del concepto de humanidad a la población sexualmente diversa.
m a y o 2 0 1 2 U n i v e r s i d a d J o r g e T a d e o L o z a n o

El artículo desarrolla la propuesta ética y política creada por la filósofa norteamericana Judith... more El artículo desarrolla la propuesta ética y política creada por la filósofa norteamericana Judith Butler a partir del concepto crítico habitar el mundo. ¿Quiénes no pueden habitar a plenitud el mundo social? es la pregunta que recorre todo el escrito. En la primera parte se explica qué entiende Butler por habitar el mundo y, a su vez, qué significa inhabitarlo. En la segunda parte se estudia el problema en términos de habitabilidad en el lenguaje. Tras un examen ético de la teoría de la performatividad del lenguaje se expone cómo, tras el fracaso de la repetición de las normas lingüísticas emerge la agencia, por la cual las vidas inhabitadas pueden ejercitar su acción y resignificar los términos que las oprimen. En la conclusión se muestra la manera en la que la ética crítica butleriana radicaliza la democracia al plantear preguntas indispensables para hacer del mundo un lugar más habitable.
This reflection article intends to provide elements to
understand discrimination against sexual ... more This reflection article intends to provide elements to
understand discrimination against sexual minorities
from the perspective of basic and high school education
classrooms in Colombia. The first chapter interprets
the national educational legislation within the frame of
the Childhood and Adolescence Law and the National
Constitution, together with the Yogyakarta Principles
International Declaration. Then, the causes of discrimination
in the school will be studied based on published
anthropological and sociological works on this issue. In
the final reflection, some conclusions are drawn and
complemented with Richard Rorty and Judith Butler’s
philosophical thoughts, in order to open paths leading
to a full acknowledgement of sexual diversity within
educational systems.
Book Reviews by Mauricio Pulecio
Book review: The Avowal of Difference: Queer Latino American Narratives by Ben Sifuentes-Jáuregui.

Andrés Castelar, autor de los textos compilados en este libro, fue un juicioso y apasionado lecto... more Andrés Castelar, autor de los textos compilados en este libro, fue un juicioso y apasionado lector de la filosofía de Judith Butler, del posmodernismo y del posestructuralismo. Gracias a estos intereses en común pudimos mantener comunicación por algunos años y establecimos discusiones que, solo tras leer a cabalidad este libro, he podido decantar por completo. Por tal razón, esta publicación póstuma, surgida como un valioso homenaje de la Universidad ICESI a la memoria de uno de sus profesores e investigadores, permite entender una trayectoria intelectual y personal inspiradora para quienes creemos en la posibilidad de construir un mundo más diverso y menos violento. Además, el libro es bastante útil para nutrir investigaciones psicológicas, antropológicas, y de filosofía y teoría aplicada. Su carácter de palimpsesto se explica por la heterogeneidad cronológica y temática de los materiales compilados: artículos publicados e inéditos y reseñas de libros.
Papers by Mauricio Pulecio
Luis Ángel Arango Library, which offered safeguard conditions to the writer for his literary and sexual exploration, absent in the social environment that surrounded him. Moreover, the centrality of children’s literature in Molano’s work is exposed, from which I propose insights to interrogate the dominance of cultural heteronormativity. The second part addresses how the narrative path of AIDS is tracked over Adrian’s organs, disclosing the tyranny of the virus, which impetuously transits from the stomach to the head, surrounded by shame and disgust. Contrary to diseases like cancer, AIDS provokes disgust and rejection, sharpening repudiation toward homosexual people. Consequently, several Latin American cultural productions were profoundly affected, demonstrating how the work of a non-canonical author such as Molano is
exemplary not only due to his narrative quality, but also because of the experiential honesty ofthe text.
understand discrimination against sexual minorities
from the perspective of basic and high school education
classrooms in Colombia. The first chapter interprets
the national educational legislation within the frame of
the Childhood and Adolescence Law and the National
Constitution, together with the Yogyakarta Principles
International Declaration. Then, the causes of discrimination
in the school will be studied based on published
anthropological and sociological works on this issue. In
the final reflection, some conclusions are drawn and
complemented with Richard Rorty and Judith Butler’s
philosophical thoughts, in order to open paths leading
to a full acknowledgement of sexual diversity within
educational systems.
Book Reviews by Mauricio Pulecio
Luis Ángel Arango Library, which offered safeguard conditions to the writer for his literary and sexual exploration, absent in the social environment that surrounded him. Moreover, the centrality of children’s literature in Molano’s work is exposed, from which I propose insights to interrogate the dominance of cultural heteronormativity. The second part addresses how the narrative path of AIDS is tracked over Adrian’s organs, disclosing the tyranny of the virus, which impetuously transits from the stomach to the head, surrounded by shame and disgust. Contrary to diseases like cancer, AIDS provokes disgust and rejection, sharpening repudiation toward homosexual people. Consequently, several Latin American cultural productions were profoundly affected, demonstrating how the work of a non-canonical author such as Molano is
exemplary not only due to his narrative quality, but also because of the experiential honesty ofthe text.
understand discrimination against sexual minorities
from the perspective of basic and high school education
classrooms in Colombia. The first chapter interprets
the national educational legislation within the frame of
the Childhood and Adolescence Law and the National
Constitution, together with the Yogyakarta Principles
International Declaration. Then, the causes of discrimination
in the school will be studied based on published
anthropological and sociological works on this issue. In
the final reflection, some conclusions are drawn and
complemented with Richard Rorty and Judith Butler’s
philosophical thoughts, in order to open paths leading
to a full acknowledgement of sexual diversity within
educational systems.