Ismail Suardi Wekke, Aji Sofanudin, Ngesti Wihayuningtyas, Hilman Djafar, & Ruslan Rasyid, 2019
Papua merupakan salah satu provinsi terbesar di ujung timur Indonesia dengan luas wilaya... more ABSTRAK
Papua merupakan salah satu provinsi terbesar di ujung timur Indonesia dengan luas wilayah 41.066.000 hektare, berpenduduk sekitar 1.641.430 jiwa, dengan tingkat kepadatan hanya 3 orang/km2.1 Dengan keberagaman dan keberagamaan dan adaptasi penduduk terhadap lingkungan mewujudkan fenomena. Salah satu yang wujud adalah problem keagamaan terkait dengan masyarakat muallaf.
Komunitas mualaf Suku Abun, Tambraw, menempati beberapa wilayah di Kabupaten Sorong, seperti Klalin dan SP2. Keperluan pendidikan Islam belum sepenuhnya terpenuhi. Untuk saat ini, pendidikan Islam untuk masyarakat mualaf Suku Abun ini dilayani dengan dua model, yakni verbal dan nonverbal. Metode verbal dengan melakukam ceramah-ceramah di masjid. Majelis taklim. Sedangkan nonverbal lebih pada pendampingan dan teladan berislam selama di pemukiman Mualaf Suku Abun yang diprakarsai oleh H. Tamher sejak tahun 1997 – sekarang. Masyarakat mualaf Suku Abun, saat ini menempati beberapa wilayah diantaranya: Klalin dan Bendungan, Kabupaten Sorong; Kampung Baun, Tambrauw.
Pendampingan dan bimbingan keagamaan sementara ini disediakan Yayasan Bina Umat Islam Sorong (YABUIS) yang dipimpin H. Tamher. Pendidikan yang dilakukan masih berupa pendidikan nonformal di mushola kecil di pemukiman mualaf dengan materi membaca Al Quran, pelatihan Sholat, berwudhu. Masyarakt Suku Abun meggelar ritual tahunan seperti permohonan keberkahan sebelum musim tanam, peringatan maulid Nabi Saw.
Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Participatory Action Research dengan pengambilan data dilakukan secara langsung di lapangan dengan wawancara terlibat, observasi, telaah dokumen, serta focus group discussion. Lokasi penelitian berada di dua tempat, yakni Kampung Mualaf Suku Abun di Klalin, SP 2 Kabupaten Sorong dan Kampung Baun (domisili asli Suku Abun) Kabupaten Tambrauw Papua Barat.
Papers by Hilman Djafar
was inspired by two famous Muslim intellectuals, Imam Ghazali and Ibn Rusyd. Arkoun's
work is an idea that spurs the spirit of contemporary Muslims to think ahead by using all the
potential they have so that it can make Islam a religion that can adapt to the development of
the times or in religious language called shālihun likulli makānin wa shālihun likulli zamānin.
In addition, the concept of thought in the work is aimed primarily at opening up broader
horizons of Arabic Islamic thought, and can be used as a method of understanding
contemporary social science based on Islamic views. One effort undertaken by Mohammed
Arkoun is to consolidate modern historical methodology with classical Islamic thought,
because for Arkoun that is the only way to achieve a scientific understanding of the historical
reality of Islamic society. The perceived impact is the disappearance of all disputes, both
racial and religious. Some of the directions of his thinking are as follows: 1) Arkoun's way of
perceiving himself; 2) Agendas that must be implemented include building an applied
Islamology / islāmiỹāt tathbȉqhiỹah by trying to apply scientific methodology to the Koran;
3) The Western way (alGharb) knows Islam; 4) Return to the starting point; 5) Secularism
and Islam; 6) Islam, Science and Philosophy; 7) Islam and Human Rights; 8) Sufism;
9) European nationalism; 10) Think openly.
Keywords: Arkoun, contemporary Islam, concepts, social science
Kata Kunci: Konsep Pemimpin dan Kepemimpinan, Tafsir, Ulama Nusantara
Kata Kunci: Muhammadiyah Papua, Rauf Abu, Sejarah Perjuangan, Muslim Minoritas
Papua merupakan salah satu provinsi terbesar di ujung timur Indonesia dengan luas wilayah 41.066.000 hektare, berpenduduk sekitar 1.641.430 jiwa, dengan tingkat kepadatan hanya 3 orang/km2.1 Dengan keberagaman dan keberagamaan dan adaptasi penduduk terhadap lingkungan mewujudkan fenomena. Salah satu yang wujud adalah problem keagamaan terkait dengan masyarakat muallaf.
Komunitas mualaf Suku Abun, Tambraw, menempati beberapa wilayah di Kabupaten Sorong, seperti Klalin dan SP2. Keperluan pendidikan Islam belum sepenuhnya terpenuhi. Untuk saat ini, pendidikan Islam untuk masyarakat mualaf Suku Abun ini dilayani dengan dua model, yakni verbal dan nonverbal. Metode verbal dengan melakukam ceramah-ceramah di masjid. Majelis taklim. Sedangkan nonverbal lebih pada pendampingan dan teladan berislam selama di pemukiman Mualaf Suku Abun yang diprakarsai oleh H. Tamher sejak tahun 1997 – sekarang. Masyarakat mualaf Suku Abun, saat ini menempati beberapa wilayah diantaranya: Klalin dan Bendungan, Kabupaten Sorong; Kampung Baun, Tambrauw.
Pendampingan dan bimbingan keagamaan sementara ini disediakan Yayasan Bina Umat Islam Sorong (YABUIS) yang dipimpin H. Tamher. Pendidikan yang dilakukan masih berupa pendidikan nonformal di mushola kecil di pemukiman mualaf dengan materi membaca Al Quran, pelatihan Sholat, berwudhu. Masyarakt Suku Abun meggelar ritual tahunan seperti permohonan keberkahan sebelum musim tanam, peringatan maulid Nabi Saw.
Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Participatory Action Research dengan pengambilan data dilakukan secara langsung di lapangan dengan wawancara terlibat, observasi, telaah dokumen, serta focus group discussion. Lokasi penelitian berada di dua tempat, yakni Kampung Mualaf Suku Abun di Klalin, SP 2 Kabupaten Sorong dan Kampung Baun (domisili asli Suku Abun) Kabupaten Tambrauw Papua Barat.
The purpose of this research is to study about The Implementation of Multiple Intelligence for Teaching in creating favorite school and output implementation of multiple intelligence that can be seen on the students as a target. In order for these objectives to be realized the researchers took SDIT Al Izzah Sorong in West Papua as a sample and the object of research, The methodology used is qualitative research. The data collection techniques include: observation, interviews, and documentation. Sources of primary data is Headmaster of SDIT al Izzah and the teacher of SDIT al Izzah, Secondary data source that the various references and school documents then the data were analyzed using the theory of Miles and Huberman namely through three stages: data reduction, data presentation, and penAs for the conclusions offered are testing the validity of the data is done by triangulation techniques and data sources.The results showed: First, SDIT al Izzah Sorong has to apply the learning multiple intelligence since its establishment until now because, based on its vision of intelligent Multiple Intelligence (MI), through Integrated learning activities, namely the study, Exploration, Define, Present, Apply, the World, and Ukhrowi. Additionally, SDIT al Izzah also has Class Skill to classify learners' interests and talents. Second,Output of students in learning multiple intelligence SDIT al Izzah Sorong is dhikr morning and evening, have empathy, controlling emotions and good at communicating, loving environment, like sports and art. Learning process in multiple intelligence SDIT al Izzah Sorong has produced output corresponding to the multiple intelligence theory initiated by Howard Gardner.
This study was aimed to see the Improving Speaking Skill at the tenth grade students of SMA Negeri 9 Pinrang. The objective of this research is to get the empirical data of the differences between students’ score of speaking test who were taught by using whole brain teaching and the students who do not taught by using whole brain teaching. The population of this research consist of 153 students is and the sample of the research X.MIPA.1 as the experimental class consist of 33 students and X.MIPA.2 as the control class consist of 31 students.The research method used in this research was a quantitative method by using quasi-experimental design (nonequivalent control group). The data was collected
through pretest and posttest. It aimed to know whether the whole brain teaching in teaching speaking can improve students speaking skill. Based on the calculation, the result of the data analysis by using t-test showed the value of ttest (to) was higher than ttable (tt), to > tt = 2,2 > 1,669, in significant degree of 0.05 (5%). As the statistical hypotheses show, if ttest (to) > ttable (tt) in significant degree of 0.05 (5%), it means that the whole brain teaching (Ha) is accepted and the Null Hypothesis (Ho) is rejected. In conclusion, by using whole brain teaching, it can improve the students’ speaking skill.
This article aims to reconstruct systematically, accurately, and objectively to the history, struggles and personalities H. Rauf Abu normative and interpretative so finding empirical evidence of a representative in the context of sociology. The methodology used in this study is qualitative method with a historical approach / historical research. Further that in discovering the historical evidence of historical or at least there are four ways that can be done in tandem so that the study of this history can interpreted well, namely: the primary source / primary resources (depth interviews with resource persons who knew H. Rauf Abu, Manuscript, important notes, and documentation related to H. Rauf Abu), secondary sources / secondary resources, notes that are walking / running record, collecting back / Recollection. The results obtained are: First, the discussion about Rauf Abu and Muhammadiyah West Papua in general and Sorong in particular can not be separated because of all the stories begins his discussion of the history and the struggle that time. Second: Enterprises largely Amal Muhammadiyah (AUM) Sorong initiated and driven directly by H. Rauf Abu alongside private funds, he also moves the congregation and the muhsinin for worked together namely his ability to embrace all parties to jointly fastabiqul Khairaat in Muhammadiyah’s organization. Third, H. Rauf Abu is the figure of an ideologue and a core cadre of Muhammadiyah who was sent to Papua with a mission of Islam and Muhammadiyah mission. Fourth, Personality H. Rauf Abu highly prominent in Muhammadiyah’s organization specifically whom are pious, unyielding, hard-working, conscientious, generous, charismatic, talk less do more, and does not like to make a speech. So from the results obtained on the history, struggles and personalities H. Rauf Abu Dg.
was inspired by two famous Muslim intellectuals, Imam Ghazali and Ibn Rusyd. Arkoun's
work is an idea that spurs the spirit of contemporary Muslims to think ahead by using all the
potential they have so that it can make Islam a religion that can adapt to the development of
the times or in religious language called shālihun likulli makānin wa shālihun likulli zamānin.
In addition, the concept of thought in the work is aimed primarily at opening up broader
horizons of Arabic Islamic thought, and can be used as a method of understanding
contemporary social science based on Islamic views. One effort undertaken by Mohammed
Arkoun is to consolidate modern historical methodology with classical Islamic thought,
because for Arkoun that is the only way to achieve a scientific understanding of the historical
reality of Islamic society. The perceived impact is the disappearance of all disputes, both
racial and religious. Some of the directions of his thinking are as follows: 1) Arkoun's way of
perceiving himself; 2) Agendas that must be implemented include building an applied
Islamology / islāmiỹāt tathbȉqhiỹah by trying to apply scientific methodology to the Koran;
3) The Western way (alGharb) knows Islam; 4) Return to the starting point; 5) Secularism
and Islam; 6) Islam, Science and Philosophy; 7) Islam and Human Rights; 8) Sufism;
9) European nationalism; 10) Think openly.
Keywords: Arkoun, contemporary Islam, concepts, social science
Kata Kunci: Konsep Pemimpin dan Kepemimpinan, Tafsir, Ulama Nusantara
Kata Kunci: Muhammadiyah Papua, Rauf Abu, Sejarah Perjuangan, Muslim Minoritas
Papua merupakan salah satu provinsi terbesar di ujung timur Indonesia dengan luas wilayah 41.066.000 hektare, berpenduduk sekitar 1.641.430 jiwa, dengan tingkat kepadatan hanya 3 orang/km2.1 Dengan keberagaman dan keberagamaan dan adaptasi penduduk terhadap lingkungan mewujudkan fenomena. Salah satu yang wujud adalah problem keagamaan terkait dengan masyarakat muallaf.
Komunitas mualaf Suku Abun, Tambraw, menempati beberapa wilayah di Kabupaten Sorong, seperti Klalin dan SP2. Keperluan pendidikan Islam belum sepenuhnya terpenuhi. Untuk saat ini, pendidikan Islam untuk masyarakat mualaf Suku Abun ini dilayani dengan dua model, yakni verbal dan nonverbal. Metode verbal dengan melakukam ceramah-ceramah di masjid. Majelis taklim. Sedangkan nonverbal lebih pada pendampingan dan teladan berislam selama di pemukiman Mualaf Suku Abun yang diprakarsai oleh H. Tamher sejak tahun 1997 – sekarang. Masyarakat mualaf Suku Abun, saat ini menempati beberapa wilayah diantaranya: Klalin dan Bendungan, Kabupaten Sorong; Kampung Baun, Tambrauw.
Pendampingan dan bimbingan keagamaan sementara ini disediakan Yayasan Bina Umat Islam Sorong (YABUIS) yang dipimpin H. Tamher. Pendidikan yang dilakukan masih berupa pendidikan nonformal di mushola kecil di pemukiman mualaf dengan materi membaca Al Quran, pelatihan Sholat, berwudhu. Masyarakt Suku Abun meggelar ritual tahunan seperti permohonan keberkahan sebelum musim tanam, peringatan maulid Nabi Saw.
Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Participatory Action Research dengan pengambilan data dilakukan secara langsung di lapangan dengan wawancara terlibat, observasi, telaah dokumen, serta focus group discussion. Lokasi penelitian berada di dua tempat, yakni Kampung Mualaf Suku Abun di Klalin, SP 2 Kabupaten Sorong dan Kampung Baun (domisili asli Suku Abun) Kabupaten Tambrauw Papua Barat.
The purpose of this research is to study about The Implementation of Multiple Intelligence for Teaching in creating favorite school and output implementation of multiple intelligence that can be seen on the students as a target. In order for these objectives to be realized the researchers took SDIT Al Izzah Sorong in West Papua as a sample and the object of research, The methodology used is qualitative research. The data collection techniques include: observation, interviews, and documentation. Sources of primary data is Headmaster of SDIT al Izzah and the teacher of SDIT al Izzah, Secondary data source that the various references and school documents then the data were analyzed using the theory of Miles and Huberman namely through three stages: data reduction, data presentation, and penAs for the conclusions offered are testing the validity of the data is done by triangulation techniques and data sources.The results showed: First, SDIT al Izzah Sorong has to apply the learning multiple intelligence since its establishment until now because, based on its vision of intelligent Multiple Intelligence (MI), through Integrated learning activities, namely the study, Exploration, Define, Present, Apply, the World, and Ukhrowi. Additionally, SDIT al Izzah also has Class Skill to classify learners' interests and talents. Second,Output of students in learning multiple intelligence SDIT al Izzah Sorong is dhikr morning and evening, have empathy, controlling emotions and good at communicating, loving environment, like sports and art. Learning process in multiple intelligence SDIT al Izzah Sorong has produced output corresponding to the multiple intelligence theory initiated by Howard Gardner.
This study was aimed to see the Improving Speaking Skill at the tenth grade students of SMA Negeri 9 Pinrang. The objective of this research is to get the empirical data of the differences between students’ score of speaking test who were taught by using whole brain teaching and the students who do not taught by using whole brain teaching. The population of this research consist of 153 students is and the sample of the research X.MIPA.1 as the experimental class consist of 33 students and X.MIPA.2 as the control class consist of 31 students.The research method used in this research was a quantitative method by using quasi-experimental design (nonequivalent control group). The data was collected
through pretest and posttest. It aimed to know whether the whole brain teaching in teaching speaking can improve students speaking skill. Based on the calculation, the result of the data analysis by using t-test showed the value of ttest (to) was higher than ttable (tt), to > tt = 2,2 > 1,669, in significant degree of 0.05 (5%). As the statistical hypotheses show, if ttest (to) > ttable (tt) in significant degree of 0.05 (5%), it means that the whole brain teaching (Ha) is accepted and the Null Hypothesis (Ho) is rejected. In conclusion, by using whole brain teaching, it can improve the students’ speaking skill.
This article aims to reconstruct systematically, accurately, and objectively to the history, struggles and personalities H. Rauf Abu normative and interpretative so finding empirical evidence of a representative in the context of sociology. The methodology used in this study is qualitative method with a historical approach / historical research. Further that in discovering the historical evidence of historical or at least there are four ways that can be done in tandem so that the study of this history can interpreted well, namely: the primary source / primary resources (depth interviews with resource persons who knew H. Rauf Abu, Manuscript, important notes, and documentation related to H. Rauf Abu), secondary sources / secondary resources, notes that are walking / running record, collecting back / Recollection. The results obtained are: First, the discussion about Rauf Abu and Muhammadiyah West Papua in general and Sorong in particular can not be separated because of all the stories begins his discussion of the history and the struggle that time. Second: Enterprises largely Amal Muhammadiyah (AUM) Sorong initiated and driven directly by H. Rauf Abu alongside private funds, he also moves the congregation and the muhsinin for worked together namely his ability to embrace all parties to jointly fastabiqul Khairaat in Muhammadiyah’s organization. Third, H. Rauf Abu is the figure of an ideologue and a core cadre of Muhammadiyah who was sent to Papua with a mission of Islam and Muhammadiyah mission. Fourth, Personality H. Rauf Abu highly prominent in Muhammadiyah’s organization specifically whom are pious, unyielding, hard-working, conscientious, generous, charismatic, talk less do more, and does not like to make a speech. So from the results obtained on the history, struggles and personalities H. Rauf Abu Dg.