Agus Bahar Rachman
I completed my Ph.D. in Food Science from The United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences (UGAS), Ehime University (Affiliated Kagawa University), Japan. I have twelve years of professional teaching experience in Food Processing at the Department of Food Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, State University of Gorontalo, Indonesia.
Supervisors: Anang M. Legowo, Ahmad N Albaari, Rarah RA Maheswari, Mirnawati S Bachroem, Masahiro Ogawa, Shoichi Gohtani, and Katsuji Morioka
Address: Department of Food Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, State University of Gorontalo, Jalan Prof BJ Habibie, Moutong, Tilongkabila, Bone Bolango Regency, Province of Gorontalo, INDONESIA 96583
Supervisors: Anang M. Legowo, Ahmad N Albaari, Rarah RA Maheswari, Mirnawati S Bachroem, Masahiro Ogawa, Shoichi Gohtani, and Katsuji Morioka
Address: Department of Food Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, State University of Gorontalo, Jalan Prof BJ Habibie, Moutong, Tilongkabila, Bone Bolango Regency, Province of Gorontalo, INDONESIA 96583
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Papers by Agus Bahar Rachman
= 0.095 and He = 0.092. Instead IGF-1 gene in Bone Bolango Regency have two kinds of alleles (A = 0.95, B = 0.05) and two genotypes (AA and AB = 0.90 = 0.10) with Ho = 0.10 and He = 0.097. Based on the results, it can be concluded that IGF-1 gene in kacang goat of Kota Gorontalo and Bone Bolango regency are polymorphic so it can have opportunity for
doing selection.
Keywords: Genetic Diversity, Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1, Kacang Goat
Long-chain fatty acids affect the quality of the nutritional value of cow's milk and goat's milk. Milk powder is a product that has the advantages of the other products including duration of storage and easy to reconstitution. This research has been carried out at the Faculty of Animal Husbandry & Agriculture UNDIP and Faculty of Agricultural Technology UGM. This study aims to determine the change in the
content of long-chain fatty acids in goat's milk and cow's milk that has undergone a drying process with different drying methods. The study procedures include the manufacture and testing of milk powder research variables. The treatments used are different drying methods on cow's milk powder and goat milk powder ie "spray drying", "drum drying” and "freeze drying". The content of C14 on cow's and goat’s milk powder ”spray drying”is highest 60.61 mg / 100 g, 34.83 mg / 100 g fat. The content of C16 on cow's and goat’s milk powder ”spray drying”is highest 232.58 mg / 100 g fat, 306.04 mg / 100 g fat. The content of C18 on cow's and goat’s milk powder ”spray drying”is highest 105.83 mg / 100 g fat,117.56 mg / 100 g fat.
Keywords: myristic acid, palmitic acid, stearic acid, powdered milk, different drying methods
Fahrul Ilham 1, Safriyanto Dako 1, Agus Bahar Rachman 1, Muhammad Ihsan Andi Dagong2, and Lellah Rahim2
1 Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture, State University of Gorontalo, Gorontalo
2 Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Animal Science, University of Hasanuddin, Makassar
Growth Hormone (GH) is a hormone produced by cells in the anterior lobe of the pituitary somatrotop and formation process under the control of GH gene. One important function of this hormone is to help the process of tissue formation and metabolism of fat to meat forming. The
purpose of this study was to determine the genetic diversity of genes GH Kacang goat in subpopulations of Kota Gorontalo and Regency of Bone Bolango. Blood samples were used for DNA extraction process in Centre of Biotechnology Laboratory University of Hasanuddin is 41 samples of
Kacang goats with 21 samples from Kota Gorontalo city and 20 samples from Regency of Bone Bolango. Genomic DNA was extracted using a kit DNA extraction Genjet Genomic DNA Extraction (Thermo Scientific) following standard protocol phenol-chloroform, amplified by the technique of Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), and genotyping was done by Polymerase Chain ReactionRestriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) using the restriction enzyme Hae III. Data
were analyzed descriptively by calculating the frequency of genotype, allele frequency, and degree of heterozygosity. The results showed GH genotype frequencies for the genotypes AA and AB were 2.45 and 97.5% respectively and the frequency of alleles A and B were 51.2 and 48.7% per cent respectively and the observed heterozygosity (Ho) and expected heterozygosity (He) were 0.97 and 0.50 respectively. Based on the sub-population genotype frequencies obtained GH gene of Kacang goat from Kota Gorontalo is 95.25 % for AA and 4.76% for AB, the frequency of allele A and B was 52.3% 47.6%, observated heterozygosity (Ho) 0.95 and expected heterozygosity (He ) 0.51. GH gen genotype frequencies in Kacang goat from Regency of Bone Bolango is AB 100%, the frequency of allele A and allele B 0.5 0.5, observation heterozygosity (Ho) of 1.00 and expectation heterozygosity (He) 0.51. Based on the results concluded GH gene Kacang goat from Kota Gorontalo and Regency of
Bone Bolango is polymorphic so that it can be used as the basis for the implementation of the selection.
Key Words: Genetic Diversity, Growth Hormone, Kacang Goat
Kata Kunci: Nugget ayam, pati gembili, daya ikat air, susut masak, kekenyalan, akseptabilitas
Keywords : Acceptability of ice cream, the level of use, ubi hutan powder
Ice cream is a frozen dairy products from a solid milk made from a mixture of milk. The nutrition of ice cream depends on nutrition of raw material that is used. This study aimed to examine the use of coconut milk and cassava forest flour in ice cream with 4 treatments (T0=0 g coconut milk and 0 g cassava forest flour; T1=25 g coconut milk and 75 g cassava forest flour; T2=50 g coconut milk and 50 g cassava forest flour; T3=75 g coconut milk and 25 g cassava forest flour) and 4 replications. Paratemeter used in this study is analysis of water and fat content, melting time and
hedonic quality (aroma, texture and flavor). This study used Completely Random Design to analyze the result. Organoleptic test was analyzed by Analysis of Variance and melting time test was analyzed descriptively. The results showed that proximate analysis of water content with the highest value found in the treatment of 75 g coconut milk and 25 g cassava forest flour and the lowest was found in the treatment of 0 g coconut milk and 0 g cassava forest flour. The highest fat content found in the treatment of 75 g coconut milk and 25 g cassava forest flour and the lowest was found in the treatment of 0 g coconut milk and 0 g cassava forest flour. The results of organoleptic test showed that percentage of aroma treatment was T0=2,40, T1=2,45, T2=2,55, and T3=2,70. The percentage of texture of each treatment was T0=3,25, T1=3,25, T2=3,30, and T3=3,65. The percentage of flavour of
each treatment was T0=3,55, T1=3,60, T2=3,65, and T3=3,75. The conslusion is that ice cream production by using coconut milk and cassava forest flour (Dioscorea hispida dennts) gave the significant effect to the water and fat content. It was also liked by panelist. Ice cream production by using 75 g coconut milk and 25 g cassava forest flour increased the melting time up to 19,44.
Keywords : Cassava forest flour, coconut milk, ice cream, melting time
= 0.095 and He = 0.092. Instead IGF-1 gene in Bone Bolango Regency have two kinds of alleles (A = 0.95, B = 0.05) and two genotypes (AA and AB = 0.90 = 0.10) with Ho = 0.10 and He = 0.097. Based on the results, it can be concluded that IGF-1 gene in kacang goat of Kota Gorontalo and Bone Bolango regency are polymorphic so it can have opportunity for
doing selection.
Keywords: Genetic Diversity, Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1, Kacang Goat
Long-chain fatty acids affect the quality of the nutritional value of cow's milk and goat's milk. Milk powder is a product that has the advantages of the other products including duration of storage and easy to reconstitution. This research has been carried out at the Faculty of Animal Husbandry & Agriculture UNDIP and Faculty of Agricultural Technology UGM. This study aims to determine the change in the
content of long-chain fatty acids in goat's milk and cow's milk that has undergone a drying process with different drying methods. The study procedures include the manufacture and testing of milk powder research variables. The treatments used are different drying methods on cow's milk powder and goat milk powder ie "spray drying", "drum drying” and "freeze drying". The content of C14 on cow's and goat’s milk powder ”spray drying”is highest 60.61 mg / 100 g, 34.83 mg / 100 g fat. The content of C16 on cow's and goat’s milk powder ”spray drying”is highest 232.58 mg / 100 g fat, 306.04 mg / 100 g fat. The content of C18 on cow's and goat’s milk powder ”spray drying”is highest 105.83 mg / 100 g fat,117.56 mg / 100 g fat.
Keywords: myristic acid, palmitic acid, stearic acid, powdered milk, different drying methods
Fahrul Ilham 1, Safriyanto Dako 1, Agus Bahar Rachman 1, Muhammad Ihsan Andi Dagong2, and Lellah Rahim2
1 Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture, State University of Gorontalo, Gorontalo
2 Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Animal Science, University of Hasanuddin, Makassar
Growth Hormone (GH) is a hormone produced by cells in the anterior lobe of the pituitary somatrotop and formation process under the control of GH gene. One important function of this hormone is to help the process of tissue formation and metabolism of fat to meat forming. The
purpose of this study was to determine the genetic diversity of genes GH Kacang goat in subpopulations of Kota Gorontalo and Regency of Bone Bolango. Blood samples were used for DNA extraction process in Centre of Biotechnology Laboratory University of Hasanuddin is 41 samples of
Kacang goats with 21 samples from Kota Gorontalo city and 20 samples from Regency of Bone Bolango. Genomic DNA was extracted using a kit DNA extraction Genjet Genomic DNA Extraction (Thermo Scientific) following standard protocol phenol-chloroform, amplified by the technique of Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), and genotyping was done by Polymerase Chain ReactionRestriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) using the restriction enzyme Hae III. Data
were analyzed descriptively by calculating the frequency of genotype, allele frequency, and degree of heterozygosity. The results showed GH genotype frequencies for the genotypes AA and AB were 2.45 and 97.5% respectively and the frequency of alleles A and B were 51.2 and 48.7% per cent respectively and the observed heterozygosity (Ho) and expected heterozygosity (He) were 0.97 and 0.50 respectively. Based on the sub-population genotype frequencies obtained GH gene of Kacang goat from Kota Gorontalo is 95.25 % for AA and 4.76% for AB, the frequency of allele A and B was 52.3% 47.6%, observated heterozygosity (Ho) 0.95 and expected heterozygosity (He ) 0.51. GH gen genotype frequencies in Kacang goat from Regency of Bone Bolango is AB 100%, the frequency of allele A and allele B 0.5 0.5, observation heterozygosity (Ho) of 1.00 and expectation heterozygosity (He) 0.51. Based on the results concluded GH gene Kacang goat from Kota Gorontalo and Regency of
Bone Bolango is polymorphic so that it can be used as the basis for the implementation of the selection.
Key Words: Genetic Diversity, Growth Hormone, Kacang Goat
Kata Kunci: Nugget ayam, pati gembili, daya ikat air, susut masak, kekenyalan, akseptabilitas
Keywords : Acceptability of ice cream, the level of use, ubi hutan powder
Ice cream is a frozen dairy products from a solid milk made from a mixture of milk. The nutrition of ice cream depends on nutrition of raw material that is used. This study aimed to examine the use of coconut milk and cassava forest flour in ice cream with 4 treatments (T0=0 g coconut milk and 0 g cassava forest flour; T1=25 g coconut milk and 75 g cassava forest flour; T2=50 g coconut milk and 50 g cassava forest flour; T3=75 g coconut milk and 25 g cassava forest flour) and 4 replications. Paratemeter used in this study is analysis of water and fat content, melting time and
hedonic quality (aroma, texture and flavor). This study used Completely Random Design to analyze the result. Organoleptic test was analyzed by Analysis of Variance and melting time test was analyzed descriptively. The results showed that proximate analysis of water content with the highest value found in the treatment of 75 g coconut milk and 25 g cassava forest flour and the lowest was found in the treatment of 0 g coconut milk and 0 g cassava forest flour. The highest fat content found in the treatment of 75 g coconut milk and 25 g cassava forest flour and the lowest was found in the treatment of 0 g coconut milk and 0 g cassava forest flour. The results of organoleptic test showed that percentage of aroma treatment was T0=2,40, T1=2,45, T2=2,55, and T3=2,70. The percentage of texture of each treatment was T0=3,25, T1=3,25, T2=3,30, and T3=3,65. The percentage of flavour of
each treatment was T0=3,55, T1=3,60, T2=3,65, and T3=3,75. The conslusion is that ice cream production by using coconut milk and cassava forest flour (Dioscorea hispida dennts) gave the significant effect to the water and fat content. It was also liked by panelist. Ice cream production by using 75 g coconut milk and 25 g cassava forest flour increased the melting time up to 19,44.
Keywords : Cassava forest flour, coconut milk, ice cream, melting time