Papers by LouAnne Hawkins

INTRODUCTION Recent research has empirically demonstrated that young adults today are different f... more INTRODUCTION Recent research has empirically demonstrated that young adults today are different from prior generations in their decreased empathy, increased narcissism, and decreased civic engagement. The formative years of young adulthood are a critical period for the development of civic values and civil ideologies, a time when college-age adults need to acquire the experiences and skills to decenter and develop into civic-minded stewards of their communities. Engagement in service learning with individuals unlike themselves, i.e., outgroup members, is the approach we have taken at the University of North Florida to encourage this decentering through service learning engagement with refugees embedded in an honors colloquium during students' first term in college. We took a three-pronged approach to the assessment of the impact of this service learning engagement. In the first approach, evaluations of student responses to open-ended questions provided evidence of a reduction in...

Cohabitation involves fewer restrictions than does marriage. High self-monitors have an unrestric... more Cohabitation involves fewer restrictions than does marriage. High self-monitors have an unrestricted orientation to close relationships; low self-monitors have a restricted orientation to close relationships. We therefore predicted that high self-monitors would cohabit rather than marry, whereaslow self-monitors were expected to marry rather than cohabit. Across three studies, participants indicated their current relationship status (married versus cohabitating), completed the 18-item Self-Monitoring Scale, and provided demographic and relationship-related information. Our prediction was confirmed in Study 1. In Study 2, this finding was replicated, and relationship longevity did not mediate self-monitoring effects on relationship choices. Selfmonitoring differences were again duplicated in Study 3, but these divergent preferences were mediated by the presence-absence of children in relationships (but not by differential commitment to partners). Limitations in our work, future theoretical and empirical directions, and clinical/policy implications are discussed.

The Journal of Psychology
Abstract We investigated the effects of gender-based social categories (i.e., men, women, boys, a... more Abstract We investigated the effects of gender-based social categories (i.e., men, women, boys, and girls) on attitudes about child sexual abuse and individual differences in the use of such categories. In four experiments, we systematically varied perpetrators’ sex and victims’ sex. In three investigations, we assessed personality variables potentially related to participants’ use of these social categories. Across these four experiments, we varied perpetrator-victim relationships (teacher-student, neighbors) and victims’ ages. In experiment one, individuals had the least negative attitude about child sexual abuse involving adult female neighbors and eighth grade male neighbors. In experiment two, we replicated this effect with fifth grade victims and demonstrated that attitudes were moderated by individual differences in intolerance of ambiguity. In experiment three, we again replicated the aforementioned effect while (a) extending this finding to teacher-student relationships with eighth grade adolescent victims and (b) demonstrating the need for cognition was a moderator. In experiment four, we again replicated (a) our perpetrator sex/victim sex interactive effect and (b) need for cognition moderation while also demonstrating that these effects were applicable to fifth grade victims. Methodological limitations as well as clinical and policy implications (e.g., attenuating the underreporting incidents of child sexual abuse) are discussed.
Effects of opportunity for thought and individual differences in intolerance of ambiguity on atti... more Effects of opportunity for thought and individual differences in intolerance of ambiguity on attitude polarization were examined. It was expected that opportunity for thought and intolerance of ambiguity would have an interactive effect on attitude polarization. This hypothesis was not supported. There was, however, an unexpected interaction between intolerance of ambiguity and the order of events in this experiment. When individuals' self-awareness was heightened, individuals intolerant of ambiguity had attenuated attitudes; when individuals' self-awareness was lessened, individuals intolerant of ambiguity had polarized attitudes. Limitations of this study (e.g., self-report measure) and future directions (e.g., priming effects) for this research were also discussed.

Journal of Personality, 2006
ABSTRACT Three types of close relationships have received attention from theorists and researcher... more ABSTRACT Three types of close relationships have received attention from theorists and researchers interested in self-monitoring: friendships, romantic relationships, and marriage. Our review of this literature was organized around three phases of relationships: initiation, maintenance, and dissolution. Across the three types of relationships, consistent differences between high self-monitors and low self-monitors emerged concerning the structure of their social relationships (segmented vs. integrated), the basis for choosing friends and romantic partners (activity-based vs. person-based), and the orientation taken to romantic and marital partners (uncommitted vs. committed). Across all three types of relationships, however, little is known about the processes and consequences involved in the dissolution of close relationships for high self-monitors and low self-monitors. Relatively little is also known about the processes used by high self-monitors and low self-monitors to maintain their friendships and marriages. In addition to addressing these deficiencies in the literature, theorists and researchers interested in self-monitoring and close relationships need to develop sophisticated, causal models that can account for (a) interaction exchanges in the relationships, (b) dyadic as well as individual levels of analysis, and (c) temporal and situational changes in the course of close relationships.
Papers by LouAnne Hawkins