Sustainability, 2020
The concept of e-learning is a technology-mediated learning approach of great potential from the ... more The concept of e-learning is a technology-mediated learning approach of great potential from the educational perspective and it has been one of the main research lines of Educational Technology in the last decades. The aim of the present systematic literature review (SLR) was to identify (a) the research topics; (b) the most relevant theories; (c) the most researched modalities; and (d) the research methodologies used. To this end, the PRISMA protocol was followed, and different tools were used for the bibliographic management and text-mining. The literature selection was carried out in three first-quartile journals indexed in JCR-SSCI specialized in Educational Technology. A total of 248 articles composed the final sample. The analysis of the texts identified three main nodes: (a) online students; (b) online teachers; and (c) curriculum-interactive learning environments. It was revealed that MOOC was the most researched e-learning modality. The Community of Inquiry and the Technological Acceptance Model, were the most used theories in the analyzed studies. The most frequent methodology was case study. Finally, the conclusions regarding the objectives of our SRL are presented: Main themes and research sub-themes, most researched e-learning modality, most relevant theoretical frameworks on e-learning, and typologies of research methodologies.

PLOS ONE, 2021
The educational integration of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) has been put to t... more The educational integration of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) has been put to the test because of the need to implement «emergency remote education» as a result of COVID-19. Within this context of uncertainty («viral modernity»), flexible education is an option to promote a more just, equitable, accessible and creative educational system. In order to properly interpret the effects of this unique educational circumstance, it is essential to study the previous situation in terms of the use of digital technologies in teaching practices. The objective of the study is to describe the educational integration of ICT and the teacher education model to obtain evidence that contributes to understanding the phenomenon. To this end, a questionnaire consisting of two self-reporting tools and a scale on the description of teaching practice with ICT was applied. The sample is made up of teachers from public primary and secondary schools (N = 251). Data collection was carried out in the months prior to the closure of schools due to the Covid-19 pandemic. A univariate analysis of the variables and contrast tests of non-parametric hypotheses was carried out, along with calculation of the reliability and construction validity of the measuring instruments. The results reveal the most frequent types of teaching practice with ICT and the spaces where digital technologies are commonly used. Various weaknesses can be identified in digital competence among teachers, as well as in the initial/continuing training model, which contribute to the understanding of the difficulties encountered during "emergency remote education". Participation in ICT didactic innovation projects and the performance of ICT Coordination are associated with more experiential training. Flexible education requires a redefinition of the teacher training model that encourages learning anywhere, anytime.
Education Sciences, 2022
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY

Comunicar, 2022
El problema de la desinformación es una amenaza para los sistemas democráticos. Es un fenómeno gl... more El problema de la desinformación es una amenaza para los sistemas democráticos. Es un fenómeno global que debe ser abordado desde múltiples perspectivas, siendo la pedagógica una de las más relevantes y, por ello, es necesario conocer qué modelos didácticos se han desarrollado para empoderar a la ciudadanía ante la desinformación. Se llevó a cabo una revisión sistemática de la literatura (2011-2020) bajo el protocolo PRISMA y se analizaron artículos de investigación (n=76) extraídos de tres bases de datos (Wos, Scopus y ERIC). El análisis fue realizado con apoyo de gestores bibliográficos y de minería de textos. Se da respuesta a ocho preguntas de investigación sobre el marco conceptual, las características documentales y la dimensión pedagógica. El análisis documental ofrece una visión del papel de las alfabetizaciones múltiples en la investigación educativa sobre el fenómeno de la desinformación, destacando la relevancia de la «alfabetización mediática» y la «informacional», así como la emergencia de la «alfabetización en noticias» y en «datos». Se evidencia la necesidad de adoptar enfoques interdisciplinares. Con relación a los resultados educativos, se identifican tres enfoques pedagógicos: estrategias competenciales, centrado en contenidos y educación para la ciudadanía. Las prácticas de enseñanza más frecuentes son la realización de talleres y el diseño de programaciones didácticas. El desarrollo del pensamiento crítico, las experiencias en co-construcción de conocimientos y los valores de la educación cívica son fundamentales contra la desinformación.

Resumen: Las administraciones educativas han realizado una relevante inversión económica para dot... more Resumen: Las administraciones educativas han realizado una relevante inversión económica para dotar a los centros educativos de infraestructuras digitales. No obstante, la investigación educativa demuestra que no ha habido un cambio significativo en las prácticas docentes. Las expectativas de innovación didáctica generada por la introducción de las tecnologías digitales no se han cumplido en el nivel esperado. En este artículo se analizan las «macro» y «micro» políticas educativas y sus efectos en los procesos de integración educativa de las TIC. Para ello se llevaron a cabo estudios de caso múltiples y se aplicó una metodología cualitativa-longitudinal en tres momentos diferentes. Se utilizaron técnicas de observación en el aula y entrevistas semi-estructuradas. El análisis de los datos se realizó por el método de comparación constante de la Teoría Fundamentada con apoyo en el software WebQDA. Los resultados evidencian la insuficiencia de las macro-políticas educativas para la integración de las tecnologías digitales. Es necesaria la elaboración por parte de los centros educativos de un Proyecto de Educación Digital que responda a unos objetivos pedagógicos compartidos por toda la comunidad educativa. Abstract: The educational administration have made a relevant economic investment to equip schools with digital infrastructures. However, educational research shows that there has been no significant change in teaching practices. The expectations of pedagogical innovation generated by the introduction of digital technologies have not been fulfilled in the expected level. This article analyzes the "macro" and "micro" educational policies and their effects on the processes of educational integration of ICT. For this, case studies were carried out and a qualitative-longitudinal methodology was applied in three different moments. Observational techniques were used in the classroom as well as semi-structured interviews. The data analysis was performed by the constant comparison method of the Grounded Theory with support in WebQDA software. The results show the insufficiency of macro-educational policies for the integration of digital technologies. It is necessary the elaboration of a Project of Digital Education that responds to pedagogical objectives shared by all members of the educative community.

La investigación en Tecnología Educativa y las nuevas ecologías del aprendizaje: Design-Based Res... more La investigación en Tecnología Educativa y las nuevas ecologías del aprendizaje: Design-Based Research (DBR) como enfoque metodológico. Research in Educational Technology and new ecologies of learning: Design-Based Research (DBR) as a methodological approach. RESUMEN La investigación en Tecnología Educativa ha experimentado un amplio crecimiento en las últimas décadas. Este desarrollo no ha tenido una influencia significativa en la práctica educativa. La integración de las tecnologías digitales en los sistemas educativos no ha modificado sustancialmente la metodología docente para adaptarse a las competencias del siglo XXI. La investigación educativa tiene un escaso impacto en la toma de decisiones de los profesionales de la educación. Por otra parte, las nuevas ecologías del aprendizaje nos sitúan ante contextos de enseñanza-aprendizaje más flexibles, abiertos, distribuidos y conectados. Se necesitan nuevas teorías del conocimiento y nuevos enfoques en las metodologías de investigación educativa. En este artículo el «aprendizaje trialógico» se identifica como un marco conceptual útil para la comprensión de los nuevos contextos educativos y el «Design-Based Research» (DBR) se describe como un modelo metodológico idóneo para la integración efectiva de la investigación en la teoría y práctica pedagógica.
The research in Educational Technology has experienced extensive growth in recent decades. This development has not had a significant influence on educational practice. The integration of digital technologies in educational systems has not substantially changed the teaching methodology to adapt the 21st Century Competences. Educational research has little impact on decision-making of education professionals. Moreover, new learning ecologies put us in contexts of teaching and learning more flexible, open, distributed and connected. New theories of knowledge and new approaches in educational research methodologies are needed. In this article the «trialogical learning» is identified as a useful conceptual framework for understanding the new educational contexts and "Design-Based Research" (DBR) is described as a suitable methodological model for the effective integration of research in the pedagogical theory and practice.

El liderazgo existente en los centros educativo es uno de los factores más importantes en el proc... more El liderazgo existente en los centros educativo es uno de los factores más importantes en el proceso de integración de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC). Este trabajo contribuye a la comprensión de cómo la cultura organizativa de un centro educativo influye en el proceso de introducción y utilización de las TIC. Se analiza la relevancia del papel del equipo directivo y de su liderazgo en el desarrollo de dicho proceso. Para ello, se ha utilizado un diseño de investigación basado en un Estudio de Caso Múltiple en tres momentos diferentes, desde un enfoque de Teoría Fundamentada. Se ha identificado una tipología de equipo directivo «e-competente» que se caracteriza principalmente por su fuerte liderazgo pedagógico, transformacional y distribuido, además de su motivación en desarrollar medidas y estrategias para fomentar la integración de las TIC. En este sentido, se ha comprobado que el liderazgo del equipo directivo es un factor clave en la promoción de la innovación educativa, sobre todo, en la integración de las TIC en sus colegios, pues influye en la organización y la toma de decisiones, actuando como catalizador y facilitador de dicho proceso. One of the most important factors in the process of integrating ICT has to do with the existing leadership in schools. This work begins with the purpose to understand how dynamics of the organization of a school have an influence in the process of introduction and use of ICT, especially the importance of the role of the headship team and its leadership in the development of this process. To accomplish that, it has been used a research design based on the analysis of a multiple Case Study at three different moments, from a Grounded Theory approach. A type of headship team "e-competent ' has been identified, which is mainly characterized by its strong educational, transformational and distributed leadership and motivation to develop measures and strategies to promote the integration of ICT. As a result, it was found that the management leadership is a key factor in promoting educational innovation, especially in the integration of ICT in schools, as it will greatly affect the organization and decision-making, acting as a catalyst and facilitator of this process.

Los sistemas educativos están incorporando en sus currículos oficiales nuevos conocimientos relac... more Los sistemas educativos están incorporando en sus currículos oficiales nuevos conocimientos relacionados con el pensamiento computacional. Las administraciones educativas consideran que existen argumentos económicos, laborales, educativos, sociales y culturales para introducir la programación informática en el diseño curricular de la educación obligatoria. En este artículo se describen y analizan tres diseños curriculares que incluyen el pensamiento computacional. Por una parte, dos currículos prescriptivos (Reino Unido y Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid) organizados en torno a asignaturas, centrados en contenidos obligatorios y resultados de aprendizaje estandarizados. Por otra parte, un currículo innovador y globalizado (Q2L), que incluye el pensamiento computacional como una competencia básica, transversal y contextualizada. El análisis de los diseños permite observar dos enfoques diferentes en la introducción de la programación en las aulas. Se concluye con la necesidad de fundamentar los diseños curriculares en la experiencia acumulada sobre el uso educativo del pensamiento computacional (Papert), los resultados de la investigación educativa y las nuevas ecologías del aprendizaje.
Educational systems are incorporating in their official curricula new knowledge related to computational thinking. Education authorities consider that there are economic, labor, educational, social and cultural arguments to introduce computer programming in the curriculum of compulsory education. This article describes and analyzes three curricular designs that include computational thinking. On the one hand, two prescriptive curricula (UK and Autonomous Community of Madrid) organized around subjects, focusing on mandatory content and standardized assessment. Moreover, an innovative and globalized curriculum (Q2L) including computational thinking as a basic, transversal and contextual skill. Analysis of the designs can observe two different approaches to the introduction of programming in the classroom. It concludes with the need to base curriculum design in the accumulated experience in the educational use of computational thinking (Papert), the results of educational research and new learning ecologies.

La reforma educativa, en el ámbito internacional, se dirige hacia la calidad de la formación inic... more La reforma educativa, en el ámbito internacional, se dirige hacia la calidad de la formación inicial del profesorado. El profesional de la educación que necesita la sociedad actual exige que esté formado para una autonomía en el aprendizaje, reflexion sobre la propia experiencia, capacidad de adaptación a contextos colaborativos y multiculturales, así como para el diseño de entornos de enseñanza-aprendizaje enriquecidos con tecnologías. La competencia digital es una competencia clave para el aprendizaje permanente que proporciona habilidades técnicas y conocimientos para integrar las tecnologías digitales en la educación. La adaptación de la universidad española al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior ha supuesto la creación de nuevos titulos entre los que se encuentra el Grado en Educación Primaria. En este artículo se realiza una valoración del impacto de este título en la formación específica en Tecnología Educativa sobre la experiencia de su implantacion en la Universidad de Extremadura (España). El análisis de diversos datos provenientes de diversos documentos académicos (memoria verificada, planes docentes, documentos de la comisión de calidad) nos permiten obtener unos resultados que evidencian una disminución de créditos formativos, una inadecuada ubicación de la asignatura dentro de la secuencia curricular, una incoherencia entre las demandas profesionales,la carencia de itinerio de especialización y un incremento de la burocracia administrativa en detrimento de la innovación.
Educational reform in the international arena, is directed towards the quality of preservice teacher education. Today's society requires that teachers are trained to autonomy in learning, reflection on experience, adaptability to collaborative and multicultural contexts and to design teaching-learning environments enriched technologies. Digital competence is a key competence for lifelong learning that provides technical skills and knowledge to integrate digital technologies in education. The adaptation of the Spanish university to the European Higher Education Area has led to the creation of new titles like the Degree in Primary Education. In this article an impact assessment of this title in specific training in Educational Technology on the experience of its implementation and the University of Extremadura (Spain) is performed. The analysis of various data from various academic papers (verified memory, teaching plans, documents drafted by the commission of quality), allow us to obtain results that show a decrease in academic credits, an inadequate location of the subject within the curriculum sequence, a inconsistency between professional demands and lack of specialization pathways and increased administrative bureaucracy at the expense of innovation.

This paper describes the results of a research study on the establishment of a Community of Pract... more This paper describes the results of a research study on the establishment of a Community of Practice through social eLearning and Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL). The sample consisted of 20 adult women of gypsy origin of various ages, educational level and work activity residing in Extremadura (Spain). The study makes a contextualization and then describes the design, implementation and evaluation of a training scheme in social eLearning about Equal Opportunities and Social Leadership. This is followed by an analysis of the content of the course forums, according to the dimensions of the «Community of Inquiry» model (CoI) which is one of the most promising theoretical perspectives on e-learning and collaborative and constructivist approaches developed in hundreds of studies during the last decade. And finally, the study evaluates the learning experience, using triangulation as procedure for data analysis. The most important research results are: a) the validity of the design and implementation of the training, b) the forming of an effective Community of Practice for Roma women in virtual learning environments, and c) the significant changes in the participants that can favor the cultural promotion of women. It provides a new model of ICT-based educational intervention in CSCL, aimed at improving training for and promotion of sociocultural groups in situations of social exclusion.

This study aims to analyze the reliability of the internal consistency of a rubric proposal to ev... more This study aims to analyze the reliability of the internal consistency of a rubric proposal to evaluate an undergraduate university course activity. The analysis is carried out within a model of training and competency assessment. The study involved 47 second-year students enrolled in the course entitled Statements Business Information as part of their Degree in Finance and Accounting programmed. To evaluate the internal consistency of their rubrics, the authors have used Cronbach's Alpha. In all, they worked with 72 cases for a total of four analyzed variables. The results show that the rubric headings proposed have good internal consistency (α = 0.771) so that the different items can be said to be interrelated and can therefore be combined into a single total score. Taking these results into account, it can be concluded that the rubric is a reliable instrument for assessing the achievement attained by students through the use the criteria evaluated by the proposed activity.

La integración de las tecnologías digitales en el práctica docente es un proceso complejo en el q... more La integración de las tecnologías digitales en el práctica docente es un proceso complejo en el que intervienen múltiples variables. Este artículo se centra en la dimensión organizativa del centro escolar con el objetivo de analizar el papel que desempeñan los equipos directivos y coordinadores TIC en el proceso de introducción y utilización de las tecnologías. También se valora la relevancia del clima organizativo en la implementación de los proyectos de educación digital. En esta investigación se ha aplicado una metodología de corte cualitativo, mediante estudios de caso múltiple y desde un enfoque de Teoría Fundamentada. Se seleccionaron cuatro centros educativos de Educación Primaria de la Comunidad Autónoma de Extremadura identificados como centros de «buenas prácticas educativas con TIC». Para la recogida de datos se utilizaron técnicas de documentacion, observación y conversación Los resultados muestran que la toma de decisiones depende de los equipos directivos con el apoyo de diferentes figuras de coordinación. Se han identificado dos modelos de actuación en el liderazgo de los equipos directivos: «e-competentes» y «laissez faire». La figura del Coordinador TIC se revela como un factor primordial en la promoción, apoyo y formación del profesorado. Por otra parte, el clima organizativo es fundamental para generar comunidades de práctica y aprendizaje que fomenten la integración de las tecnologías en el proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje. Puesto que la dimensión organizativa se revela como un factor determinante en el desarrollo de proyectos de educación digital, debemos considerar la importancia de una adecuada formación de los docentes con funciones de liderazgo en los centros educativos.
The integration of digital technologies in the teaching practice is a complex process in which multiple variables involved. This article focuses on the organizational dimension of the school in order to analyze the role of ICT management and coordination teams in the process of introduction and use of technologies. The importance of organizational climate in the implementation of projects of digital education is also considered. In this study we have applied a qualitative methodology, using multiple case studies and from Grounded Theory. Four schools of Primary Education of the Autonomous Community of Extremadura identified as centers of 'good educational practices with ICT' is selected. We have used techniques of documentation, observation and conversation for data collection The results show that decision making depends on the management teams supported by various figures of coordination. We have identified two models of action in leading management teams, "e-competent" and "laissez faire". The figure of the ICT Coordinator is revealed as a major factor in the promotion, support and teacher training. Moreover, the organizational climate is essential to generate communities of practice and learning to promote the integration of technology in the teaching-learning process. Since the organizational dimension is revealed as a determining factor in the development of digital education projects, we must consider the importance of proper training of teachers with leadership roles in schools.

This paper describes the results of a research study on the establishment of a Community of Pract... more This paper describes the results of a research study on the establishment of a Community of Practice through social eLearning and Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL). The sample consisted of 20 adult women of gypsy origin of various ages, educational level and work activity residing in Extremadura (Spain). The study makes a contextualization and then describes the design, implementation and evaluation of a training scheme in social eLearning about Equal Opportunities and Social Leadership. This is followed by an analysis of the content of the course forums, according to the dimensions of the «Community of Inquiry» model (CoI) which is one of the most promising theoretical perspectives on e-learning and collaborative and constructivist approaches developed in hundreds of studies during the last decade. And finally, the study evaluates the learning experience, using triangulation as procedure for data analysis. The most important research results are: a) the validity of the design and implementation of the training, b) the forming of an effective Community of Practice for Roma women in virtual learning environments, and c) the significant changes in the participants that can favor the cultural promotion of women. It provides a new model of ICT-based educational intervention in CSCL, aimed at improving training for and promotion of sociocultural groups in situations of social exclusion.
Desde un punto de vista histórico, los MOOCs son una evolución de anteriores experiencias en el á... more Desde un punto de vista histórico, los MOOCs son una evolución de anteriores experiencias en el ámbito de la Educación Abierta y el e-Learning. Entre sus antecedentes se Abstract:
El uso de e-rúbricas para la evaluación de competencias en estudiantes universitarios. Estudio so... more El uso de e-rúbricas para la evaluación de competencias en estudiantes universitarios. Estudio sobre fiabilidad del instrumento.
The use of Information & Communication Technologies and active learning methodologies are among t... more The use of Information & Communication Technologies and active learning methodologies are among the main challenges faced at university level in the new European Higher Education Area (EHEA), which promotes a learning process in which the student becomes a proactive subject in their own education.

El objetivo de este estudio, que forma parte de una investigación más amplia sobre la innovación ... more El objetivo de este estudio, que forma parte de una investigación más amplia sobre la innovación educativa y la integración de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) en el aula [1], es conocer el grado de «bienestar subjetivo» autopercibido por profesorado innovador y asociado a su realización de «buenas prácticas educativas con TIC». El bienestar subjetivo es un concepto que se extrae de las percepciones de las personas sobre su existencia o su visión subjetiva de su experiencia vital y profesional. En una muestra de profesorado innovador (N=41) de centros educativos seleccionados por sus «buenas prácticas con TIC», se aplicó un cuestionario para medir qué motivaciones, emociones y competencias están presentes en una práctica innovadora con tecnologías, así como el grado de satisfacción personal y profesional logrado tras la aplicación de estas buenas prácticas. Los resultados revelan las motivaciones que mueven al profesorado a implicarse en actividades docentes innovadoras, las percepciones de satisfacción y las emociones en las que se fundamenta su grado de bienestar subjetivo vinculado con las buenas prácticas educativas con TIC. Las motivaciones que impulsan la innovación o las buenas prácticas educativas con TIC son de carácter práctico (mejora del trabajo docente y mayor interés del alumnado), ético (deber y responsabilidad de uso por parte del profesorado) y personal (superación de retos para lograr una mayor competencia digital). El profesorado manifiesta mayoritariamente emociones positivas relacionadas con el uso educativo de las TIC (orgullo, satisfacción, autoestima, autoconfianza y felicidad), autopercepción de logro de metas profesionales y una mayor eficacia en su actividad docente. El profesorado percibe que sus buenas prácticas inciden en la actitud Facultad de Educación. UNED

SínteSiS: La evaluación por competencias es un proceso de recogida de evidencias (a través de act... more SínteSiS: La evaluación por competencias es un proceso de recogida de evidencias (a través de actividades de aprendizaje) y de formulación de valoraciones sobre la medida y la naturaleza del progreso del estudiante, según unos resultados de aprendizaje esperados. el Plan de evaluación de Competencias (pec) en el grado de Maestro en educación Primaria, impartido en la Facultad de Formación del Profesorado de la Universidad de extremadura, se rige por una serie de criterios de calidad para orientar todas las actividades evaluadoras de los aprendizajes. La aplicación de estos criterios de calidad exige el diseño de instrumentos de evaluación que definan con rigor y claridad las subcompetencias e indicadores de las competencias implicadas en el grado. A la luz de las limitaciones detectadas en su implementación previa a través de hojas de cálculo, se propone el uso del sistema de gestión de aprendizaje (lms por las siglas en inglés de learning management system) Moodle y de rúbricas para la evaluación por competencias. Con estas herramientas se satisfacen dos necesidades: a) centralización y acceso a la información de evaluación por parte de los docentes y los estudiantes, y b) mejora significativa de la comunicación de la evaluación por competencias al alumnado del grado.
The research in Educational Technology has experienced extensive growth in recent decades. This development has not had a significant influence on educational practice. The integration of digital technologies in educational systems has not substantially changed the teaching methodology to adapt the 21st Century Competences. Educational research has little impact on decision-making of education professionals. Moreover, new learning ecologies put us in contexts of teaching and learning more flexible, open, distributed and connected. New theories of knowledge and new approaches in educational research methodologies are needed. In this article the «trialogical learning» is identified as a useful conceptual framework for understanding the new educational contexts and "Design-Based Research" (DBR) is described as a suitable methodological model for the effective integration of research in the pedagogical theory and practice.
Educational systems are incorporating in their official curricula new knowledge related to computational thinking. Education authorities consider that there are economic, labor, educational, social and cultural arguments to introduce computer programming in the curriculum of compulsory education. This article describes and analyzes three curricular designs that include computational thinking. On the one hand, two prescriptive curricula (UK and Autonomous Community of Madrid) organized around subjects, focusing on mandatory content and standardized assessment. Moreover, an innovative and globalized curriculum (Q2L) including computational thinking as a basic, transversal and contextual skill. Analysis of the designs can observe two different approaches to the introduction of programming in the classroom. It concludes with the need to base curriculum design in the accumulated experience in the educational use of computational thinking (Papert), the results of educational research and new learning ecologies.
Educational reform in the international arena, is directed towards the quality of preservice teacher education. Today's society requires that teachers are trained to autonomy in learning, reflection on experience, adaptability to collaborative and multicultural contexts and to design teaching-learning environments enriched technologies. Digital competence is a key competence for lifelong learning that provides technical skills and knowledge to integrate digital technologies in education. The adaptation of the Spanish university to the European Higher Education Area has led to the creation of new titles like the Degree in Primary Education. In this article an impact assessment of this title in specific training in Educational Technology on the experience of its implementation and the University of Extremadura (Spain) is performed. The analysis of various data from various academic papers (verified memory, teaching plans, documents drafted by the commission of quality), allow us to obtain results that show a decrease in academic credits, an inadequate location of the subject within the curriculum sequence, a inconsistency between professional demands and lack of specialization pathways and increased administrative bureaucracy at the expense of innovation.
The integration of digital technologies in the teaching practice is a complex process in which multiple variables involved. This article focuses on the organizational dimension of the school in order to analyze the role of ICT management and coordination teams in the process of introduction and use of technologies. The importance of organizational climate in the implementation of projects of digital education is also considered. In this study we have applied a qualitative methodology, using multiple case studies and from Grounded Theory. Four schools of Primary Education of the Autonomous Community of Extremadura identified as centers of 'good educational practices with ICT' is selected. We have used techniques of documentation, observation and conversation for data collection The results show that decision making depends on the management teams supported by various figures of coordination. We have identified two models of action in leading management teams, "e-competent" and "laissez faire". The figure of the ICT Coordinator is revealed as a major factor in the promotion, support and teacher training. Moreover, the organizational climate is essential to generate communities of practice and learning to promote the integration of technology in the teaching-learning process. Since the organizational dimension is revealed as a determining factor in the development of digital education projects, we must consider the importance of proper training of teachers with leadership roles in schools.
The research in Educational Technology has experienced extensive growth in recent decades. This development has not had a significant influence on educational practice. The integration of digital technologies in educational systems has not substantially changed the teaching methodology to adapt the 21st Century Competences. Educational research has little impact on decision-making of education professionals. Moreover, new learning ecologies put us in contexts of teaching and learning more flexible, open, distributed and connected. New theories of knowledge and new approaches in educational research methodologies are needed. In this article the «trialogical learning» is identified as a useful conceptual framework for understanding the new educational contexts and "Design-Based Research" (DBR) is described as a suitable methodological model for the effective integration of research in the pedagogical theory and practice.
Educational systems are incorporating in their official curricula new knowledge related to computational thinking. Education authorities consider that there are economic, labor, educational, social and cultural arguments to introduce computer programming in the curriculum of compulsory education. This article describes and analyzes three curricular designs that include computational thinking. On the one hand, two prescriptive curricula (UK and Autonomous Community of Madrid) organized around subjects, focusing on mandatory content and standardized assessment. Moreover, an innovative and globalized curriculum (Q2L) including computational thinking as a basic, transversal and contextual skill. Analysis of the designs can observe two different approaches to the introduction of programming in the classroom. It concludes with the need to base curriculum design in the accumulated experience in the educational use of computational thinking (Papert), the results of educational research and new learning ecologies.
Educational reform in the international arena, is directed towards the quality of preservice teacher education. Today's society requires that teachers are trained to autonomy in learning, reflection on experience, adaptability to collaborative and multicultural contexts and to design teaching-learning environments enriched technologies. Digital competence is a key competence for lifelong learning that provides technical skills and knowledge to integrate digital technologies in education. The adaptation of the Spanish university to the European Higher Education Area has led to the creation of new titles like the Degree in Primary Education. In this article an impact assessment of this title in specific training in Educational Technology on the experience of its implementation and the University of Extremadura (Spain) is performed. The analysis of various data from various academic papers (verified memory, teaching plans, documents drafted by the commission of quality), allow us to obtain results that show a decrease in academic credits, an inadequate location of the subject within the curriculum sequence, a inconsistency between professional demands and lack of specialization pathways and increased administrative bureaucracy at the expense of innovation.
The integration of digital technologies in the teaching practice is a complex process in which multiple variables involved. This article focuses on the organizational dimension of the school in order to analyze the role of ICT management and coordination teams in the process of introduction and use of technologies. The importance of organizational climate in the implementation of projects of digital education is also considered. In this study we have applied a qualitative methodology, using multiple case studies and from Grounded Theory. Four schools of Primary Education of the Autonomous Community of Extremadura identified as centers of 'good educational practices with ICT' is selected. We have used techniques of documentation, observation and conversation for data collection The results show that decision making depends on the management teams supported by various figures of coordination. We have identified two models of action in leading management teams, "e-competent" and "laissez faire". The figure of the ICT Coordinator is revealed as a major factor in the promotion, support and teacher training. Moreover, the organizational climate is essential to generate communities of practice and learning to promote the integration of technology in the teaching-learning process. Since the organizational dimension is revealed as a determining factor in the development of digital education projects, we must consider the importance of proper training of teachers with leadership roles in schools.
En el primer capítulo del libro se realiza una valoración de los efectos de las políticas educativas relacionadas con TIC en los sistemas educativos, a partir de los resultados de la investigación en Tecnología Educativa de la última década.
Los siguientes capítulos se centran en la descripción de los diferentes planes, proyectos y programas que la Comunidad Autónoma de Extremadura (España) ha ido desarrollando en el período 2000-2013.