Papers by F. Javier Miranda

Marketing and Management of Innovation, 2024
The incentives for the internationalization of universities and the digitalization of teaching dr... more The incentives for the internationalization of universities and the digitalization of teaching driven by the situation of COVID-19 have increased the operation of virtual work teams in higher education institutions, both in terms of groups of students and groups of researchers. The objective of this study is to explore the evolution of academic research concerning virtual teams within university settings, aiming to delineate prominent research trajectories and outline a prospective agenda for future inquiry in this domain. This work involved a systematic review of the literature in the WoS and Scopus databases to identify what, when, who, where and how virtual teams in universities have been researched. The PRISMA method was used to guide the data collection process. Forty-seven articles were identified as relevant for analysis. Despite the significant development of academic research on virtual teams since the end of the last century, the necessary attention has still not been given to the specific case of virtual teams in universities. Most of the research has been conducted in the United States; however, previous research reveals that cultural aspects are relevant variables in the performance and efficiency of virtual teams, so it is advisable to extend this type of research to other countries and cultural contexts. In addition, we can also see that most of the works identified have analysed work teams formed by students, and there are very few studies on virtual teams of researchers, despite the importance of these teams in the context of encouraging the internationalization of research networks. Moreover, the review of the content of the articles as well as the future lines of research have been organized around a life cycle model, considering three categories: inputs, operating process and outputs-results. The second category is the most developed to date.

Technology & Innovation, 2024
Factors influencing the decision by academics to patent have been extensively studied in the lite... more Factors influencing the decision by academics to patent have been extensively studied in the literature. However, far fewer studies have analyzed the variables that determine whether these university patents are finally licensed to industry and, thus, whether the aforementioned knowledge transfer actually takes place. For this reason, the aim of this paper is to carry out a systematic review of the literature in order to identify the developments in research on the commercialization of university patents internationally during the period 2001-2021. Our analysis of the literature has allowed us to classify the works carried out to date into four groups, depending on the unit of analysis used to examine the commercialization of university patents. The largest group of studies uses data from patent databases; next in quantitative importance are those that use data from academics obtained through surveys or interviews; in third place are studies that use institutional information, generally from the TTO of each university; finally, there are some studies that analyze the process from the point of view of the recipient of the technology, that is, the companies that obtain the patent license.

Assessment & Evaluation In Higher Education, 2025
This article presents the results of a systematic literature review on student contributions to q... more This article presents the results of a systematic literature review on student contributions to quality assurance processes in higher education. The research had three main outcomes: the first identified relevant studies on the subject under investigation. The second, more innovative, analysed the main issues related to student participation, involvement/ engagement and commitment as a stakeholder in QA processes. The analysis revealed that students participate in QA processes, both internally and externally, in three distinct dimensions: – Participation: the importance of student participation associated with the teaching and learning process is recognised, emphasising aspects such as feedback, assessment, satisfaction and partnerships. – Involvement: centred on governance and partnerships, with students acting as partners in governance and decision-making processes, in an active and involved participation in QA processes. – Commitment: refers to the deepest level of involvement, where students demonstrate a commitment to QA. The third outcome focused on the results of the three research questions posed, which made it possible to analyse and characterise the selected studies, define a comprehensive framework of student contributions in the field of QA and point out areas requiring further investigation that could guide future research.
Es evidente que vivimos en un mundo obsesionado por la velocidad, donde el tiempo es uno de nuest... more Es evidente que vivimos en un mundo obsesionado por la velocidad, donde el tiempo es uno de nuestros recursos mas valiosos. Nuestro articulo analiza la importancia de la reduccion del tiempo a la hora de lanzar un producto al mercado. Esta rapidez generadora de ventajas competitivas es conceptualizada como "time to market". El objetivo del articulo es provocar una reflexion acerca de la importancia del tiempo como factor de competitividad, y para ello, hemos efectuado una revision de las ultimas aportaciones realizadas, analizando los ultimos datos relativos a la reduccion de tiempos en el sector del automovil, su situacion actual, asi como su posible evolucion, destacando, a su vez, las principales tecnicas usadas para alcanzar el objetivo de tiempo establecido.
Revista Europea de Direccion y Economia de la Empresa

El ritmo de cambio tecnológico se ha acelerado en los últimos años. Este entorno turbulento requi... more El ritmo de cambio tecnológico se ha acelerado en los últimos años. Este entorno turbulento requiere renovar los métodos y técnicas para lanzar al mercado nuevos productos con éxito. Se han realizado numerosos trabajos sobre las técnicas propuestas para mejorar la eficiencia del proceso de desarrollo, sin embargo son escasas las investigaciones empíricas que contrasten la validez de estas técnicas. En este estudio exploratorio trataremos de analizar la relación entre tiempo de desarrollo y éxito en el mercado de los nuevos productos. Nuestros resultados vienen a confirmar los resultados de estudios previos, identificando las principales técnicas propuestas para reducir el tiempo de desarrollo en función de las características del entorno competitivo en el que cada empresa desarrolla su actividad. PALABRAS CLAVE: Tiempo de mercado. Desarrollo acelerado de productos. Factores determinantes del éxito.Técnicas de desarrollo de nuevos productos.

Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce
Social networks have become an interesting marketing tool for the banking sector to manage contac... more Social networks have become an interesting marketing tool for the banking sector to manage contact and interaction with their actual and potential customers. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the use of Facebook by the top 200 international banks. Our paper proposes a new instrument called Facebook Assessment Index (FAI), which uses three categories to evaluate the essential information on a firm's Facebook page: popularity, interactivity, and content. Only 60% of the banks tested had official Facebook page. The results show large differences between them in the three dimensions of FAI and a great improvement opportunity in the use of Facebook as a marketing tool in the sector. These results not only serve to create a ranking of banks, but also can be used by bank manager as a benchmarking analysis of best Facebook pages, suggesting improvements to their current Facebook pages.
Books by F. Javier Miranda

En el dinámico mundo empresarial del siglo XXI, la innovación se ha convertido en un factor clave... more En el dinámico mundo empresarial del siglo XXI, la innovación se ha convertido en un factor clave para el éxito y la supervivencia de las organizaciones. Las empresas se enfrentan a un entorno altamente competitivo, en constante evolución y marcado por cambios tecnológicos disruptivos, demandas cambiantes de los clientes y presiones económicas. Ante este panorama desafiante, la capacidad de una empresa para adaptarse, anticiparse y liderar la innovación se ha vuelto fundamental. Aquellas organizaciones que pueden identificar oportunidades, generar nuevas ideas, implementar soluciones creativas y fomentar una cultura de innovación sólida, están mejor posicionadas para prosperar y crecer en un entorno empresarial en constante cambio. El propósito de este libro es ofrecer una guía completa para comprender y aplicar eficazmente la gestión de la innovación en el contexto empresarial.

En el entorno empresarial actual, donde la competitividad y la innovación son esenciales para la ... more En el entorno empresarial actual, donde la competitividad y la innovación son esenciales para la supervivencia empresarial, la creatividad se erige como una de las competencias más valiosas. Este libro, "Creatividad en la empresa", está diseñado para explorar en profundidad cómo la creatividad puede ser comprendida, desarrollada y aplicada en el ámbito empresarial. A través de un enfoque multidimensional, analizamos los fundamentos de la creatividad, su relación con la personalidad, su impacto en la innovación empresarial, y las condiciones que fomentan la generación de ideas en el seno de una organización. "Creatividad en la empresa" no solo busca teorizar sobre la creatividad, sino también ofrecer herramientas prácticas para que líderes y equipos puedan cultivar un ambiente de trabajo donde la innovación fluya. Este libro es una invitación a explorar y expandir los límites de la creatividad dentro de tu organización, con el objetivo de alcanzar el éxito empresarial.
Papers by F. Javier Miranda
Books by F. Javier Miranda