Papers by Micheli Gomes de Souza

The Especialist, 2022
In memoriam Ana Mariza Benedetti. Iniciamos nossa introdução ao presente número temático situando... more In memoriam Ana Mariza Benedetti. Iniciamos nossa introdução ao presente número temático situando o Teletandem enquanto tema norteador dos trabalhos apresentados. Compreendemos que, apesar de amplamente divulgado e implementado como contexto de aprendizagem telecolaborativa no Brasil e no exterior, conforme demonstram as pesquisas concluídas e em andamento, ainda é preciso retornar a sua essência, sua origem e seus princípios, para não perder de vista suas bases epistemológicas. Nesse sentido, vários dos trabalhos publicados neste dossiê ratificam a definição e/ou a descrição do Teletandem como esse contexto de aprendizagem telecolaborativa iniciado na UNESP (Universidade Estadual Paulista) no ano de 2006 para a promoção de contato linguístico e cultural entre seus participantes. Destacamos que em cada cenário, contudo, há diferentes perspectivas de discussão e novas propostas de se pensar os princípios de autonomia, reciprocidade e uso separado de línguas, descritos por Brammerts (1996) no âmbito do tandem presencial e apropriados também pelo teletandem (TELLES; VASSALLO, 2006).

The Especialist, 2022
Intercâmbio virtual e comunicação em inglês como língua franca: um estudo de caso da Universidade... more Intercâmbio virtual e comunicação em inglês como língua franca: um estudo de caso da Universidade Estadual do Norte do Paraná Micheli Gomes de, SOUZA (UENP) 1 Neri de Souza, SANTANA (UEL) 2 RESUMO O objetivo deste artigo é descrever os processos e resultados de uma iniciativa de intercâmbio virtual conduzida pelo Centro Internacional de Idiomas da Universidade Estadual do Norte do Paraná (UENP), Brasil, em parceria com a UGMEX Campus Pluviosilla, México, considerando suas contribuições e desafios para o desenvolvimento da consciência linguística e intercultural por meio de parcerias transnacionais, comunicação em inglês como língua franca (ILF) e políticas de internacionalização em casa. A parceria foi realizada durante os primeiros meses da pandemia COVID-19, que impactou a rotina regular de alunos e professores das duas instituições. O estudo de caso apresentado aqui é teoricamente fundamentado em estudos sobre práticas de intercâmbio virtual, internacionalização e ensino de língua inglesa, conduzidos por autores como Telles
DELTA, 2021
This paper aims to investigate practices in teacher education in the context of the Teletandem Br... more This paper aims to investigate practices in teacher education in the context of the Teletandem Brasil Project (Vassallo & Telles, 2006). Through web conferencing tools, the project pairs up Brazilian university students learning foreign languages with foreign university students learning Portuguese. The partnerships are supported by mediation sessions conducted by professors and researchers of the Teletandem Project. In this paper, we present some theoretical concepts related to telecollaboration (Belz, 2003; O'Dowd, 2007; 2018), besides providing a detailed description and comparison of four editions of preparatory courses for teletandem mediators, organized by researchers of the project.

Revista Aproximação, 2020
RESUMO: O programa Teletandem de telecolaboração tem como objetivo promover o de-senvolvimento li... more RESUMO: O programa Teletandem de telecolaboração tem como objetivo promover o de-senvolvimento linguístico e intercultural entre aprendizes de línguas de diferentes instituições. Por meio de sessões regulares via aplicativos de interação em áudio, vídeo e texto, como o Skype e o WhatsApp, aprendizes de língua inglesa, por exemplo, podem se comunicar com aprendizes de língua portuguesa de institui-ções internacionais para que pratiquem a língua nativa ou de proficiência um do outro. O objetivo do presente artigo é apresentar o relato de experiência de implementação do Teletandem no contexto da Universidade Estadual do Norte do Paraná. Para tanto, apresento uma descrição do Teletandem, contemplando seus princípios, modalidades e papel dos mediadores. Além disso, descrevo as primeiras ações para sua implementação na UENP. A análise dos relatos e das ações de implementação indica os benefícios da prática telecolaborativa e os desafios institucionais e pedagógicos para sua implementação. Palavras-chave: Teletandem. Telecolaboração. Aprendizagem de línguas.
ABSTRACT: The Teletandem program of telecollaboration aims at promoting linguistic and intercultural development between foreign language learners from different institutions. Through regular sessions on applications of audio, video and text interaction such as Skype and WhatsApp, learners of English, for example, can communicate with learners of Portuguese from foreign institutions so they practice each other's native of proficiency language. The goal of this article is to report the experience of implementation of Teletandem at State University of the North of Paraná (UENP). To that end, I present a description of Teletandem, considering its principles, modalities and role of mediators. Besides, I describe the first actions to implement it at UENP. The analysis of the reports and of the implementation actions indicate the benefits of the practice of Teletandem and the institutional and pedagogical challenges for its implementation.

Telecolaboração transcultural e transcontinental para aprendizagem de línguas estrangeiras: propostas e desafios, 2018
Teletandem is a telecollaborative learning context, which involves the process of pairing up lang... more Teletandem is a telecollaborative learning context, which involves the process of pairing up language learners of different institutions around the world. Since 2006, institutional teletandem practice has involved the offer of pedagogical mediation to support learners’ development. The mediation aims to provide teletandem participants a context for sharing experience and reflecting on their language and intercultural learning process. This article aims at describing the mediation session procedures and the findings of a study carried out during teletandem interactions between students from Brazil and from the United States. A private Facebook group was used to support the contact between the mediator and students of the Brazilian university. In this work, we present the review of the concept of mediation in teletandem and present the results of an interpretivist qualitative analysis that show that the role of the mediator is focused on providing encouragement and guidelines based on teletandem theory and principles. We also point out the study limits and propose some possibilities for future research that might focus on mediation sessions through virtual platforms or social networks.
Vade mecum do ensino das línguas estrangeiras/adicionais, 2018

Estudos Linguisticos, 2018
New contexts and perspectives have become gigantic in the educational scenery due to the developm... more New contexts and perspectives have become gigantic in the educational scenery due to the development of digital technological tools. The access to people constitutes an important dimension in reconfiguration pedagogical practices, curriculum of courses and contexts of teachers’ development. In this scenery, the project Teletandem Brasil (TELLES, 2006) has opened doors for intercultural communication and singular experiences for Portuguese learners from foreign universities and foreign language learners from UNESP. Considering the contexts of telecollaboration for the promotion of changes regarding processes of languages teaching and learning, the goal of this article is to outline (a) a historical overview of the implementation of Teletandem, (b) to present the theoretical base and principles of Teletandem, (c) to present research perspectives in the field of telecollaboration.
Online discussion forums have been widely used in internet-mediated courses and blended courses. ... more Online discussion forums have been widely used in internet-mediated courses and blended courses. In these learning contexts, the mediator's (or tutor's) role in supporting successful learning is of considerable importance. Firstly, the present article discusses some studies in which the mediator's role in online learning environments is emphasized. Secondly, we use this discussion to support our qualitative case-study analysis, in which we investigated mediators' debate-management strategies in TelEduc virtual forums. Lastly, we propose a reflective framework about management strategies in forums in virtual learning platforms.
O presente artigo tem o intuito de discutir a questão da heterogeneidade da escrita por meio de ... more O presente artigo tem o intuito de discutir a questão da heterogeneidade da escrita por meio de textos acadêmicos produzidos por professores do Estado de São Paulo em um curso de especialização a distância, do projeto Redefor. Para isso, foram selecionados alguns fragmentos de textos que evidenciem a relação entre escrita e prosódia e entre escrita e oralidade. Para a análise, serão considerados os conceitos de heterogeneidade da escrita, de Corrêa (2001; 2004), e de fonologia prosódica – como os processos de hipossegmentação e hipercorreção –, tomando por base teórica Nespor & Vogel (1986) e Bortoni-Ricardo (2004).
O cenário da educação brasileira aponta para uma crescente utilização de Ambientes Virtuais de Ap... more O cenário da educação brasileira aponta para uma crescente utilização de Ambientes Virtuais de Aprendizagem (AVAs) para a promoção de cursos a distância, como, por exemplo, o programa REDEFOR de formação continuada de professores. Isso nos leva a uma reflexão, a partir de nossa experiência como tutoras no REDEFOR, sobre a formação de professores para atuarem nesses contextos e sobre as mudanças de paradigmas educacionais desencadeadas pelo advento da Educação a Distância (EaD). Este artigo pretende traçar um panorama geral das políticas públicas de formação de professor para o campo da EaD, refletir sobre as mudanças nas relações pedagógicas e sociais em AVA e sobre as novas competências requeridas do professor para a utilização de diferentes tecnologias e contextos de aprendizagem.
Considering the relevance attributed to the research practice during and after the undergraduate ... more Considering the relevance attributed to the research practice during and after the undergraduate studies and the constant difficulty found by beginner researchers in this production, this article aims to analyze undergraduate students’ experiences of reading and production of texts. For this purpose we applied a questionnaire to undergraduate students in the Linguistic Course of a public university from the southeast of Brazil, in order to observe, through a qualitative analysis, how these experiences contribute to the inclusion of students into the academic community and to their development as teachers/researchers. The research uses, as theoretical embasement, the literacies and textual genres concepts.
Online discussion forums have been widely used in internet mediated courses and blended courses. ... more Online discussion forums have been widely used in internet mediated courses and blended courses. In these learning contexts, the mediator’s (or tutor’s) role in supporting successful learning is of considerable importance.
Firstly, the present article discusses some studies in which the mediator’s role in online learning environments is emphasized. Secondly, we use this discussion to support our qualitative case-study analysis, in which we investigated mediators’
debate-management strategies in TelEduc virtual forums. Lastly, we propose a reflective framework about management strategies in forums in virtual learning platforms.
Papers by Micheli Gomes de Souza
ABSTRACT: The Teletandem program of telecollaboration aims at promoting linguistic and intercultural development between foreign language learners from different institutions. Through regular sessions on applications of audio, video and text interaction such as Skype and WhatsApp, learners of English, for example, can communicate with learners of Portuguese from foreign institutions so they practice each other's native of proficiency language. The goal of this article is to report the experience of implementation of Teletandem at State University of the North of Paraná (UENP). To that end, I present a description of Teletandem, considering its principles, modalities and role of mediators. Besides, I describe the first actions to implement it at UENP. The analysis of the reports and of the implementation actions indicate the benefits of the practice of Teletandem and the institutional and pedagogical challenges for its implementation.
Firstly, the present article discusses some studies in which the mediator’s role in online learning environments is emphasized. Secondly, we use this discussion to support our qualitative case-study analysis, in which we investigated mediators’
debate-management strategies in TelEduc virtual forums. Lastly, we propose a reflective framework about management strategies in forums in virtual learning platforms.
ABSTRACT: The Teletandem program of telecollaboration aims at promoting linguistic and intercultural development between foreign language learners from different institutions. Through regular sessions on applications of audio, video and text interaction such as Skype and WhatsApp, learners of English, for example, can communicate with learners of Portuguese from foreign institutions so they practice each other's native of proficiency language. The goal of this article is to report the experience of implementation of Teletandem at State University of the North of Paraná (UENP). To that end, I present a description of Teletandem, considering its principles, modalities and role of mediators. Besides, I describe the first actions to implement it at UENP. The analysis of the reports and of the implementation actions indicate the benefits of the practice of Teletandem and the institutional and pedagogical challenges for its implementation.
Firstly, the present article discusses some studies in which the mediator’s role in online learning environments is emphasized. Secondly, we use this discussion to support our qualitative case-study analysis, in which we investigated mediators’
debate-management strategies in TelEduc virtual forums. Lastly, we propose a reflective framework about management strategies in forums in virtual learning platforms.