Papers by Ekaterina Barcellos

Historicamente, engenheiros e designers possuem visões divergentes acerca da inovação, resultante... more Historicamente, engenheiros e designers possuem visões divergentes acerca da inovação, resultantes de formação e abordagem distintas quanto à resolução de problemas. Tal entendimento sofreu a ação de evidências obtidas pela associação interdisciplinar entre áreas. Validando essa perspectiva, o presente artigo apresenta o resultado de uma pesquisa conduzida junto a engenheiros (profissionais e estudantes) para determinar a relevância do design no processo de obtenção da inovação. A investigação foi direcionada a profissionais que atuam ou atuaram em ambientes de inovação, empresas do Vale do Paraíba, acadêmicos e estudantes da área, entre outros. Resultados mostraram que a inovação se encontra presente em 57% das atividades relacionadas à atuação dos engenheiros que estão no mercado de trabalho e em formação, e que 74% deles consideram os conceitos trazidos da área de design como, no mínimo, relevantes para o sucesso dos projetos que estão ou estarão envolvidos. A efetividade do desi...

Revista de Arquitectura
O trabalho em home office transformou-se em rotina no cotidiano da sociedade global, em decorrênc... more O trabalho em home office transformou-se em rotina no cotidiano da sociedade global, em decorrência da pandemia da covid-19. No novo contexto, os espaços familiares de moradia e convivência tiveram de ser adaptados para atividades remotas on-line. Inicialmente positiva, essa modalidade foi impactada pelo ambiente inadequado e pela ergonomia, afetando a saúde física e mental dos indivíduos, causando ansiedade, insegurança quanto aos objetivos e às metas a serem alcançados e, consequentemente, diminuindo a satisfação inicial e apresentando oscilações de produtividade. Com base em pesquisa realizada junto aos usuários de home office, este artigo traz a análise da percepção desses indivíduos sobre a produtividade obtida nos espaços adaptados e demonstra que a visão sobre a constituição desse local de trabalho não corresponde ao que a literatura preconiza como agradável e produtivo. Como resultado da pesquisa, o artigo apresenta uma forma de melhorar e aumentar a produtividade e a saúde ...
Revista de Ciencia y Tecnología
The use of headphones was accentuated starting from the year 2020, inserted in the online univers... more The use of headphones was accentuated starting from the year 2020, inserted in the online universe of meetings, conferences, congresses, lives, classes, and videos, in the home office system, due to social isolation, resource resulting from health recommendations, pandemic of Covid 19. The purpose of this work is based on the response of the survey carried out with users to assist the design when elaborating the headphones project, considering the usability and choice factors from the perspective of the user’s perception. Based on a literature review, a questionnaire was designed aimed at the perception of the fundamental requirements of the device, which led to essential factors directing future design projects, in which there is alignment between physical and cognitive ergonomics, aiming at comfort, usage satisfaction, and health of its users.

International Journal of Innovation
The creative economy has become a key element in generating ideas, products and services being an... more The creative economy has become a key element in generating ideas, products and services being an evolving concept based on creative assets, which modifies the profile of industry and global market, from the partnership between creativity and economics combined with innovation and technology. In Brazil, Technological Parks and Incubators, in turn, have not devoted themselves with real interest in this emerging sector; they are involved primarily with technologies for areas such as biotechnology, environment, embedded electronics, alternative energy, oil, software and, mainly, IT (ICT). This article identifies how the economy and creative industry have changed the entrepreneurial profile in the national and global environment and how these trends are applicable in relation to the environment of the Parks and Incubators for the inclusion of creativity in the current Brazilian scenario. Shows that the creative production promotes skills that constitute the knowledge of Design, Architecture, Cultural Heritage, Media, Culture and Arts, acting democratically, adding knowledge, diversity and differentiation, overcoming social and regional barriers and making social inclusion. It shows that a market segment that involved about US $ 624 billion in 2011, more than doubling between 2002 and 2011, maintains a growth trajectory has only 2% of the featured activities of the Parks aimed at its development and promotion.

Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2017
The Design for today’s complex world requires a cross-disciplinary and multidisciplinary approach... more The Design for today’s complex world requires a cross-disciplinary and multidisciplinary approach involving several domains of science and learning. Sharing knowledge has aroused a great deal of interest in Design Thinking that has been applied in many organizations and institutions in attempt to acquire creative thinking and a wide-ranged vision broader problem-solving for user-centered innovation. Adopted by individuals, public and private companies, geared towards entrepreneurial initiative, management, use of technology, systems and engineering in the corporate world, its influence has also extended to curricula of university programs. A brief analysis of DT’s indexes showed an increase of 50 to 100% in the search for the term Design Thinking, and indicates that the interest in this methodological tool has intensified in recent years, reaching a considerable growth with expressive levels. This article identifies the bias of the usage application and verifies if DT is a trend, or an asset in addition to a methodology and seeks to determine its real applicability by designers and other areas and segments where strategic human factors are essential.
Interação: panorama das pesquisas em Design, Arquitetura e Urbanismo, 2015

Advances in Human Factors in Wearable Technologies and Game Design, 2018
Video games are a complex form of culture, creative entertainment and representative art, which s... more Video games are a complex form of culture, creative entertainment and representative art, which surpasses, in technology and relevance, other forms of audiovisual expression. Since the conception of the first games, through computer technology and military knowledge, games have become an entertainment, translated and molded as interactive graphic images. The initial aim, which was to create a kind of distraction, outgrew itself and made possible to simulate and provide users with the psychological sense of control and power over fear, decisions and over the imminent danger of new challenges (real or imagined), all at same time. From the pioneer arcade to the modern consoles and multiple platforms seen today, the games evolved to meet users' expectations in search of simulation, interaction and immersion experiences. In this trajectory, developers, programmers and designers applied all the technological advances possible in attempt to achieve complete man-machine interaction. This article seeks to identify if the games in the current stage, loaded with hyper-realism, in relation with their 'cartoonized' counterpart, aimed at a new generation of users eager for disruptive technologies and for interactions that assure the sensation of influence and control over fear.

The advancement of technology and the evolution of the means of communication have enabled the pr... more The advancement of technology and the evolution of the means of communication have enabled the proliferation and diversification of access to information, and the use of videos stood out among them. Through this media, thousands of people broadcast the entire range of content, from makeup tutorials to political debates. One of the best known websites for this is YOUTUBE, where, in recent years, there has been an increasing number of videos with children’s content and produced for, or by, children. This article presents an analysis of the channels of child youtubers and their content, based on a survey carried out with people responsible for children between 4 and 13 years old. In view of the results, it identifies the opinion of the parents regarding the quality of the content available, as well as the influence that the channels that stand out on the website have on the culture of youtubers.

Advances in Human Factors in Communication of Design, 2018
Universities’ websites operate as channels of efficient communication with society, providing ess... more Universities’ websites operate as channels of efficient communication with society, providing essential information for the community. However, if they do not present a suitable user interface design (UI) or user interface engineering that expedites its own comprehensibility, they damage the brand and the image of the institution. This article presents an analysis of the website of a famous Brazilian multicampi University, using Nielsen and Molich method, to identify the factors that influence the cognition and the effective interactivity of the subjects. The methodology adopted made use of an online questionnaire, totalizing 40 respondents, in which the results indicated that, at least, half of the participants face difficulties to find basic information, and about 2/3 report problems when accessing specific pages to locate the desired information contained in the sites, indicating the need for changes and adjustments.

International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 2021
This essay aims to present High School and undergraduate pupils and teacher's perception as onlin... more This essay aims to present High School and undergraduate pupils and teacher's perception as online platform users for remote classes at Brazil. Thus, researches have been conducted through an online questionnaire which made it possible to confirm that perceptions regarding the use (usability) and the emotions (psychological) are caused by this type of teaching. The aim of this study is to diagnose the positive and the negative points that the users showed while interacting in remote classes, their suggestions and their notes for improvements. I. 1. Emergency Remote Teaching (ERT) Although it is strictly related to the use of digital technology, Remote teaching must not be taken for Open and Distance Learning (ODL). According to Garcia, Morais, Zaros e Rego (2020); Remote Teaching allows the use of platforms already available and open for other purpuses which are not exclusively educational, as well as the addition of complementary tools and the introduction of the groundbreaking practices. [...] Teaching remotely allows school content sharing Bononi, Juliana et al.

Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2017
The Universities’ websites get each day more importance by acting as a communication channel that... more The Universities’ websites get each day more importance by acting as a communication channel that offers the most different information, reaching users in large scale. Websites are usually the first contact with the institution, or source of relevant data. Its value goes beyond the initial intention and purpose, becoming a vital part of the University’s personality. This article presents the outcome of a research made with 100 persons, where 85% having the most basic level of instructions, and 15% having Ph.D. title. The research sized people’s first reactions by accessing websites of the five biggest and most renowned Universities around the world, according to international rankings. Data analysis was focused on identifying the support to people’s expectations and needs, besides the facility of use, the interest aroused and respect to user’s time, not mattering user’s experience on using internet. The adoption of an unprecedented methodology that finds points where the interface designers must act to improve the usability and the results obtained showed the existence of a big field to be improved by websites designers when the focus of this communication channel is the user.
Blucher Engineering Proceedings, 2016
Inglesis Barcellos (1) Galdenoro Botura Jr (2) Rosana Gonçalves Oliveira Rocha (3) Luis Carlos Pa... more Inglesis Barcellos (1) Galdenoro Botura Jr (2) Rosana Gonçalves Oliveira Rocha (3) Luis Carlos Paschoarelli (4) Rodrigo Curimbaba (5)

Blucher Design Proceedings, 2016
Design é um processo criativo e inovador que recorre ao conhecimento técnico da engenharia para o... more Design é um processo criativo e inovador que recorre ao conhecimento técnico da engenharia para obter o suporte necessário para o desenvolvimento de um universo de produtos, serviços e benefícios voltados à sociedade caracterizada pelo consumo. Como forma de potencializar a inovação uma maior aproximação entre o Design e a engenharia demonstra ser uma das possíveis estratégias adequadas. Na busca pela otimização do processo e do produto, inovação, benchmarking e melhores resultados para os usuários e suas necessidades deve-se recorrer a uma metodologia de projeto. Este tipo de metodologia é denominado "Design Process". O processo do projeto técnico e criativo possui raízes oriundas da engenharia e inerentes ao Design. Consiste em adaptar métodos de concepção e desenvolvimento usuais para ambas as áreas, onde igualmente se trabalha o projeto em etapas, envolvendo o conceito de ergonomia organizacional, da fase de criação até o produto fi nal. Este artigo propõe uma breve análise sobre as metodologias do "Design Process", buscando elucidar os pontos tangentes nos processos do Design e da Engenharia, demonstrando que a aproximação entre estas áreas pode melhorar o desempenho do projeto de produtos e serviços. Ao identifi car esta orientação comum, o estudo demostrou que a parceria otimiza resultados, com potencial para a melhoria na geração da inovação.

Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2016
Science Parks are sustainable environments where design, aligned with engineering, can achieve it... more Science Parks are sustainable environments where design, aligned with engineering, can achieve its maximum concept by linking scientific research and practical application. This action can facilitate implementation of new sustainable systems and methodologies in project areas as “design process” and “design driven Innovation”. The development of products focusing on R&D mixing engineering and design can produce conscious sustainable technological innovation. In Neo-Schumpeterian view, the development and evolutionary economics require constant innovation. Innovation creates new research-based frameworks applied in R&D. It allows the scientific production associated with scientific results, tested by design concepts and techniques and associated to engineering technical basis. The return of knowledge in a continuous systemic transfer system of science and practice in design promotes the improvement of the innovative technology in a more conscious way, which excels for verifying the theories and innovative ideas. in a more conscious contemporary lifetime.
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2016
This article aims to demonstrate the relationship between language and thought in the eastern cul... more This article aims to demonstrate the relationship between language and thought in the eastern culture. Given this relationship, it should examine how ideogrammatic writing influences the visual identity of Japanese packaging. The objective of this research is to identify the relationship between ideographic writing and the visual identity of Japanese packaging. It also try to determine at which level and aspect, the ideogrammatic language affects favorably or prejudice the design and the visual identity of the packaging of a product. This characteristic includes concepts of emotional and affective design and the messages they can transfer to the users. Established this association, it should consider how the diagrammatic writing influences the visual identity of the Japanese packaging.

Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2018
Predictions about increasing longevity in the world indicate we will live with more than 40% of t... more Predictions about increasing longevity in the world indicate we will live with more than 40% of the population over 45 years. Composed of proactive and active individuals, this “mature” society is focused on healthy habits, disease prevention and the practice of physical activities. These individuals will be exercising increasingly and require a garment suitable for the purpose, within their physiological, sensorial, and emotional demands. This brief study, conducted in Brazil, analyzed a specific group of users and their expectations, with respect to the perception of comfort, style, performance, and suitability of sportive/fitness apparel. The research identified that this segment over 45 years, demonstrate greater interest in comfort, quality, technology, and practicality, rather than fashion details. These characteristics are not recognized yet by the productive market. There is a gap in the targeted supply, and the available clothing is restricted to offer items adapted with a ...

The design is defined as an interdisciplinary activity that always kept wide relations with diffe... more The design is defined as an interdisciplinary activity that always kept wide relations with different areas of knowledge. For this reason, the parameters and approaches between its different aspects vary such as physiological, historical, theoretical, technical, human-physical and others. One of the authors that have excelled in Brazil, in the study of these approaches was Joaquim Redig, which in the late 70’s searched to elucidate and conceptualize the principles of the Industrial Design, hereafter Design. In its proposal, published by ESDI in 1977, Redig defined six principles such as thematically axes for the understanding of Design. This article is based on the analysis of one of those proposed axes: the concept of “Anthropology”. Through bibliographic and bibliometric review, the study aims to measure and draw a parallel comparison of the trajectory of this approach, comparing the author’s vision in the late 70’s with the actual vision, in regard to its use as an applicable pri...
Papers by Ekaterina Barcellos