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O presente trabalho tem como objetivo explanar a carta de sensibilidade ambiental ao derramamento de óleo (Carta SAO) por meio de uma revisão de literatura. Normatizada a partir da década de 1970, a Carta SAO constitui elemento norteador... more
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This study aimed to provide an alternative approach for the use of a situational diagnosis to evaluate the environmental management systems of the main Brazilian ports. Through this diagnosis, both the enabling factors and barriers to the... more
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Due to a pipeline rupture on May 15th 1994, 2700 m 3 of a crude oil reached the sea, affecting rocky shore communities, which have been monitored since 1993. These biological data, analysed by BACI approach, were integrated to chemical... more
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      Environmental ScienceEnvironmental Impact AssessmentMultidisciplinaryOil Spill
A faixa litorânea da Ilha de São Sebastião (Ilhabela) que bordeja o Canal de São Sebastião -onde está estabelecido o maior terminal petrolífero do Brasil e ocorre intensa movimentação de petroleiros -constitui o segmento mais impactado... more
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Due to a pipeline rupture on May 15th 1994, 2700 m 3 of a crude oil reached the sea, affecting rocky shore communities, which have been monitored since 1993. These biological data, analysed by BACI approach, were integrated to chemical... more
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      Environmental ScienceEnvironmental Impact AssessmentMultidisciplinaryOil Spill
A ocorrência de escorregamentos translacionais rasos no litoral paulista é parte integrante da evolução natural das encostas, que se intensifica sob condições de clima tropical em uma morfologia de serras com desníveis em torno de 700m.... more
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Anatomically preserved calamitalean trunks are described from the Permian fossil forests of Chemnitz, Germany, and Tocantins, central-north Brazil. Several trunk bases were found in situ, still rooting in their former substrate or in... more
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      PalaeoecologyPlant AnatomySeasonalityPermian Palaeobotany
The continental margin and shelf of most stable intraplate regions tend to be relatively more seismically active than the continental interior. In the southeast continental margin of Brazil, a seismic zone extends from Rio Grande do Sul... more
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      GeologyGeophysicsClose relationshipsRio Grande do Sul
This paper presents the results of the application of the Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) method, or Georadar, in outlining a zone of contamination due to solid residues at the waste burial site of Rio Claro in the state of São Paulo, SE... more
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      GeophysicsStratigraphyCase StudiesGround Penetrating Radar
Geophysical methods are useful technics of geological investigation, thoroughly employed to diagnosis and monitoring contaminated areas, in conjunction with direct techniques of investigation such as chemical analyses. Among these,... more
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In geophysics and seismology, raw data need to be processed to generate useful information that can be turned into knowledge by researchers. The number of sensors that are acquiring raw data is increasing rapidly. Without good data... more
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      GeophysicsData ManagementSeismologyData Quality
This paper presents an analysis of receiver functions to estimate crustal structure beneath the Rio Claro Seismological Station, which has been in operation since October 2002. The depths obtained for the Moho discontinuity range from 36... more
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Este trabalho mostra os resultados obtidos com a realização de ensaios geofísicos na em áreas de lavra de areia, no município de Descalvado, SP. O objetivo dos ensaios é o de detectar cavidades no interior de arenitos, pertencentes às... more
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O Lineamento Guapiara é uma importante feição geológica no Estado de São Paulo, Brasil, associada ao vulcanismo mesozoico na Bacia do Paraná. O presente trabalho teve por finalidade a interpretação e modelagem de dados gravimétricos... more
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The combined use of monitoring wells and geophysical techniques constitutes the form most adequate for identification and the monitoring contaminated areas. This procedure allows the location of wells and monitoring in strategically... more
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Este trabalho apresenta um uso da geofísica aplicada em uma situação de ambiente urbano. O objetivo dos levantamentos foi o de delimitar a extensão da zona afetada por um colapso e desmoronamento do teto de um túnel em construção sob o... more
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    • Brazilian
In order to evaluate the use of shallow seismic technique to delineate geological and geotechnical features up to 40 meters depth in noisy urban areas covered with asphalt pavement, five survey lines were conducted in the metropolitan... more
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    • Seismic reflection
This paper presents a case study where geophysics was successfully applied to solve a complex problem associated with a tunnel excavation accident in an urban area. It presents and describes the results obtained with geoelectrical methods... more
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